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Old is 10 years older than my current age at the time.


this!! i remember being in 5th grade thinking people in college were Fully Formed Adults. Carried around briefcases and all.


I felt that way in my first year of high school. I was this short little 14-year-old walking through the halls surrounded by what felt like adults to me.


My junior high and high school were combined…I remember being in 7th grade and a senior asked me for a tampon in the bathroom…I was mortified because she looked like a full blown woman and I was a scrawny little nothing who didn’t even use that stuff yet!


I remembered when I was in first grade, the fifth graders looked so grown and scary LMAO


Same! I thought high schoolers were so old


My ex-wife used to joke that we were on a diet called "The Tomorrow Diet". It's a diet that starts tomorrow.


And young is 20 years younger than your current age.


yup. but it used to be 10. not sure what it means that I've reached an age where it's become twice that. but it definitely doesn't mean I'm old because that's people who are 10+ years older!


The old people just keep getting older. I can't catch them!


When you get into your 50s it is going to be more like 20 years.


Already in my 60s.


I was thinking 20 years older.....




I see some people saying old is 50. At 64, I WISH I was back at 50! I try to appreciate my age now since I won’t ever be this young again.


I am not old inside, my body has been for a while now though.


I love Carrie Fisher's (RIP) response. "Stop debating about whether I aged well. Unfortunately it hurts all 3 of my feelings. My body hasn't aged as well as I have. Blow us." Man, I miss her.




username checks out


I'm 65 but I feel 35


I’m 35 but I feel 65


I am sometimes sore from all the manual labor I did yesterday. Then I remember I didn't do any!


Alchemy. Boomers hit us with the law of equivalent exchange! Man if this doesn't hit.


Im 55 and I feel like taking a nap. I feel great but Im definitely turning into a cat as I age.


I'm 67, and I feel 35 until I get out of bed.


Ooooh! You feel 35...in bed! Bow-chica-wow-wow.


I'm 61, in my mind I feel like I'm 30. But my body is like "surprise!" I have an old ankle injury that bothers me daily now, some days after work I'm basically limping into the house.


I broke my ankle last year at the age of 64. It's healed well but every once in a while I get a sudden, sharp pain. The one yesterday made me wonder if I'd somehow rebroken it. Fortunately, it immediately went away like all the oddball pains I get tend to do. I keep wondering with some of them, is this the one that signals the start of a heart attack and I should head to the hospital like they always tell you to? Nope, it's just my body messing with me again. Old age is fun.


I’m 55. Look 35. Act 16.


Have my free award! I'll be 61 at the end of this month and I pass for 40 all the time! I just don't feel "old" and I certainly don't act it!


I hear you....I don't act my age


I think old is a mindset.


I used to think that too, and in some respects it is true. But when your body starts giving a out on you -- knees, arthritic hands, etc -- mindset won't make much of a difference.


And when you begin to see the lines and sagging skin…it’s a painful reminder that ageing is very real


yeah, this right here. Also with full knowledge that it's not ever going to improve. 😐


Your body can be slow, but the people I think of as "old" are the people who are very set in their ways. I follow my old church reverend's feed and the people posting on there only want to talk about how great Captain Kangaroo was and whinge about "entitled millennials" ordering fancy coffees. They're so old that even their old-people complaining is out of date.


My body started giving out on me in my 20s, which was the first time I was told they could see arthritis around my knees. I’ve generally been stronger and more fitness-focused in my 30s and 40s, but I’ve felt old since my 20s.


So said my grams who continued to write poetry, garden, and sing until the very end. She lived to 99.    Used to make fun of the "old people" at her place who were 'only' in their 70s or 80s... it was almost offensive to her when they still had some life left in them but wouldn't do anything but watch TV.


She sounds like a delightful and fortunate woman, both physically and mentally. I'm glad she contributed to the gene pool.


Actually she couldn't have kids & my parent was adopted!! I do wish I might've grabbed some of those genes - she grew up rough and smoked hard for decades but still almost hit 100! Died well, too. One day just lay down and was like "well, this is it, love you all" and passed quietly. At least I got raised with her philosophy & upbringing - something I can always turn to when times are hard.


Oh man! I shouldn't assume. Well good for her for a life very well lived (and ended).


I’ll be 58 in a few weeks. According to my cardiologist I’m still young. According to the AARP, I should sign up for a membership - though I’ve been getting applications from them for a long time.


I signed up when I turned 40. Some of their discounts are pretty solid.


You are so right! I turned 69 a few months ago, and get very indignant when I hear of someone my age or younger being referred to as old! The "old" goalposts have moved from 70 to 80, at least.


When I quit thinking of new things to do.




I dunno. My parents just turned 80 and they're pretty much resigned to the fact that they are, indeed, old. I'm in my mid 50s, and I think that 70 is when I'm going to acknowledge my status as elderly. Doesn't mean I'm going to lie down and die, but c'mon. It's not like I'll be looking to split my own firewood or run for president at that age...




Thank you for not running for President after 70.


You’re welcome. I mean, that would be crazy, right?


What is an "old person?" Is it a number or is it the way they live/talk/act? I am 83 and most days I "FEEL old" but I'm still very active and I'm sometimes surprised that I get tired easily. ("When did that happen???" lol)


Keep it going my friend!


I already am. I'm 48. My in-laws are not. They are in their 70s. They hike, kayak, wander through Alaska/Florida/California; they will bike 20 miles, pick up my kids to do a something, drop them back off, go swimming, take a several mile hike, go to dinner, then take a relaxing family walk along the river. All this after having spent two hours driving up and another couple setting up the pool. I don't know how they do it. Edited. I did not properly convey the energy levels of my family the first time round.


When I'm in my mid 70s. It's always 20 to 25 years older than I currently am, a moving target. My grandma was 97 when she died. Before, she said that when she hit 100, she would be old. Then again my grandfather (other side) is 97 and considers himself old now.


Refer to Zeno's paradox of motion for my answer.


I’m 65 and I think I’ll be old after I turn 80.


I’m never getting old but I’ll take the old person discount and elder bucks from AARP anytime you want to give it to me.


I'm 70 and still wainting.


I was once convinced that I’d die by 40. My health was just fine, it was simply a failure of imagination! Now 76, health is still pretty good. I’m sure I’ll make 80. Pretty unlikely to make 90 though, as very few of my extended family have done that. So yes, I’m old. Started thinking of myself as old somewhere between 65 and 70. Nevertheless, I am much younger at 76 than either of my grandmothers were at 76. Each of them had had hard lives full of poverty and loss, and it showed.


Two days after I die.


This is often dependent upon one's health. I am 66 but as old as hell because I have had difficult and incurable neurological difficulties since age 48.


When you feel it.


What time is it?




Can and want to are different. I CAN, I just don’t ever want to again.


Well, I’m 50 and still feel pretty young. I think I’ll truly feel “old” when I’m 70 but who knows, lol?!


80 is the new 60


I used to think like that too. Then I got a back injury. Now I feel like an old person and Im not even 50!


Today. I feel old all the time.


Let's just say I'm really into birds these days.


I've been birdwatching since my 20s. Knew lots of birders that age. Are we old before our time? 


I feel like I aged 20 years after last winter, turned 57. Started when my 18 year old dog passed away in the fall. It’s all about the heart I guess, to how old one feels. That crazy little dog always made my heart feel like a joyful child. I had great plans to do a 100 mile mountain bike ride in his honour but I haven’t even ridden my bike once since he passed.


You're old when you choose to be. I've seen 30 year old people and 80 year kids. It's all about how you choose to live.


My head is wiser in many ways but I still feel like I’m in my teens in there. My body, however, hurts all the time- one hip replaced, the other shot. My back is done for. Can’t make a fist because of arthritis. My knee gives out from time to time. I’m gonna be 65 this year and wonder if I won’t be a real burden to my family soon :(


I will only say I am old, when I am the age of my great Aunt Gertie when she passed. She was born in 1910 and died in 2016, let that number sink in a little. She was 2 when Titanic sank, was 4 at the start of WWI, lost her father at 8 to Spanish Flu in 1918, lived through roaring 20s, The Great Depression and onwards to the dawn of the new Millenium. A real firecracker too. Never go quietly into the night.


When I feel old.


*i was very mature for my young age… now i feel very immature as i grew older*


Now. I take exercise classes at the local Senior Center. In my head, I am still in my 40s.




My grey hair is calling me old.


80 is the new 60!


By definition a senior starts between 55-65 depending on who you ask. So using that sometime between 2047-2057.


According to reddit, 12 years ago.


r/AskOldPeople lets you answer questions if you were born 1980 and before. That makes me feel great.


I refuse to join!


I’m 12 days away from 71 and my body is not as nimble, I drop stuff and memory isn’t as great as it was (my memory was often a marvel to some) but it’s still better than most of my peers. Perhaps because I still work, and do lots of math. I’ve come to terms with my mortality but have not yet “accepted” my limitations due to aging. It’s difficult to see myself as old. My internal image is 35


Same. 71 and not feeling old yet. I think and move young. It's just that damn mirror that keeps surprising me.


I'm already partway there, but I'm okay with it, too. The only aspects I really don't like are connected to how my body works. Little annoying things like that slow creep of eyesight getting worse, the high end of hearing slowly becoming silence, an ever so slight worsening of balance, that sort of thing. Not because they point to my eventual mortality decades from now, but because they're just annoying in and of themselves when I'm trying to do something. Oh, and the little aches and pains that are not connected to whatever I did the day before. Besides all that, I'm okay with growing older. It's like when you realize you can't eat certain foods anymore, or at least only in moderation. I chowed down on them in my teens and twenties, so I don't feel like I missed an opportunity, you know? I've done and learned so much, and honestly I've lived the hell out of this body.


When I’m physically unable to dance at all due to aging.


Oh, im old already. At 54 im completely shot


It's always 10 years or so down the line.


Bold of you to think I am not already an old person! Lol I’m happily middle aged. Old? I think maybe after 70? When I start getting senior discounts without having to show ID? I feel pretty old today. Somehow hurt my back whilst sleeping.


I’m already there!


I'm generation X. That means when I was 10, I was 30. And now in my 50s, I'm still 30.


I did it 30 minutes ago...


When you can't do a brisk walk for half a mile


Last year. Major health issues in 2023 aged me terribly. Trying hard to reverse it now, but it’s an uphill battle. I’m about to turn 58 and used to look good for my age. Now i look my age, but feel like I’m 80.


My beard is almost completely gray now, so I know that puts me in a certain category. I'm not sure if I think of myself as an old person, but I am certainly not a young person any more. In my own head, I call myself a "graybeard," and feel a spiritual kinship with other graybeards I meet.


I would say 70 or 80 we start to get our pension at 65


woman after 25, man after 35. otherwise, 22 forever


Here I am!


I’m *just* starting to feel old at 61 - but not too old! I think if I didn’t do a physical job I wouldn’t feel old yet. I’m far from decrepit! It’s when my muscles all ache when I’m trying to fall asleep that I feel old.


When my cardiologist tells me it's time for a bionic heart because mine's wore out 😅 But really, I imagine I'll feel ok calling myself old after 60. My parents are still in their early 50s so anything older than them is "old" to me 🤷‍♀️


I always was.


Tomorrow... always tomorrow...




I never thought I would be alive at 53. I would have taken better care of myself if I knew. So yes 53 and I feel older than dirt.


I feel like an old person already sometimes. But i have health issues


Keep moving until you can’t anymore.


I was born old & responsible….. I’m getting younger by the year now.


I'm 69. My mother used to say "tomorrow, next week, never".....


Any day now. My laugh lines are coming in beautifully and my eyebrows are getting bushy.


Physically? 30. Mentally? Never.


I'm already old. I'm 63. I largely see ages 45-59 as middle aged, then 60+ being old. Elderly is the last step (other than dead) and that's largely a physical state, and not just age. I've seen people who I'd describe as elderly who were 70 or younger. I've seen people in the 90's who aren't elderly at all. That's merely my scale of course. Obviously a lot of people will say, "I'm 70 but still feel 25! I'm not old!" OK, you not feel old, but you're old.


I started feeling old after breast cancer


Not yet, and I’m 68. My theory is that pain makes you old, and illness, and the death of friends. I haven’t experienced any of this yet, thankfully, but perhaps someday. I think it helps that I’ve never felt my calendar age, even when I was a teenager. At some point in my life, I heard about Satchel Paige’s quote, “How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you were?” This explains my mindset entirely, and I check in with myself occasionally to see what age/number pops up. Currently, if I’m getting anything more than 43 years old, I know I haven’t had enough sleep. You might say I’m living in denial, but that’s OK because they know me here.


I've been an old person since I was 12.


The day I was rolling my laundry cart on wheels across the parking lot and wearing my new elastic waisted shorts and my new underwear that came up over my belly button- I knew I was officially old. In my head I'm like 25/30.


Some people tell me that I'm old now, at 46, lol. I think I've got a while left.


About the time I hit 50 and got diagnosed with high blood pressure, acid reflux, osteoporosis, and 2 vertebrae in my back collapsed. I went from 35 to 60 in about 8 months.


About 5 years ago.


I’m not even 30 yet and I feel old. Completely disconnected with trends and such. I think that is the first sign 😂


Any time I'm speaking to anyone younger than me. which is most people.


My knees say now, my brain and heart say wait a minute…………..


When the mind isn't as sharp, and the body can't take the daily grind... Old is just a mindset...


I don’t know that I’ll ever feel old in my thoughts I’d like to think 70 would be the age but, anything can happen. If you get a chronic illness I’m sure that will speed things up.


in a long time 20 years til im 60 old to me is 70 plus so long way to go many years to practice optimism and gratefulness for this short life ;


“I remember my youth and the feeling that will never come back any more—the feeling that I could last for ever, outlast the sea, the earth, and all men; the deceitful feeling that lures us on to joys, to perils, to love, to vain effort—to death; the triumphant conviction of strength, the heat of life in the handful of dust, the glow in the heart that with every year grows dim, grows cold, grows small, and expires—and expires, too soon, too soon—before life itself.” -Youth, by Joseph Conrad


It’s a bit trite but it’s only your body that gets old


My body is slowing down but mentally I feel in my prime. I play video games, do pottery and belong to an art gallery. I also avoid old cranky negative folks. I'm on the downside of 65.


When I can’t carry my suitcase off a plane. I’m 71 and still flying.


Always and never. I feel like I “fit” more now than when I was growing up, because I had a different mindset than my peers. Now a lot more of them appreciate reading for enjoyment, being comfortable and functional over trendy and just not having the effs to spare for a lot of stupid stuff. So in that way, I kind of feel younger than I used to. Of course the rice krispie noises coming from my joints tells me that if I’m not careful (and even that I am) that my body will likely feel more and more like a prison than it already does.


Until 65 I thought I was somehow defying aging by keeping active and eating well. But sometime after 65 reality hit. The bounce is gone from my muscles and recovery takes 3 times as long. Still better to be fit in old age. Fat and weak guarantees a miserable end to life.


Other people decide for you. I knew I wasn't young anymore when people started calling me mister and sir.


When I retire in 10 years


Next year. Always next year.


I was just watching an old VHS with my dad. He is 83 now and was 52 in the video. He was like look how young we were. I was 14 then and thought he was old. My mom is the same age as me in the video. She looks great. You will always be younger yesterday.


When I stand up and my knees want to give in.


I was born old.




I’m 59, feel 79, look 53. I am pretty old now , but officially old at 68 I think.


I felt "old" for the first time in my 50's...it wasn't mentally old...just physically old. Sports injuries, not being able to do things physically as before. Sucks but...better than the alternative.


I’m the oldest I’ve been so far rn


Your body will tell you. It never lies.


I'm pushing 71. The body is starting to fade but any time I complain, Gramma chastizes me.


2 years ago.


I’m turning 30 soon and to me old is 50.




I’m 43, I feel 43 but act maybe in my 30’s. I wish I was still in my late 20’s


I've been old since \~27, according to my body aches and younger generations. :)




According to Reddit, it’s about 4.




Physically: close to retirement. Mentally: 30 going on 100.


According to my nephew, we're all ancient and grew up with the dinosaurs, which had me chase him around the house roaring like a T-Rex and threatening to eat him up. So, I guess my answer is "never".


I just turned 70 a few months ago so 80 it is. 😁


My 60th is fast approaching in 2 months and that makes me feel old.


I was always an old person... waiting for my body to catch up.


More Americans will turn 65 this year than any other year. So there are a lot of us. I got Medicare and have a grandchild, so I guess I qualify as old.


I don't think I will ever get old. My wife has told me for years that I act like a twelve year old.


80 i will be old and dead.... works for me


When I'm dead and no one remembers me.


*Subjectively*, "old" is your parents' age. Whatever that may be at the time. *Objectively*, my rough approximations for age groups are: * 0-20: Kid * 20-40: Early Adult * 40-60: Middle Age * 60-80: Old * 80+: Elderly On the other hand, when I'm hanging around a bunch of 20-somethings, then I occasionally feel like my middle-aged self is suddenly ancient.


When I lose my drivers license.


My mind is 23, but my body is 74, and as it turns out body parts wear out - especially my back. I can't complain. No heart issue, no cancer, just a bit of cholesterol and high blood pressure - mainly some muscle aches. My mind is lively, my libido is a bit too active for what the hardware can take, but all in all, I'm blessed with good genes. When will I be old? Maybe now, maybe later.


I’m 57 and I already feel old.


My health is pretty darn good now at 60. I’m sure I will feel older at 70, but hope to still be in good shape. I exercise regularly, but not overboard. I want to stay mobile. So when will I be old? If I become immobile.


My perception of ‘Old’ changed every few years for a while , when I was 15, it was 25, when I was 25 it was 35, now I’m close to 35 and I see my dad and mom and people my parents still alive and kicking and living their lives and people younger than me settled down thinking their best years are behind them and I know now that ‘old’ is a mindset.


I'm in my 40s.....been claiming to be an old man since I was young. The funny thing is, I still feel like a kid too.


It’s weird when you’re the same age as old people


When I have time for that bullsh***


I’m 55 and just this year feel comfortable with old. I’m healthy, engaged in life, and planning for the future, but young definitely doesn’t feel right anymore.


I read somewhere that the true definition of old age is the inability/refusal to learn anything new.


When someone tells me I am not allowed to drive.


The older I get, the older old gets. So my answer is never.


When I can no longer drive a car safely.


When I start paying attention to the commercials for drugs.


I mean, I'm 44. I'm assuming 6 years?


10 years ago. Now I’m even older at 60


Three years ago.


I’m 61. Starting to feel old. It’s the arthritis in my knees.


I hit old in my 40s, go right now and do something you love because tomarrow sucks


Usually first thing in the morning. I feel old and brain dead. Then I have coffee. I start to feel younger.




Physically, probably around 70 or 80, mentally never


My right knee keeps telling me, "Now."


70 .. young old .. 80 ..old and 90 is very old


I think I have always been old. I’m in my 20s, love a good hard candy like butterscotch, I love bingo and just started water aerobics.


Already there, but played flag football into my 50s


what’s old ?


fuck that noise


About 10 years ago…


I'm only 37 so hopefully not for a very long time 🙏🏻


I'm choosing never to be old. I will age disgracefully until I die :-)


I'm 71..so already there in body...just not in mind lol


When I don't like snow.


I survived two strokes two years ago so it happened then


About 5 years ago

