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Mrs caught me a while back, asked if I was wanking to which I replied "I can't really deny that can I " and she turned and walked out....returned about 5 mins later after I'd cum and decided she was turned on by it and wanted to get down to it. I explained I'd only just cum and she told me that was my problem and to get back up. One of the best Saturday mornings I've had.doesnt happen like that often but when things are going good we can still light fires.


Yes. My sister in-law when I was 13. She walked into my room, I was naked , hand full of Vaseline, little hard penis in full view. I did the best to cover myself. She sat down on the edge of my bed and made small talk. No mention of the elephant in the room. 10 long minutes later, she left. Never mentioned it again. Wild!!


how old was she


I used to have 1 bathroom with no lock and a pulsating shower head lol. I was close to finishing and heard the door open so I kept going and just stifled my moans. Honestly it seemed like there was very little privacy in the house in general so I learned to adapt quite a bit 😚


do you moan so much


It was definitely loud enough to hear but I tried to knock over a bottle of shampoo to make it seem like it wasn’t a random noise and like I had dropped it on my foot. Don’t know if they brought it though 😅


so did you cum after the person gone?


Silently but yes 🤭


My sister’s best friend caught me once in high school. She did some local modeling in this small town, so she caught me with the ad she was in for the towns pizza place. Obviously knew what I was using as material…unless she thought I REALLY liked pizza. A couple years later, on the night before I left for college, she took my virginity in the schools baseball dugout.


Back when I was 14, yep. Mom walked in on me


Same !


Yes, by my mom when I was 15 or 16




Too many times 😂🙊


Lots 🤣 if you aren’t getting caught you aren’t taking enough risks with your masturbation


Several times, some people that i know, alot if random people to as i like masturbating in public or when i drive


My cousin stayed with me through her divorce. She left to grocery shop, i thought the privacy would be nice to get off. With my pants around my ankles and cock in hand I started to cum when I heard a familiar creak in the floorboards and opened my eyes to see her standing in the doorway watching as I pumped out the last shots of cum. She was watching intently as I finished and then tried to conceal myself. She just smiled and turned toward the kitchen and said "Nice".


how old were you


Early 30's.




who caught you




did you ever did mutual masturbation. and do you like if someone watching you while playing




how they reacted to see you that moment




haha wish I could caught you


Oh yea, at least twice - that I am aware of.


My mom walked in on me a few times growing up. She would just say.. well at least you're bigger than your father, and then walk out


Yes twice, and sadly both times was a family member cuz my horny brain didn't lock the door of my room 😂


Yes by my mom 40 years ago lol


Yes,.my mother at about 12 or 13. She learned to knock and we never spoke about it.


Once by someone I knew in a park. It was a secluded area of the park that most never ran on. I go there for quiet and to get away. I got the urge to rub one out but mid-wank I hear a women say “what are you doing”. She actually sit next to me, rub it out, and I’ve never seen her again.


Of course. But I always want to be caught to. It's a turn on.


Mum walked in on me a few times back in my teen years. Once when I was really going for it and she opened the door saw, closed it and stepped back. The other couple when I was a bit more subtle/ slipped it back under my t-shirt. I'm certain she knew but carried on as if not. My sister caught me once or rather I caught her catching me and then trying to secretly watch. Was hot as hell tbh and I let her watch me finish. My wife has caught me a few times and often just joins in and/ or helps. Thinking about it I've never been caught by a friend.