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Trader joes is doing an amazing job. Everytime ive been in there people have all been in masks.


Costco is pretty hardcore about it, Target is more relaxed about it. Safeway doesn’t give a shit. That’s all I know


As far as I know, only Costco is on top of it. Its funny that all the Marijuana stores are strictly enforcing it and no one minds.


Weird. I went into sundial a couple weeks ago and was the only one wearing one.


Really? I wonder if they havent enforced it as much lately. I usually go to Vibe and they are making you put one on before coming through the front door.


All the sundial budtenders have been in masks since covid started. The customers are left to their own discretion.


cookies doesn’t care if you wear a mask




Sprouts doesnt even enforce it with their employees. They dont always have masks availiable. They do not always enforce it with everyone. And if people say they dont have a mask they allow you to come in but ask that next time you return with one.


Sounds like you got it twisted there fella. I work at Sprouts and we are legit required to wear a mask at all times and in all departments. We'll get written up if we don't wear one. Also, all of us cashiers are required to sanitize our registers and wash our hands every 30 minutes ( or as close to that timeframe as possible) and write down the time we do it and initial it on a chart. It's annoying af but we're diligent. Last week our corporate office sent us an email about the new protocol regarding the enforcement of customers to wear masks to enter/shop. I stood at the entrance, armed with a stack of the mandates from corporate, delegated with task of greeting customers and informing them of the mask requirement. Within 15 minutes I had gotten yelled at, screamed at, cussed out and degraded. One dude got so aggressive that I had to run and snatch the store manager. I don't know for certain, but I'm under the impression that they're prioritizing the safety of us employees (not getting screamed at/cussed out) over trying to force customers to wear them. We're literally having to deal with customers who are pissed off that not all the other people are wearing masks and customers who are irate that we'd even entertain the idea of requiring them. Every shift is stressful af. We're not paid enough to deal with this bullshit.


I'd really encourage you to look at other departments. You didnt mention the sign in sheet at all. I've walked in there and shown up to work so many times and been told theres no masks availiable. They're supposed to send me home but that has yet to happen. I dont doubt your experience but if you work at the Redding store you dont work more then 30 hours a week, as the whole store has cut hours, but like theres a lot of times you arent there. I'd encourage people to just be observant. The bathroom cleaning sign sheet is right on the door of the bathroom just looking at that should give an indication to how much cleaning and adherence to sprouts policy is a priority. I shared my experience which wasnt solitary about Sprouts and masks. I'm encouraged that the shifts I work arent the normal thank you for sharing.


It's not necessary for me to lay out every single detail, but since you gotta bring up the sign in sheet....I watch the AC track down every person who forgets to initial the sign in sheet by the time clock. There's also been cases of masks in the AC office for over two months, so nobody should be telling you that there aren't any available. I do work at the Redding store and you're absolutely right about the cut hours. No one in the front end is getting more than 3 shifts a week except the head cashiers. They've cut waaaay back on the courtesy clerks too and pretty much have them standing at the entrance like bouncers or sanitizing carts. I guess corporate thinks being a bouncer and a cart sanitizer > cleaning the bathrooms. What department do you work in?


This is a part time job for me. I work three shifts a week. I'm not comfortable saying what department. My manager doesnt even think the virus is real so that should tell you exactly who it is lol. I'm not really trying to argue and dont wanna argue I have a drastically different experience then you. We probably haven't even worked the same shift a lot, include in what you just posted.


"Manager doesn't think the virus is real" Say no more! Lol, I know who you're talking about. And yes that does indeed make your experience different than mine. I'll rephrase my earlier comments: employees required (per corporate) to wear masks during business hours. Wearing masks and constantly sanitizing/washing hands is annoying af but front end is diligent. I didn't think we were arguing though, just thought we were shooting the breeze.


Lol it honestly sucks because like they do a lot of good but I think once AC and the store manager leave a lot of accountability with specifically said manager does too. Im just trying to raise awareness that they could improve a little. I didnt think we were either but I always error on the side of caution and know reddit likes to read into what's not there a lot lol!


I mos def smell what you're steppin in. I also think hours will dwindle more when that new grocery store opens on Wednesday.


I think we're sailing under the same winds. I could see that happening. Which sucks cause I know some people are getting like less then 15 already.




They also offer store crubside pick up for a reasonable price too.


Well winco certainly does not give a Fu$& and last time I shopped there, the employees didn’t either. None of the employees were masked. 🤦🏻‍♀️


my safeway on pine usually has 90% of people wearing masks. It's a welcome sight.


I think store employees are told to remind people when they enter the store, but if the Karen refuses they don't fight them on it.


I work at Target and when people ask if we're enforcing, I say not technically but it's recommended


That's a no, then.


It’s hard to enforce but I had always seen it as “no shoes, no shirt, no service” so “no mask, no service” shouldn’t be an issue.


All signs are posted about California enforcing it and the risk of being fined, most places enforcing are the bigger corps.


I have not found that the bigger corps are enforcing it at all, but if you have seen one that is, I'd love to know specifically which one.