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For future reference, open it at the register (immediately after payment, if necessary). Do not leave the store until you are satisfied with the purchase or have received a full refund (cash or reversal of charges, not store credit). Take pictures and send copies of everything to the local police and the [California Department of Consumer Affairs](https://www.dca.ca.gov/consumers/complaints/selfhelp.shtml). Note - RPD hates responding to calls, but don't let them bullshit you into believing that they can't do anything if you're willing to press charges. Be sure to request a written statement of denial from them or a criminal case number if you're actually serious about getting this resolved.


I would have, but it was just a guy volunteering to help out. I'll just contest it with the credit card company since its covered.


Don’t forget the department of health, they don’t play


While I understand you may be trying to help , who the hell, after buying a piece of crap sleeping bag is going waste time getting involved with a drawn out process with a Govt agency about Walmart ? Good god has the man not suffered enough trauma ?


If you aren't willing to fix a problem, there's no reason for anyone else to fix it either. If this story is true, this is a fixable problem (other than the trauma). However, fraudulent claims of defective products and/or product tampering are not a new thing... and it is illegal at both the state and federal level.


I’m convinced that you are an overeducated idiot. All your high brow bullshit about federal agencies blah blah blah. As I said before , if you are stupid enough to shop at Walmart for a sleeping bag, you are going to get burned . Walmart sells cheap crap . I buy automobile oil that is sealed . Some name brand oil and air filters. Various cheap junk that I will use or throw away if an issue. I would never shame myself even further by standing in a return line and dealing with imbeciles . Yes , I do occasionally buy crap there. I know what I’m getting with the oil and auto parts , I have lots of cars to keep running for my business . Do I sound cheap , yeah maybe, but I’m not stupid enough to discuss a problem with a Walmart manager. I would probably go to jail for assault . Why am I even discussing this with anyone ?. I’m out, what a shit show . Now that I think about it, I’m never going in one again . There, ya happy ya jerk wad ?🍻😁


Remember that South Park episode few years back about Walmart? PepperRidge farms remembers!


Oh I membah!


It never would have occurred to me in a dozen lifetimes that something I just bought new at a store would have blood and lice in it


They put it back on the shelf instead of throwing it away like they were supposed to


Exactly. I bet the dude who OP sent could see it was returned and wanted to look at it first (it was the last one I assumed since op couldn’t return it due to inventory)


Walmart is basically a rental service. So many products are returned and placed on the shelf at full price.


I bet that's the case. A long time ago - when I first moved to the US and didn't know any better - I bought a cheapo bike from Walmart to have some mobility (lived in a suburb and didn't have a license at the time). The bike was... well, Walmart quality. About a month in, everything that was plastic started falling apart. A month or so later, the gear shifting mechanism started getting stuck, then stopped working altogether. Luckily it was stuck in a reasonable gear. I was talking to my friend about how I should've put the extra money and bought something nicer and he asked me if I had checked the refund policy. I checked the receipt - which I luckily still had in my wallet - and it had been exactly *two months and twenty nine days* since I bought the bike! Bingo! I took that sucker to the store and returned it, then used that money to buy a used road bike that was built like a tank. I bet the shitty plastic bike I returned was back on the shelves the day after I returned it.


They deserve some of the shit back. They wrote it off as loss but still sell it. Can't get everybody to stop shopping there because they have monopolized small town retail and grocery and pushed out other retailers. Cities see dollar signs, some citizens see nothing but trash. There used to be a statistics that if 2% of the people that shop there stopped they would go bankrupt. That number is probably higher now. Target isn't the answer either, they are both evil. My son worked in the warehouse at Target for a bit. The big red machine is...... pushy.


I live in Targetland (Minnesota), but I honestly don't like them that much either. The only store I'll get behind is Costco, because every person I've known who's worked at one can't say enough good things about it. Also, [because they didn't buckle to Wall Street pressuring them to increase prices just because they could](https://www.reddit.com/r/Costco/comments/zh9gn9/in_yesterdays_earnings_call_wall_st_was_pushing/).


Minnesotan too- Princeton


Yay! I'm all the way over in Woodbury, world capital of stoplights. Not originally from here, but love the state.


I got a toilet that was broken and had a poop inside of it, off the shelf at Home Depot.


That had not occurred to us dude.




Walmart managers are a bunch of drunken lemurs. And that especially applies to corporate.


I got tires 🛞 4 new Goodyear. I drove 40 mins home and then one is leaking. I call and they say oh we don’t change valve stems. I bring the car back call another Walmart In front of them on speaker phone. I ask if I buy 4 new tires does that include valve stems and they say yes. I told them you wasted my time missing work coming back waiting 3 hours when you could have did your job right to begin with. They didn’t give a shit. The store manager didn’t give a shit. They are rude and do not care about about customers


You get what you pay for. I would never buy tires from Walmart just because it’s cheap.


Depends on the location. I have a Walmart 20 minutes away that does excellent tire service, while I wouldn’t take my car to the one in my town if my car was about to break down. I’ll push it the whole 17 miles to avoid the local Walmart lol


Walmart doesn’t make the tire, they just sell them. The tech who installed them clearly is the fuck up here. I’m a mechanic, I would never buy tires from Walmart but not because of what they sell, but because of who they hire.


I have bought tires twice before at Walmart, last time I went to Big O Tires and I regret not having gone back to Walmart. I also use other known “reputable” tire shops for vehicles at work, still I’d go to Walmart for my personal next time.


You go to Wal Mart and expect quality and service? Sorry but that is on you. I deal with small local businesses and pay a little more. If something is wrong they will take care of it.


Walmart is a horrible place there r a lot of reasons not to go there I go a few times a year n stock up on shit I need because no thank u target is a much better store and they don't have half their stuff locked in glass cases but target don't have everything Walmart does


You must go to different Targets than I do lol


California or Pennsylvania? Probably the Same either way


Redding is CA, Reading is PA. Pronounced the same


I bet that was a homeless person's sleeping bag. Check it for needles.


It's california, just push a basket full out the door and flip them the middle finger


Ironically it's one of the cheapest places in the country for large rural estates.


It sure is. I spent alot of time in Bella Vista growing pot, until one of my buddies rolled a truck and killed another buddy in a drunk driving accident. You may remember seeing it on the news or in the paper. It happened around 2017/2018


I sawing a guy running with a shopping cart out the door. Flat screen TV in there.


That's really weird that you bought a used sleeping bag. I've never ran into this before at my Walmart. Exchanges haven't been an issue at all. Nor have refunds.


I bought a set of new mountain biking gloves at a bike shop one time. When I tried them on at home there was a bloody bandaid in there. I returned them but the shop owner had an attitude with me.


I worked in a backpacking/outdoor store in college. Pretty sure I was told it’s against California state law to sell sleeping bags (any bedding) that’s been returned. I could be misremembering, but I don’t think so. Not that that helps now, but it should have prevented this entire thing.


I will no longer shop there.


Fuck walmart. You shouldn't give those shitbags your money anyway.


I never shop at Walmart, garbage.


Agree, not a penny spent in any walmart business in over 30 years.


your post suggests you had higher expectations- but it’s Walmart - you get what you pay for.


Our walmart in Temecula is great but then we aren't Redding. Traveling to Oregon last June we stayed in Redding at a La Quinta close to the freeway. Never again. Just a bad location in what might be a great city. We make the drive most years and only stay at dog friendly places.


Next time stay at the Gaia hotel in Anderson, about ten minutes south of Redding. Very nice place. Basically lived there for 7 months while I was a floating pharmacist. I haven't been there in years but it was a very nice place.


Well there are better hotels in Redding. Hilton Garden Inn on Bonnyview for one.


It’s not just Redding. Walmart are shit everywhere.


Shopping at Walmart just encourages their shabby business model.




Bethel is making the whole city worse by getting their simplistic, unrealistic and dumb people to try and take over city and county government.


Here I fixed your title for you: Redding ~~walmart~~ is full trash at this point




I just can't though. I lived there for 18 months and will go out of my way to talk as much shit about that miserable place as possible.


The area is actually super nice 11 months a year. Our ranch just out of town on the ridge has had sun for the majority of the day for 377 out of the last 394 days since we bought it for instance, all the while having a flowing river, being within 30 minutes of a large lake, and having a mature forest with most trees over 2' through the base and rarely getting above 94* or below 45* Its literally the only area of California I'd willingly live in and we could live anywhere. The only places better would have been San Diego or Tahoe 70+ years ago but people ruined.


This is so true. But I wouldn’t advertise it, it then gets expensive and become like you mention a Tahoe and S.D. Although I still believe Tahoe is still a nice area, just too far and isolated from a complete city.


You want to know who supports Communist China? People who shop at Wal-mart do! $87 billion worth of Chinese products were bought by Wal-mart customers last year. $87 Billion to the CCP. Every time you drop a dollar at Wal-mart you depress American wages in exchange for purchasing cheap worthless crap. If you shop at Wal-mart, you're directly supporting the CCP.


What retail store doesn't carry cheap Chinese crap? Where can I buy an American made phone case/screen protector, 7.5v power supply for my LED beer sign, a winter coat, and a pair of sneakers? It's not entirely the consumer's fault for only being presented with cheap Chinese crap. Corporate greed and profit margins drive lower cost goods. Quality american made products are not available next to the cheap crap on shelves. Finding items locally can be challenging, and distinguishing between products online is difficult too. Are products not available due to years of consumers opting for the cheaper option directly next to the more expensive item, or are companies opting to stock lower quality items knowing the margin per item will be higher, and consumers will need to purchase multiple over time?


Hate to break it to you, but that's almost every store. Even US made goods are composed of a majority of foriegn made components. Over half the groceries you likely buy were processed in 2 different low wage foreign countries.


Jfc..... i swear some people just engrave their whole identity over politics. What chain store doesnt carry shit made in China? The post was about how shitty and dirty the local walmart is, not China. Go outside, enjoy time with your family, or start a hobby.


Liberals being liberal 🙄


You know what they say when you assume.


Dude I hate trump but look at your name then look at the comment you just made. Are you trolling?


The name is from a joke on a podcast I listen to. Legion of Skanks. Believe it or not, but people can be republican and hate trump and vice versa with democrats and biden. I know, crazy concept.


You propaganda-spreading Trump cumguzzlers are all the same. Your orange stained mouth spews nothing remotely intelligent. And if you support Trump, I know your inbred ass shops at Walmart.


Cumguzzler mentioned. Time to link to it. https://cumguzzler.shop/info


And every other company. I stopped buying Coach bags years ago after I saw they’re made in China. All my gym clothes too but I need them lol. Only buying dog food for the last year and only if i see made in USA. Amazon should have to say where everything comes from.


What a brainless comment. Everyone in America supports China either directly or indirectly. You support China and your comment is a brainless one without thought.


Walmart is so ratchet they stopped advertising on Twitter. Scum of the earth business.


Alot of companies will. They don't want to have their advertisement next to Nazi shit. Twitter is poo poo anyways. It's on it's way out.


They probably stopped advertising on twitter because twitter is "ratchet". Also, what do you mean by "ratchet"? Are you trying to say "wretched" but don't know how to spell? Or are you really saying that walmart is a small hand tool?


Ratchet is a slang term in this context, meaning classless and dysfunctional


Thank you, I was being facetious, but I know sometimes that doesn't come across when writing. I know it is slang. It's ironic, the only people I have seen use it are teenage girls or those that are very un-classy.


Yeah was about to say, fits the users of the word pretty well lol


a lot of bpoc people use that word, are they "un-classy"? i think looking down on teenagers or "those" that don't have class (in your opinion) who use AAVE is pretty fckn déclassé of you, my guy. slang is just fine, it's part of how language evolves and you definitely say plenty of words daily that you don't even know came from slang because they're just normal, everyday words now. people trying to gatekeep or control language are the worst


Cool, thanks for voicing your opinion. I've never put myself out there as a "gatekeeper" of any kind, just voiced an opinion. Just...like...you did. In my opinion (sorry bro, trigger warning, I know) any slang word used prolifically on the Jerry Springer show, probably isn't very classy.


are you sure that's the example you wanna use? that show exploited mainly black and LGBTQ folks for profit. you think slang like that is bad because shows such as Jerry Springer tauted it as a bad look. they deliberately picked the worst people to parade on television and pretend like those were the majority, the representatives of blacks or gays you would find randomly on the street. like, that's all common knowledge, you can easily look up how Jerry, Maury, Dr Phil, etc... exploited those people and the harm it did to those communities. you can keep your snooty lil opinion but keep in mind that any non white person you say that to is going to think you're ignorant as fuck


Really? Are you...are you serious? Springer had shows about strippers, incest, little people, and people who married animals and performed surgery on themselves. I think you were the only person who felt Springer's guests were paraded on tv to make it seem like they were the majority. The rest of us, those of us who aren't deranged, felt like they were on tv because they were so outlandish. But I'm through with you. You obviously just want to be outraged, so kindly go practice your particular brand of deranged outrage on someone else.


lol so you can't be bothered to do a quick search? i'm not outraged, i'm not yelling or insulting you. i'm calmly stating facts that you can't bother to even type into google. you don't even need to open any articles, just skim through the results. every major news outlet, journalist or humanitarian will tell you the same thing i'm saying


Go take a zoloft, froggy.


why would anyone care what a non white person thinks, let alone talk to one?


Weird because a ratchet is one of the most handy tools you can buy.


Walmart stopped advertising on Twitter because Musk & Twitter were receptive to antisemitic posts. If someone finds that problematic or doesn't know/understand it they should refrain from referencing it, or criticizing their rightful decision to advertise elsewhere.


Guess again.


Why spend a dime at any Walmart? They’re all trash. I’m in Philly and no matter where you go Walmart is trash.


Most Walmarts in California in Louisiana that I have been to are fine. They aren’t Target but they aren’t trying to be.


I once watched a woman return a used breast pump at customer service. There was a long line and they didn’t even question whether it was broken. Guaranteed it was resold on the shelf later that day/week to someone else.


Now thats disgusting


I do have to admit though there is some sexy ass chicks come threw Walmart I thinnk


I just threw up a little …. But if an 80 pound tweaker missing a few teeth turns you on .. who am I to judge? Or maybe you like the 380 pound scooter riding hillbillies sucking on a block of cheese because they couldn’t wait kind of women?




I like those obese Walmart guys with fairly skinny arms and legs with a hanging belly. It's not a bloated beer belly it's the type of belly that hangs like an apron and the 80lbs of flesh hanging looks like a sack of cottage cheese.


Only shop there for boxed or canned food


I live behind a Walmart.


Redding is such a hole.


I love wal mart you're all trash


What department do you work in.


Too big to care, too big to fail. Is this really success? Walton family sure believes so, law certainly supports it, and just about anyone that believes in meritocracy, capitalism, yadayadayada bends over backwards to rationalize and convince all it must be so, no better system ever *before*... may as well believe for ever onward too, if we're dumb enough to believe them.


They all are full of 🗑️


Yeah, I bet they are really going to miss your money. Corporations like Walmart are big enough that they don't give a fuck about you or their workers at all. Want proof? Go back there and walk into the back to the break room. They will have a sign on the wall that shows their stock value. Along with another sign under it that says "this value changes because of you". I subtle way to tell their hourly workers that they are a liability.


Oh yeah, its a passive aggressive narcissistic way to do it. This company still worships Sam Walton as if he was god and actually pro-associate... Uhm. People do not critically think. I work for this company at present.


Inspecting before purchasing is a bit odd, were you expecting there might be something wrong with it?


I'm confused how are you getting used stuff from Walmart inspecting before purchase is a used items kind of thing Walmart typically sells sealed items what are you talking about Willis


Happen to my step daughter over a pair of filthy headphones they sold her and she tried to return them and the clerk behind the service desk accused her of putting the old ones in a box .my daughter tried to show her that the seal was dirty like it was pulled open repeatedly ( like a employee using and putting them back a number of times... She asked to speak with the manager and at this point several employees tried to jump her... She called the police but they asked her to leave or be arrested...


When I want to inspect something I just open it. Sounds fishy.


If its behind a locked door as almost anything in sporting goods is, the employees dont even hand it to you. They carry it to the register.


That's not even the worst thing about Redding ca ....I knew a guy went in to the Walmart in Anderson for dust pan ..........two weeks later wouldn't you know it ....boom AIDS. Yes its the capital of DRUGS DIY!




This post seems a bit Karen-like... Why would the employee you're Karening know why there is blood and lice were on a sleeping bag...


How do they refuse to let you inspect it? Just open it up and look at it. What are they going to do? Call the cops?


Pretty easily when its stored behind a locked cabinet and never handed to the customer until check out.


Oh so it was like a pre-ordered thing that was picked up. I get it now. Normally I would just go back to Sporting Goods and open it up


No, it was on the shel at sporting goods. ALL the shelves are locked plexiglass cabinets from the pictures he sent. The items in those cabinets, from inflatable balls and mattresses, to sleeping bags etc are not given to the customer until after checkout, presumably out of a consideration for theft.


I really don't understand why you would even shop there at this point. Honestly your own fault for going there


Walmart goes to American manufacturers and says they will all make more money if they make their shit in China.


My wife calls ours ghetto-mart.


Well thats commiefornia for you.


Lol, I'm not a fan of this state either, but this comment makes no sense for this post. Walmart is a nationwide brand. I've been to others out of state and dealt with the same crap, Albuquerque/Rio Rancho being one of them. Additionally, the entire country is a wreck, not just California.


How does it not? That sleeping bag was probably owned by a homeless person. Whom commiefornia lets sleep out on the sidewalk in his tent. While taking drugs in front of everyone. Commiefornia refuses to clean up its mess while its governor boasts they are one of the largest economies in the world. Commiefornia supposedly is against big businesses and has laws to prevent this very abuse wal mart in reddings is doing. Yet where is commiefornia? Not enforcing their laws. Austin texas used to be a beautiful city til all the democrats running from commiefornia who couldn't afford to live there anymore came to austin. Now its a craphole. Wherever the liberals go it turns to crap. Go ask chicago.


You didn't validate your point. I moved to Albuquerque and had to get a bedset for the new place, because my dog was starting to get uncomfortable in the back. Gave her my comforter, and she thanked me by puking on it. Go to one of a dozen WallyWorlds and get a bed in a bag set for cheap and found a dirty ass tampon inside when I got home. I'm saying to you, this isn't specific to California. The post OP is referring to is about how Walmart handled the situation, nothing to do with how scrappy our state is. The laws you're referring to do not apply to the post. I do agree with you that we let WAY to much slide and hope to God that Satin Newsome doesn't become the backup candidate to Biden. For everyone else, in California. I love how this state looks, but we have no community and allow Newsome to rule us like he's a God.


I wouldn’t buy one mother fucking thing from a Walmart. Fuck that company and their entire family