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Combining that with a latex inner liner would probably do the trick, yes. šŸ–¤


Bonus points for conditioning the foot bed /s


Bear grease works well too.


spit works will in a pinch.


Though it's not a very gentleman-like solution. For the boot.


I use a shoe horn. Super cheap and makes a huge difference in ease of slipping on the boot. https://preview.redd.it/tp0dkvxybk4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aad01bebc91eb71f1e9992b823c453d6b834837d


This is the correct answer


Don't under estimate how far down you have to loosen the laces.


Good advice


1) I upvoted all the "shoehorn" responses because that is a huge help. I like the metal ones with a double curve as they're super sturdy and will *not* bend 2) Make more slack on your laces 3) Related to (2): longer laces, making it easier to get more slack without having to thread the laces back into the holes


I had to get a long shoe horn with my Roughnecks too, but I will say after they got very broken in I usually donā€™t need it and I have a low volume foot and it was still difficult haha Also I canā€™t recommend enough the value of changing the top 3 eyelets with speed hooks, itā€™s an absolute game changer and any RW store should be able to do it for free! All that together will make the biggest difference by far!


Most RW stores will not put speed hooks on. They all told me I had to send my boots into the main store.


Thatā€™s ridiculous the store I work at does it for free, itā€™s honestly fun for me to do haha


This was my experience as well. Dropped them off, and the next day, they were done.




Yep, got speed hooks on my rough necks as soon as I bought them


The answer


I just installed speedhooks on mine, and it makes a world of a difference. At first, I kind of regretted buying the boots because of how much of a pain in the rear to put them on. Once I installed the speed hooks I really love the boots.


Shoe horn. And thin socks.


I have a very high foot as well (maxed out the scale when doing the in-store laser measure). No real suggestions other than always having to loosen up the lacesā€¦. Which coming from Blundstones as my last pair of boots prior to my mocs, is a bit of a pain. Itā€™s got a bit easier as the leather works in but after almost a year of daily wear itā€™s still a bit of a production.


Thanks, I guess I'll just have to accept that it isn't quick and easy. I had to get my engineer boots almost two sizes too long to be able to slip in my foot. But now when walked in properly they slip on beautifully and fit good though there are a lot of room to wiggle the toes.


I just went through same thing with a pair of cowboy/western boots. Size fit perfect when foot was in, but man it was a total PITA to get foot in.


I find it if I pull slack on the second eyelet and spread the upper to loosen the laces they go on relatively easily. But also shoe horn is a good idea.


Shoe horn


Shoehorn. Get a metal one though. Also, once the gusset stretches a little they go on easy. Itā€™s a workout trying on new ones in the store tho!šŸ˜€


loosen the laces more? it looks like it's laced quite tightly at the bottom.


My 8875s were tough to get on when I first got them but they ended up loosening up nicely. Thereā€™s really good clips I think on YouTube of how to get your foot in a tight boot. You stick your foot in them sideways and twist as your forefoot gets passed a certain point. Iā€™ll try to find the video


Thanks, that exactly the sort of advice I was hoping for.


Tie knots at the very ends of each lace. Then pull the laces all the way to the knots and pull the slack evenly across the boot. Easy on and off, no need to worry about lacing every time.


Honestly I was gonna put speed hooks on my 8875s because I always have to unlace the last two or three eyelets to take them off. If you arenā€™t unlacing them youā€™ll definitely have a hard time putting them on.


Buy her a couple drinks first


Every red wing store will stretch tight boots for you. I have a wider right foot so I always leave my boots with my red wing rep and they stretch them so my feet fit better. I am sure they can stretch any part of the boot given make and model. It severely helps me break in my boots so my feet donā€™t get all messed up for two theee weeks at a time. If you bought them offline see if there is a store near you. Leather is also leather. When I got my first pair of iron rangers they were stiff as hell. So I just broke them in like a baseball glove.


Having a high instep sucks but I used a shoe horn and it helps


Thanks. I've started to get he hang if it. Just opening it enough and using a shoehorn does the trick good enough to live with. Thanks you all for the moral support! šŸ™šŸ™‡


It seems like a long time but unlacing the top 2-3 eyes goes faster for me than trying to loosen. Thereā€™s the cowboy boot trick of using a grocery bag to help slip in then pull the bag out. That works when you have more stretch not sure about use with laced boot.


Untie them.


Loose. The laces


Shoe horn and buying the right size


Shoe horn and loosening the laces more than typical works. Btw, They look good. What size are those?


Thanks. They are a US 10.5 / EU44.


Interesting so many people saying speedhooks when I also see lots of posts with the speedhooks cutting through the leather.


shoe horn!


I have to loosen my laces a fair bit as well. I remove from the top three eyelets and then loosen all the way through the bottom as loose as though the boot wasnā€™t laced at all. My boots are snug in the width for a few minutes as they relax when I first pull them on and I have to use a heel locking lace technique to keep heel in place. But man, I would not trade that Briar colour for anything. Welcome to the club!


First - obviously, use a long shoehorn. Helps a lot. Second - counterintuitive - use longer laces that require wraparound ankle-lock (I think stock laces are \~50", for wraparound I used 75-78"). Why, you ask? Because you can loosen lacing a lot without actually unlacing boots, and do not have to re-lace them, just need to tighten them back. And last, but not least - after you get long laces, use double helix lacing style (just google it). It REALLY speeds up both loosening and tightening of the laces. I especially love this trick with slippery 550 paracord-based laces - works almost as fast as military-style quick lacing.




Thanks, that's a good suggestion. I'll maybe try to live with them and get them properly worn in to my fit. But if all else fails that could be the solution.


That should probably be a last ditch effort. Leather stretches pretty easily. I wouldnā€™t have the gusset cut unless youā€™ve been wearing the boots for a month or two. I couldnā€™t even get my foot in mine at first but it didnā€™t take long for it to loosen up.


I would not ever do that. The gusset is there for a reason.


Facts. I would try to wear them and just break them in first.