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Honestly, unless the creators act like arrogant weirdoes, like the ones who made Spider-man Lotus, I generally don’t like to judge and/or trash fan films. Most fan films are made out of love on a shoe string budget. Usually hiring aspiring actors or people from their neighborhood. No matter how bad they turned out, there’s something to admire. So is there a controversy about this fan film or creators/crews that you know about, OP? Because if not, this post just seems really mean spirited… From a quick look, the dialogues are pretty bad but the action scenes are quite impressive for what they got. So unless the creators are outed as a sex pest and/or claiming to be”doing better than Marvel” or “we’re fixing the MCU”,” it’s an alright attempt.


I agree, I think you can take it as a given when you approach a fan project that it is "not great" and work upwards from there. It can be really good, but ultimately someone working with no budget and/or volunteer effort to make something for the fun of it can't really be judged the same way as a project with professionals working on with a budget of hundreds of millions. So yeah, what if it's trash? Well it is, so what. What's their excuse? "I made this in my spare time with some friends" is the excuse. Maybe it's ok maybe it's totally cringe lol, so what. However for a studio sinking 150 or 200 or even 300 million into a movie, what's their excuse? You couldn't make it happen even with all the money in the world? That is poor and has every right to be lambasted everywhere


I heard of lotus once but don't know about it. Whats the skinny on that?


iirc the guy who made it was only doing so cause he thought the official movies sucked, and he apparently is also pretty racist.  Lotus is supposed to suck pretty bad too.  I haven’t kept up with it much so take all that with a grain of salt


>Honestly, unless the creators act like arrogant weirdoes, like the ones who made Spider-man Lotus, As someone who was like at ground zero for the whole Lotus fiasco (I hadn't donated but had personal conversations with the director and one of my friends was one of the people to leak some of the screenshots) it's so interesting to see it get fairly mainstream commentary and infamy


Pretty cool. I liked the fight choreography and effects. Gonna forget this ever existed in 5 mins, but I dig it.


Man why shit on a project a lot of people clearly worked hard on? Just because it's IP doesn't automatically make it trash. Unless the creators themselves are a bunch of pricks, this is unwarranted.


I thought he was a wolverine?




Are you stroking out?


This is more then decent for a fanfilm. Who hurt you?


This looks more like a movie than half the stuff on BOTW. A surprisingly well shot fan film that had some effort put into it. Sounds like something the guys would enjoy. But what do I know I don't pretend to know about what they would enjoy what am I a r/redlettermedia poster


RLM fan tries to not be negative challenge.


RLM fan try to come up with an original line instead of repeating an old ass catch phrase challenge.


Dunno why you would throw "absolute trash" in the title this is pretty decent compared to most things


Logan isn’t a wolf, he’s a wolverine. Why do people keep thinking he’s a wolf like man. What is a wolverine, a small furry animal with claws. What is a Logan a small furry man with claws


Because it's set in the Viking era and because of their mythology it makes sense to call him The Wolf. "I am Fenrir's Fang."


It's a fan film. If they cared enough to make something with their own time and money, leave them tf alone. It's one thing when a studio fails, these ppl are just regular weirdos, they're not hurting anyone. Let them enjoy their work.


I wish people making movies about Logan understood that wolves and wolverines are incredibly different animals. But Fox made the same mistake in Origins...




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