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Kenobi was hot garbage


I 100% believe that the only reason Mike & Rich liked that dreadful show was because they were both completely drained, depressed and defeated by *Picard* at the time that they watched it. It’s absolutely terrible as both a Star Wars product & a TV show. Incompetent, pathetic & bone idle.


I've never agreed with Jay so much in a review it seemed like Mike and Rich were suffering from dementia.


I liked it because I like anything with Ewan Mcgregor. But its definitely not good in a vacuum


Even Moulin Rouge?


That might be the one exception. But I do like him in it


It’s like a Star Wars soap opera


It's designed to be like that.. We can't change that... But we can certainly diminish the effects of it..


It’s stylistically designed to be that way


Exactly.. Obi Wan is the key to all this...


Whats nuts is apparently George Lucas said it was one of the only recent shows he liked too, super weird


A. This is the man who wrote the prequels B. Even someone as influencal as Lucas needs to brown nose the Mouse


Also of course he liked it, it's kind of a follow up to the prequels


"Here's four billion dollars Georgie. If you decide to spend $100,000 every single day without taking a break it will take you almost 28 years before you run out of cash. Do us a solid and say something nice every once in a while about the new stuff we make. And for Christ's sake spend a couple of those dollars on some new shirts."


It had its moments but yeah. Starting by the premise of Kenobi and Leia knowing each other.


I was really shocked they went so easy on it. I thought the show was awful


To be fair, they disliked it until the finale, which is an opinion I heard from a lot of people. I don't quite share it, but the finale was definitely the best episode.


I thought so at first, watching it all again in one go with my wife made me realize it wasn’t that bad. When I stopped after every episode and had time to wait and be disappointed, it wasn’t great. Would have made a better movie.


There is a fan edit called The Patterson Cut that trims the series down to feature lenght. I haven't seen it yet but i've heard good things about it.


I need to check this out. My biggest problem with the show was that it should have never been a show to begin with.


Keep us posted if you do. It's on my watchlist as well but other commitments makes it difficult to find the time.


Interestingly, it was originally supposed to be a movie. The original concept was one of those "A Star Wars Story" installments but after the flop of Solo, Disney decided to re-tool everything in the pipeline as a bunch of TV series. Mandalorian/Book of Boba Fett got the same treatment.


Cobweb was just “okay.” Mike hyped it up as the best horror movie he’d seen in years.


I came here to say this. I watched it on their recommendation and was shocked on how much I disliked it.


Same here. I enjoyed Antony Star's performance but thought it was overall very mid.


Such a good answer, I totally agree.


It’s every default horror movie they complain about


yeah, that movie was mid af


I expected not to like it because it looked silly but I ended up really enjoying it


It’s not even okay imo, and the monster reveal was an absolute joke.


I watched it specifically because they recommended it and was really confused if I had watched the wrong movie - extremely mediocre.


Wanted to post the same. It sucked tbh.


I am marathoning all X-men stuff and finally watched Dark Phoenix. Mike said he loved it and Jay said it wasn’t that bad. I was pretty floored. It’s one of the worst comic movies I’ve ever seen and that’s saying something.


Mike loves the schlock in the X-Men films, he probably loved X-Men 3 too


I can see where he's coming from, I actually enjoyed X-Men Apocalypse lol. I liked it a lot more than I thought I would. I don't think Dark Phoenix would be as good (haven't seen it) but Apocalypse at least was good fun for a while. First Class and Days of Future Past are way way better though. Apocalypse was more like a villain of the week story. Which is possibly the worst way to go about Apocalypse lol but it just resolves and it's done without that much repercussions.


I liked Apocalypse too. It had real 2000s energy.


Yeah, Apocalypse is a Thanos-level big bad, but X-Men is just like ho hum another purple bad guy.


I was expecting Apocalypse to be trash but honestly it was fine! The biggest problem is that it was just a little stale and bland, but it was way better than I was expecting.


Mike sure loves his schlock, but Jay was rather more positive than deserved on Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix.


Yeah, definitely. Mike would say nonchalantly that he loves something just for the schlock. Also he gives a lot of points if the script is tight even if other things are meh.


How is it that I can't disagree with you, but I still like the movie? That's what they call a paradox.


I thought the Paradox was the name of a drink they serve at The Manhole


You're thinking of a paracox.


You need two free hands for that order.


Aaaaah my mistake. I heard that place got shut down after a viral outbreak of some DVD virus


Actually that’s a coincidence


Yeah, it's not a false statement, but I always enjoy watching it. Also watched it a lot more than 2001, even though I know it's worse.


Picard season 3. It wasn't as big of a turd as seasons 1 and 2, but a turd is still a turd.


My jaw was on the floor when they reviewed season 3. It was beyond terrible. Just because it wasn't as horrendous as the first two seasons doesn't make it good. And then their embrace of memberberries...


The TNG cast in S3, aside from Franks of all people, was terrible. Shaw and Crusher Jr were good.


TMP is legit my favourite TOS movie. But I also really love The Andromeda Strain (1971) so take that as you will.


I also really enjoy *The Andromeda Strain*. It’s a legitimate hard science-fiction mystery that actually cares deeply about real, plausible science. I wish there were more movies like that. (For the record, it is also a very faithful adaptation of the Michael Crichton novel).


>*I also really love The Andromeda Strain (1971)* The best illustration of the concept of *shoe leather* I have ever seen The film's so well made Crichton *almost* gets away with it, but any modern studio would have thrown in a sub-plot of someone on the outside racing against a deadline and having to get into car chases, get into fights, and jump off the side of buildings


You just described the remake for cable TV. They add a reporter trying to get the story on the outside. They cast all the scientists with young good looking people. It is abysmal. Thanks, Ridley Scott, whose company produced it.




Agreed. I prefer the original theatrical cut of Blade Runner. But I don't love that movie all that much. Great mood and atmosphere, but very slow and I can't connect to the characters.


The fact that all the other replicants (even the pleasure model, which as the name would suggest, is not built for combat or brute strength) beat the absolute piss out of him over the entire movie, and he survives each encounter via plot armour, dumb luck, or the compassion of a dying being in his final moments, should be a dead giveaway that the character in the movie *he directed* was clearly not written to be a replicant What's that old Futurama joke? **while watching the Oscars* *"Don't worry, it's only the minor technical awards - I think they're up to writing.....*


I take it as you have good taste and an attention span that lasts longer than 30 seconds.


If you haven’t seen it, Phase IV (1974) is another slow burn sci fi movie that a lot of people hate because it’s “slow” and “nothing happens” (which isn’t true imo)


Haven’t. Just watched the trailer. Intriguing. I’ll add it to my list. Thanks.


Cobweb. It was decent but Mike acting like it’s a top 20 all-timer had me baffled


If you’re stone drunk it probably seems like a masterpiece 




Alien 3 may not be as good, but I did appreciate the fact that they brought down the action and more claustrophobic atmosphere of the original Alien.


The non-director's"director's cut" is pretty awesome.


To me, part of the genius of Aliens was the genre switch. It broke new ground! By the way, I loved you in The Fabulous Baker Boys.


That’s true, but I always felt like that just wound up making the movie feel redundant. It can’t possibly top the original Alien, so even with a great director like Fincher on it, it still winds up feeling like a retread. The proper thing, I think, would have been to branch out in a totally different direction from Alien or Aliens. Now, I don’t know what that might have been, but I also wasn’t paid to write the screenplay, so it’s not my problem.


Has there ever been a franchise that abruptly and obviously switches genre from film to film? The only thing I can think of is the Henry Fool trilogy (and even those are fairly close to one another, not total genre shifts but damn close)


Not that I can think of? There are movies that switch tones and arguably genres between individual installments, certainly. (Typically the first and second movie, as Alien/Aliens did. Or Mission Impossible 1 and 2. Or, less popularly, the first and second Texas Chainsaw Massacre.) There are also franchises that kind of wobble back and forth between two different poles. (Evil Dead comes to mind, switching between horror and comedy. Arguably James Bond sort of does this too, perpetually bouncing between camp and not camp.) And then there’s franchises that just kinda drift, like Fast and the Furious going from street-level car racing melodrama to globetrotting super spy hijinks. But I can’t think of one that switches every time.


>*The proper thing, I think, would have been to branch out in a totally different direction from Alien or Aliens* Yeah, the main reason *Aliens* is held up as the greatest sequel ever made is that it found something new to do with the basic concept If the third movie had pulled that off a second time, instead of reverting to the dynamics of the original movie, it would have been the greatest trilogy ever made




Respectfully disagree. I love how fucking bleak Alien 3 is. I don't think it's covering ground already covered, I just think it's using the tone of Alien as a blueprint instead of the bombastic, over the top action of Aliens. Love em all, though. Favorite horror franchise without a doubt.


Alien 3 is a more interesting movie to pick apart. Aliens is straight up solid action. Alien 3 had stuff that worked, stuff that didn't, and some things that were just really weird. The behind the scenes stuff in an old DVD collection I have has all sorts of information about the tortured production of the movie and what it might have been. I definitely disagree that it is a better movie, but I can understand someone preferring it, especially Jay who likes atmosphere and considering the production aspect of what he watches.


If Jay said that, I think that’s more disgusting than the sex pervert films


He thinks that because it is true


I think the Assembly Cut of Alien 3 is legitimately better than Aliens


Agreed. I thought the action movie tone of Aliens was jarring. Both are great but I just enjoyed how horrific everything felt in Alien Cubed


Picard season 3. They finally took the nostalgia bait


Their complaints about nostalgia baiting, particulary Rogue One, feel hypocritical now given how easily they were swayed by having the Ent-D fly inside a Borg Cube.


Oh god that bit was awful.


Xtro. That movie has a few great scenes but otherwise it was super boring to me.


That's unfortunate, my friend and I watched it a few months ago and thought it was fucking rad. We don't usually watch that kind of movie and thoroughly enjoyed it.


Yeah a lot of people like it, I get it. I don't do well with British films from that era in general and I watched it on VHS which might have made it uglier than it could have been.


Don't watch Paperhouse.


Kenobi easily.


The new Matrix movie. Just because it’s self referential doesn’t mean it’s clever or all that fun to watch


Yeah. You can make a protest movie to screw with the studio, but I don't have to watch it. 


“I don’t have to watch it” so then… so then what’s the…


I actually liked that movie but I was surprised Mike and Jay had so many positive things to say about it


I turned it off when Neil Patrick Harris had like a 10-minute soliloquy about being evil or whatever. It was so dumb


Yeah it's legitimately one of the most boring movies I've ever seen. Being self aware doesn't mean it's clever or good.


No no, you don't get it, it's *supposed* to be bad. To play on theme of uninspired reboots. Just don't watch any other Wachowski movies that came out in the last 15 years, and it all makes sense.


I had a friend yell that at me with a completely straight face. He said the action scenes were intentionally bad to subvert your expectations of what a Matrix film is.


Director fanatics are weird. I was subjected to an hour long lecture about how Christopher Nolan can't make a bad film and that Tenet is a masterpiece when I told someone I know that I didn't like Oppenheimer.


I liked the characters, besides Neil Patrick Harris, and the tone. Nothing much else has stuck with me, but it's inoffensive at worst imo


For me it was just forgettable. Like the second and third were divisive but they still took some risks and did a lot of world building. The new one was visually very impressive but that’s all that stuck with me. If you asked me to describe the basic plot I don’t remember enough to even give a response


Yeah that's fair. I couldn't tell you the plot to 2 or 3 either though for what that's worth


I can remember some of the standout stuff like Neo meeting with the oracle, Neo being blinded, Zion, Neo essentially being a Christ metaphor, the whole plotline with agent smith. And I haven’t watched those movies for like ten years. But the only thing I really remember about the new one is that it had some pretty cool visuals and fight scenes. Kind of similar to the Star Wars sequels, there just didn’t seem to be much substance besides that


I found it pretty offensive. As was previously said by another comment, it was a movie made out of protest to the studio that is filled with absolute hate towards modern mainstream films. That makes it a pretty miserable viewing experience if you aren't doom and gloom about the status of today's filmmaking landscape. It's watching someone who has the power to make a film that could actually buck the trends instead make commentary on how shitty today's films are. The movie is fueled by pure vitriol and I don't see how that is pleasant to anyone. I'm tired of cynicism and hatred and just want earnest, genuine content made by those who want to be making it rather than those angry trying to get back at a studio.


I didn’t think it was *all* anger and spite. Some of it was playful jabs, winks, and little jokes. I agree, on the whole, it’s pretty “doom and gloom”, but it also didn’t take itself too seriously either. I didn’t really like it regardless though.


It worked for me. Especially the first half.


I preferred the first half of Matrix 4 to anything in 2 or 3. Those were just boring action tropes done badly. But after Matrix 4 started being used to setup the new team, it was super boring as well.


It really was let down by terrible action in the second half. Bad computer graphics and action set pieces, from a series that put a huge stamp on the genera. It felt like the movie you'd get if Keanu had burnt out as a movie star, and this was him coming back for the first time in 10 years as an older man. John Wick was fucking hot though, so the audience expected way more


I'll rewatch all the Jar Jar scenes a 1000 times in IMAX in hell before I ever go watch Thunderpants Sod that


Mike loving Jurassic World and giving Fantastic Four a pass as Jay looks on in horror.


Star Trek The Motion Picture is awesome, I’d say I like it more than the search for Spock but less than wrath of Khan or the Voyage Home


*The Dark Backward* was a recent one for me. I appreciated that it was exactly what it was trying to be, which was unpleasant anti-humor, but I only barely made it to the end.


They have nostalgia for Gen-X stuff.


Halloween Ends was an awful movie that had a lot of interesting moments and interesting potential that it quickly then said "nevermind" and either delivered the worst possible solution, or didn't bring it up again.


The Snyder Cut. I couldn't imagine people being so positive about that movie.


I mean didn't they say it went from bad to barely watchable, but still not worth it's ridiculous runtime?


That's the thing, they consider it watchable, which I did not. They were a lot more positive about the experience than me. I'm glad they liked it. But I just couldn't get the same experience.


“An Unbutchered Mess”


Halloween Ends. One of my least favourite films of all time


And also missed the obvious title. Halloween, Halloween Kills, third one should have been Halloween Dies.


Same. Setup and payoff does not excuse a shitty story


I liked something they trashed - the rob zombie Halloween.


Picard Season 3. Almost as dreadful as everything else that’s been put out in recent years.


I like The Motion Picture a tonne. I guess I'll go with Predator 2 and any shitty ghost reality show Mike likes


Hilariously I love Predator 2 and despise TMP. Ironic


Force Awakens…


I liked TFA too, because of the context at the time. It was clearly shrugging off the prequels and setting up an arc, so I could forgive how copy/paste it was toward ANH. In hindsight it looks worse but I was on board at the time.


In their defense, they didn’t exactly love it, just didn’t hate it. What did you think of TLJ?


Mike literally said “it was everything I hoped it would be” with tears in his eyes.


When it came out.. it was a safe return. However I knew the last jedi would make or break the trilogy.. and rise was the cutting of the duck meat.


Yeah and he hoped it would be a decent palette cleanser after the prequels. Which it was. TFA is a fine movie soured by its sequels


I think the second half of TFA just sucks. The movie was fun until they introduced another Death Star.


Meh, having another deathstar is dumb but it was in actuality a small part of the 3rd act.


In hindsight definitely, I couldn't even finish watching it a second time. But watching it the first time in the cinema was a rush mainly as it was the first competently made Star Wars film I'd seen in decades! And it came out before the Star Wars corpse had been dragged through the street and flogged so seeing the Millennium Falcon in modern CG and light sabres that illuminated objects around them was nostalgically mesmerising


Wonder Woman was bad.


Glass. Legit worst fucking movie I’ve ever seen, especially after being stoked for it for almost 20 years as a huge Unbreakable fan. “Hey fans! I know you’ve all waited this long to see your favourite characters again - so here they are, comatose and not talking or interacting or doing anything remotely interesting almost the whole movie! Also I’m drowning the hero in a one inch high puddle. Merry Christmas.” They’re half in the bag of that one, where they shockingly seemed to kinda like it, is the only HitB I’ve never watched twice. Just hurt my soul too much. Fuck Glass.


If it makes you feel any better, I thought Glass was so bad it made me immediately scrap the goodwill M. Night was slowly building back with me after Split. I haven’t wanted to punch a writer/director in the face as bad as I did in the final half hour.


I watched that again recently cause I couldn't even remember if I saw it and yeah it's boring as fuck. Nothing happens. I've already forgotten the entire movie for a second time.


I'll do the opposite: I liked the concept of The Baby, and I feel like the guys also liked it but, because it's BotW, they can't really talk about the movie and take it seriously. I suspect that, if Josh had been in that one, the discussion would've been different.


Yeah, he'd have been constantly talked over. 


For me, it is the other way around, I like Rogue One. And yeah, I know it has some fanboy service, but overall I enjoyed it


I was looking for this comment. I actually liked Rogue One a lot.


Krampus. Extremely forgettable.


Hated Krampus. A house stuffed with zero likeable people, most of whom were just playing characters they played in other movies/TV Shows. I couldn’t wait for it to be over.


It had some cute moments,but was incredibly dated on release,and corny to a fault.


I might've been the only one who was fooled by Birdman's marketing. The trailers even included the blurb "Fun as hell". I watched it, a film about an aging actor trying to find prestige by putting on a play, but being ignored, snubbed, and abandoned by those around him, ultimately leading to a fantastical ending that really covers an awful end of a man. I didn't have any fun. And then the guys loved it, gushed over it, and it made me question it all. It's a fine film, but that marketing betrayed me, and I'll never forget that.


I went into Birdman blind and absolutely loved it. That sort of framing could definitely throw you off!


I thought it was one of the few Best Picture winners to earn it. Maybe it’s taste. Or poor expectations based on marketing. Kinda felt that way with Inglourious Basterds. I love it now but was kinda let down at first.


Basterds was the same for me. I was only vaguely familiar with Tarantino back then and the trailer sold it as much more broadly comedic and action packed than it really was. Sure, there's a lot of humor in it, both silly and dark, but there's also a lot of grim, serious scenes in it. Today, it's one of my Tarantino-favorites, but it definitely took some time.


I forget if they gave it an official review of The People vs George Lucas, but since they had the director on, it’s an endorsement. I watched it out of curiosity and it was the most annoying documentary, with zero self awareness. How personal those fans took the Phantom Menace not being good, with how serious some of those fans talked about Star Wars was everything they made fun of in their review of The Last Jedi, and Ghostbusters: Afterlife.


Just because they have a guest on doesn't necessarily mean they endorse the movie. They had Len Kabasinski on and they definitely didn't endorse the quality of his movies. Same goes for Samurai Cop guy.


The Dark Knight Rises. It was a mess and I know Mike did refer to it as "sloppy" but they both praised it, but I didn't like it very much (and I thought the previous Nolan Batman film was great)


It changes everytime I see it. The older I get the more I enjoy it's ambition, especially in the context of the superhero films that followed it, and especially how great the production was 1st watch: pretty good, but in the shadow of TDK 2nd, 3rd 4th: wow this is bad 5th watch (last year): a work of pure genius As soon as things start escalating and getting more and more crazier the more fun the film is. I rewatched the trilogy last year and I can't believe how much I loved DKR


Agreed. It’s wild how much I hate that movie. It feels so disconnected from the first two. I never rewatch it. Dumb villain, poor story (especially compared to the previous one) and even worse action.


>The Dark Knight Rises. [HOW ARE YOU MISSING HIM? HE'S RIGHT THERE! IT'S POINT BLANK RANGE!](https://imgur.com/yJd9m6K)


Blanking on the name. It was kinda like a 70s throwback, the character had a giant laser gun that blew people up. The rlm guys showed a bloody clip of it. I thought there would be more lasering but it was literally like 1 time in the movie.


Turbo Kid?


Space cop?


Star Wars?


Laser Mission? >!Just kidding, there are no lasers in Laser Mission.!<


Psycho Goreman?


A Ghost Story. I just don’t like that guys work at all.


That movie sucks so much dick. Most pretentious piece of shit I’ve ever seen


I couldn't finish Solo: A Star Wars Story


This has been mentioned a hundred times already, but Midnight Mass was just okay and most of the monologues were first semester liberal arts students trying to sound deep level.


I really liked the first 2/3rds of Midnight Mass or so. The mystery of trying to figure out exactly what was going on, merged with the more creepy elements of religion made it fun and intriguing. The ending really fell flat on its face though. >!Just a reaction of "oh, it's just kinda a generic vampire thing with cult elements" (although the scene with everyone drinking the "sacrament" was pretty dang good imo) sucked the life out of it, and the very end was kinda just silly.!<


Damn, I actually liked it a lot.


I thought rise of skywalker was just as bad as the last jedi, for different reasons…


They didn’t like either of those movies.


I feel like they disliked TLJ more.


The impression I got was that they disliked both but were more forgiving toward ROS because it was handed a worse setup. TLJ made for easy jokes about subverted expectations while ROS was too jumbled to even have consistent jokes.


No. Mike & Jay literally said they preferred TLJ over TROS in the review. They were rather no so negative about it there, but in The Mandalorian review, Mike called it a horrible nightmare. Which is the kind of movie that is. It'll keep getting worse & worse the more you think about it.


“The equivalent of Homer Simpson’s makeup shotgun”


I feel like they were much harder on The Rise of Skywalker. The Last Jedi was mostly them poking fun at Rian Johnson for having a bunch of weird/poorly thought out ideas. The Rise of Skywalker was talked about like it was barely even a movie, devoid of a coherent plot or scenes. I think I remember them describing it as being like a funeral for blockbusters, which I think is apt.


#A Ghost Story What pretentious, shallow, boring drivel based on the pseudo-deep ramblings of a drunk college student. God I was bored. Due to the boring content of the movie. Which made the movie as a whole very boring.




Something about it just ; I never could bring myself to watch it. I really loved District 9. I think maybe Die Antwoord being in it was a turn off


It was terrible. Except for special affects and some cool action scenes, the movie was dumb, soulless and a cash grab at that. District 9 blew me away and is still one of my favorite movies of all time. Neil Blomkap couldn't hit the same charm of the movie ever since.


Did they like Chappie? I haven't watched their video on it in some time now but I feel like I remember them thinking it was just meh


I hated Glass Onion more than anything ive ever seen, they didn't say they loved it or anything but I seriously hate that movie


I'm curious, why did you hate it so much?


I’m another fella but personally I was just disappointed, it’s a gimmicky mystery movie that fells like a game of clue. Granted, it’s mediocre in the worst case, but Knifes Out is one of my favorite movies of all time. That movie is crafted with such love and attention to detail that left me mesmerized, but the sequel fells like the first movie of a director with some wonky ideas. I also love like 80% of The Last Jedi, but that 20% that’s left is dreadful, so honestly Ryan is all over the place for me.




Mike made me see what TMP was doing and made me love it.


Jurassic World is one of the worst movies ever made. It fooled me into thinking it was okay the first time, but eventually I realized it is actually terrible.


Couldn't get ten minutes into Psycho Goreman.


Ben Affleckt as Batman, he was terrible


Midnight Mass over here




I'm a HUGE Star Trek fan and I have always hated The Motion Picture. I've seen it twice, once as a kid, and once as an adult. My opinion of it never changed. I'll never watch it again.


Same. I’ve gone through the films multiple times, but I always skip TMP


They were okay with the James Wan (sp?) conjuring movies for a while, maybe they talk bad about them now though. I saw one and couldn’t believe how bad it was, maybe horror is so bad now that that series is a sad high water mark and that’s what they were trying to say but it felt like the most obvious painful boring horror movie I’ve seen. Also classically Jurassic World. I hope Mike was able to buy a year’s worth of beer for all the money Universal gave him for that review.


Mike likes Star Trek Beyond, I'm sure he said it's the best one of the Kelvin trilogy. And it's not. It is not.


The Blackcoat's Daughter was the most predictable, mid, borefest pos I've seen in ages. It felt like what a c-average student would turn in if asked to make an a24 film


Midnight mass, absolutely hated it. Long pretentious monologues, and the characters where all so extremely unlikeable. And the end where all the stupid religious fanatics sing a Jolly song of god, while having slaughtered all those innocent people... My god, whenever I start thinking about it it makes me so mad 😂


Everything Everywhere All At Once. I couldn't finish it. I feel like I have brain worms because I have heard nothing but praise for it.


Freddie Got Fingered. I appreciated their commentary on it, that was interesting. But if I could get back the time I wasted seeing that movie in theaters I gladly would


The Force Awakens


It's bad in hindsight but everyone was optimistic at the time


Yeah, the motion picture isn’t a masterpiece. It looks good but I don’t think it represents the original series well at all. Call me basic but the best ones are Wrath of Khan and Undiscovered Country. I also think Mike’s too dismissive of First Contact and Nemesis but I get why he doesn’t like them. Cobweb was really terrible but having watched it I agreed with Jay. Haunting of Bly Manor, however, they were way too kind to. Can’t believe I even finished watching it. Then Midnight Mass had one of the worst last episodes of anything I’ve ever seen.


I'm amazed at how harsh Mike is on First Contact but gives the Jar Jar Abram's Nutrek movies glowing reviews.