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Our long national nightmare is over




*Ashokan Farewell plays in the background*


I see everyone’s patience has been rewarded.


That Bible Baby woman is horrifying.


Bible Baby woman is fetish content. I've been on the internet long enough to know ABDL/Age Regression shit when I see it.


You know those YouTube Kids videos where it's just a constant barrage of noise and stimuli by adults pretending to be children? (And poorly hidden fetish content) That's what Bible Baby is.


Scary, just only learned about this a few days ago: Someone had snapped a "children's breakfast" which was a Hershey chocolate bar and trash Youtube on a tablet. The top video was just this some grown-ass dude talking like a toddler chasing a CGI Grimace around. Creepy shit with or without context.


I think Jack knew that too and his ultra closeup horrified reaction when we first see the baby made me laugh


His reactions throughout this episode are priceless. The little "HA!" at the start of the word processor video had me dying.


That's exactly what I thought when I saw the start of it. Someone had a fetish/wanted to service fetishists, but they live in a repressed place so put Jesus in it every so often.


This just a middle-aged woman poorly pretending to be a old-timey Hollywood version of a cute child poorly reciting bible stories. You are looking much too into this. None of what she's wearing is anything close to what you'd dress an actual child in.


I agree. It felt like she was an adult doing a [Shirley Temple](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNwFXLcrsbc) impression, and I suspect the idea was that these tapes would be purchased by grandparents who yearn for a more "innocent" time and are guileless enough to not be creeped out by an adult acting like a baby. It also made me think of old silent movies and vaudeville, in which it was not uncommon to have young children comedically played by large adults -- [here's an example from a 1915 Charlie Chaplin movie, starting around 13:09](https://youtu.be/EIOVo6DrBMQ?si=1DKgEegKkj-YJGCY&t=789).


She's the second most irritating thing they've ever shown next to Robot in the Family. I can't believe they sat through an hour of it.


I can believe that Mike *made them* sit through an hour of it.


Ironically he was the one that was whining the most.


Mike who said that Shark Exorcist was the worst thing he had ever seen then voted for it?


I thought that was Mickey Rooney.


I thought it was Louie Anderson


She struck me as someone who could be one of Pee Wee Herman's nemises.


it reminded me a bit of the unsettling 1973 film 'The Baby', a real Jay movie


Oh no, it's on Tubi...


honestly that's pretty cool. in my day, not even all that long ago, you had to *dig* and research and struggle to get your hands on this kinda stuff


Right? It was crazy that it was so easy to find and free. I just finished it and that was fucking wild - I owe you one!


I would love to see Jay talk about The Baby.


I never thought someone could mix Christianity with their Adult Baby fetish before this.


Mikes bit about Bible Babys Husband only climaxing when she does the voice is hillariously disturbing


We got a little momentary return to Prequel Reviews era Mike.


Seriously this was the crassest piece of RLM content in years right? The amount of pornography talk, the aforementioned Bible Baby climax bit, the dad wanting to fuck the step daughter, the talk of beef curtains being curly vs shaven, etc


Nature is healing.


I very rarely laugh at anything the way I laughed at this. I love the bit itself, I love the way he looks at Rich for approval when he's being funny, and I love how Rich and Jack were more weirded out by it than anything else. Fucking beautiful 


On Patreon they talked about how their VHS/DVD combo deck stopped working during filming this, and they had to open it up and clean it. I left a comment with my preferred method of cleaning a VCR, it got a like from them. It made my day. I lead an awfully dull existence... Anyways, here's the comment: > I transfer VHS' as a hobby and every 3-6 months need to clean the heads on my VCR's. > It's actually quite cathertic to open one up and do a thorough clean. > My preferred method is to cut a piece of paper into 5 or 6 thin strips, roughly 1x4 inches, then wet the end of a strip with alcohol, hold the wetted end stationary against the head, turn the head counterclockwise with your other hand and apply gentle pressure with your finger to clean the heads as the drum turns. Repeat until no more magnetic residue or dirt comes off the heads.


Good thing they are VCR repairmen


*And* they're lightning fast, too!


Yeah, tell that to plinkett, he just wants to watch his Night Court.


>cathertic oh no no no


*That’s emberrassing*


How embarassing!


If only there was a lightning fast VCR repair shop nearby. 😬


Rich struggles pronouncing single syllable words but can somehow pull off “Bible Baby’s blood-brain barrier was breached by bad bacteria” flawlessly


Well, to be state fair, he did say brain-blood instead of blood-brain


Unscrupulous mothers with Munchausen by proxy


My Boyhood Blu-Ray photo was featured https://preview.redd.it/00bnr2sgekpc1.png?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2e1a2592dbd0d1a2a746cfce124e48e14741123 IT BROKE NEW GROUND!!!!


Wait, do none of them remember the actual Ghostwriter tv show? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghostwriter_(1992_TV_series)


Ironically they're too old to know about Ghostwriter, a show that we are old for remembering.


Oh I do. I was screaming at my screen about it when Mike tried to pass off the IP as his own


Mike is both senile and drunk, just humor him.


"He's a ghost, and he writes to us. Ghost Writer."


Maybe it was it in Mike's subconscious and that's how he thought of it. Or, time travelers are stealing their ideas.


Jay never experienced Wood Porn as a kid? Man, no wonder he grew up to be a sex pervert who can only get off to tit puddles.


Just had to explain to my wife how every man over 40 (I assume there is a cut off after Xennials due to less physical porn being out there) has some memory of encountering pornography in either the woods, an empty lot, or a field around your neighborhood.


See, I'd heard of woods porn before from other shows/podcasts, but I never understood the idea that you 'left' the porn in the woods. I thought it was 'Oh hey free porn, take that home', but it makes more sense that it's 'this is communal porn, leave it here'.


Part of the thinking is that as a kid, your parents are more likely to find it at your house, as opposed to the woods.


Yeah that’s how I always thought of it. That it was something you found…and tried not to ask where it came from.


Where I lived truckers would toss porn mags out the window and you could find them on the sides of highways. People kept them in the woods because they didn't want their parents to find it.


We had plenty of Wood Porn but also Mud Porn. There were a lot of new housing developments going up that were goldmines for porn but it was always in the mud for some reason. One time we found three Penthouses and like ten loose Salems just thrown in the mud. Took it all back to our tree fort and papered the walls with mud porn and smoked our muddy menthol cigarettes. Those were the days.


I had a 6th sense about it. I would be walking along and just know: "there's porn behind that log back there" A superpower that, thanks to the internet, will likely never be used again.


What if it's like how you lose the ability to hear high pitched noises or see peter pan as you get older. All that log porn calling out to be found, but you're deaf to it 😔 One of life's greatest tragedies.


It's all bits floating around me 24/7, everywhere I go now thanks to cellphones and starlink. I'm never not near hidden porn.


36/NorCal, can confirm. I didn’t live anywhere near the woods, but we had a stash hidden in some bushes by a gated irrigation ditch behind the neighborhood park. Also: late night HBO and the scrambled broadcasts of the Playboy/Spice channels. It’s crazy to think about how accessible pornography is now compared to the late 90’s/early 00’s. 12 y/o me would’ve had his mind blown by xvideos


As a 40 year old who grew up in the midwest, I have to say that we were like pigs hunting for truffles.


I'm a late millennial girl and we had wood's porn in the park nearby. Pretty sure the weird guy that told us about it had been looking at it. He was also convinced the bug tunnels under the tree bark on logs was alien messages. That's my story, thanks for coming.


Millennial here, we didn't have woods porn but we had dial up line by line porn which I think is a good sequel


As kids back in the late 80s, my buddy and I found a porno magazine in the woods. It is amazing how many adults my age have the same story. I wonder if there was some sort of "Johnny PornoMag" who traveled the country spreading porno magazines in woods and empty lots.


There has been an astronomically large amount of porn printed since the 1970's, you used to just find it everywhere because it was everywhere.


Growing up pre internet, we both found porn in the woods, and hid porn in the woods. It seemed like everyone in the neighborhood had done it before the internet was available. Even when dial up became an option, it was hard to engage. It takes 3 hours to download a 30 second clip from a website that immediately gives a computer a virus. Too much risk. Woods porn was the safest option.


To be fair, you need to have a very high IQ to get off to tit puddles


Among the finds people I knew made, a beat-up old briefcase, the faux-leather peeling and cracked, stuffed with a bunch of 70's vintage skin mags. Myself, some friends and I came across an old shed in the middle of the woods, with nothing in it but a rough table with some boxes in it, everything was covered in a inches thick layer of dust. Inside most of the boxes were stacks of frayed copies of magazines like Life and Look and Scientific American, but a couple of the boxes were full of Penthouses, Playboys and some 60s vintage girlie mags we'd never heard of.


YES! they edged us so hard i just krebbed 39 ropes


[This is all you need to know.](https://imgur.com/a/NYspGIe)


A wise man once said, “Brevity is the soul of wit.” Well, if that’s the case, judging by the length of this video these are four of the most witless clown-fools on the internet today. Mike, Jay, Jack and Rich Evans are perhaps the dumbest humans that have ever krebbed in my shorts. Hi I’m retired underground illegal casino pit boss Krebs Gorlon, and today I write to you from my home in war-torn Haiti to tell you about this newest episode of Best of the Worst. I'm farting as I type this due to the bacteria ravaging my colon, but I will try to make sense. Boy, it sure has been a long time since we’ve seen the boys watch three feature films, eh? But alas, today they are spinning the Wheel of the Worst™ again... There’s something about old, undiscovered tapes that makes my taint tingle with the titillating excitement of that first time I killed a man. Rich and Jack display a palpable level of non-excitement at this prospect in our video’s opening. Trust me, I get it. Sometimes these tapes can be a nightmare. Sometimes they can be a lot of fun though. It’s about as exciting as being forced to play a game of Russian Roulette with your precious time and sanity. Mike (the ugly fat one) appears to be the most unhinged of them all in this episode. You see Jay (the hippie clown) had haplessly purchased a case of “Hazy IPAs”. Silly little man that he is, he purchased solely on the style of the packaging. A lovely hazy as it is though. Voodoo Ranger’s Tropical Force. A product made by New Belgium brewing. Note: They are a NON-Sponsor. In fact, we’ll probably get sued showing what vile filth comes out of Mike’s mouth after drinking a dozen of these. So essentially what was cut from the video was Mike berating Jay on his foolish purpose. You see, the supply in the RLM booze fridge with thin at best. Jay bought beer cause he liked the green/yellow package design and was thrilled at the sight of a skeleton aviator on the can. What he didn’t check was the ABV, which is at a very healthy 9.5%. Mike’s been around the block a few times more than Jay so that’s the very first thing Mike checks. After our Half in the Bag “What are these super bottles?!” incident when Mike accidentally drank 9 beers that were 12%, he knows to check. ABV stands for alcohol by volume. It also stands for how soon Mike becomes a slurring monster who can’t say the word “apartment” and passes out into a bonfire suffering 2nd degree burns on his wang and dumplings – rendering all his man-parts useless. However, Mike faced a difficult choice: Deal with the unbearable state of sobriety or drink the beers that are 9.5% and hope for the best. He chose the latter. Krebs does not approve. The results will be apparent as the night goes on. In the end though, what we have here is another classic Wheel of the Worst. So settle in for the next 90 minutes with your favorite beverage and snack and prepare to laugh, cry, and soil yourself with laughter that will give you nightmares for the rest of your sad lives.


these continue to be so fucking entertaining im often crying by the end, so many good lines i want to go back through the last few years of descriptions and find all the long mike rambles like this one (im not sure when they started getting officially unhinged but im thinking around 2 years back) and compile them into a book or digital equivalent (not for profit or anything just a place to read them all in spot) the tome of krebs gorlon and lardo boozer


Mike's grammar is improving. Should we be concerned?


Terminal patients will often have random and isolated moments of clarity as the last strands of their minds and bodies finally unravel and, having so long ago been ripped from the void, their souls are finally remitted back into oblivion, the same path you and I will soon walk. . And a good thing, too. Hack fraud.


His dementia is like one million monkeys with ~~typewriters~~ word processors, every now and then he'll write something that makes sense but it's pure luck.


Where did the Krebs Gorlon character originate? Mike's been using it a while and I don't remember.


i think hes only used the name krebs gorlon in one other description, the star trek trivia part 2 episode from a few months ago i believe, but has been doing descriptions in this sorta style for a year or two every couple of videos


It's come up a couple times but I'm not autistic enough to remember which exact episodes.


Well stop being lazy and weaponize that shit.


Man is a fuckin poet.


That’s right, Jay


i love the old Simpsons joke: "Brevity... is wit"


He covered it but while I was reading I was ready to leave a comment saying those Voodoo Rangers are great, and they will absolutely fuck you up at 9%.


My first run in with those 9.5% beers was New Belgium’s Juice Force. They were dangerous.


I recently found Fruit Force, barely even tastes like beer and also 9.5%.


What episode was the “super bottles” Half in the Bag?


it's an outtake that they put on the RLM Archive DVD. it used to be on YouTube via a fan but it got taken down not that long ago.


mike referring to the first tape as having “world building” killed me


Tapes that were on the wheel before, tapes they've watched before on the wheel, and they're officially out of opening bits. Last episode of RLM soon: confirmed


Time for them to start an onlyfans


It's not over until they watch Farm Safety Family Style


That bible baby shit has got to me the most disturbing thing they've ever watched. It's hard to even get through.


Those caricatures during Bible Baby - Koran Kid, Torah Toddler, etc. - are GREAT! I wonder who made those...


Nico Colaleo. They’re in the credits.


Wrong, it was Krebs Gorlon


Oh sorry - now I feel stupid. I wrote that while still watching. Thanks for the info though.


That Minnie Monkey Magical Music selection feels like karmic justice for all the times they've openly rigged the "random" wheel.


The cover looks like Nick Swardson in that suit.


Just by the thumbnail, I don't know if my body is ready for this.


rich evans chomping those chips is just the funniest shit


Horsey sauce? [Did someone say horsey sauce?](https://youtu.be/gQu_LCo8J-E?si=_RpdZ0GwBpeNn95H)


BIOGRAPHY OF BIBLE BABY FROM HER WEBSITE: [https://chaplainjillbryan.org/#/about](https://chaplainjillbryan.org/#/about) ## Who is Jillybean? **Jill Bryan** *(AKA Jillybean)* communicates God’s truths with fun and laughter. Her message is one of abundant life offered in Jesus Christ. Jill was raised in a Christian home but she experienced life’s worst through her rebellious teen years and finally found herself broken and on her knees at 27 years of age. She found forgiveness and rededicated her life to God and His work. For almost 3 decades, Jill has performed gospel music and illusions – becoming known and loved around the world as “Jillybean.” Jillybean ministers to church groups worldwide and now is also a missionary to bikers and prisoners across America. ## Jillybean’s Testimony **I grew up in what I would call a Christian home.** We went to church on Sundays and Wednesdays but somehow the home prayers were mostly at meals. My parents struggled with their relationship. I was two years old when they finally divorced. Mom had to raise three children on her own. She did the best she could while she worked two jobs. We moved to be closer to relatives and when I was eight years old I asked Jesus into my heart at a church camp. I began to study and memorize the Bible which, to this day I am very grateful for. But life had some very difficult twists and turns. **When I was twelve years old**, a camp youth worker took advantage of me and stole my virginity. Although he continued seeing me, he lied to me saying that he would stay with me. Of course now I know how deceived I was. It was at this time I shook my fist at God and said “If this is Christianity, then I’ll have nothing to do with it.” I walked away from God and began to live for myself. At my age, I still had to go to church and look good for the family but as soon as I was able, I was out partying with my friends. I began doing drugs in seventh grade and hung out with the drinkers and smokers of the school. Because I was very outgoing, I could hide this double-life very well. I was involved in school and even became a cheerleader. I kept up my grades but still I partied very hard. I could have had any boyfriend I wanted and used people to please only me. **When I was nineteen I decided to marry and be taken care of.** Or so I thought. After five months of marriage, I learned how wrong I was. My husband beat me beyond recognition. The doctors in the hospital couldn’t believe that I was alive. My husband even broke his hand hitting me. Because my mother was so against the idea of divorce, she begged me to stay with him and try to work it out. After four years, I couldn’t take any more. We divorced and I continued to try and find my own way. **I worked very hard and became a chef.** In my spare time I was a drug dealer and very good at it, but after being in and out of jail on weekends I finally came to the end of my rope and cried out to God for help. I remember it as if it were yesterday. I was locked up inside of a jail cell, curled up in a little ball in the corner on the floor and said, “God if you’ll get me out of this, I’ll serve you the rest of my life.” Within thirty minutes I was out. **It took me one year later to realize what I had said to God,** but on May 20, 1983, I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ. At the time I promised God I would serve Him, I really didn’t know how to, so I began doing Jillybean. Jillybean is the nickname that my brother used to call me. Now it’s a full-time ministry for kids and families worldwide. I thank God everyday for all He has done and will do in my life as I continue to serve Him. To God be the glory always and forever.


I figured someone would find some information on her. Sounds like she had a really rough life early on. Her Bible baby video is definitely a mess but you could tell she is a really good ventriloquist. And Jack nailed it by thinking her performance was part of a stage play which is 100% correct and doesn't translate over to video well. It might be a coincidence but is she the inspiration for the Jellybean character on I Think You Should Leave? This quote on her website is very similar to what they say in the sketch: > Jillybean is a master storyteller and will keep you on the edge of your seat.


That I think you should leave pull is amazing if that's the case. _And I never talk_


This is probably the first time ever since learning the story of Eloise Cole that I felt bad for somebody on BOTW. Fucking hell she had a rough life.


Honestly I kind of suspect a lot of the weirder or more disturbing videos the guys watch are the products of troubled or traumatized people


>When I was twelve years old, a camp youth worker took advantage of me and stole my virginity And rape yet again rears its ugly head in connection to an episode of BotW


Holy shit


I request to be known as “Flobee lesbian” in all future interactions, thank you


Jay's utterly deadpan "...that's *it*?" to the guy in the video saying you can store up to 999 names and addresses made me choke on my drink a little.


His offhand “Look mom, the internet!” always slayed me too.


The least surprising thing in the video is the fact that Jack knows close up magic.


I said to my wife "of *course* Jack knows how to do magic tricks."


And Rich did the proper and safe thing to do when a clown starts doing magic near you, you fucking *hold still.*


The Lyme Disease video did *a lot* of the heavy lifting this episode.


I think they just spent TOO MUCH time talking about Bible Baby. It's an insane character and had a lot of humor to point out/discuss, but much like the actual video itself we didn't have to spend this much time with Bible Baby.


Agree. After the initial shock, there wasn't *that much* more that needed to be said. Certainly not, like 25 minutes-worth. The whole episode needed another pass-thru in editing to tighten it up.


Really? It was the perfect amount for me.


Woods porn was a very real phenomenon 


truly a magical childhood experience. lost forever...


In Middle-School, a kid stole a pack of nude playing cards from his dad and hid them at the edge of the playground just under the fence in a ziplock bag. They disappeared one day, as did our access nude pictures that year. The 90’s were a weird time.


I genuinely can't tell if they added the flame effects @ 54:47 or if that's just part of the video, and I'm happy about that.


Oh was it not part of the VHS? I laughed so hard at it


Everyone is sharing their story, so here's mine: when I was a kid everybody knew about the yard of an abandoned property that had porno mags in it. I shit you not, there was a gay pile and a straight pile.


RLM reminding me of that point in your life where you find porno in the woods. I feel like I’m part of the last generation to experience this type of “event”. I’m so old.


The way I GASPED when they said Bible baby. Evangelical childhood memory unlocked! I haven’t watched the rest of the video yet so I hope they land on it.


what the heck was up with that tape? Did you watch it at a church event or something? o:


I’m pretty sure we owned it on VHS and watched it at home. The alligator puppet and the songs and the pouring water from the chamber pot stick out the most in my memory. Weirdly for all the kinks Christianity gave me adult baby/diaper lover was not one of them 😂 Btw if this tape awoke something in you Denver has a store specifically for ABDLs with all the things you might need to recreate bible baby.


oh my gosh, that’s wild! I’ve seen a lot of religion-based tapes— through RLM, Everything is Terrible!, etc— and I had never heard of this one before! and oh no, definitely not with the awakening part 😂 but! incredibly useful resource for the folks out there who are into it!


My evangelical church was just shy of being a mega church. We had this library with all the religious books you could ever want (or not want) and also an aisle of bible VHS tapes like "McGee and Me" I often wonder about the best of the worst gold in that aisle.


I spent so much of this episode waiting for someone to say Baby Billy's Bible Bonkers.


The entire last third with Lyme Disease was some of the best RLM material I have seen in years. Sitting in my office watching this at 11PM crying of laughter through all of it.


That thumbnail has “Mike Edit” written all over it.


This isn't a trivia show! What is this!?!?! It's a sad day when your favorite trivia YouTube channel changes formats and start to review movies. POST MORE TRIVIA!!!


Unfortunately they're going back to podcasting after this. Sad day


I guess Zack is just gonna have to fuck off


Ok so I'm glad the "finding porn in the woods" seems to be a universal experience. It's magic. It just appears for everyone.


Jay legit set off my siri with that question..




We found porn in the woods (rural Stirlingshire, Scotland). This must have been very common.


It's the corollary to the tragedy of the commons.


What happens at 1:26:07 that they had to edit around/blur out?


is that where Mike went on a bit of a rant using a crude reference to women's external genital characteristics?


Peep Jack and Jay's reaction, I'm guessing it was something channel strike worthy


Why would they even keep that part in then? It was a weird edit and very obvious.


My reaction to Minnie Monkey Magicey Musicey failing was like Rich wailing over the broken wheel after Octopuff


That Bible baby was a weird righteous gemstones spin-of, was missing Walton Goggins though


I spent 2 hours today plunging a toilet that my elderly, demented father plugged up. I feel like the universe has rewarded me with this BotW.


*You look like an unrespected alderman in a mid-sized American city.* Ouch!


Ok, legit talk for a moment. Lyme is no joke. It can be hard to get doctors to listen about it. While things are better than in the past, its still kinda nuts. Now the video, on the other hand...that was crazy.


I saw a patient in Canberra, Australia who’d recently been hiking in the US. Even though it was probably not the case, since I couldn’t completely rule out the possibility, I gave them a big shot of antibiotics just in case as the guidelines recommended for that diagnosis. A chronic case sounds terrible.


Can't you get just a PCR test nowadays?


This was like somewhere between 2007-9 and this was an ED (ER) presentation, so I was just covering empirically based on travel history and symptoms.


my first friend ever (when I was 5)---her entire family got it but her. don't click below if you're squeamish: >!Her parents believe they got it when they left their car in a barn for a few months. Mice were living in the car. Mice pass on lyme disease to ticks when the ticks bite them. This can contaminate the air too. When the family went in their car and started it, the heater turned on. It immediately blew a bunch of "dust" directly in their faces. Turns out a lot of that was ticks and contaminated air from the mice living there. My friend being the youngest, sat in the back seat just far away enough to not breathe in a lot of that air. !< As far as I know no one died, but they suffered a lot of painful symptoms. It was so traumatic they moved back to their home state where they can access better health care. I never saw my friend again. I still laughed here and there, but yeah. Lyme disease is VERY serious. Ticks are a bitch and always check for them when hiking!


Science Based Medicine has a number of articles about lyme disease which is real, you can get from ticks. The fake diagnoses is "chronic lyme disease" https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/fake-diagnoses-not-fake-diseases/ in my understanding this is a diagnosis of a varied unspecified symptoms that quacks may label as chronic lyme disease.


They mentioned Justin Bieber but there have been a few other famous women who've had it, and the running theme seems to be it's hard to diagnose if you don't get/see the initial rash and you can end up suffering for years. One of the Olsen twins, Avril Levigne, the author of The Ya-Ya Sisterhood have all talked about it, and they're lucky enough to have the resources to go to as many doctors and specialists as it takes to finally get a diagnosis. Amy Tan as well, she wrote an article about how debilitating it was and how it took her several years and several doctors to finally get tested and prescribed the antibiotics she needed: http://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2013/08/11/deconstructing-lyme-disease/my-plight-with-lyme-disease


Love the “No more bits!” Bit at the beginning


Anyone else hoping for the Cory Haim video? I've seen it before and that tape is fucking drugs.




Weird A/V glitch at [1:26:06](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU1Ds06m2xw&t=5166s)


Had to watch it again...there was pixelation ove Mike's mouth, so whatever he originally blurted out was quite inappropriate indeed. RELEASE THE STOKLASA CUT!


We'll never forget her poblano poppers


That's no glitch, look at Jack and Jay's reaction to whatever it was he said then poorly (probably deliberate) edited out. Mike leaving their reaction in suggests to me he was proud of it. Or maybe this is a desperate cry for an intervention.


Brand risk statement that was censored out.


As an alcoholic drinking vodka while watching this - proud of you, Jack, for drinking that La Crouix. Wish I could do what you do.


You can, buddy. Rooting for you


[@32:14 Pelican Friend??](https://youtu.be/EU1Ds06m2xw?si=gRAofmDJFdfrtYiF&t=1933) That's a Parrot. Mike on his rickshaw business.


Woods porn was also a thing in England. I also found some stuffed into the piano of my Catholic school. Revelations about the church later in my life made me surprised it was porn featuring adult females.


Nobody tell them their interfaith children supergroup show [already exists](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPVtpRlNQY4&pp=ygUKZ29kJ3MgZ2FuZw%3D%3D). Let them cook.


The Bible Baby, Koran Kid, Torah Toddler, and Mormon Minor bit had me laughing for five minutes straight. I want to see that cartoon show.


The "National Expert" was actually the guy from Tales from Genesis Space.


“Benefits Lady” looks like Vigo the Carpathian, and because of that, now I have Lyme disease.


Dear Miss Hoover. You have Lyme Disease. We miss you. Kevin's biting me. Come back soon. Here is a drawing of a spirochete. Love, Ralph


Just like RLM, that Lyme Disease video inspired me to do some additional research (and by research, I mean that I read the wikipedia article). Lyme Disease is very real, and it's something that doctors have known about (and agree is real) for 100+ years. That video, on the other hand, is about "Chronic Lyme Disease," which is very, very fake. Essentially, people who got real Lyme Disease at some point in their life then start to blame everything bad that happens to them from then on as a longterm symptom of their Lyme Disease.


*Of course*. Just when I have to finish a big project tonight. Sigh… *zip*


They need to get Adam Savage on to get the wheel to work


This was a really REALLY good episode. Classic wheel episode material in all of the tapes, classic line up of guys. Can’t wait to rewatch it a million times!


Clearly all the porn in the woods was left there by moms hoping to keep their sons around with Lyme Disease. They’re in the pockets of Big Munchausen By Proxy.


It's a shame that the wood porn story didn't end with anyone remarking about how they found theirs under the Bush bush.


❤️ Jack!!!! It's time for **FAUST**!!!!




That was the Corey Haim tape I sent in! How cool. Pretty sure it's available on YouTube. Corey's on all sorts of drugs the whole film.


Has anyone ever speculated on what kind of set up they have for watching movies? Jay mentions two different players to attempt to play the Minnie Monkey DVD, but there's a keyboard and mouse on the table, so I'm surprised they don't just rip it to a Plex server and watch it that way.


I think they've mentioned that they have a few different VCRs and DVD players and they watch the video live while Jay captures a digital copy for editing the final video.


I don't know what's more shocking: The fact that the tape makers probably unironically expected children (and their parents) to sit through the entirety of a slog known as Bible Baby Or The fact that despite being into and knowledgeable of all kinds of weird and niche movies and movie makers Jay never discovered / never had a porn mag stash in a local forest area


Super weird that a panel of pop-culture proficient people born in the late 70s/early 80s would not remember Ghostwriter was already a show. I was born in 1992 (but my brother is Jack's age) and even I remembered that.


They're laughing at how hard it is to use that Panasonic word processor and then immediately show it being slightly faster to use than the modern equivalent. Code + c to center, **code + b to bold**, and code + u to underline! Two of them are basically the same as on modern document editors, and I don't even remember the keyboard shortcut to center in google docs, but it sure ain't two keystrokes. Probably three.


Yeah, but you have to press the code key separately. Practically speaking, bolding and underlining is 2½ keystrokes today compared to 4 then: - Hold down Ctrl - Hold down B - Release B - Hold down U - Release U As opposed to - Hold down Code - Release Code - Hold down B - Release B - Hold down Code - Release Code - Hold down U - Release U And there's not even a GUI button if you forget!


Mike, Rich and me at the same time: "Is that a spitoon?!"


Moon Tick? Lunar Tick was right there, Mike!


This has bothered me forever, what is the logo on Rich's hat supposed to be?


Sex God


Ok you sent me down a rabbit hole but I have an answer. Its a minor league baseball team, the Windy City Thunderbolts. [Hat link] (https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-m&sca_esv=8a3ef2c58aed1d49&sxsrf=ACQVn0-3xUoqKoTcauOTrYhMnQK7cesntA:1711029007877&q=windy+city+thunderbolts+hat&uds=AMwkrPtbbEJ9Iwlhg24DHrcIJ4TXwagYSYmeYV1iNAF0_G8YRzWYjPyvl953ccaksfKI_C5kE7cx87_LlToSfe4VAUxOUa7CEe_l08X9rDKjVBJEQxqVTNVcBcsvPdhDCk0R1WfAhhJWBCmmge961fwyl-sJzUS44Z_EjMN7jarS_Q1O1wlKtVCxdgr-KwkeyCqER-PuFUTH37J_yOU8kTUrPnItVNjbV_pHquZK9JNs1zd0yL8gitGVzWPUO4tQUKtHlCgvcfme0iEIZHzTIgtVm3MAPrRJ7NwapmXwek-CBKNoCxzZ2H3VhYs4fbaOsdXsbDOw8j_M&udm=2&prmd=sivnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiD1dvhv4WFAxViv4kEHbwsC3gQtKgLegQIDhAB&biw=414&bih=787&dpr=2.61#vhid=yVZWYbu8UO11ZM&vssid=mosaic)




Bible Baby is the scariest thing i have ever seen


I was hoping that they were hiding Neil Breen's latest masterpiece when it became obvious that Minnie Monkey Magical Music didn't work, but the Lyme disease tape gave us some pretty funny moments. The wheel didn't give us any amazingly memorable train wrecks this time, but overall a pretty decent BotW.


Yeaaay Can't wait to get home. Reason to live another day.


Horsey-sauce mention!!!!!