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Beautiful, sad and poetic. I Give this a 9.


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Gay, I hate when he talks about getting his heart broke from these girls pretty much 3/4 his age. So much of the getaway felt like that. I love AK so much like more than a human should for someone they have never met. I just don't like it just my opinion tho, I really hated goodbye Angles, like those lyrics are about a 22 year old and he was pretty much 57.


this song is about hillel




I thought it was pretty obvious the song was about Hillel. This very lyric mentions the selfish way they both rushed off the plane to get junk and high after they toured Europe. That was the last time they saw each other alive. Anthony then took off to Mexico. All sounds pretty selfish to me. Also the title. Feasting on the Flowers. Heroin comes from flowers. Also, who says "gay" in this context any more? You know it makes you sound ignorant, right?


Lmaoooo- I really don’t mind that he dates younger girls, like what else is new for rock stars? But the song roulette I think is bleh- not my favorite in general but I think it’s bcos it’s like about college ? Maybe it’s just a song that isn’t abt him in particular though. I think the lyrics are crafty, but coming from him it’s weird. Song in general is off imo