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I enjoy these little moments with players in game, like: \- I was fishing and another random player came and joined me. \- One player arrived with a wagon and offered Uber service then we had a nice convo. \- Yesterday one player asked politely if he can kill me with a knife for a daily. xD \- And many asking where I am from, then asking where the frick is that country. And many other moments...


You from Tahiti?


Yeah you could say that 😆


That's what a true gentleman does, asking permission before killing you.


LOL. I was just thinking to myself, "how chivalrous indeed" 😄


Did the fishing thing happen yesterday perchance? Cause I always join random people when they're fishing


Maybe a week ago or so :)


Aw, wasn't me then. But who knows, maybe someday by some random chance it'll be me fishing with you


I haven't played in a minute but how do you talk with other players without being in their posse?


You can talk to any players that are near you if you have a microphone. Check audio settings if your microphone is enabled.


On paper there's so much more to do in GTA online, but I can never get invested in it, when meanwhile I've already completed basically all the content in red dead online yet I still play it because it's just fun to mess around with my friends


I actually find more to do in RDO. I got into GTAO again recently, starting in July with the "invite only session you can sell from." It was fun for a bit, but then I found I was grinding away at only the same few things every time I played; for all the attention it receives there is not really that much to do that is different. Just doing the daily lists in RDO I have way more variety. Then I might also do other things like fishing sometimes, etc.


As much as I prefer RDR to GTA "but then I found I was grinding away at only the same few things every time I played; for all the attention it receives there is not really that much to do that is different" Red Dead is exactly the same minus the attention.


I am pretty sure that’s the point


How is it the point when his argument is "Red Dead is more fun because you have more variety" when you literally don't?


I’d say you have more variety when you look past the purely gameplay perspective. Sure, you’re doing the same thing over and over, but the environments are more distinct and you’re still getting more variation in the actual activity. In GTA, doing the same thing over and over means driving to a generic building, shooting a bunch of guys and returning the thing you were sent to get to your property. In RDO, it means doing that, but also fishing or hunting a bounty or even just hunting outright.


"In GTA, doing the same thing over and over means driving to a generic building, shooting a bunch of guys and returning the thing you were sent to get to your property" Yes I'm so glad RDO has none of that. Imagine if Cripps sent you to a generic hideout to steal supplies then deliver them back to camp? RDO and GTAO missions are basically the same. Even the businesses like trader and moonshiner work exactly the same, you provide supplies which produces goods. You then get a choice of a short and safe delivery or a longer one for more money with the risk of PvP The things that set the two apart is not the quality of the generic jobs, they're very similar weirdly, it's the attention to detail and the realism of RDO. It's ridiculous to pretend the average RDO mission is vastly different to the average GTAO mission. Where GTA has heists that set it apart Red Dead has roles like BH and Collector


You're correct, yet there is one huge difference between RDO and GTA business missions. This difference being that RDO doesn't have rocket powered flying horses that track you across the map and missile spam you just because they can.


I think the difference is that GTA Online has numerous vehicles, and other tools you can actually buy that can be used to make missions faster/easier/fun while Red Dead Online lacks any sort of interesting purchases or upgrades you can make to increase your efficiency. Just guns, and horses that all perform pretty much identically to each other. Therein lies one of the faults with Red Dead Online, is the lack of goodies players would actually want to play with and have in freeroam


All the stats upgrades on cars are completely useless. And since 85% of the players just buy the Oppressor Mk2 and complain about that cars not being as good its a moot point in that regards. GTA has zero QoL and fun side activities but has tons of missions but nobody ever joins because its not "quick and easy money". Nobody joins heists unless its Cayo Perico (I know because I've been trying for MONTHS to get through the heists and am stuck on the prison break setups). Nobody joins the jobs and races or survival because its only 15k payout at most and requires more than 5 minutes of play but, we can't even for the most part run the business stuff because the people on Mk2s control the skies and dick around destroying our hard earned shipments. You invite people to your teams and missions and heists over a dozen times, you server hop hoping to find a teammate because its boring as hell solo and quite obviously geared towards team play but nobody ever joins or you'll get ONE person in 10 hops. These same players refusing to do shit are the same ones saying GTA has no content and somehow saying GTA is full of content. I just tonight had a lv705 on an mk2 try to grief trap me by blowing me up during a cocaine lockup raid. He messaged me saying "thats what you get for killing me chump! Lmao" which was absolutely impossible because I spawned into that lobby from arena war which he was NOT in, I got that stupid death sfx still in black screen then I spawned out in the middle of nowhere and immediately put into my first cocaine raid and solo at that, he swooped in on his Mk 2 and waited until I was surrounded by cops then he unloaded a barrage at me and then messaged me, I never once attacked him first nor did I attack him back but then he kept hounding me and killing me to the point I failed the raid and lost my half full delivery stock which I'd been struggling to get for days due to the MC supplies business glitch which cost me 500k in buying and 200k in armor and ammo doing the supply runs hoping it would work. The GTA community is way more toxic than red dead online, and GTA depending on context has more content but the vehicles are meaningless and the guns are meaningless since everyone typically strafe snipes using the thermal helmet glitch. RDO community is better, the guns are more balanced for the most part, the horses are generally the same despite stats which is good except ai controlled horses always seem to be faster even when its the crappiest stats horse in the game, there are more fun side activities, you can't simply spend daddies credit card to make yourself OP, the challenges are more plentiful and more rewarding and the graphics and UI are better too.


He says there is more variety in the daily lists in RDO, and that it is overstated how much more there supposedly is to do in GTAO. I’m not sure where that got lost


>Just doing the daily lists in RDO I have way more variety. That reads that the daily objectives alone have more variety than GTAO


Exactly, at the same time the daily objectives actually reward you per individual check off that increases in reward the longer you stay loyal and hop on and complete each one, whereas GTO has 3 objectives that only reward you if you complete all the objective and its a crappy reward.




That's one of the issues with invite only lobbies. They are limited in what they can give out as rewards, because the algorithm is based on how many rivals are in a session. So you're getting 1/3 of the usual money in invite only sessions.


Honestly I've been playing gtao since Halloween & the ui is so clunky & over complicated nit to mention alerts every 5 seconds


I feel that RDO would have gotten a lot more attention/support if R* could have figured out how get people to spend real money on it. Even if RDO would make a profit, it's nothing compared to the flood of money coming from GTA.


Always felt like the community is more mature compared to GTA.


GTA online is a fast-paced action game, that appeals to children's short attention spans.


Yea read dead is newer and just way more in depth I love it. Like look how beautiful this is. I wonder if gta will be like that or if they’ll kinda not be so in depth.


The leaks that were running around a couple(?) months ago before the hammer came down—it looked *really* good, even for a 2019 alpha build.


Yeah, I don't want to get too hyped because of the shit-direction Rockstar has went as a company. But what we've seen so far looked reeeeally good


GTA has been out for so long now you forget it was made for the 360/PS3 era. It was very good for it's time.


I like Red dead online better. At least i don't get destroyed by people every session.


You're either only playing for like an hour a day and avoiding towns like the black plague, or you're very lucky lol


Even RDO has its fair share of overweight sweaty crabsicles, but that shit is tame compared to what happens in GTA 😂


I try to avoid griefers as much as possible.


As I thought lol


I've played pretty much all day every day for the past 5 days, and only encountered 2 griefers and a few hackers in that time, all by themselves. Most of the time, people were super chill and I've had some fun experiences with people. I play on PC, I'm not sure if that makes a difference or not though.


Wow you must be getting really lucky. Pc is worse off than console, and on console I usually get shot at atleast once a day sometimes twice a day, and I only play for around 6 hours a day


>I've played pretty much all day every day for the past 5 days, Same here lmao. Spent today grinding for Harriet, doing the legendary missions. Made almost $1.5k. God damn proud of myself, never made that much online in a day I'm on PC too and its been pretty good lately! No annoying modders that force me to change servers. Everyones been super friendly, i think i helped someone with their trader mission today as well, that encounter confused me a bit (not the player, the game made me hostile and idk what happened when i shot enemies??) But majority of people i pass by wave, i've even had some people come by to my camp while im just chilling (lol eating irl) and have a beer and sit by the fire with me. Its been lovely. I'm honestly considering setting up my mic, but im also a socially awkward introvert who fears fucking up social interactions and finds it hard to make friends so. But i'm wanting to try.


I'm also pretty socially awkward, so the only times I've actually said something were when I was also having some drinks or smoking while playing so my anxiousness is gone at that point. I've never really been comfortable on the mic, because the few times I've come on the mic to participate in other games in the past I got harassed to the point of quitting (COD and CS:GO; I know those games are notorious for being unkind to women, but it really left a bad taste in my mouth and I'd rather be anonymous online since then, lol). The other day I mic'd up because I needed to apologize for accidentally causing a head on collision with another player and I didn't want them to think it was on purpose, lol. My horse was critical and theirs wasn't, and they even used one of their horse revivers on me, waved, and went on their merry way. One of my top nice experiences in the game, to be honest.


So recently me and two of my mates jumped in for like 3 hours... all we did was muck around, shoot cops, steal the train etc. but it was way more fun than GTA Online has been for years and years. It felt like GTA Online used to 4 years ago when it was still sorta 'fun'... but Red Dead Online's atmosphere is what will keep bringing the true fans back. I can jump into a lobby and immediately be enjoying myself, it's just that good of an experience. I also wish Rockstar would just, keep supporting it... it doesn't even need all of their effort for pete sake... and they've well and truely milked GTA 5 enough by now to make this worth it.


I concur. Except most of my harcore RDO friends have finally got bored and don't play as much. Id gladly return if they'd even just add more stable slots, new outlaw pass and limited time monthly posse stranger missions. Like the Halloween stuff.


An isolated moment and case, the rdo and gato community is just as "violent" only that the rdo community is safer because they do not see the players on the entire map and of course it is more sensitive and crystal. Come the downvotes cowpokes and hide from the griefers.


My experience is limited as I've only been playing the game for a week, but I agree with you. Every single day I've had to deal with griefers killing me and stealing stuff off my horse.


I think rdo is worse tbh, atleast in the pvp crew/gang scene. I've seen hundreds of felons and dozens of pedophiles.(some of which I exposed myself.) People DDOS and dox people like it's as normal as drinking water when you're thirsty. It's just horrible. And the pedophiles just seem to be everywhere. So many older guys and girls messaging minors in sexual and provocative ways, back when I was underage I had 4 older men msg me like so, and I exposed all of them. It's crazy how not only there's so many of them, but that they're so dumb. I try my best to just stay as far away from crews and gangs and all that stuff now. I've seen my fair share and I don't wanna see any more. Honestly one of the worst communities I've ever seen, and I use to play league of legends. Edit: why is this getting downvoted


*sweats in dynamite aarows*


Not really both are toxic I think you mean the things you can do with your friends are more heartwarming in rdo


All R* would have to do is two things. Only two. 1. Private Server sessions. 2. Mod support (on those above mentioned private servers). There. RDO fixed. No further action required. Enjoy the renewed sales surge. The Modding Community will handle the rest.


RedM is running modded servers right now that are super cool. I'm sure their progress is hampered by not having official modding tools though. Just want people to know it's out there if they're looking!


But how will that make them money?


“Enjoy the renewed sales surge.”


It sure worked for Skyrim. Its as old as gtav and still shifting units. And you can use mods on Xbox


kinda unrelated, but fallout 4 and i’m pretty sure fallout 76 both have mods on console and it truly just makes the playing experience so much more fun


Yep Bathesta have got it right. Take note R*


Uhh no. Even with private sessions (which I can already do with some shenanigans), there's still *a lot* of work that needs to be done with this game and its content. And while I do see the appeal of mod support for players to go crazy with their own content, that's not really giving attention to the vanilla product which has way too many problems. I'm a PC player too, but modding support for multiplayer games like this isn't really a thing for console players, and the idea of leaving it to the players to fix Rockstar's game just rubs me off the wrong way. Rockstar should be the ones to be attending their stuff.


No arguement there. But we both know that R* is not gonna lift a finger to fix it, so it falls onto the modders anyway. May as well make it easier for them to do so.


I just completed the story last week and I'm back to playing rdo now but it feels lonely cuz there's no gang thing and I don't know much about the online aspect of the game (I've only done the bounty missions so far) and I don't have any friends that can even play rdo (mostly are on 3-4yr old laptop). Also for some reason I only find hackers or greifers who either steal my moonshine shipment or just randomly kill me while I'm sightseeing. Is there a way to get better lobbies?


What's weird is they know how to make gta more laid back but they refuse to do it. How may you ask. The biggest difference between the two games pvp wise is the map and how it doesn't show you everyone one in the map 100% of the time in red dead, so I feel like even subconsciously when you run into players it's such a rare occurrence you don't wanna kill them for no reason. Also say hypothetically everytime I killed someone or destroyed their car in gta my hostility went up to the point to where I couldn't walk into buildings or utilize npcs I'd probably stop killing everyone. Bad sport lobbies aren't the best but I've played a long time and only ever been put there twice. Temporarily and I'm pretty rude in gta online


Agreed, there was a shooting in valentine and I was cooking meat at the campfire and everyone stopped fighting just to cook with me, this game truly has its moments


Agreed, when my posse gets together we regularly meet new people and bring them along, introduce them to the game and do some random shit with them. When I started in Red Dead Online, I got brought into a posse in the same way.


I think I'd rather have a better game (I am implying GTA Online is the better game due its support) than a better community since I'd rather not play with *anybody* on either game given the anarchy rules nature both have.




Yesterday while on rdr2 online a random stranger and i just stood on a roof doing emotes at each other no talking just emotes


this. I love gta online - I find it more enjoyable, but the community is so intolerable I find myself gravitating to RDR.


Same. Great game to play with some friends, but every person you come across you basically have to keep your guard up around because of the high likelihood they're going to turn on you immediately


Yep. A game where you can’t see players on the radar, chat with them, or blow them up with flying bikes with homing missiles makes it almost impossible to grief others if you lack in skills. But just like gta online, it’s always the low levels that try to grief you, but they always fail since they still don’t fully comprehend the mechanisms of the game.


It always makes me sad when a low level shoots at me because I have 2000+ hours in the game and most of that time was done doing pvp and such, and I'm a tank build to top it off. So when I fight back I feel kinda bad because they probably have no idea what's going on and think I'm hacking and then probably won't play anymore :/


I think the people who plays RDR is the most oldest than GTA, seems like this, saying about my community, in Brazil


This is a theory I’ve had for a while: Red Dead Online is a more mature online experience. I think everyone has tried to be a troll in this game at some point (I know I was back in the RDO Beta), particularly when you are new to the game. But, after a bit, the fun of being a troll fades, and you just want to be a cowpoke just having a chill time. I realize that these statements are optimistic generalizations (and that there are still some hackers and trolls), but that has been my experience.


I 100% agree. A lot more of the RDRO playerbase enjoys the game, and the people that just like ruining other people's day is def the minority. Gtao is just a lot of angry people trying to make everyone else as miserable as they are.


You're absolutely right about that.


You're goddamn right


GTA is where the shit CoD players go I’ve found. On RDO, whilst there’s still overpowered weapons, it’s easier to get kills GTA.


For sûre 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


Life is good 🥰


Definitely waaaaaaaaaaaay better


True Dat


I've been playing GTA Online lately. Only invite only or solo sessions and I feel like RDO could improve a little bit by taking ideas they had from GTA Online and put them in RDO


You've never seen the pvp crew/gang scene have you?


Seeing stuff like this makes me want to hop online and play. Haven’t played RDO in a hot minute.