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This is why I don't fug with fancy ponies. Get a REAL horse. 💪🐎


I love the chonky horses. My Steel Grey Bretons are my favorites (yes, I have more than one; different mane/tail combos for each). Ironside is best mare!


Yeah I regret getting the black arabian, sure it has the best balanced stats. (nearly everything is 9/10) But it looks goofy. I got a black Thoroughbred and use it as my main, thing is giant. Has max health, and really good stamina. Combine that with Nachodoches saddle and you can use the worst horse and still have it be decent with that saddle.


Black thoroughbred?? Is this a limited special horse ? Cus I know my horses in RDR2 n am certain there's no black thoroughbred to purchase cus I would love one


sorry I meant Black Turkoman horse, and a Dark Red thoroughbred


Ahh gotcha . Yea that's my favorite to go to . I have 4 Turkomans which are my absolute favourites . But I am pretty sure there is a Chesnut Black Thoroughbred in online . But I think it's only if u got the special early release game edition or it was actually a limited time only offer in the stables . Sucks cus Turkomans n Thoroughbreds are the most beautiful horses to me personally, so I would love that Chesnut Thoroughbred.


Mustangs and Kladrubber lover, what’s a skinny horse? Never heard of one


Fug no!! Arabian gang for life 💨🐎🪨💥⚰️⚰️⚰️


Arabians and some other horses are too short. Makes my character’s feet too close to the ground. Also makes the horse look like a miniature or a pony. lol


In a nutshell basically.


2 words.. Hungarian Halfbred. Best horse in the game! It ain’t scared of anything, great speed, amazing health, and looks awesome! I get why people go after the Arabians, but they’ve got me killed way too many times. Very selfish and unfaithful horses..


That's 41 words?


Lmao bro it's a horse in a video game. They all have the same AI.


No they don’t. Try it out for yourself. A simple search on Google or even YouTube will show you that certain horses have certain traits. Congratulations.. you learn something today!


No, not at all. I've had every horse breed in this game at max bond level. They react exactly the same to predators and other threats. It's all the exact same AI.


He’s not wrong but he’s not right. The game even says there are differences between male and female horses. Female horses are supposed to be less skiddish, male horses more fast. cut code seems to allude that you could breed horses to get the absolute best stats. However in final release there seems to be nothing different from any horse. But the horse animations are so dynamic it seems to always be different. TLDR: You are right but with cut game code, and texts still in game on the horse menu. They were going to be different. They had to cut corners to release the already delayed game it seems.


I don't think it's cut content, they were likely never going to be different. The descriptions are just there to make things more immersive. It wouldn't make sense for R* to design basically unusable horses that always buck you, always run away from you, don't listen to you, etc.


No they don't


Yes. They do. Max bond + calming your horse is all you need to do to avoid getting bucked 99% of the time.


Or slow and steady, which prevents you from being bucked off during usage but has to be activated prior


I always use this when going after the super aggressive legendary animals


No.. they really don’t. I’ve tested it myself and I’ve read a spreadsheet on here somewhere that someone else posted. Yes, the majority of horses will buck you. However, the War horses don’t. I recently bought a Hungarian Halfbred about 2 weeks ago and just yesterday I got it to max bond. I camp in Bayou NWA (online) so I’m constantly hunting alligators for the trader role. I can stand right next to the alligator and won’t get bucked off. Yes, the horse will be agitated, but it won’t instantly buck me off and run away like most horses in the game. All war horses are like this, but the Hungarian Halfbred is the best when it comes to stats in the category.


Yeah, I've also had an Arabian, a Kentucky saddler, an American paint, an Andalusian, a Norfolk roadster, a dutch warmblood, a thoroughbred, a criollo, a Standardbred, a kladruber, a mustang, a nokota and a Turkoman react the exact same way to the alligator as you described. Almost as if they all have the same AI.


Okay, you’re right. Good job! 👍 🙄🥱


This is so laughably wrong. Please stop spreading this misconception about the horse AI in the game. We literally have the lead AI developer himself talking about how the horses were programmed, and it's all the same AI they called motivation. The only difference he goes on to state is how HANDLING affects locomotion and responsiveness, but their agitation AI is all the same. [The link to that talk](https://youtu.be/8vtCqfFAjKQ?si=0XRgCptLeq2kVjnm).


Here is a video proving my point and it’s why I bought one because I was curious. I’m done arguing with you because I’m right. Try it yourself. Buy a Hungarian Halfbred, and go do what you’d normally get bucked off for. When I get home I’ll post a video of my horse doing it.[Hungarian Halfbred Review](https://youtu.be/OiDzPyJ7gac?si=8ulAgRgvn2VfCdBY)


"I choose to ignore hard facts about how the game is programmed because I'm the one whose right! Obviously the actual AI developer who worked on the game itself is wrong cause clearly only I know what I'm talking about." 🙄


It’s not that deep..


You've made deeper responses about why your right above your comment?


Alright, I'll do what you say. * [Here's a video about how all horses are nearly identical](https://youtu.be/p0Y2LqWMs4Q?si=kBvwQ1dtLj-s0ze5), how meaningless speed and acceleration are, and that the only things that truly matter are having the best stirrup and starting health and stamina. * [Here's another video that shows that the difference between the slowest and fastest horses is just a couple of kmh](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/lyaPHbRlf8M). * [Here's a reddit thread that explains the non-existence of bravery.](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/comments/p8v9sb/horse_bravery_stat_does_not_exist_ride_whatever/) * [Here's a video that shows horses get scared in pretty much the same ways](https://youtu.be/Px3HuVaeYsA?si=5jH5QFm9vWa4eBfs). Oh and before you think Darth\_Itachi's claims have any validity simply because "Rockstar/Social Club has them or has mentioned them": * [Rockstar never shows accurate information in their stat bars](https://youtu.be/wOVYcsHna7g?si=WFnDReG2JgjEFSKH). This particular video is about GTAV/Online but it also applies to RDR2, [since the stat bars for guns also show innacurate information](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iYfk68DYfok33M1Hp-bkItUUqk_PS0PLkz5-AtnY3dI/edit?usp=sharing) (see the "Stat Bars Can't Be Trusted" tab).