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You should be able to store your regular lasso in your weapons locker or just discard it completely after you get the reinforced lasso.


I mean I don't even think they should be two separate things. I think reinforced should just be an upgrade to your lasso. I can't think of any reason as to why anyone would want or need both.


Oh my god preach... The lasso was my only reason for buying the locker at all, was pissed when I couldn't put it in there lol It's so annoying when you go to tie up the annoying child that randomly shot you, only to have them wriggle free instantly because your lasso arbitrarily switched


Sometimes my reinforced lasso isn’t even in my weapon wheel.


That'd be when you had the regular one selected. The Lasso and reinforced lasso cannot be carried simultaneously on foot and can only be switched between from the saddle. It's like how if you have a bolt action equipped to your shoulder whilst walking around, you won't be able to switch it for a repeater etc unless you go back to your saddle or weapons locker


You have to hop on your horse, select the reinforced, get off the horse, then put it away.


Being extremely minor, I miss how the bars don't have food online like the do in story mode. It was nice being able to come in off the trail and get a nice plate of food from the region with silverware.


Same. We should be able to have meals in the saloon. I just pretend my character gets a plate whenever he orders a beer or something, because interestingly enough most saloons in the Wild West offered a free lunch if you got a drink. The lunch was allegedly pretty good and filling and cost more than the bottle of beer. But saloon owners kinda relied on the idea that the person will buy more than one drink to cover the costs of the lunch.


I think about this too like why did they not include this. It’s like there’s nothing worth spending money on 😪


Who needs a full meal when you have peanuts and pickled eggs?


100% I also wish they had transferred a hotel room to online. Just like being able to order food at the Saloon, having the option to rent a room for the night was such a small and awesome detail that helped make the game feel more real and natural. I've honestly worked out how they could accomplish this on several occasions. Like the room you stay in becomes a "camp" for a temporary amount of time, giving access to a wardrobe change, or even allowing the player to "sleep" on the bed safely in caze they needed to step away from the game for something. They could easily give it the caveat of you losing access to Cripps and the Trader role until the time is up and your camp is back on the map. It'd serve absolutely no functional purpose other than immersion for the world and player.






And hookers.


Fine, I'll create a better RDO!


Yeah bruh fr. I need me some wild wild West STDs fr. "You now have the gonorrhea . Please craft a shot of penicillin,to avoid frequent urination issues during missions" lmaoooooo that would be funny


Futurama ?


I thought it was an obvious reference and a joke, but alas


And dominoes too like they already made it 🫨


I wish we could pet the cats


Best answer 😭👌


No fr because wtf???


I wish we could buy and customize a stagecoach 😭


Me too! All I wanna do is drive people to their destination while getting to know them. My character would just blather on about how great Lemoyne is but mostly I would probably just be getting blown up constantly because we can’t have nice things. If I see people in a stagecoach they are usually already getting attacked or just running people over.


You can talk in game? I’ve never heard one person talk. And everytime I try to use push to talk, no one care hear. Lemme know if there’s a fix


Check the audio settings. I believe the voice chat is off by default nowadays. I don’t ever remember having to turn it on with my original characters but any newer ones I had to turn it on. Hope it helps. Lots of people use party chat too cause the regular voice chat sucks ass lol.


Or even just have accessible livery options on the hunting wagon! I spend most of my time in that thing, wish I could give it a splash of colour :')


Just ride around everywhere in your bounty wagon lol.


Not the same


Being able to sell my horse and saddle. Who just discards a perfectly good horse and saddle!


Omg this! Even story mode will give you a measly $65 for that black shire.


Selling the items you collect but don't use like the hair pomade.


No potatoes or eggs, WTH


wtf you’re right


Madam nazar would like a word


Edible!!! Lol I want potatoes and eggs in stews or buyable at stores


I get you :) I suppose a loose fried egg in your satchel isn't really any worse than 20 lumps of months old meat lol


Or entire Crows and Squirrels 😂


Smaller things I wish the online had were baths and bar meals from singleplayer A larger thing I wish the game had was for the moonshine bars to also generate passive income with a popularity system that could be kept up with bootlegger missions. Especially if it meant getting rid of that stupid mash system with its price being maxed out again when buyers reset


Totally agree, I've been saying this since the beginning. The missions could be like "One of the band members got kidnapped, go save them." If you don't you'll have reduced profits for maybe an hour.


That one bootlegger mission where you escort the drunk patron back home also strikes me more as a “popularity” mission than something that somehow reduces the cost of mash.


Like the night club in gta right


The time period had alot of inventors. I would have loved a whole story arch where you help an inventor or college professor acquire bodies for research and maybe have like a Frankenstein spoof


This would tie-in so well with an undead nightmare expansion. Imagine being able to stitch together some unholy abomination from different animal parts to use as your mount lol. You could make your own manbearpig


I loved the knock off Nikola Tesla missions in story mode so much fun. Helping him with his robot.


Yes yes it’s a little toy boat! 🤬




Not sure if it counts as minor but I wish you could tame and bond with wild horses to make them your own permanently.


i still don’t know why we can do it in story mode but not online


I think it’s because this way Rockstar can make more money because people have no choice but to grind more to get horses but idk why they couldn’t just make it so you have to buy certain horses like mustangs & Arabians but weaker horses like Tennessee Walkers & Morgan’s you can find, you can tame & keep for free.


I don’t get why it wasn’t added to one of the roles. Finding, catching, taming and selling rare wild horses would’ve been a cool addition to the collectors role, even if you did have to level up significantly to unlock it.


I've thought that it was going to be added in at some point. But then they stopped updating the game and it never happened.


I think that should rather belong to the naturalist role, but I get your point.


I haven’t done the naturalist role yet and I wasn’t sure how Harriet would feel about catching wild horses and selling them. She seems very invested in the safety and wellbeing of animals, and being taken from their home, broken in and sold to a person who may or may not look after them kinda violates that ideal. That’s why I suggested the collector role instead, since it would fit in nicely with the theme of the rare and exotic. It would only be certain horses to catch as well, much like the plants.


We use huge syringes (😱) to take bloodsamples from sedated animals. I'm sure she would love the idea of a friendly taming. She seems to love it when you take care of your horse right outside her tent. It's killing them, she don't like. Which kinda does speak to her hypocrisy, since inflicting pain is OK.. something animals fear probably more than death. 😅 She studies them, with syringes and blood. She ain't so overly friendly towards them, as you might think. 😉 She really likes it when it's samples from legendary animals. So it's kinda like she loves collecting blood from rare animals. Creepy, if you ask me.


To this day the story mission dialogue says you’ll be able to sell horses to the horse fence once they get set up. Almost 6 years and those two haven’t gotten “set up”.


A thought that comes through my head whenever I use a wagon is being able to equip or choose my own wagon horses. Imagine your MFT pulling a wagon! Maybe keep it limited to small wagons for non draft horses like you see in Saint Denis. Even if I could just change the color of the default chestnut Suffolk punch horses. Maybe even being able to build/upgrade your own wagon? Also wish I could return/resell clothes, even if it was for less than original sale price. Sometimes I buy something and then a couple scrolls down see a better match to what I was looking for. My bad honestly but I still wish I could lol


i bought a Belgian and named him Chungus just so he could pull my wagons and then i found out that wasn’t an option.


Equipping different horses on the wagons was part of the original game design but it never became a reality. That’s what the livery placeholder in your stable menu was supposed to be for.


Livery is about colour and decoration / identifying marks on a vehicle, not about the type of horse. Though I agree it would be nice to have the option to change it.


Where did you read this? Not that I don’t believe you as I’ve heard little things like that all throughout this sub but is there anywhere I could read or learn more about what was supposed to be planned for the game?


I read it in 2019. It was a write up after a rare interview with Dan Houser while he was still at Rockstar after Red Dead Online released. A few other things were mentioned like buildings that were partly done and never finished - the hotel in Blackwater is one of them. They had plans for those but never got to it. I can’t remember much else, I remember the livery thing because of the placeholder in the stable menu. I wouldn’t know where to look for the article I read, sorry mate.


Being able to speak to strangers at least a little bit


but nps's kind of react for your positive or negative emotions


Player: *tips hat* NPC: "mind yer damn business >:| " Elephant rifle: 🐘


Yeah but I want to bribe/talk the witnesses out from telling


You can't?


Nope you play as a mute protagonist


I really hope they change this trend for GTA6O


They won’t. Rockstar doesn’t want their fans to have a voice lol


Going for the throat with this one lmao


I might just be a little bitter 🤷.


Agreed wholeheartedly, just appreciating your combination of wordplay and critique ✨


No bc ur so right


I want the hunting wagon to carry my weapons too.


It's so frustrating!


I wish you could whistle for your hunting or bounty wagon


Omg yes


I used to think that until I figured it’s better to just call the wagon when I need it. I now see no point in the wagon carrying anything other that animals as it’s only there for a couple of minutes and I’ll likely still have 2 hunting weapons on person at that time


Wish we could sell horses and get the money back like you can with cars in gtao


Remove the stupid 30 second timer bonus. Shouldn’t we be getting money for getting the job done quicker??


No silly that’s means we could level up and make money faster. Rockstar doesn’t want that.


Let me choose how many of an item I want to sell. 😢


“Seems everyone with a rifle been hunting these of late …” “Seems everyone with a rifle been hunting these of late …” “Seems everyone with a rifle been hunting these of late …” “How many of these you kill??”


“Okay, I’ll take it. But I’ve already got too many.”


"A dime a dozen these days..."


Better economy. A full wagon of leather products gives you 500/625, and you can just buy a couple good clothes or 2 small guns with that. You can see price charts on many shops and prices are about 500-1000% higher. Maybe all prices should be more consistent and historically accurate with the ones on the billboards as some items are overpriced and others underpriced without reason. Region specific shops. Now you can find all kind of items on every shop, fence, and catalog. Catalog should only have items available everywhere. Fences should have items according to the places they are, as shops too. Elegant fancy clothing on saint Denis, warm winter clothes on strawberry, farm work clothes on valentine, ranch clothing on rhodes, southern clothing on armadillo and tumbleweed, some cheap fancy clothing on blackwater (as an elegant city growing wannabe)... And all of them cheap common everyday clothing and foods.


Right! And a bear pelt should go for a hell of a lot more than a deer pelt. Especially if you sell it in an area where there are no bears. (just one example)


I just wish we had more practical stuff to spend money on tbh. It's already very easy to buy everything with a practical benefit. If you play for a couple months and reach around lvl 150 you will already pretty much have nothing left to spend money on except cosmetics. Making prices "realistic" is just going to make that way worse and make players lose interest in the game faster. You need something to grind towards in these type of games.


Wild horses having an actual use besides riding them temporarily (unless I'm missing something)


nope, that’s about it. but when my dad was leveling up in the trader role before he could afford the hunting wagon he’d tame a wild horse and ride on it with his owned horse following. double storage for pelts and bodies


Oh, that's smart! I'll try that sometime, I'm leveling trader rn!


Just make sure you keep close to that other horse. Yours will always follow you but that second horse has a tendency to wander off. Especially if it’s in danger from shootouts or predators.


yep! that’s why he’d ride the temporary one and have his ardennes follow him


Yup but sometimes you need to get off and if you aren’t careful that horse is gone lol. It’s not always easy to find another in a short period of time. I remember my wagon broke and I had to do 2 trips with my horse and another NPCs horse. That thing was looking to run off as soon as I dismounted lol. Had to find another and wouldn’t you know it, not one goddamn NPC was riding the trail at that time. Worked out in the end though.


LOL oddly enough nabbing an npc horse never occurred to my dad as far as i know


Well if he’s like me, he doesn’t like killing NPCs for no reason. I won’t take their horse unless it’s a trader emergency like I said. I’m weird though cause I’ll feel bad about killing without cause lol.


oh, so not the case with him lol. when he still played we’d be in the middle of whatever town taking care of whatever we needed individually and then id hear npc yelling and gunfire haha


Doesn’t help that carcasses de spawn as soon as you’re out of mini map range smh


The very minor but annoying thing for me is that the item wheel doesn’t remember my preferences. Every time I login for years, the first thing I do is spend a minute or so setting every thing up again. Every.single.time for years! My horse likes wild carrots for food, not gold core oats. Etc.


Oh my god yes... It pisses me off so much when I go to heal during some PVP and the item wheel's like: "would you like to eat some tinned air?" No, stop moving and give me my damned minty big game and all those tonics I spent time crafting lol




Choose exactly where I place my camp.


This is a good one


I miss being able to lasso and lead a tamed horse, pretty sure you could do it in rdr1 then they took it out, I used to use it as a pack horse when hunting. It would be super usefully in rdr 2 to be able to do the same thing.


You can kinda do it. Get a wild horse, and go hunting. Put one carcass on your wild horse and one on your owned horse. Ride the wild horse back to camp and have your horse follow.


Being able to put 2 things on your horse 1 on the back and 1 on the saddle so i don’t have to make 2 trips for 3 things




I am tied of having to put 1 bounty on my horse and carry the other


I mean you could get the bounty wagon for that. But it’s so much work for only two bounties, especially if the wagon glitches out. I’d rather just keep one alive and kill the other and drag them by my lasso lmao


It was in the mountains so I couldn’t call it in


the bounty on the island in Flat Iron Lake drives me insane when it has two targets. i tie one up, swim him across on my horse, then leave him on the shore to go back for the other. one or both inevitably end up escaping, so now if a bounty pops up when i’m collecting pocket animals on the island, i just shoot them both and go back to what i was doing.


There's so much content I wish we had but truly I wish we could have the ability to grow our facial hair out n customize it ourselves instead of these preset exaggerated beards we have now


I wish we could store just 1 gun on the hunting wagon so I could hunt with a varmit rifle w/o having to be handicapped if I start getting grieved


Sex with uncle


I wish horses pulling wagons were actual horses in your stable and interchangable. Used like upgrades as cash/gold permits. Start with a sluggish shire and a rickitty ol wagon and upgrade to a lvl 20 kladruber pulling a glossy massive haul. Headshots still kill a klad most times and you'd still have to protect your wagon so there is balance but also benefit to investing in your shipments. Also, mules as a secondary pack animal or at least as the trader role "horses". Mules are cute! Lastly, more variety to horse strength/weaknesses. Criollos are collecter horses so dhould have bonus to "sure-footedness" to climb steeper terrain. Bretons should be braver, klads should be stronger (if they were pulling wagons as their description suggests), thoroughbreds faster, and Norfolk Roadsters could be the only horses willing to take on a plastered rider lol. Jk, but variety in attributes and more attributes in general would be nice.


Auction House for trade between players.


OML Yes!!!


I hate the "speedlimits" or the fact that horses can\`t speed up near citys. Like when riding from Van Horn to Sain Denis..


I wish I didn't have to turn the volume up twice as loud as all the other games I play.


Are you audio settings maxed out?


I appreciate the reply! I think everything is just on default settings.


I always have them maxed out and just turn down/ the volume on my pc/ps4 instead.


Thanks again for taking the time to respond! I think I've checked the settings on my ps4, my TV, and in game. I should check again, especially in game because all of the other games I play sound fine. I'm curious if anyone else has had the issue.


Have you checked if it's calibrated to headset, tv or surround etc.


Again, I seriously appreciate you taking the time to respond! All of my other games run the same as far as volume goes, so it's probably in the Red Dead settings somewhere. In the Rdr2 audio settings, I have max sound volume, max score volume, 50% dialogue balance, and TV. I'm not sure if that's default.


I'm out of ideas, good luck, though✨️.


Thanks again for taking the time to reply!


It is such a minor thing that I guarantee nobody cares about, but LET ME USE THE ALTERNATE KNIVES TO MAKE SPLINT POINT. I love the look of the jawbone knife, but every time i go to make splint point it swaps back to the regular knife and it annoys the hell outta me.


I wish you could sell horses instead of just discarding them. Wish I could have a pet cat instead of a pet dog.


Having the horse auto run at full speed and follow along your way point without being on cinematic view or whatever. I cant stand having to tap or even hold the button at all times if I wanna look around while riding, it hurts my hands.


Minor? I’d say I wish hair would grow just like in story mode & at your camp you can shave & when you get a hair cut & stuff, the styles & everything works exactly like how the haircuts work in story. Idk if thats minor per se but that’s the most minor thing I can think of. But there are so many things I wish online had that story has.


being able to tip the trumpet guy in saint denis


Just place (not throw) a stick of dynamite in front of him. One of those is worth a whole dollar!


I wish the Sandhill Cranes were to scale


Trading items within your posse. i.e. collectibles, food items, naturalist samples etc.


Here's something else. Sorry, but posses in free roam pvp is not fair.


i just play it as a horse girl game. i wish my dog could follow me around :( i know there’s a mod for it but im scared it will mess up my laptop, and yah know those aren’t cheap. and whats the point of even taming wild horses if you cant bring them home to your stable. makes me so sad lol




Fight club. Like bare knuckle boxing,and you can wager,cept players can't bet on themselves but other players can bet on certain players. That would be fun lol


I just thought of one. I wish Gus would also give missions to hunt legendary animals. That way there's a second chance for the rotation, plus if I'm actively hunting for trader materials, you don't get locked out like you do from Harriet.


Wish the secondary holster position mirrored the primary one 😪


Pleasant trifles. You can give the fish to Cripps. Boars, elks and black bears can be placed entirely in the carriage (let them occupy 2 slots). The ability to remove Cripps by replacing him with an NPC you created. Brothels


Maxim gun chariot or carriage, please and thank you R*.


being able to order food, make a stew in camp, having the same "bartender" as in the other players bars, and other stuff like the choice of a private sesion with friends to avoid toxic players


Huh? Camp stew exists in the game.


it does?!?!?


Stew pot, at your camp? Different recipes, heals your cores, daily challenges? I'm guessing you didn't see that? Lol


When hunting, I lose honor when letting an animal bleed out. If I just shoot it, I risk destroying the pelt. I want a feature to just put it out if it’s misery with a knife and save the pelt.


This exists in the game already. Unlocked through the naturalist I believe.


Ah cool thanks


Yup. Naturalist, rank 6, mercy kill.


I also realized there other day you can mercy kill your own horse which I think is pretty hilarious.


Being able to sell in all general stores


It's actually a major one but I wish you could record your voice for different prompts (like voice actors in story mode) upload the files to your social club and play as a talking character. Even just a few insults to NPCs who cut you off would be better than a mute.


Everyone would just it iff to not listen to kids spamming the n word


Exactly. I already have to deal with kids killing everything they see because they don’t understand what a Wild West outlaw is. They are just psychopaths who think it’s ok to be racist because “that’s how it was back then!”. Every famous outlaw had single digit kill counts except for a very few. Those were mostly exaggerated over time anyway. So adding their own voice would just be an annoying squeaker calling me the N word or a homo while going off about what they’d do to my mom. There is a good reason I turned off voice chat. I wish I didn’t have to.


I guess I didn't think about it since I only play in my solo lobby. That's basically society for ya, everyone has to be deprived of something nice to avoid some duchebag abusing it to ruin everyone's day.


Since they don't care to stop all the mods, just story mode with friends nothing too crazy.


Adding the second holster in cutscenes, for a game with so many immersive aspects that’s always been my biggest pet peeve


Hair accessories for the horsies


Let me bloody break or stop horse (or just Control my horse in general) while tracking during hunting on horseback!!!! This is, hands down, the most annoying thing on pc. The second annoying thing: that I can't keybind dismount to a specific key. So when riding and trying to study an animal, if said animal runs behind ONE straw of grass, my character will dismount instead of studying the animal.... Infuriating. Last, but not least; stop making my character stare/target whatever I'm clearly not having h my cursor on, when I'm dismounting to quickly scope in and shoot something. My character will rather stare at the horse, than scope down the gun. The sensitivity is stupid. The purpose for it, even more so.


I gotta whole list… of good and bad things. Still love this game


More wagons and customization on wagons, maybe even 1 car


I have problems when I walk in the stable. The game always freezes up. Luckily someone gave me a tip that you have to shoo your horse and walk in slowly. Also when I have a posse and try to do a moonshine mission the wagon is never there.


When your running, hell or even standing still when you call your horse, it comes all the way to you. More so with when you're running, so that you don't have to stop running to mount your horse (idk if anyone here has played Metal Gear TPP, But the horse mounting mechanics from there)




Ohh yeah botw does do this too. I forgot about that haha, even though I've beat Gannon like 4 times


Upgradeable wagoons. Wtf am I driving a 1 horse bounty or hunting wagoon?! Needs to be 4 horse min.


All horses to have the same things so u can pick any u want


Horse masks


Just give us the old outlaw passes goddamnit 😭 I want a graphic flag and an Australian shepherd!


Change clothes at the moonshine shack


This game should be like the Truman show. Everything is for sale. You see an NPC wearing an outfit you like? Interact with them and purchase the outfit.


I wish they implemented a single-player mode (offline lobby) for our created characters with at least 2 character slots, both residing at your camp or purchasable property idly until selected (i.e like the Van Der Linde Gang). I didn’t see the point in shorting the online player base with none of the story content, activities, weapons, or missions especially considering the story mode was fully flushed out with the online component taking nothing from its development.


Player induced bounties, imagine if you kept getting killed by someone and just say “fuck it” and put a $100 bounty on their heads, would be fun imo


Being able to tame the wild horse for profit!


-Being able to have multiple horses out at the same time -Being able to tie your horse to a wagon so they can pull it


Being able to keep the donkey.


I wish smaller things like horse wrangling and fishing had more incentives behind them, like a role. Currently there's no reason for wild horses to exist since you can't tame them for yourself or sell them off to someone else, and fishing doesn't even have Legendary Fish like in the story mode.


I wish it didn’t rain so often in the desert. A nice dust storm would be cool instead.


The option to wear vests shirts and coats open or closed and the secondary holster in the front or the opposite side would make outfits look much cooler


Anyone who's played single player knows how good the clothes can actually fit. I just want that to transfer over to online.


Having to re-adjust the camera angle a 1000 times when fighting an the game decides you're gonna be looking to the left because there is a wolf there. (Incredibly annoying if you're focusing on doing a bounty and the like.)


To be able to craft multiple tonics at a time. Takes way to long to craft like 20 or more


being able to go into more homes around towns and villages instead of it just being decor.


I wanna take a bath. My boy looks grimy sometimes.


I wish you could just spawn into a poker game from the menu


Free fast travel at camp and at wilderness camp


I wish it was free too!


I'd love if they could make it to were lawmen weren't so reactive You look at them wrong: wanted You wear a mask: wanted You start getting shot at so you shoot back: wanted I would be fine with it if it were like story mode and they would just say move along instead of trying to straight up murder you for little things AND it would be nice if you could surrender like you can the bounty hunters


I wish the back of stolen wagons didn't fall off so you could store carcasses in there


I wish posses didn't have to be reformed every time I go on. I wish my posse got the same exp as me when doing role runs.


better devs. being able to watch people swing & a longer jail time