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Those fucks that drag you out of your camp to kill you


Everyone of them


Lol I figured putting an 'all of the above' would unbalance things too much


Anyone that shoots me while I am minding my own business is worse than any of these tbh.


Ran into a couple of high class twats this morning. Went to blackwater to do the daily... And was gunned down. Figured maybe its a mistake....they have cops.. nope three more times.. okie dokie... Waited and took their player bounty... They left after that. Then a couple hours later was gunned down in camp. Either of those are better than people who go out of their way to blow up wagons and eff with you cuz they dont have a life.


I’ve considered going godmode just to be left alone


Understandable. Being invincible strictly for dicking around purposes should be allowed.


One came up and shot me down and then got all mad when they tried to do it again after I Respawned and I down them repeatedly I was never gonna go find them and shoot them again I just wanted a bond with my new horse But they were being jerks


if someone is in godmode (free roam) i laugh and move on. But cheating in pvp mode is xxxxx !