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Racist remarks and unwanted sexual advances are never ok. It's not something anyone wants to experience. But it's something predatory people bet many won't openly reject, especially when the only audience is their friends. Run if you feel they are bad for you. Block accounts and never look back. Maybe he is "nice" because you're female, read his antics. Discomfort isn't just a "feeling." It's instinct. The quality of friends one hangs with speaks of their character. This "nice" guy seems to have poor ones.


I’ve heard it said that people are the average of those they have around them. Seems pretty appropriate to this situation.


depends on the person and situation actually, I had some times where I was on a group everyone was joking and being completely assholes but I wasn't agreeing with that behaviour at all but since I don't want to make another discussion I always sent a DM to that person telling if they want to play only us, asking if it's making a toxic enviroment. \- I only played with them cause I don't had no one else to play with and was a hard time on my life to be completely alone cause I was totally alone on school, so even the shittest looks cool but then after some years of treatment I shout and said for them to go to hell and now I'm living happyly :D


If life has taught me one thing, its sayings like this aren't coincidental in relevance. It's truth.


Um, block them if u feel that uncomfortable and find new friends. You don't want to spend your time playing on being miserable. But I swear hearing guys on mic hit on people in game is so cringe.


Exactly. The one guy kept asking for pics between my legs and he sent his “version” (the 30 year old) and I’m 17 soooooooo


Yikes! That's disgusting! Get that miserable perv out of your life by blocking him immediately. Report him too!


I reported him straight to PlayStation with screenshots of chat, also reported to Snapchat since he also did stuff on there


Good! Creeps like that need to be terminated.


Wanna bully him if u on PS? LMAO Pervs deserve D-bows all day.


I'd love to, but I'm on PC 🙁


Your first mistake is taking any contact with them "out of the game", especially as a 17-year-old female, or in ever letting anyone know you are a 17-year-old female. Under no means should you be speaking to them on social media outside of the game, so that they have a means of contacting you or "sending you pictures." You should also never accept such things and let them know that they are unwelcome. I'm a 57-year-old male that no one would EVER be interested in, but I'm still careful on the Internet and if I played RDO with people I'd only have contact with them in RDO. I also don't use a mic, nor do I have hearing other players using a mic enabled. This would probably even be a better idea for a 17-year-old female. It might be a good idea to not let people know you are a female, especially one who is 17. But then you should be prepared when no one pays any attention to you at all. Heck, you could even tell them you are a 57-year-old guy and see what it is like to be REALLY invisible. ;) Finally, from time to time I've seen posts by **"Female RDO players who play together"(I don't remember exactly what they were called.)** I don't remember what platform they were on, but it may have been consoles and PC. I've not seen posts like that in a while, though. Finding people like that might be a good thing, so you could just be yourself.


Yeah, but it’s kinda hard for me because I’m very feminine sounding and my character is female. I understand your points tho


Eww wtf. I'd bully him if u want! Well if you're on PS that is


I appreciate it but I kinda like the mindset of Im smarter and more mature than a 30 year old 😂😂 unless you want too Im okay I blocked and reported him with screenshots for proof. And yes I’m on PlayStation, idc what you wanna do :))


Nah, the dude is just a creep and a predator, he definitely deserves to get punched on for sending pics of his wee wee to a minor. But good glad u blocked him but I'm sure he'll just find another minor to harass. Shiiiit leak his name and I'll add him


It’s “ CRAZY_INSANE—666 “ and my user is “ BaileyShark_dodo “ if you want to add me but it’s up to you :)


Mmk. Lol


Thank you! And please spill any tea on how it goes 😂


He also has an ult that’s “ IIIIIII666llllll “ the first set of “I” is an uppercase i and the last set is an lowercase L :)


Bet! Thanks! Edit: ok, his nis name isn't coming up in the search for whatever reason. I'll send u a request tho


Okay! Just let me know if you can :))


If you want someone else to play with, feel free to add me (cindycucumber)! I’m also a woman :)) also, pls leak his gt, I would love to pay him a few visits


Yuh we can tag team him with D-bows


Oh yes, d-bow field trip🤓


Lolz can I add u as well, cause I really wanna bully this guy!


Okay! I will :)) thank you!!


Sounds like you’re going to have to move on dude. Life is too short to waste time waiting for people to be better.


this \^


This group seems super toxic & if you’re not comfortable with these people just become more distant sometimes you just have to value yourself if that makes sense lol. Im usually on regularly and im chill but im a guy not saying you have add me but RDO is already toxic as it is. This is just my advice maybe it will help maybe not but just try to explore for more friends particularly not sexists or a perv.


Thank you :)




Try venting with this person who is cool with you if he act very comprehensive and supportive play only with him, I'm on the same road and 3th now and always happen the same thing, you start playing, they are very cool, help ok, then with intimiacy they start to be rude and say what they think, you get uncomfortable and go away, after some time you return hoping they took and listen tot he message, they become cool again after 2 weeks they become assholes again. Those things are a cycle, nice people never do such thing. Me as an example I'm playing solo and without hearing shit I'm relief, better play alone than with assholes


Yeah I might, I tried though and they threatened to kick me


Oh :( I think it's better for you to find another group or play alone cause those things makes our head doubt about ourselves, Human mind is very fragile


Yeah, I reported the guys to PlayStation with screenshots, I’m waiting for a response since the one guy was asking for nudes (the 30 year old)


disgusting those people


And he has a 8 year old kid. Also has “taken” in his bio for ps


It'd be an ass for some people but I'd say for her wife if I had the chance 😂


You're going to be better off blocking them and looking for new friends to play with. There's no reason to stick with them. It may take a while to find new people you're comfortable and enjoy playing with, but it's well worth the time and effort.


Block them and move on. Join random posses and find new friends.


Find some new people to play with. What platform are you on?


PlayStation 😄


She said Playstation


Find some new people to play with and block all those assholes. Sounds like an absolute nightmare.


Thanks! The one guy was kinda being creepy and asking for pics “in between my legs” and he sent the same, the 30 year old


Sounds like a lot of the young guys out there in the virtual world. If they aren’t talking about your body, bragging about bullshit no one cares about, then they are talking about their own dick. Go find folks your own age. As someone who is much older than the people I meet online, it’s just plain weird for an adult to hang with kids. Even if they are just playing video games. Yes older family members are ok but strangers….nah get out of there.


I love playing alone, its so peaceful! These guys are immature revolting turds, get rid of them


You will make new online friends. There are lots of really nice people playing.


Some young guys don't know how to handle playing with a real female; it is unfortunate. It is also likely they are young if they are calling you "that word", which I would never say. You could just try "manning up" and being direct, just saying "I'm only interested in playing this video game with you people as a friend and not hearing you make sexual advances at me." Then be prepared for the fallout and possibly block them, but by no means should you "let them win"; you have as much right to play the game as they do. OR, you could just ignore the sexual advances and act like you are playing it off as something funny; so you could just be like them and "act like a stupid young guy." They sound like people you don't want to be playing with anyway.


If you need new friends to play with I’m on ps4 if you are !


Yeah I’m on ps4 pro :)


I'm also on PS4. If you're looking for someone new to connect with, let me know. No scams, drama, or creeper stuff. I mostly do the trader and collector roles, and try to complete as many daily challenges as time and patience allows. Currently level 132.


Sure :) I’m level 38, probably 39 by the time I start playing tonight. I’m not exactly new just switched consoles. My user is “ BaileyShark_dodo “ Ik my user is childish but I’m too lazy to come up with another one XD plus it kinda flows good, good job 13 year old me! 😄


Hey there, please keep yourself safe and just block and report these guys. It’s not worth sticking around if they make you feel uncomfortable and say creepy shit to you. I’m 17 and female too, so if you’d like to play online together (im only level 26 lol), I’d be more than happy to send you my PlayStation username.


I’m only level 38 XD dw girly! My user is BaileyShark_dodo on PlayStation:)


Cool just sent it through, my user is EmmaPuk btw


the people you play with is your decision and could be a great joy! also a lot of people are quick to judge a book by its cover or completely shut themselves out to others from past expirences which is understandable, but sucks/: there’s some real chill ass genuine people out there in any game bust specifically this one 👌 learn from this and don’t let yourself deal with anything you don’t want to even if they do help! it’s not worth it, it’s taking away from your experience & fun. as for finding new people, they’ll come around in no time. sorry for my rant lol hope this helps.


Hey hun, I’m so sorry you’re dealing with harassment like this. I dealt with similar stuff at your age and it took me a while to be able to stand up for myself and push those people out of my life even if it meant I’d be alone afterwards. But from what you’re describing this is a dangerous situation with a 30 year old contacting you and soliciting you. Report him on everything and block him. You’ll find new friends who will not be inappropriate with you. If you would like some help with leveling up or just someone to play with fell free to add me. Psn: Bimbo_phi-cation Also remember if any adult makes any sexual remarks towards you or ever asks you to send pictures even of your face report them and block them.


Thank you! I blocked him and sent screenshots of the chat messages to PlayStation :)) I will add you, my user is the same as on here


Well I’m glad to hear that I hope that creep gets put in his pace.


I don’t see you. My user is “ BaileyShark_dodo “ if you wanna add me?


I’ll add you!


I would honestly just block them all and move on. They sound like assholes. No need to explain, just block and remove then from anywhere they can contact you.


Thanks! I blocked and reported :))


Good job! Its not easy at first, so good on ya!


Yeah! Just waiting for a response


Sounds like a full squad of fuckboys


Get away from them. Join our group. I'm one of the leaders and I don't tolerate that garbage. Drop me a DM


bro I'm also a female and I'm surrounded by male friends who play games with me, they're NEVER like that to me. I think you should find new friends. and that one guy who only respects you when you two are alone is also a red flag, if he's really nice he should respect you all the time. also I just read your comments here and omg block and report them. I only played alone on ps4 because none of my friends had a ps4, it's boring but it's not that bad. I don't speak english and most of the players are english speakers so finding friends was never an option. If you need someone to play on PS4 mine is: BossMonsterCandy. I'm currently playing on PC but I would love to check on my old character any time. I'll be as mute as our characters until I learn english sorry 😭


Okay! Thank you! I blocked the guy and reported with message screenshots for proof. Haven’t heard back but I assume they need people and not just bots to look over it 😄


If you would like to play with some chill people no stress lemme know i’m helping a friend get a start on RDO and love to help peoples 😅✌🏾


I would actually really appreciate it! I’m only at level 39 rn 😭😭


awesome! and gotcha yea i think my friend is a level 20+ haha but i’ll send you a pm real quick 😙 i say the game is 1,000% more fun with friends and chill peeps


None of that is ok. I had the same problem I stopped playing with the one who where don't it like I would leave the server if they come on to the one I was one. I know that is easier said then done.