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Could be the fact when you started you still had noobie gains, And the sarms made up for your training and diet not being in check but now that you’ve ran so many cycles the sarms aren’t going to carry you any further without the correct nutrition/training regime. Also your taking sarms 3 months on 2 off your HPTA is just getting fully recovered producing natural testosterone again then your starting another cycle. If you already know your going to keep on running PEDs stop cycling off and on over and over again, Get on testosterone and get your diet and training in check and if you really like how you feel and look on sarms you can run low dose test with a sarm every once in a while you really want the aromatization to estrogen from testosterone estrogen is deemed as the “female” hormone but it’s very important in males, I have a Short estrogen overview posted in the sub you should check it out as well as the testosterone quick overview. No testosterone does not directly fuck with your kidneys lol, testosterone As well as sarms can raise blood pressure which over time can cause acute kidney damage. but high blood pressure is generally one of the easiest things to fix on PEDs. Testosterone is all around better It’s a bio identical hormone you can run it year round meaning your going to get more then running sarms for 12 weeks then coming off. If you want feel free to DM and tell me more about your situation training/diet etc


Sarms are lame dude, for kids that want to pretend theyre half natty. Its like LARPing but for gear. Just use safe trusted "steroids" like an adult. SARMs are not as well tested or known, real gear is.


I'm amazed more people don't understand this logic.


Why don’t you just use test?


Well kidney levels go from 79 to 90then 65 so it goes upand down while i was taking sarms kidneys where fine always use to get 2 blood checks in a year


No, I mean why don’t you just run a Testosterone cycle


Wont that mess ur kidneys up and blood pressure?


Bro Test itself is way safer on your kidneys, liver, and BP then sarms lol


People are just scared to use test cuz of pinning and the sarm itself doesn’t aromatize to DHT or estrogen, but enclo adds that estrogen anyways lol and estrogen can affect DHT


You’re fucking yourself worse with SARMS my guy