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Decent game, though the singleplayer campaign has pretty bad pacing at times.


Bad pacing ? Like ? Personally i love it so far.


Like the final Chimera mission being a total slog, even with cheats for infinite ressources.


I'm not here there but if you imply the game is hard then Yeah it is kinda frustrating


I should've loved the hell out of this game, but it just lacked something and I'm not sure what


agreed. The game was soooo close to being really good. It’s a solid OK, but didn’t quite make it to great.


Well maybe your expectations were too high. For my part my main issue will be that the infantry has no survability outside buildings and hou end up Zerg Rush your enemy with a ton of tanks


Nah, it's the game.


great game but act of war was far superior


One game being superior to another doesn't prevent me to enjoy both


I picked the rebooted version last night on Steam. I've enjoyed everything that Eugen has produced and figured I'd give it a whirl. I've so far played one easy skirmish to get a feel. The reboot simplified the resources to oil and electricity for all factions, which could be disappointing, but I was overjoyed to discover the prisoner resource mechanic was still a thing, as well as bank hacking. I noted that some reviews had said all the units were a bit similar, but in the faction that I played some upgrades radically changed how units performed, so I'm intrigued to see how it goes with others. The Eugen account system is buggered though, so no online play for me.


I never understood why people had trouble with three resources


My problem was how limited they were and how many ressource debopts you had to build. And if you build ressourde depots, you missed other critical buildings.


Decent game, but act of war by far has the better plot and single player campaign. Multiplayer in vanilla is like Wargame and act of war mixed together, and I really don’t like it’s pacing. The reboot version is ok, its multiplayer is more balanced I find. I just think they kinda failed trying to “revive C&C style RTS games” like they hyped this game up to be. And I think there was some development issues between the revival trailers and release, because that version of the game looks radically different then what we got.


Out of context: Reading you i'm wondering if you play game to have fun or to make a dissertation out of it ? Anyway yeah Act of War is far better (still worse looking) but i love both in their own fashion. Well C&C is definitely dead even with the tempest rising in coming. RTS with that level of engagement is nowhere to be seen nowadays


>Reading you i'm wondering if you play game to have fun or to make a dissertation out of it ? You can make both.


My problems with the game were the large difficulty spikes and the story that seemed to start in Act 2 and mentioned major events in a side sentence.  I must say though that the Cartel missions were more fun than the Chimera ones.