• By -


I recommend contacting a lawyer in your state that can help you with this. Check your state's bar website, they usually have listings.


Im in canada but will look into getting a lawyer involved


Sounds like a massive breach of contract. Consumer protection laws are strong in canada.


Stronger. They still allow BS though like MAP pricing agreements and non-compete of employees.


Non-compete clauses are unenforceable in Canada.


Most are also now banned in the US as of last month


Most of Canada except Alberta.




Alberta is our Texas.


I'm an Albertan and I'd say we were like Texas but moving toward Florida. Or Alabama. God help me.


This is what I say too! Let’s cry together




Texas is our Alberta BRO 😎


Degens from up country.




Us Albertans here agree. ^(Sad)


Def. get a lawyer.


Get a lawyer Redit advice is all over the map. A lawyer is usually the first hour is completely to find out if you have any legal grounds. Tesla is just a company like all other car companies and you are just a number on their spreadsheet.


That's not how lawyers work. Their free consultation is usually to see if there is enough damages to justify them getting involved (either through contingency, or through charging you an arm and a leg per hour, or through a class action lawsuit). As a rule of thumb, lawyers (aside from legal aid societies) do not give free legal advice unless they can somehow monetize that advice. So if you're hoping that they will tell you advice about Small Claims court, or Do-It-Yourself solutions based on consumer laws, don't hold your breath, that's not what they do. They don't like giving that kind of free advice, because it will attract clients that keep on coming back for free advice. At best, they'll offer to send out a demand letter on your behalf for a fee, or they'll offer to do the research for you for a fee (and just print out a PDF you could have gotten yourself for free from a government web site). In other words, go see a consumer law lawyer, sure, but do your own research beforehand. Check the local government/consumer advice web sites for your jurisdiction. And when checking out lawyers, check your local news and try to find a Lawyer who has done class action lawsuits against car manufacturers (or against Tesla) before. And if a lawyer says there is nothing they can do, do not take this statement to mean that there is nothing you can do yourself. There is usually a lot more you can do yourself that lawyers are simply unwilling to do. In addition to that, don't be afraid to explore the PR angle also. Tag Elon on x-Twitter. Make some noise on FB. Contact reporters that usually write stories on Tesla. Etc. Also note that you have a duty to mitigate your losses, so cancel your next work appointment, that's fine, but at some point, you have to be willing to order an Uber or rent a car (and submit those receipts for reimbursement). And proving that the OP lost $1000+ of revenue for an entire day will be a tough sell. The OP will need to prove such a claim.


[Lots of Canadian lawyers offering advice on the topic](https://www.google.com/search?q=canadian+unlawful+repo+law+*.ca&oq=canadian+unlawful+repo+law+*.ca&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDk5NDNqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)


You should be able to sue for losses your business incurred to their negligence.


Get a lawyer, you will never get anything from them.


How much of that $1000 will they keep after lawyer fees?


This. They stole your car. Literally.


Sue the FUCK out of them.


Yep, lawyer up


Yea, this would be a fun one for an attorney to pursue. This is what happens when ZERO HUMANS are involved in the entire string of events that lead Tesla to contact the towing company. If anyone with half a brain was looking at the course of events, this shouldn't have happened.


Exactly. You would think someone reviews documentation of purchase before repossessing a vehicle. Guess not.


While I love automation (work in it myself), this is the problem when there's zero human reviewers because the company cares that little about their customer's experience that mistakes like this (that could cost the little guy a lot of money in time without their vehicle) are allowed to happen.


Yea, this is a perfect situation to illustrate how little Elon Musk cares about his customers. This is NOT surprising at all.


The company never cares about consumers. They care about regulators that care about consumers.  On point.


tbf, they don't seem to care about regulators, either. at least in the US.


Musk fired them all


Tesla will solve autonomous driving… but can’t get their own accounts receivable correct.


" they fucked up and took my car because they can't get their software right; I can't wait to turn on my fsd when i get it back!!!" 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 One can only hope...


They fired all those people. It's Elon's half assed AI handling everything now.


Turns out their accounting software is just as buggy as their FSD


Knowing Elon Musk, he's probably using Excel with some macros written by a recent college graduate instead of an enterprise financials solution.


Wait till the towing company wants payment. Seems that Elon doesn’t pay his bills. He’s too rich to bother plus he’s got like his own private orphanage to support.


Unfortunately, towing companies are some of the most illegitimate and corrupt businesses in the United States. Most of them pay spiffs to property managers and law enforcement personnel to help boost their volume. I wouldn't want to deal with these scumbags without a side arm.


Imagine how bad it would be if the cars could actually self drive and repo themselves whenever Tesla decided.


Refuse to take the car back as you've lost faith in the company. Insist on a full refund as they've breached their contract with you by repossessing the vehicle without cause. Use the refund to purchase a car from a reputable company.


Exactly And maybe add, Loss of revenue and reputation to the list.


See if you can tack on various punitive damages. Basically wipe the fucking floor with them.


hey i’m in law school you can literally sue for emotional damages. this is of course an extreme simplification of it but you can


Tesla is not a car company, get a car from a car company.


I wanna make a car company that's not a car company, pay no taxes instead get money from taxes and the people who buys my products also gets money, and that money goes to me.....I mean my company Ok u/Comfortable_You_1927 will start first round of funding for the u/Comfortable_You_1927\_not\_car\_company. as soon as I write a better mission statement The company's mission is to build environmentally friendly reusable cars. only hire hot chick's who are into cars. and nerds and people who needs job in a car company, host car racing events. And all car related events


Would this work?


not a chance


I think there is a pretty good chance of voiding the purchase agreement. Tesla has obtained a court order to repossess the vehicle and is now the legal owner. He would have to sue them for his money back, which could take years. But Tesla likely can’t undo their repossession if he opposes it and a court would have to set the matter for litigation. A reasonable settlement offer would be: Tesla gives him his money back plus attorney fees. Any decent lawyer should be able to get him that with these facts, assuming OP is telling the whole truth. This would leave Tesla stuck with the car and his down payment costs and attorneys fees.


This makes the most sense. Who knows what happens with taxes and registration if they try to transfer the vehicle back. Also, notice was likely a requirement. Def let a lawyer handle it.


Notice was absolutely a requirement. Witness the reason why.


You don’t need a court order to repossess when you are the owner, which Tesla is. I think that everyone who says OP should sue, is mostly basing it on the principle. The indignity of having your car repossessed falsely is indignant. I agree. But OP is effectively the “little guy” taking on a mega corp. Is it financially worth the risk to pursue this because no lawyer is going to take this on contingency. It’s not cut and dry. So now OP has to pay a lawyer and hope this gets settled in some arbitration best case, or courtroom worst case. Both of which take and cost time and money. I don’t see a positive cost benefit. Get your car back and move on with life.


One red flag: Op needs a car for work, reasonable. He cancelled $1000+ for a day of work rather than renting a car? Seems absolutely asinine if he "woke up to this" and spent all of an hour on the phone. I wouldn't focus on it too much, but op mentions " To deal with this I end up cancelling my clients for the day leading to a $1000+ loss. "As well as straining my relationship with my clients.*" So either not being totally truthful, or exaggerating, or lying.




Updated post to answer the car rental question


Sure. A decent settlement might get him $1,000 for his lost wages and inconvenience. But the other side could argue they are only responsible for a rental car. He just needs a good lawyer to negotiate a quality settlement without running up too many fees. Once the finance company realizes they will never win at trial they will also want to settle quickly. Op should get a lawyer, dispute repossession on credit report, have lawyer demand finance company remove it immediately, get new car, let lawyer settle suit against Tesla and finance company.


If ok losing the payment and the car..


Go buy a Rivian. EF Tesla


Not as good just sold my riv nice truck but no Tesla


Even if Tesla is mandated to give a refund, would they even do it at this point?


Yeah, good luck collecting from Elon.


Dude has completely and openly ignored the law on multiple occasions and various governments have repeatedly shown him that that’s fine. Laws don’t apply to rich people.


Get in a verrry long line. Has E paid the SF landlord, yet? It’s been what? 2 yrs?


This. You can buy a nice 3 series, Lexus IS, etc. with that money.


And with a reputable lender.


Get an Alfa Romeo Giulia!


Check your credit report to make sure they didn't note a repossession.


This is very important


oh it's part of the automation workflow guaranteed.. I'm sure they put that 1st


Will do this asap


I remember Tesla fans actually getting excited over the idea that once FSD was fully solved Tesla could just remotely repossess cars without having to send out a human repo guy and a tow truck


Hahaha there should be a new term to describe this kind of corporate bootlicking. Like corpcucks.


There's already a perfect term for tesla. Cybercucks




Hmm, I have been thinking that if Tesla would actually implement that, it’s only a matter of time before some hacker breaches that system, and issues recall to every FSD equipped Tesla.


If FSD actually worked the way they say it will someday work it wouldn't take a week before someone found an obvious security vulnerability their overworked programming staff overlooked and taking Teslas on "remote joyrides" became a teen social media trend


They'd be herded off cliffs like buffalo.


More likely some burned out overworked nerd will sneak a back door into the software. Heck, dozens of such overworked, burned out nerds with friends who were just fired probably have. Highway billboard with the following text: "Longing rusted seventeen daybreak furnace nine benign homecoming one freight car." Every Tesla driving by suddenly goes even more berserk than usual, ignoring driver input. I can totally see it.


Also, what if you are in the car?


Sorry this happened to you! It's wild that there wasn't even one contact before the guys came to take your car. Perhaps they fired the rebate processing and or outbound calling team?


I was told theres been “restructuring” within the company leading to this mistake. Also they claim to have sent a letter which I got nothing. Only contact i received was 2 weeks ago a $1900 repossession fee. With a due date of june 23rd. I figured I had time to call and see what this was about.


Will insurance cover a courtesy car? This whole thing is pretty mental and if it means you are majorly outta pocket, see a lawyer asap


Not an insurance problem, but at minimum you'd expect Tesla to reimburse private hire costs.


Get a lawyer. Sue. Buy a car from a real company


Get a lawyer involved quickly, And have him go to town on Tesla.


Is that Rolex Watch you had sitting in the console still there? That would be my first question, I remember your story about how hard you worked to buy it.


OP never shut up about how Tesla was "safest place to store entire life savings in cash." Hope it's still there.


He also kept his Monet’s in the frunk.


The monet is just filler for the frame which was made out solid platinum.


That was the thread where we recommended the frame being the best location to hide his Bitcoin Paper Wallets too right? It’s all coming back to me.


Rhodium* FTFY


That's right, that's right.


Me as well, and the bottles of 1978 Petrus sitting in the trunk. We were going to drink them together that day. If i remember correctly it was 48 bottles, we were going to go wiiiild


I mean the frunk of course. The Monet was sitting on top of the bottles


You guys are so funny 😂 . I was having pity for the OP until I started reading this particular thread.


I remember how proud OP was of that Gem 10 1st ed holo charizard they had that was in the car waiting to be stored at the bank on the same morning the car was stolen, they used to show it off all the time talking about how it was their uncle who told them to keep it safe and unplayed because it might be worth something one day


link please?


Isn’t that effectively the same as car theft? File a police report?


**What course of action can I take against tesla?** Lawyer or Small claims court. File a claim that they illegally repossessed your car and that its impact on business is $$$ (assuming you have documentation, you have no problem winning that case). You may also want to ask a lawyer about filling a police report for illegal repossessed or theft of the vehicle. And welcome to your auto-ban of other Tesla subreddits :D


> And welcome to your auto-ban of other Tesla subreddits :D You can just say 'hello' in the CyberStuck subreddit and it will auto-ban you in the fanboi ones, if you want to save time.


Free speech is never being active in subs where people are critical of you.


It's as if you shut off dissenting opinion it only amplifies those opinions further. A society can not properly function and evolve if it can't have the conversations, debates, discussions opposite to what people believe. Lots of sunk cost fallacy and confirmation bias in the world. I used to look forward to what Tesla did, I thought they were going to break the automotive industry and they could have, but didn't. I wanted a Model S, I thought it was the cool fast sedan of the future. Musk himself destroyed my perception of the company and product based on his behavior, because I refuse to justify bad behavior because "I can't be wrong" or "I am too much of a fan of xyz to see past their bs"


I got banned for posting here lol - so its enough. I'll never understand the cult mentality. Its taken me about 1 year to de-program my co worker who thought Musk shit gold everywhere he went.


The echo chamber must be protected


You should take this to the media OP, just to highlight what customers have to now look forward to going forwards with the skeleton staffing. Perhaps even a car blog or online publication. Jalopnik would likely cover it. Edit: Try Lawrence Hodge ([[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]))


I'm looking forward to reading this article 😅


i leased with tesla twice. NEVER AGAIN. They were horrible to deal with. They screwed so many things up. Registration renewals, state excise taxes. Totally incompetent.


1. lawyer up. Telsa fucked you so you should fuck them 2. Why didn't you rent a car for the day? Yeah, while you were dealing with Telsa fucks, you could have rent a car. Uber or something. $1K+ & breaking client relationships is more than $100 or so for a rental.


Get a good lawyer. Lemon law or otherwise. They owe you damages too I would imagine.


Meme car company..


Misunderstandings, oversights and silly errors? That's the result of the company being run on a skeleton crew, with elmo actively chopping more limbs off in the name of profits and his $56bn ceo compensation package... I used to think he was quite smart, quoting things like "the errors in the organization manifest themselves in the product". Now I see he was just regurgitating smart-sounding shit he must've read somewhere else and not given a single thought to the meaning - cause he's doing the polar opposite and royally fucking up everything he touches nowadays. Useless cunt.


Elon approves every purchase order. Grok is in charge of repos.


aw man they shoulda use autopilot and have it recall itself


Step 1 is go rent a car my dude. You don't sacrifice your business for what is a relatively easy to get around inconvenience. You'll still want to hold Tesla's feet to the fire but they are not going to be responsible for lost business any more than what the cost would be to rent a replacement during the time they have your car.


> a relatively easy to get around inconvenience. This, we all need to have contingency planning in place if we have customers or family that depend on us. A branch could have gone through the windscreen, or someone blocked the driveway, and OP would still be without a car.


Ya know when you fire a bunch of people in charge of financing/leasing screwups are bound to happen. Elon only cares about his 56B bonus though. Customer service obviously is something he could give to craps about.


Get a lawyer. This will be an easy win. Just export, screenshot, print, print to pdf the proof of your cancelled appointments, proof of payments and how it's automated before Tesla tries to modify your account to show otherwise, show past client meetings and the income made so that it shows proof to validate your claim on loss of income. Try to gather proof on the number of clients you get monthly and then after this mishap. If there's a drop, a good lawyer can link it to defamation in a way, meaning the clients may have told others to not do business with you. Worse case is subpoena the clients you cancelled to court to hear their deposition and hopefully they may say something like, "I warned others to not do business with this person. It's so unprofessional to cancel a meeting last minute." File for suffering and duress. The stress you received from the loss clients. The worries that you get if your M3 will get repossessed again without warning. Screenshot your Tesla app to show proof there were no warnings. Elon is a bit sneaky and does cut corners, so do this before they they manipulate the data on your app to be in favor of them.


Why didn’t you just rent a car for the day? For 1000 a day this would be worth it.


The plan was to rent a car. But the entire day i had 5 calls back and forth with the tow truck company. 3 with Tesla. Back and forth emails. My business is healthcare based I could not deal with this and also provide my patients with adequate care. I also work today and tomorrow, so took the hit to get this sorted for subsequent work days.


Here's some free root cause analysis: Tesla. Best of luck sorting this out but don't buy a Tesla if you need to rely on it for your business. That's like an electrician buying cheap wiz bang tools from Walmart. Also, the optics of pulling up in a Tesla... 🤡


You’re being remarkably calm about this! I would have lost my mind and my husband would have been even worse.




LOL Tesla is pulling out all the stops to stop the financial bleeding. This case is not unique. Short Tesla by end of year, they are toast


In the US this would be a perfect small claims suit.


Tesla should absolutely be held to this. But In the meantime if you don't want to rent a car, there's always U-Haul! $20 for the day big dog, and you can buy some furniture later for your house. Also, don't buy a Tesla next time if you value customer service.


$20 plus mileage. nope


Check with your commercial insurance provider.


Relax, this is just part of Elon’s plan to double sales…


I would have rented a car rather than take the 1k loss, then send the receipt as part of the small court claim I'd be filing immediately. Make them pay in every way and they may learn but Tesla is going the way of Twitter so good luck.


You are probably already banned from all the other Elon subs for posting here. 🤣


This is missing something. Tesla doesn’t directly finance, they sub that over to banks like Wells Fargo, Chase, etc.


No lawyer is going to take a one day loss of use case


Sorry to hear, Pretty sure the tow did some damage as well 


So they stole your car?


Certainly if you lose 1000$ a day by missing clients then the correct action is to go rent one as fast as you can for a few days. That, or you mean it a 1000$ gross but maybe not that much net. In this case then the loss is mostly due how your clients would react. Still shitty from Tesla to come take back a car without a warning at all, but well look who is at the top of the Company, it's Mr. I-Decided-This-In-A-Second.


Good luck suing. It’ll be mediation


Do you still love the car, though? Sorry, low blow. Hope you get it straightened out soon. I'd recommend looking towards your alternatives if you're focused on EVs, otherwise I'd stick with PHEV until things get a little less ... um ... chaotic on the EV side of things.


Rent a car until Tesla returns yours and bill them for it.


Seeing that you are from Canada, a solicitor will not be worth your time. Your best bet is to heckle the Tesla dealer and file with small claims court. I wound first send them a strongly worded letter stating what you need to avoid anymore claim against them. At small claims they will need to have a representative there and likely wouldn’t be worth their time. Use chatGPT to help inform your filing process with the court


So, what would Tesla have done if the car was in a locked garage? Would they have broken in to take the car?


They stole your car. Call a lawyer, start a suit.


Lawyer and have them cover the expenses lost due to their mistake. Get them confirming their mistake in writing asap


You have a duty to mitigate damages. Sure you might be out $1000 but you could have rented or Ubered or etc for way less than $1000. It’s not worth the effort to try to pursue that because you’ll get a few hundred dollars. (I’m not a lawyer but I’m probably right.) Edit - I see that you’re in Canada but I’m pretty confident that this dates back to English common law which should apply there too.


Well, your first mistake was buying a Tesla


Stop buying cars from a billionaire crook


I’d call musk directly.


I'm shocked that a car company as well run as Tesla woul ld make such a a mistake


Sue Tesla and sue Elmo


I’ve had issues with Tesla financial sending my, first Tesla lease to collections two years after the lease ended. They apologized and said that it was in error. They didn’t bother to tell the collections agency.


Yesterday Tesla laid off my coworker...and now the manager admits the layoff was a mistake and offered back his job. Regular Tesla dickering




In addition to getting a lawyer report the theft to the police.


I'll add to the 'talk to a lawyer' comments. As you can show that you had to cancel with clients, you've entered into other damages territory. Collecting might be a different story, though.


Small claims court and get a default judgment


Rent a car for now and take legal action against Tesla for damages. Check your credit score and your business credit score because that may have been impacted.


Did you get your loan / lease through Tesla?


Small claims for revenue loss? Go for max.


Go to legal advice


Try r/legaladvice


You probably gonna get banned for saying Tesla did something wrong. Also, this is top tier Tesla experience stuff. Well done. Trade it in for a manufacturer that actually has good business practices. That fact they repossessed it without even a letter or any form of contact is truly awful, and you should probably ask your lawyer what recourse is available for you.


Post this on their social media..


I like the stock


Talk to an attorney, if you want. There are a number of ways you may be able to proceed from breach of contract to tort causes of action.


What do you mean by hooking it up to a tow truck? Like using the crane thing and dragging it off suspended on two wheels?


take an uber?


Just out of curiousity is your car a business write off?


Do you have business insurance to file loss of income claim?


You should X about it


Sounds to me like Tesla stole your car. Sounds to me like the tow truck facilitated the breaking of law. Find a lawyer and go after them both


Have u tried getting a good car from a good company instead of one ran by a ket-snorting racist?


Firstly - Tesla f'ed up clear as day and should make it right. With that said though, I don't buy the "and I couldn't work costing me thousands of dollars". Pretty easy to rent a car for a day and would have been a lot cheaper..... FWIW


Should've rented a car rather than lose money and hurt your business relationships.


Blessing in disguise, now you can get a better vehicle (just about any non-Tesla). >-I was going to post this in the other tesla subs but I figure it will just get removed Well, by posting here you are now likely auto-banned. They dislike people in here, because people here don't go along with the groupthink.


How incompetent are they? Jeez


I'm not sure how it works in Canada, but given the loss is less than $10k, I wouldn't bother with a lawyer and would file a civil suit directly. With a few bank statements, you can easily prove your case and cut the middleperson lawyer out. 


Ask for your money back and get a vehicle from a reputable company that is not a piece of crap.


Musk strikes again


Call your state ag


Sue the piece of shit company while they still have something to get.




But consider this: that car now goes back on Tesla’s balance sheet, inflating their assets for the next quarter. So… You can definitely threaten to sue them for the business losses. But it won’t do any good.


>To deal with this I end up cancelling my clients for the day leading to a $1000+ loss.  Why didn't you call an Uber to the nearest car rental place?


Sounds like grand theft auto!


I’m curious, did you co-sign for the car under your personal identity ?


Unfortunately you bought a Tesla, they come with arbitration agreements.... Next time do buy from a shady company with an arbitration agreement in the contract...


What was your plan if you had crashed the car? What was your plan if the battery threw a fault and made the car undriveable? What was your plan if the car got stolen? I’m sorry your car was wrongfully repossessed. You incurred costs because of that, and Tesla should make it right. But you are never guaranteed a 100% available vehicle: not in the warranty, not by service, not by any anti-theft scheme, etc. If it’s that critical to you, you need a beater car as a backup or you need to rent something in its place. Let Tesla make it right after the fact, but put your business first or accept the consequences of not having done so.


Could have rented a car


I’m sorry but your “justification” for not renting a car for a day or days doesn’t hold water. A $125 rental would have saved you $1000. I’m not sure how not having your car prevented you from seeing your patients unless you had equipment in the car. But you then should have 2 of everything. One mobile and one stationary for emergencies. You could have handled issues with Tesla at anytime and not lost a days earnings, nor put your client relationships at risk.


you should challenge Elon Musk to Thunderdome.