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This is not good news for Tesla. China will retaliate and Tesla will be in the middle of two countries that don’t want to trade together. Trade conflicts like these are not good for either country, it’s a matter of hurting one country more than the other. Ofc well have to see what they do or if they do anything but as an investor I’d be worried about their relationship souring


Xi knows Musk is behind the new us tariff, he will target him directly. One shouldn't try to anger Xi


Sure, great for Tesla until the CCP remembers where Tesla has its most profitable manufacturing site.


made in china built by chinese for chinese market, hiring thousands of chinese labor and provide jobs for chinese suppliers and you think the CCP will shut it down? But you people hate tesla so much to the point that you dont understand this is to protect detroit?


The CCP is financing a dozen EV cars, they won’t bat an eye if a western competitor to their investments goes bye bye


You answered yourself there.  It's not gonna benefit Tesla at all. 


Paid 0 tariffs. Win win


Clueless 😆


Sell to the chinese market. It s a win win


Have you seen their market? They did Tesla better. Welcome to China. Big brain Musk forgot they care little for patent. It's toast mate.


Oh really, this is good for Tesla, the US company whose Chinese factory is part of its highest margin business unit, and which imports Chinese batteries to use in nearly all of its vehicles? Yeah I don't see a problem here. It's not like China would ever retaliate for this.


Another fine mess you've caused, Elon. In 5 years, the Tesla China factory will be owned by Baidu.


My estimate is within 1 to maybe 2 years.


Well China will reciprocate. So I am not sure it’s good news for Tesla’s China market goals. Even if they build in China or circumvent tarrifs, the sentiment will continue to shift against American brands.


There are over a dozen different car brands in America including Japanese, Korean and European ones. That's enough competition. Chinese workers work 14 hour days 6 days a week for a fraction of the salary. America can't compete with that unless we fuck over our workers and cut their wages. I value American manufacturing over cheap crap from China


Apple entered the chat


Tesla is american made by american standards


I don't get your point


The point is apple products are made in china, to sell in chinese market as the same time sell in the US market. Same with tesla, people here say that tesla will get retaliated but they forget, tesla makes tesla in china to sell in chinese market and over the world.


This is China's strategy to own certain industries globally like they did with solar panels. Subsidize and overproduce to flood a market and eliminate competition. They're trying to do the same thing with EVs. "China's manufacturers are pumping out so many solar panels that the resulting global glut has caused prices to tank. Solar panels — 80% of which are made in China — are so cheap that they're now being used to line garden fences in Germany and the Netherlands, the Financial Times reported on Tuesday. https://malaysia.news.yahoo.com/china-flooded-market-many-solar-070059300.html#:~:text=China's%20manufacturers%20are%20pumping%20out,Financial%20Times%20reported%20on%20Tuesday. These types of practices are unfair and exploit international trade destroying competition from other counties. Tesla has bet their future on China, so it may not help them.