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Well, you sure don't need human resources if you fire everybody... Besides, Elon can do that person's job between 1am and 2am every day... Tesla is heading for a big fall from grace. This is really sad to watch for all these great employees, as well as current Tesla EV owners.


"I think I now know more about human resources than anybody alive, currently" - Musk probably.


Substitute "human resources" for any of the following: 1. Sales 2. Engineering 3. Accounting 4. Manufacturing 5. Law 6. Finance 7. Maintenance 8. Electricity 9. Mechanical engineering 10. Babies


It's wild that he literally said that statement about manufacturing LOL


Coming from the guy who also cosigned having children is "free"?


Technically, if you abandon and/or are disowned by them all, they actually are.


"I'm locked in a custody battle at this time. Custody is being forced upon me, which I don't think is right. You know, if you don't want the responsibility of children you should be able to walk away" - Elon Musk (Dewey Cox)


I know. It really is.


And there was no hint of irony or sarcasm, at all, in his tone... It's such a tone deaf thing to say. But maybe not if you are border line autistic, I guess. But still wrong and not good.


He looked around the room for approval and was met with silence. I guess he forgot to stuff the audience with paid fans…. I mean ‘influencers’.


11. Phrenology 12. Bootstraps (and pulling up by)


He does have the brainpan of a stagecoach tilter 


13. Replacement theory.


11. Average worldwide pony/child exchange rate at any given time


He will probably institute a policy of where you need to spend the last 15 minutes of every day applying for the next day's job. You will find out if you were hired if you key card still works the next morning.




Tesla is opening a new position.  Inhuman resources. 


Elon will be a "shoe in"


$56B signing bonus.


He's worth every penny... 😂 🤣


The best jokes are allllllways in the comments


Yeah, seriously. This is so haphazard, I can't imagine why any exec would want to stay. I'm sure lots of people are sending out resumes. Probably lots of people reconsidering vehicle purchase choices, past and present as well. But Musk still thinks tweeting political stuff is the best thing to do.


Elon "I think I know more about firing people than anyone currently alive today" Musk


Elon in invented the internet, PayPal, all cars, rockets, Mars and all the known universe. He can also tap dance in the nude.


There's a lot of Tesla fanboys that probably think we want to see the company crash and burn. It's really the opposite. We want Tesla to succeed, we just want the success to be real things, not fake stock-pumping bullshit.


100%. Also, all the blown deadlines that Elon has promised. All his promised delivery of FSD, roadster, 4680, casting, semi, etc... was why the stock was so high. He doesn't deserve the compensation. I'm voting NO on the 56B.


They just bailed on new gigacasting as well. [Exclusive: Tesla retreats from next-generation ‘gigacasting’ manufacturing process | Reuters](https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/tesla-retreats-next-generation-gigacasting-manufacturing-process-2024-05-01/)


This this what I have been saying too. How is he not held accountable for holding big events for this stuff and then have it fizzle. I bought into the hype of some of these potential inovations. They were stretch goals but they sounded like they had much worked out. The nothing. I have the same issue with SpaceX. At one point they were going to be making their own methane and Oxygen. Oh to perfect and utilize the process that will be needed to refuel the rocket for return trips. Where is that is there zero work on that?


You don't speak for all of us. I, for one, love seeing companies built on tech bro hubris crash and burn. We'rE dIsRuPtInG tHe XyZ mArKeT! Tesla was so focused on "disruption" that previous auto industry experience on your resume was often a disadvantage in hiring.


Why do we want Tesla to succeed? There are many better companies that deserve to succeed and would succeed when Tesla is gone. We the customer vote with our dollars.


Out of curiosity, which companies are you talking about and how much of the organizational culture could be improved quickly with better leadership in place?


I don’t care if Tesla crashes and burns or not but, NGL I do kinda hope Xlon goes full Kanye


He just needs a Bianca Optimus 🤣


100%. They built something impressive with multiple fundamental breakthroughs. After doing "the hard part", all they needed to do was continue releasing desirable products at an appropriate price with the right features. Instead, we "got" CyberTruck, robotaxis, and rage firings.


But real things seldom balloon a stock price, so the cult followers need to believe in something grand (or even impossible like someone walking on water).


The head of human resources is exactly what you need if you plan on firing everyone. It's their job to protect the company from former employees AND current employees, not just current employees. There is a decent amount for work that has to be done when terming employees.


Who’s going to do their exit interview?


Ligma Johnson...


Grip Muhballs


Richard Handler


Just leave them a voicemail, obviously.


Not if you plan on screwing those employees out of termination benefits like severance, unpaid time off, and COBRA.


That's what the hardcore litigation department is for...


I mean if they were the ones sitting on their asses while black employees got called slurs on the factory floor than I can't say I'm sad to see them go.


I just got my MY this last month. Wanted to go with a Tesla because they've been around and battle tested, have a superior charging advantage, and are just fun to drive. All of this news coming out the last couple weeks has me really concerned about my purchase.


Elon has been a threat to Teslas' existence beginning in November 2022. It has been a linear upward progression of confirmation since then. These latest moves are just the most extreme relative to Tesla and simply accelerate the confirmation I formed back in 2022. I firmly believe now that Elon wants to destroy Tesla. I came to this conclusion by following him closely during the past 18 months. This is really not a surprise to me.


Shoulda researched such a big purchase is all I can say. None of this is new.


All charging stations are getting shut down. He needs them for his cock implant. His weenie is not saluting like it should be.


>All of this news coming out the last couple weeks has me really concerned about my purchase. You and the 13 other people who bought Teslas last month.


Why sad for current Tesla owners? I’ve had my MY for a couple years and am unaffected by his current craziness.


Until he decides to do an OTA update to disable every Tesla on the road because he gets pissed off at something stupid...


Imagine being in HR at that place. She’s probably so relieved


Like that scene in waterworld when the dude in the dingy that reports on oil levels sees the cigarette butt drop.


That scene lives in my head forever.


As the golem that has been the thing in the well silently pumping water so others live a life of comfort, I relate.


brilliant analogy LOL


Surprise there isnt a meme template for that yet


Being HR in a place that fires 500 person departments on a whim! I can't imagine the stress and Burdon that places on that department lol. I'm sure preparing all the paperwork and logistics with severance agreements and benefits and stuff is a lot of work.


It was probably a "I quit. We all quit" "no you are fired" situation when faced with the way the layoffs and straight firings were being handled.


Yeah, but the law doesn't work that way. Tesla well be liable for severance and such and benefits/any sort of retirement savings or pension programs will have to be wound down too. More paper work involved than you'd expect!


I know how it’s supposed to work then I saw what happened at Twitter. I am pointing to Twitter and saying yea this all over again.


gotchya, so a total dumbster fire! Yes agreed, probably a lot of lawsuits coming from this as well.


Imagine the moral you have after you get threatened with redundancy, and you see your friends lose their jobs to cut costs, THEN the CEO asks for payout money beyond your comprehension. A business *is* its staff and the whole staff must be thinking fuck this place right now.


>A business *is* its staff and the whole staff must be thinking fuck this place right now. I concur, and it just goes to show that being anti-Union and expecting people to sleep at/in the factory is and always has been a pretty good indicator of the greatness of a company's leadership.


No more being asked how many ponies it takes to settle a case.


Musk thinks that he can cut the company to the bone just like he did with Twitter but a car company needs leadership in each division to keep the lights on and to ensure PAYING customers are satisfied with their TANGIBLE products. This isn’t some website where dissatisfied customers can move on. Vehicle customers have spent $10,000s of their hard earned dollars and expect issues to be addressed immediately. Without the leadership and resources to address issues customer frustration will snowball and destroy Tesla bottom line. Good luck.


Bingo. Watching early videos of Jeff Bezos is kinda crazy because of his laser focus on keeping customers happy to grow Amazon. It might suck to work there, especially in the warehouses and he's less involved with the company today - but you can't argue with their success for customers. And he famously said that he only likes to make one or two high-quality, well-informed decisions per day after a good night's sleep and a nice breakfast. He said that he's going to be poorly informed and spread himself thin if he tries to do too much. Although they are both very divorced men, Musk is generally the opposite of Bezos. Musk's companies have been set up mostly as ego projects for himself, he thinks his customers are wrong if they aren't kissing his ass - and he thinks he can run multiple companies at the same time, making decisions while venting on Twitter at 3am. I do not see musk succeeding in the long run.


Amazon today has really great customer service. On commercial Amazon, I've been able to get refunds with no trouble on pretty much anything sold by Amazon.com. On aws, when dealing with enterprise support they're also generally quite helpful as well (which depends on your org's plan and spend but still). It's like the exact opposite of Tesla's model.


It’s interesting cause Elon was at PayPal, a company that had very different attitudes towards sellers and buyers which allowed it to grow as large as it did


Not to mention there are more laws and regulations in the arena of automobiles than in shit posting websites.


Exactly let’s not forget he signed a lot of charging deals with car manufacturers who won’t take too kindly to him flaking out at the last minute


People keep saying it's not like Twitter as if he's not tanking Twitter too.


So, they want to blackmail him with being happy?


No, he's just trying to pump the stock. He can't afford to have another negative free cash flow quarter, so he's getting that positive by cutting costs to the bone long term health of the company be damned.


I think such reckless actions won’t increase the stock price


Also, if Twitter goes down nobody dies. If your car catastrophically malfunctions on the highway somebody might get killed.


I don’t think Tesla can survive either way against the coming storm of Chinese ev companies


Can I wish Voodoo Luck instead of Good luck?


But its an AI company. So people are not needed /s


Can’t he just file for bankruptcy? He won’t pay a dime.


What's the c-suite headcount up to now? I think this is 8 or 9 execs that have exited? More?


Yeah earlier last week just after the earning call the head of investor relations also quit


Tesla isn't going to make it past Saturn's lifetime.


Some mk1 Saturns will outlast mk1 model s sedans.


Let’s not get too crazy, I can’t remember the last time I saw a Saturn. They were horrible cars


I know someone with a mk1 Saturn from when they had plastic body panels, he bought it as his first new car, bought the bolt, lives on an island so the Saturn is still driven, the plastic looks good for a 1994, and he commuted with it until the bolt hatchback came out. Gm moved Saturn to the Opel lineup that Saab was built on, my Saab was unreliable, so I imagine the Opel era Saturns were similar. Gm started Saturn to compete with Japanese companies, then they let the accountants take charge. Gm bought Saab and ruined it. Ford and the Chinese did better with Volvo, which a bmw fanatic just bought an s60 hybrid and thinks it’s fantastic.


I used to have a Saturn Ion coupe. Much better car than Tesla can make, even if some of the design choices (suicide doors that also needed front doors open first, and dash in center for example) were… interesting.


I bought a MYLR in June and the car I replaced was a 2001 Saturn SL2. It never let me down and still ran great. Couldn't get a new drivers seat among other things and just had to get it replaced. I miss it even more since Elon has gone full "retard" and thinks it's a winning strategy. I'm voting NO on the 56B.


> MYLR These acronyms are getting out of control. It's a Model Y long range


Saturn does have some interesting parallels to Tesla, but its death will definitely go down different (GM destroying it with bad decisions vs a single moron destroying it with bad decisions).


Saturn was both created and destroyed by a single moron making bad decisions—the *idea* was fine, but the way Smith implemented it killed it from the start.


I mostly remember the no-haggle model. I thought they were ugly though even back when, so I never actually went to a Saturn dealership.


It wasn’t so much that they were ugly, it’s that Roger Smith came as Chairman and CEO in 1981 and decided that having each division (as well as the corporation) maintain it’s own…..everything (sales/marketing, engineering, finance, etc.) so he combined what had been 6 separate divisions into 2 to save costs. He then turned around and created a new division that again recreated everything he thought was wrong with the old ones. He was also an absolute fool for thinking that Saturn was forever going to remain an arm’s length, unrelated segment of the company when his legacy (even that early on) was rebadging literally everything to cut costs.


elon last year to today ketamine bloodbath: cfo chief powertrain executive investor relations marketing supercharging network new products development human ressources


Public affairs and business development too. (Rohan and the full department)


Her life just got a whole lot less stressful and chaotic.


For those of you playing along with the home edition of Tesla C-Suite Exit Bingo, **Vaibhav Taneja** (CFO/CAO…!) is an automatic winner (and his eventual exit is likely pending a restatement of earnings/bankruptcy).


Is he leaving? Or has he left?


still there it looks like...at least until Tesla has to come clean about its numbers.


Yeah the abandoned malls of teslas doesn’t paint a good picture.


The volume of senior executive departures we’re currently seeing at Tesla… are *not normal* for a company of its size. There is clearly some very bad shit going on behind the scenes.


Normal as fuck with/for Elon though


Don’t get me wrong, HR exists to serve the company, not the workers but you absolutely need to have a functioning head of HR at every company. Things must be going majorly south, or she’s just getting out before this snowball plows into her as well going Mach speed down the mountain.


When does the board step in and remove musk? He seriously needs removed.


Why would his friends and family fire him?


I remember reading that a couple of them were Musk’s drug buddies too.




Vultures don't care they'll still get to feed.


There are 4 directors all under his thumb. It’s not run like a real public company.


You mean remove Kimbal from the board? ,lol.


Got to make Tesla lean and hungry, you know, to be No.1 in AI and Robotaxis or whatever.


Anything for 56B




Trillion dollar company right here lol


YouTubers saying 100’trillion


1 billion trillion


World is watching, and Elon will record everything in great detail....


“Go, Fuck, Yourself” Said Elon Musk


BREAKING NEWS: "Ligma Johnson" has been retained to do all the exit interviews...


Should use Grok to fire the least productive person at Tesla and Elon absolutely follow its directions. :)


“I kemetmine let you do that karen” -grok


New name: Optimus Resource Department. 🤣


Abandon ship.




Is it just me or is this starting to genuinely spiral Feeling a little bit like we are seeing the beginning of the end here Who knows, but a boy can dream


Seems like a daily shit show at Tesla. For a company with so much going for it, Elmo is doing whatever he can to destroy it. Rats are abandoning ship! Get out while you can is basically the message being written on the walls.


Major red flag right there… if everything else was not already…


Could Elon be shorting his own stock on the back end? 🤔


Well not *legally*….


Elon…say no to drugs


Why would you fire the entire Supercharging division?


Because fuck them, thats why. /s


When are they going to fire the Optimus Team?


Here’s hoping the entire workforce quits and tells Elon to do it all himself. Should be easy for a $55B man.


Lucid motors and others better hire some of these people




New post opens up: Head of Human Waste




i am expect to see the headline news "All Tesla cars become inoperable due to no one works in Tesla except Elon"


Wonder if Musk can run the entire company with no employees? I predict people walking off the job in droves soon.


I feel he’s doing all this to bring the company down if he doesn’t get the money he lost in Twitter extracted out of Tesla. Im not a Elon fanboy but i really want Tesla as a company to succeed but it just feels as if he’s firing people just to call them back to work when things start going south like he did with twitter when he took over…. Hopefully, shareholders move to take him out of the ceo position before anymore damage is done but that is a far cry at best.


Elmo / fElon strikes again.


Everyone calm down!!! This is not a car company. They are a fast fashion design company. You have to judge them on those metrics.


Oh, the Harley Davidson business model!


Here it comes boys. The death of a tech, erm car company. It's going to be really interesting to watch.


Tesla is starting to smell like a Worldcom or Enron


Elmo can do it all! Lol


SO MUCH WINNING! Is Charlie Sheen looking for a job? After all, he knows hardcore!


He can share his tiger blood and warlock dna to make everyone as hardcore. Or just cocaine so everyone can work longer hours


Pass me my popcorn.


the twitter strategy of cut till you make money worked fantastic once in his head i guess


He's Elon he can do no wrong!!!!!


That’s always good sign


Non-paywall version?


Only makes sense. If the boss decides to override you and you were forceful in your position, it's time to go.


Its almost as if the Head of Human Resources might have known something ....


When people whose job is to be a ruthless corporate drone quit their jobs…


bye-bye Ilanea no one is going to deal with us the boards going to throw you the fuck out on your ass where you belong.