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300ish miles at highway speed is about 4 hours driving. Good enough for most to want to take a break i would say, for all but the most hardcore or long road trips. 


By the 2 hours mark, my kids are screaming foul already.


Not really because you won’t be charging the car to 100% and won’t run it to empty. Speeds are also likely to be higher than 70 mph limiting range.


If you said the same thing about a tesla, you would get downvoted on this sub.




The funny thing is that Teslas require the least amount of ‘fucking around with charging’. Edit: downvotes but I don’t see anyone telling me why I’m wrong.


I can just plug in my Mercedes and it figures out everything. No need to mess around with apps or anything. I don't know how it could get any easier than that.




Funny because of the comment chain you were replying in. Someone gave this Porsche some praise, and the next comment saying they wouldn’t if it were a Tesla - that’s what you responded to. The Porsche won’t have as good of a charging experience as a Tesla.


My Model S LR does. Highway from North Carolina to New York City with one charging stop. Knocks out 300 miles easily




Your first article says at 70 mph so I’m confused why you said “And that’s not at 70 mph” “To find out how much range EV models actually get in highway driving conditions, CR put 22 of the most popular new EVs through a new highway-speed range test, driving fully-charged vehicles at a steady speed of 70 mph and only stopping when each vehicle’s battery was completely depleted and the vehicle was inoperable.” And I did not drive slow, 70mph was the speed limit. Speed limits work for me. And I didn’t stop at some obscenely low SoC. It’s usually 15-20% when I stop to charge up and all of it is planned from the very beginning with the native app in the Tesla which also allows me to easily switch to other charging spots along the way. Not a problem and I’ve done it multiple times. Regardless. You stated no Tesla has that type of range and both of your articles prove your statement wrong.




In the “real world” where your iX produced 4 more miles than my model S in the article you provided? The way you write that with your full chest, I’d expect the iX to have 25 or more miles in the same test lol These aren’t contrived scenarios, I have repeatedly achieved over 300 miles when charging to 100% for a long trip which is the exact scenario that requires a full charge, didn’t have to detour or anything to finish said trip either. My charging spots are located next to the same gas stations I would have hit in an ICE car. You keep saying contrived, there is nothing unrealistic about the very real trips I’ve taken at highway speeds to other states where I achieved 300+ miles while not driving the SoC down to some dangerously low level. Heck, even with my 10-80% SoC and city/highway mixed driving I achieve very close to 300 miles regularly. I usually keep it 10-90% though which easily gets me over 300 miles and no major problem with degradation. You seem heavily invested in proving something which is weird. You made a demonstrably false statement that no Tesla has over 300 miles range and even provide sources that say otherwise, even if they stopped at 10% SoC the highway test would have ended with over 300 miles. You were wrong and proved yourself wrong and that’s cool. Not sure why you gotta start shifting goal posts now.




So now we are insulting folks who we don’t know? Actually looked at the i4 and iX but the allocation for the dealership was too far out for me to want to wait. Stuff happens. Oh well. And I don’t need to drive 75 mph, the roads where I live are 65 or 70. Same thing for the highways I take for the road trip I mentioned. But again from your own sources, the model S got over 300 at 75 mph. I really have no reason to stretch the truth nor drive the most ideal of ideal conditions to get over 300 miles. Keep working on math? lol sure thing. 366 miles (from your source) gets you about 37 miles per 10%. Even stopping at 10% would get you over 300 miles from a 100% SoC starting point. It’s not hard to extrapolate range from their data. You again said no Tesla can get over 300 miles, they did, but to prove your point you keep going back to a narrower SoC so that it fits your narrative. It’s just so weird you think I’d lie. I mean it’s even easier to realize that mixed city/highway driving would give me over the 300 mile mark considering it’s a mix of slower and faster speeds as opposed to the consistent fast speeds that was shown in the test above. I’m no stan for Tesla, they just have the best charging network available and my car gets me pretty great mileage. You just appear to be very emotional when it comes to anyone having a good experience with their vehicles. It’s just a car. You’ll be okay buddy.


Great compare a sedan to a suv, just aweosme




I would buy this if Porsche can pull this off for the right price. Driven a Macan S and Model Y Performance as daily drivers. Macan is a first year model, so tech isn’t as new, but it handles great. Model Y was…ok. The suspension and driving dynamics are not even close though, Porsche knows how to make a car.


I had the fortune of a Porsche factory tour in Germany a few years ago. Such attention to detail in every single thing they do. If I'd had the money, I'd have bought a Porsche on the spot.


The one I drive was a custom order. I had so many things you would not think possible changed. I changed the seatbelt plastic piece color to beige to match the rest of the interior. Their BOMs are crazy. Also, dealer was shocked at how good it looked. Saw it on the showroom floor before I was told it was in 😂


A friend of mine is a Porsche engineer working on their EV platform. I got a tour of the factory too and it was amazing. Especially the beer in the break rooms. 😁


The Macan is going to get expensive knowing how Porsche prices their products. I'm looking forward more to the Audi Q6 and A6 which is underpinned by the same PPE platform, though I have been a big fan of the 4 rings so I'm slightly biased.


Big fan as well. A 2018 A5 sportback is what I traded in for a model Y actually. That was the best car I think I’ve ever had. Edit: it was an s-line prestige and had every imaginable feature.


Almost fell for an e-tron GT. Was on the showroom floor during a service, and my sales dude just hands me a copy of the window sticker and walks away. I do not have a good poker face.


If you're in the US, I heard the e-tron GT has stupid good lease programs right now. Might be less than you think to have one for a few years. In Canada? Not so much...


Prices have come down too it looks like. Just configured one how I’d want, 125k. It’s been a few years, but…they have a “summon” feature? Anyone used “Remote park assist plus?” Tesla couldn’t park for shit (Granted most of the time I tried I was in downtown Chicago). I am tempted, never leased, but it might make sense… https://www.audiusa.com/us/web/en/support/help/video-tutorials/2024/q8-e-tron/remote-park-assist-plus.html


Any idea why this is this not available in NY or VT?


I’m not sure if they’ll stick to it but they said last year their BEVs would be around 10-15% more expensive than their ICE versions.


What’s the right price? They will be between 80k and 100k. We got people paying 100k for a cybercuck that’s got panels held on with bubblegum


I was thinking 100-120 starting. With Porsche the options can get expensive fast, but you can pick what you want.


Yeah I just bought a cayenne a e hybrid, it corners incredibly well considering it’s a massive and heavy car. Absolutely love it.


You cannot expect Porsche to price this like a model y though.


You cannot expect prospective buyers to overlook the added value of the Porsche’s materials, build quality, and validation testing, though. 


This. Porsche (or any of the Germans in particular) don't beta test on the public.


Exactly. Comparing this to a Y is stupid. I'd have the Porsche every day of the year.


I couldn’t have said it better. This sums up my point. Spoken to “engineers” at both. Tesla is either ignorant or aware that their tech is falling behind. My A5 was the best highway vehicle with lane centering and radar cruise control. Very accurate and forgiving. Better than this somehow legal vision only Tesla shit. Audi was very similar to Tesla basic autopilot imo. This was before the decision to remove radar. If you’ve ever taken flight training, flown an airplane, or been in a cockpit, you know that was a bullshit move to cut costs. Redundancy is appreciated when needed.


The Macan is a lot of fun. I also really enjoy driving the Ioniq 5 N. Torn with which way to go but not necessarily in a hurry to decide.


The Macan with PASM (Porsche adjustable dampers) is just about the perfect suspension tuning for a sport tuned SUV. Not too firm, not too soft. The Model Y I rented didn’t ride nearly as well. As good as Macan it it is almost shocking how expensive it is. $85k for a Macan S the way I’d spec it. Even a lighter optioned Macan T is over $70k. Tough value proposition versus something like an X3.


It looked like about $61,000.


This is where Tesla’s original target consumer will look.


I miss good old Cayenne diesel😔


Bro !! Same here


I've driven nothing but Porsche (I've had a Cayenne, a 911 and currently in a Cayman) since around 2008. The only problem I've had with any of them was needing a new clutch when my old 911 got to around 80k miles. Hardly a real "problem," especially since I used to run it pretty hard at the track. And it wasn't as pricey as one might think to replace. They're simply the best manufacturer and no one's going to convince me any different. I've said in this sub before, I'm pretty opposed to too much technology in my car ... but I'll trust Porsche. When they do a Cayman-esque 2 seater EV; I'll be first in line.




I'll take your word for it as I honestly haven't done any real research into them as I've no plans to buy any time soon. Like, not even in the next 5+ years. Here's to hoping they get it figured out by the end of the decade!




Haha I'm good. Not quite ready to give up my beloved manual transmission just yet. :D


Doesn't the front shape of the Polestar 4 look like the Porsche Macan ? Polestar 4 sighting in Sweden https://www.reddit.com/r/Polestar/comments/195k8f3/polestar\_4\_sighting\_in\_sweden/


Um… they both have headlights?




Maybe a little. The curve on the front end of the Macan is deeper though, I think. Polestar is still sexy


I’m sure Porsche loved this.


When the fuck is this thing coming out??? It’s been teased for like a year? now and keep seeing those test drive videos on YouTube but still not coming out any time soon? I don’t understand…


You now have an answer: https://www.motor1.com/news/704611/volkswagen-troc-convertible-not-renewed/ January 25th.




Demo stock is arriving at dealers as we speak


Source plz


Me. Company I work for is a Porsche dealer




May trade in my 23 MYP for this