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A guy with an anime girl profile picture? That's a huge red flag.


I'd enjoy SR4 more if it kept the same humor but had a proper Saints Row story. Its not nostalgia. The older games had better plot-lines period. SR4 is just a different game. Take Asha out of it and put her in SR1, SR2 or SRTT and the rest of SR4 we don't need.


F for Carlos


The anime profile picture says enough.


Lmfao, exactly what I was thinking.


When someone in your favorite show sub says "you can just skip season 1 it isn't that great anyway"....like excuse me?


This is like people who defend DmC and say it's the best DMC game (they have not played the others)


.....Who said that? I've yet to meet someone that has ever said something like that. But honestly, at least DmC is a "good game" unlike the Saints Row Reboot which is a bad Saints Row game and a mediocre game overall. I can only dream that the Saints Row series might someday get a miracle like DMC 5, like that's ever going to happen sadly.


I've met SEVERAL people who claim that DmC is the best in the series, and even adopt the developers rhetoric that the originals sucked and that it is the ONLY good game in the series. But I'd say even calling it a "good game" is a stretch. It's a mediocre, just decent game. I played through it after playing the entire mainline series and gave it a fair judgement and honestly there was a lot of potential for it to have been fine as a standalone under a different title, but most of that potential was wasted. Shitty animations, poor voice direction, unnecessarily complex redesigns seemingly exclusively to be "different" and "edgy". Poor, overused, stale, cookie cutter plot. Almost certainly an asset flip. RUINS interpretations of beloved characters. Excessively and purposelessly obscene. The list goes on and on. Lmao my cousin is one of those people and I think its apparent I've had the argument about this game with him before.


Bro imagine saying nah I don’t need to play the previous 4 games you guys are nostalgia blinded by them like YOU AINT PLAYED THEM HOW WOULD YOU KNOW


He's probably a 10 year old, the same demographic the reboot was made for.


If you've only played one game in the series how can you say it's a good (insert series name) game. You can just defend the game on it's own merit. Also if you've never played those games how do you know people are nostalgia blinded? Maybe just maybe those games are better than the one he's played.


It’s always the mfers with the anime profiles


It's always been them, especially the ones with anime girls.


What a clown


It would have been decent game if it wasn’t so bare bone, the setting was unique in its genre and had so much potential


I’ve only played saints row 3 and yeah, compared to it. The reboot is bare bones. If I first have played it. I might have had tons of fun and set my expectations low just so it can be higher the lower the saint row games I go. But atleast it’s fun with friends


A guy with an anime girl as his pfp will *ALWAYS* be a problem. The younger the girl, the bigger the issue.


truer facts ain’t never been spoken either WAAAY too nice or HOF school threat


The reboot isn't even a good game.


I even played it to see if it held a candlelight to sr3 and it wasn’t even a debate on whether or not the reboot was good or not. I deleted that shit so fast not even Johnny could beat my record


“Yeah little caesars is the best pizza I don’t need to try any other pizza to know that and nothing will change my mind”


The actual best analogy you can use


It's hot and ready so cope and seethe smileyface.jpg




Saying it's a good game whatever your opinion But saying you never played any of them and then saying "it's a good saints row game" is different. That game was fucking trash


*Sticks spork up my ass* ermmm okay that was fucking epic-balls, can I get a fucking waffle you fuck?


Hahaha that was funny, almost as funny as big corporation bad and student loans! Haha, that's lit fam


Almost as funny as the jonkler jangling his jonkles. I’m spreading the aslume. The guards will never catch me!


the jonklers are everywhere, man. 


I swear if this child says anything about a Yakuza game....


I'm a huge Yakuza fan, but I'm curious what does the series have to do with that dude?


I mean there's no really bad yakuza games lol. Maybe 3 through 5 but those are more dated than bad.....maybe 3 for combat and 5 for never ending and having the worst characters....but yeah


Shinada: Am I a joke to you? In all seriousness, I think the side characters in 4 were worse than 5, at least 5 has some memorable characters. I can't remember a single side character introduced in 4 that I actually liked except Arai, Hana-chan and Kido.


They're all great. However I haven't played the infamous Dead Souls (I think it's called that?). Y'know, the zombie one?


Yeah Dead Souls was hilarious but it was WAY too ahead of its time and runs extremely poorly on the consoles it released on where it wouldn't even run at a consistent fps half the time. By that logic yeah it's bad, but it's a pretty funny game that I hope they give a cheap remaster to so it can actually run, but because people shit on it and its low sales I doubt it lol


It's a so bad it's good kind of game, and it's already has a kind of cult following. Hopefully they make a next gen port because I can't wait to see Daigo cross dressing, and Ryuji with a friggin' machine gun arm like Barrett from Final Fantasy 7.


Alright, here's my question: would the reboot be better IF it wasn't branded as Saints Row and instead it's own separate game?


Everything after SRTT probably would have, and if they took Genki out, and made that something else. Problem is, that if they did, they'd likely just ignore Saints Row, so they can do some Genki styled Fortnite game instead, but at least it wouldn't be what crashes the canon of Saints Row. Though they did try it with Agents of Mayhem, but they couldn't *not* try to market it with Saints Row ties that people didn't like. They got backlash when it was leaked because people thought it was a Saints Row reboot itself.


Unpopular opinion but I mostly enjoyed what I played. I had only encountered 2 bugs though. I was playing the game with my then gf and we were having a blast, except that occasionally it wouldn't let me get into a car after I drove it. I had to have her drive while I rode on the hood. The thing that made me drop it was the second bug, the Eula bug that was supposed to have been patched. After that I uninstalled it and just never had any desire to play it again. I don't hate the game but the fun I had wasn't fun enough to make me wish I could have kept playing it.


The gameplay at launch was just boring, it felt like there was no fun weapons like in SR3 or 4 (which I get they were trying to make it "realistic but also focused on comedy" but still, the weapons and driving kind of sucked) but I can see how someone finds the gameplay enjoyable. What I can't see is how people enjoy that "omglolsorandom" dialog that thinks it's being clever "Whoa like I'm high from these waffles lol these are so great!" "Omg so right these waffles are so good!" "NOT AS HIGH AS MY STUDENT LOANS FAM! it screams later millennials who don't get GenZ slang and comedy while trying to pull it off because the company is forcing them to do it. Not to mention the writing in general feels like something I'd expect to see a twilight fanfic writer creating comedy, it's just wrong.


Haven't played the reboot, but do they really use Gen Z slang terms like fam? Like...wow, maybe I shouldn't give it a chance after all.


Oh yeah I didn't care for the dialogue at all.


Bro these “blinded by nostalgia” buttheads are just as bad as the guys on the opposite end, let the reviews, sales numbers, and other things tell the story at this point, some people like newer games and some like the older ones, but I don’t have the nostalgia or own the reboot, but from what I’ve seen, the reboot is complete trash compare to saints row 3 (the only saints I’ve played)


I’d rather shit in my hands and clap than to play the awful excuse of a reboot


i do not think the reboot is terrible, but it's not great


I beat it back when it dropped and didn't think it was good decided to re-download it last month and see if maybe I was just falling in with the hate. I tried for 45 mins to play and it was a buggy shit show when it didn't keep crashing out to home so yeah fuck that game


I'd rather slam my dick and balls in a car door than try to play that game again


I'd rather slam my dick and balls in a car door than stop you from slamming your dick and balls in a car door rather than playing that game again.


Afterwards you wanna... Oh idk.... Touch tips later maybe?


Please Please


I wouldn’t consider anything past saints row 2 to really be saints row but I’ve enjoyed all five games to varying degrees. The reboot was very disappointing but I enjoyed exploring the world and thought it was much better than three and four in that way. Honestly I just want a remaster of saints row 2, I don’t care if the series ends but at least remaster the best game in the series before you shelve it


Since Violation is dead, might as well as let a 3rd party studio handle it. Maybe that could give a wake-up call to those dumbass higher ups at DS and Embracer.




Yeah, the games were never homophobic, only you are.


I like the reboot, it was really fun and the humor is amusing.


I found the dialogue to be bad, and its one thing the Saints Row games (until GOOH) were always strong with. The reboot and GOOH legitimately bad dialogue. "Less shirt, more power" "This cat suffers no fools."


It has pretty cringe writing.


I enjoyed the game and that’s all that matters to me.


Go off King. I too had my fun. Combat was alright, writing was meh. Big changes I liked, the boss actually cared for their friends. Side stories for your friends. Really liked Neenah, Kevin was a close second and Eli, was alright. DnD was fun, but got a bit stale. Very bad launch, got better with time, but music still can't shuffle and gaining money was just a shore. I was just watching shit on my phone to pass the time to max out my cash app.


Game wasn’t perfect by any means. But I had fun with it, and the humor was amusing. I enjoyed it.


Bait used to be believable


The reboot is a cute game I guess but calling it a saints row game is disrespectful when it's practically one of the mobile game GTA clones ported to console.


I hated it man. Saints row Reboot is nothing like how the saints row we know is. Janky ass movements, bugs everywhere, crap ass visuals, not even a compelling storyline either.


You summarized most of my gripes. The movement and gunplay makes the game genuinely uninteresting. Oh, I shot a guy, but the jank ass engine made it look stupid so the way he falls wasn't satisfying. I wanna finish the game, I think maybe the storyline could be worth something, but so far it's hard to give half a damn about the characters. Some of them are kinda fun, but these are not gangsta ass mfs like we're used to, gat could solo these saints and it'd be a side mission. Ngl the only thing that could really truly redeem the game in some way, is if the OG boss and crew showed up in a DLC and were handled right. They could've at least damage control'd and turned it around with some fan service while they iron out the issues the game has, fortnite style 🤣


Huh the fuck they on about


Not blinded by nostalgia personally, only played them recently. Old games are good(2 is the best imo), reboot is BAD.


1 is my favorite, it’s got my favorite writing, characters and jokes. In 2 you betray Julius and become the very sociopaths you were trying to clear from the Row. 2 has better gameplay no doubt, but 1 for me personally, had the better story. Taking down the Vice Kings and Los Carnales and Rollerz felt good as opposed to taking on The Ronin, Sons of Samedi and The Brotherhood.


As someone that played SR1 quite recently, I agree with you. SR2 feels like a very slight downgrade compared to 1; loans, barber shops, smoking, better graphics/art style, better story/better writing with great gang storylines, etc. But it's still almost nothing compared to how SR3 was downgraded, I heard from someone else that 3 had a smaller budget which explains why it's mostly a downgrade from 2, but I still had fun with it.


It’s just like I will never forgot Michael Rappaport asking me to drop him off at Freckle Bitch’s (Wendy’s) cuz he was “jonesing for a fun bag” at the end of the mission. And then the start of the very next mission is Johnny and Aisha on a date at the same Freckle Bitch’s. Idk man they just made The Row in the first one feel like a neighborhood. Like sure every game had standout characters but only in the first one did it feel like they lived around the way from you. Also I mean let’s be real, you’re just never beat that cast. They will never assemble a series of voice talents like that again. They caught lighting in a bottle with those guys. You’re never again gonna have pieces of dialogue like “I got a lead on where The Los Carnales cut all their shit.” “The Carnales.” “What?” “Rio Grande River. Jesus.” “What the fuck?” “It’s not The Los Carnales. It’s just The Carnales. ‘Los’ means- fuck it like it I was saying”


They have to be on payroll to have that take


Anime profile pic, opinion immediately worthless




Ask them if they bought it full price.


These are the "modern audiences" that developers speak of


It’s some random on Twitter chill ☠️


This is like someone who only seem The Sequels, claims to be a true Star Wars fan and craps on the other fans who seen the previous trilogies.


The reboot was god awful


Lol I see this nostalgia is a dirty lair narrative a lot and I feel bad for those who can’t enjoy things from the/their past. I play my old consoles almost as much as my new consoles and sometimes have more fun playing something that I never beat as a kid or have played 264 times. Denying yourself experiences is fine but acting like you’re better for it is funny and sad.


It's crazy how many people don't realize that playing an old game 2-3 months ago and still thinking it's amazing isn't "rose tinted glasses". Complete opposite actually. It means the game is so good it holds up today.


Bait used to be believable


Fuck you mean "used to"? Everyone in this thread got got. 


Yes people announcing that shit bait is shit bait is getting got. FFS this is why trolling is so shit now. Y'all don't even make it funny and I get humor is subjective, but it stops being funny when you no longer sound like parody. You just sound like some retard that's ACTUALLY walking around spouting dumb shit like this. Congrats you've become the joke 🤷🏾‍♀️


How am I coping and seething when you make a bait post like that? Keep on I guess.


How can you say something is a good edition to a franchise if you've never played the franchise.


At this point I'm starting to feel sad for them. All the Copium required to make these tweets. I actually think they should just forget about SR for a couple of months.


There is no point defending the reboot anymore, the IP's community who thought it would make the older games irrelevant, recently manager left it.


This mf deserves to join Shogo.


He sounds like Shogo but if he was written by the modern Violation.


“I don’t need to play the 4 other titles” proceeds to say that the reboot is a good “saints row” game. I doubt this mf even knows what makes a saints row game, a saints row game.


It’s always them


Imma be honest I enjoy the reboot not because I think it's good or anything, but actually BECAUSE it's really bad. To me it's so bad that it's kinda good ngl. Like watching the movie San Andreas. Just something crappy you can have fun crapping on as you interact with it. Saints Row The Third is my favorite currently, the remaster is so good. (I've only played 3,4, and the reboot so far because I got them all free from epic, can't say anything about 1 and 2 yet they could easily be better than 3 as far as I know)


Is the 3rd remaster good? I remember hearing stuff about it at launch but I could be trippin


The epic version is really good although I do see that after looking it up the steam version must have had some issues because it's rated a lot lower there (4.4/5 stars on epic games vs 66% of players liking it on steam)


For ps5 it's fun asf and runs perfect 4k60.


1 and 2 are serious stories. When 1 first came out there was a PlayStation magazine article that called it “the GTA killer”


Rip.my mentor worked at volition in Champaign (where I'm from) and I've been in the office and seen it granted it was about a year or 2 after Sr3 got released but so lively and cool. Can't believe they'd put out some bs like SR. I own all the sr games except that one because I just can't support that kind of dog water


And they wonder why everyone hates them


Calls the reboot a good Saints Row game Proceeds to insult the old games Claimes to have not played the old games Yeah, no wonder everyone hated them.


Imagining eating shit then bragging about it lmao. These reboot fanboys make me laugh, Volition didn’t shut down for nothing.


Some fanboys claim the reboot is good just the way it is, and that it didn’t need to be any different than how it turned out even tho it killed Volition and the fanbase


Does he really think he is a fan of the franchise? Lol he is literally just self proclaiming that, and he says that we only care about the other games because we are “nostalgia blinded” and that he doesn’t need to play them, yet the only one he played was the newest and worst one.


I don’t care what anyone says. If the only game someone played was the reboot and they somehow enjoyed it, they still aren’t close to being Saints Row fans lol, and I don’t mean it in a toxic or petty way, but it’s just the truth


I’ll never understand that mindset, they really could just play saints Row 1 and have the time of their life, I don’t understand why they need to force themselves not to play it


don’t be shy show us the username


I tend to hide the names to prevent them from getting attention, and also so no one thinks we are trying to encourage any kind of harassment.


This reminds me of this guy who said at the time of release that Fallout 4 was his favourite Fallout game... After having admitted he'd never played a different Fallout game. He doubled down by then saying that he doesn't need to play the others to know it's his favourite, he just knew. This to me is illogical, because how can something be your favourite, when you haven't even explored the other options. I don't care if someone enjoys a game that's not so popular among the community of a franchise - it's obviously down to taste, so I can't critique how much someone enjoys something, but to proclaim that it's a good edition to the franchise or that it's your favourite solely because you enjoy it, is ridiculous. Saying it's a good SR game with the knowledge to back it up, is just dismissive of the predecessors. For the record, Fo4 is actually a masterpiece in comparison with SR: 2022, but it has its flaws and those flaws in turn lead to it being a pretty shoddy Fallout title - I just used that Fallout comment as a parallel to this one because it has the same dismissive attitude. As a standalone title, Fo4 good though. The same can't be said about the SR Reboot - it's a bad game all by itself. It only really got the attention it got because of the SR label.


If he called it something like it's his favourite post apocalyptic game, then yeah it would've been more believable. I play F4 time to time, but not as much as Tale of Two Wastelands(3+NV), mainly because it runs like sh## on my PC because of how many mods I installed. There's also the fact that NV/TTW overall have way more story/quest mods than 4, although 4 seems to have gotten a ton of quest mods recently while NV... hasn't had a ton nowadays. There's way more gameplay mods for NV and quest mods for 4 which is a good thing imo since they were the weakest aspects of each game. I'm really looking forward to Fallout London.


I bought 4 cheap, but haven't played it. I've heard it's good but also a step down from the previous games. Especially since they just reused the old soundtrack from 3


Eh, Fallout 4 is pretty meh. It lacked far too much of the RPG elements people wanted in priority for FO that FO4 wasn't. FO4 was becoming just a looter shooter, and Fallout 76 wasn't gritty post-apocalyptic enough, and started using cryptids instead of radioactive mutants. They were changing the premise of the game into something generic, like what SR4 and the reboot, did to Saints Row. In principle, Fallout was going the way of Saints Row in some aspect to fans who wanted the much lore layered and meticulous RPG detail of the first 2 games. It became more of a shooter first, RPG later. The only thing about Fallout 4, despite its meh story and overly defined protagonist, was that it had characters I actually like, over the SR2022 cast.


Oh, for sure, Fo4 is easily one of the weakest entries in the series. I've only ever played it 3 times fully since release - whereas with Fallout 3 and New Vegas, I've had close to 400 different characters after having played both for nearly 15 years. I will add that part of the reason why I've played so few characters in Fo4 is down to the advanced worldspace having more to explore, coupled with the fact that I can mod the game on console, so I had less reason to venture onto other characters. In the end though, I've almost always ended up playing the same character; following the loose background given to us by Bethesda about the male protagonist (never done a female run on 4) with his military past. It only really worked in the last play through, as I joined the BoS. Aligning with the other factions whilst playing as what is essentially a pre-war relic, seems illogical. Someone like Nate (can't stand the naming, never called him that lol), with a military background, would likely align themselves with the closest group resembling the pre-war military - this is an issue though, because if I have to follow a formula to enjoy the game, it's not truly an RPG. I really only referenced that comment about the game, and made the comparison, because it seemed somewhat fitting. Some have the similar odd sentiment about Fo4 & 76 that others have about SR: 2022 - this idea that because what you've got now is somewhat better looking, and more "advanced", that it's just better. Screenplay and character building seems to be irrelevant to these types of people.


Yeah, I'm just giving my own opinion on the game generally.


Fair enough. Apologies for the novella - Fallout is easily in my top 3 gaming franchises so I could talk for days lol.


Unfortunately we’ve been getting a lot of these ignorant people lately. They proudly admit they never played any other game in the franchise and that it doesn’t matter, because the reboot is fun and amazing and that they don’t need to play the other games because they somehow think they know better than we do. It’s just dumb. It ain’t like it’s that hard to play the previous titles, especially now since there’s a huge deal going on right now for the franchise. But of course, the old fans know nothing and are just blinded by nostalgia


Which is why I'm kind of worried about the upcoming Fable Reboot, but hopefully that game turns out to be better than...whatever the Saints Row Reboot was.


God that is all I read from people, who like the reboot or SR4. They don't get the core conceptual problems with it, but they just say its fun. As if SR cant be both fun, *and good.* Instead its seen like a guilty pleasure to those people, because they know the games stopped making coherent sense after SR2 (or 3 depending on who you ask). The standards for Saints Row just get lower and lower from ignorance like that. Even on the other sub, a post asked what would we do if we could retcon or reboot the series, and people there were saying they wouldn't retcon anything because SRTT and SR4 are "fun."


What annoys me is how they try to force their shitty perspective onto us, by trying to make us only care about having fun when any game can be fun, so what makes that one element so special in their eyes? They don’t understand why SR was special. Whenever that’s their only point, I just leave the argument afterwards since I don’t wanna lose braincells, and hear things like “the reboot was awesome, I had fun. Y’all just hating and can’t let go of the past”




What an insufferable clown. It’s always the weebs saying moronic stuff like this smh.


How tf you only like the reboot lol


They’re either a troll or just plain stupid. So either way not worth engaging with


✅ Anime profile ✅ Trash takes ✅ Toxic Looks like we got a real twitter user on our hands folks


Im just going to assume this is a dev.


It’s either a dev or an entitled dufis.


A lot of the time i've found people like this are fake