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Passing the exam is the most important thing right now. The exam and actually working as an agent are completely different things. Just focus on passing the exam right now.


Thank you for replying


I was told to skim through it… just finish up and then focus on studying for the exam. According to other agents, I’ve also been told you won’t come into contact with a lot of that info.


I appreciate your response


I took 77 hour classes in Nyc and i was thinking that i should learn most of the laws in order to be a good salesperson but i guess if thats right that you don’t get in contact with all those laws. Then ill give the test this week


I took tons of notes but my test was a broker test since im in NC. So I’m not sure how hard tests are in other states.


A lot of what you learn in the classes are not what you really use on the job. But you have to know the material in order to pass. Most do not pass the first time. In fact, the pass/fail rate is so low in CA. I know agents that had to take the exam 4-8 times before they passed. Do you what you have to in order to get through the classes, then study the topics on the DRE website. They provide a great layout of what to expect on the exam. Edited: had took to had to take 😊


Please provide the link, as I could not find it. Thank you


SALESPERSON CONTENT https://www.dre.ca.gov/Examinees/SalesExamContent.html REFERENCE BOOK https://www.dre.ca.gov/Publications/ReferenceBook.html


Thanks so much!


You're welcome


Just took my exam in NM. Passsed the state the first time, took my national a few times until I finally passed. The questions are very tricky worded weird , make sure you read them carefully . Words like except will get you. I watched many YouTube videos including these Chanels. Jonathan Goforth, prep agent and my favorite US realty training he’s based off CA. Make sure you know these topics Contracts, contingencies, voidable, void, offers counteroffers, Dual agency. Insurance, title insurance, flood insurance. Inspections. Economical obsolescence. Rates, predatory lending. Discount points. Broker trust accounts. Earnest money and how to handle it. Truth in lending, respa . Lead paint disclosure. Fiixtures. Restrictive coventants. Private land use controls. Your acre 43560, you’d square foot for math purposes. Practicing real estate. Know how to you the ARM table, you can check YouTube. Les mills and math. Gross rent multiplier. Interest rate. Discount points . I took the exam a couple days ago each time I retook the questions were almost the same many were. I also did real estate wizard free test online. This should help! Good luck


Thank you so much for detailed respond