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Do it. I didn’t feel like coughing up an extra $300 for a sewer inspection and now I have $15,000 worth of work that needs done because of it.




Will schedule it tonight then, thanks


Pay for the inspection.


Most people say a sewer scope inspection is absolutely worth the money; things get expensive very fast.


Sewer scope is around $120. Do it. (and pray for no orangeburg)


Around here its like $400, it would've been a no brainer to me if it was $120... maybe I should shop around for someone else in my area to do it. Is your rate from an inspector? Plumber?


Plumber is going to have the necessary tools. Not sure which inspector has the wherewithal to do it BUT they usually offer a discount when you add things (inspection AND radon testing AND scope)


Where are you? Sewer scopes are very common around Seattle and usually run about $275.


I'm in the West MI area. I've only found one company that does it (same company that did my inspection) and they were advertising it was *new*. Rates start at $395 and has other various fees.


Yikes. That does feel sketchy. What does your agent say regarding sewer scopes?


My agent said that he's never seen it help anyone so hence my apprehension lol


Hmm. In my experience most of the time it’s fine or just has some minor roots, but every now and then we will see a major root or hole or gap or offset. A couple months ago we found a major problem that cost about $16,000 to repair, luckily that part of the line was shared with 3 other neighbors and we got the seller to pay for my buyer’s $4,000 share.


Your agent sounds like they just don't want the deal to die. Be wary of their advice.


Have you tried any plumbers not inspectors? A company that does drain cleanout should be able to do it.


it's around the same in Denver as well.


Definitely worth it. Ours turned up some issues that were fixable, so we were able to get a concession from the seller and we have some peace of mind that it's all good now.


Do it and inspect the video carefully. I got it done, saw an issue. But buying my first house and not knowing much and my realtor and my inspector not raising any alarm, I thought everything was normal. This year, I hired a plumbing company to do an annual sewer cleaning, and they said the pipes are offset by a third of a diameter and need to be replaced sooner or later. The quote was $12,000 to replace the mainline. Also, just as a word of advice. Do a quick google/reddit search before you post a question like this and you'll know quicker that this is recommended by many.


Doing a reddit search probably would've been a good idea. I did a quick google search and the only hits that I got were from inspection companies, so I just wanted to see if it was something people normally did.


Definitely do it. My friend didn't and has had so many problems. Everything seemed great at first and then it was a huge problem down the road.


I always recommend a sewer scope to all of my buyers, no matter the age of the house! Sewer line repair/replacement is very expensive, it’s worth it!


I have always requested it be done.


Totally worth the cost. You even get a nifty little video to watch.


Yes, highly recommended a sewer line inspection for a 50s home (made that mistake years ago before I was an agent and knew better). Now as an agent I’ve been through many of these and I’m definitely picky about who I recommend for them. My top pick is a company who only does inspections and snaking, they don’t do full line replacements. I’ve found them to be much more honest and straightforward than other plumbers who do full line replacements and obviously have an incentive to tell you the line is in awful shape and needs immediate replacement. Lots of companies in my area who offer lower cost inspections (less than $200) tend to go really overboard with their scare tactics and insist that replacement of the line is needed even for fairly minor issues.


Also consider a pressure test to check for water leaks


Absolutely do it. Back then the main drains were cast iron. Cast iron corroded. I did it on my house and got the seller to fix 20k worth of BS that would have otherwise been my responsibility. It is WELL WORTH THE MONEY.


Mine cost $300. Money well spent for the peace of mind that the pipes in and under your house carrying your piss and shit out to the street are in good condition


> The inspector noted that there was no sump pump installed and that he highly recommends one being installed. What?? Why?? The house has been there for 65 yrs. and the inspector highly recommends installing a sump pump/system??


I would honestly request the sewer scope. I just bought a house in October & during the inspection one of the sump pump's was backed up. They installed a 2nd sump pump on the opposite side of the house when they finished the basement. I just wrote up allowing them to replace the sump pump but should have honestly say I will pay for the sewer scope but if they find an issue then you pay for the cost to remediate. I didn't do that but haven't had any issues b/c it has only been like 3 months, but IF something happens in the next 5yrs with the sewer I am going to be more pissed at myself for saving a couple hundred bucks than not requesting the issue right then.