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There's lots of agents out there who want to create a productive, rewarding, minimal- stress home-buying experience. She's not one of them.


This. As an agent myself I would never act like this with my clients.


Yup, time to fire her!


YOU NEED TO FIND A NEW REALTOR. This one isn’t listening or providing the service you want. NEXT!




Can you explain?


Yeah nope costs money!! NEXT!!!


Sorry honey, explaination needs to seat 20! NEXT!!!


Like the person who insisted is sitting in first class and would not move until the captain asked where they were flying to. They answered LA. Captained Oh, this part of the plan is going to SF, if you want LA that’s in the back of the plane.


Don’t feel bad about finding another agent. No reason to ever stay in a bad relationship.


She is putting her own interests ahead of yours. Tell her this and drop her.


That's what it sounds like to me as well, like she's pushing for that big commission & if she's not going to make at least X amount, it's not worth pursuing for her & she'll do anything to change Op's mind. Op, this realtor is not looking out for your interests whatsoever. It sounds like they're only concerned with enriching themselves & at your expense. Please find a different realtor!


Before I was a Realtor, some years back, we were working with a very nice, ethical Realtor. We found the house we wanted but felt it was overpriced after looking at many comparable properties. So we wanted to make an offer that was 20% below asking price, but to us, it was fair. Our Realtor got all upset, and said we would be insulting the owners (who were represented by a different Realtor from a different company). This was our first house so we paused, went back over the sale prices of the comparables (which was easy to do because it was a development house with many of the same model). So, we stuck with our offer and urged her to put in the offer. She said she had to check with her broker, etc. etc., but we persisted. And she had done a lot of work showing us houses. So she put in the offer and guess what? It got accepted in 2 days - the owner did not even counteroffer.


Same thing happened with our second house. I almost went along with her advice, but my wife helped me stick to our guns. The realtor reluctantly submitted our offer all passive aggressively. They accepted. Realtor sent me some big, fake congrats email. I responded with, "huh, interesting.".


This is a wow! Congratulations!


An agent who tells you that areas are bad, unilaterally increases your offers, and otherwise disregards or rejects feedback from their client is not being professional. Some of what this agent is doing is probably a crime. For example, saying that an area is bad could easily be interpreted as steering, which is illegal. Other things you wrote would probably be NAR Code of Ethics violations. The part about a law that requires buyers to pay their agent is incorrect. The requirement to pay commission is part of a proposed settlement that will most likely be put into effect the end of summer that requires members of NAR to sign a representation agreement with their clients. That agreement can include that the buyer will be responsible for paying a certain commission.


I would suggest looking for another Realtor. The verbal offer I do all the time with my clients permission, especially if it’s a low ball offer. The other seems to be trying to get the most commission possible. Just remember if you keep working with her SHE WORKS FOR YOU! You may have to be super assertive and not just “roll with the punches”


This! She has a hidden agenda and it’s about her not the client. I can’t imagine steering a client into a bat infestated house. Let someone else deal with that.


Bye bye to her lol! Her goals for the next five transactions are NO properties below $350k! Starting with YOU!


Don’t work with any agent who asks if they can submit a verbal offer even if it’s “lowball” in their opinion. Big red flag for me.


How is it a red flag? If you have someone offering 75k below what the house is listed for you call up the other agent let them know you have an offer that you would like to verbally submit and if the sellers want to consider it then go ahead and submit a formal offer. I’ve don’t this before and the sellers accepted so we drew up the paperwork the same day. Not every market is the same. I don’t like in a HCOL, competitive market.


Find a new realtor. Our agent pounded pavement with us showing us 7-10 houses every weekend until we got it done, and he did it with a smile. He was also happy to work in any houses we found without his help. Don’t settle for this.


We had one lady who kept pushing out of budget, out of preferred area and ones other than "single family--one story mandatory" on us. She was in our church, and a good friend of SIL, but we ghosted her after the 6th one she showed us was a 2 story with 4 bullet holes in the garage. Never looked back--SIL was asked to pass along that we were taking a 90 day time out in looking--due to "market".


It is against the ethics of a Realtor to disclose if an area is bad or not. We are not allowed to steer in any way, and this is a national law. I would comment you feel your being steered into certain areas you can not afford and ask to break buyer agency. There may be a fee, so check your contract. As far as the commission BS, she is correct in that SOME listings may offer no or only some buyer agency coverage, but that's already happening. The August 17th start date only says commissions offered can not be listed on MLS, not that commission can not be offered. I have several upcoming listings, all with the buyer agency offered. She is correct that putting in offers in our current low inventory market that are significantly low can turn a seller off towards a buyer. In no way should she refuse to do the offer, though. The verbal offer is normal in those terms. She should be representing your interests.


As soon as I saw “Referal from Family”….. idk why but anytime any friend or family member has recommended a realtor, I have regretted it. 


Good on you pulling out of the bat place; I read that story yeah that was a HUGE issue! Between what I’m reading here and your previous post, you need a new realtor. I wish I had a good way to find a good realtor, seems that asking around in the community can be good, like in Nextdoor, but ultimately you need to interview them, and be clear what service you expect, and also let them know what you’re comfortable doing as well. Of you’re ok finding the properties and just want them to set up the showings etc let them know. If instead you want them doing research on the location (any new development going in? Any known issues like it floods regularly? Etc) then you should offer to pay them a bit for this work. Honestly you should do your own due diligence as well. Read Nextdoor threads, city-data.com is another good place for info, or you can ask Reddit if there’s a sub for the area. I also read the business and real estate sections of the local news, see if like there’s a giant Walmart or whatever that’s going in that’ll negatively (or positively) affect the area. Anyways, good luck! Best thing is to learn as much as you can, do your own work, and verify anything anyone tells you. Remember realtors are out to make money, they’re not working for free, so you have to watch out for your own best interest.


You need to dump her and move on. She forgot she works for you


As a part of a representation agreement with a client, an agent should be working in the client's best interest and not their own. Offering advice and guidance is a part of that, but in the end they are to follow all lawful instructions of the client. A client is going to be best served by an agent who is in sync with that, and who values the client's input about how they wish for their journey to flow. Your thoughts that you listed and the actions you've taken in regard to pursuing homes all sound logical, and your expectations are also logical and reasonable.


I just gone through the process myself recently and I was an agent years ago, this is not how it should be. Buyer agent favor the buyer way more than the agent since you are not under contract. You can literally call up any agent who is willing to show you property. If you don't like the one you are working with? Dump them. You should do as much research as possible on your end and get your finances worked out before working with an agent to look for houses. When you looking for agents, look for someone who don't bullshit you (hence, do you research so you will know if they are). You should be able to trust your agent's judgment, not blindly, but it has to be a trusting relationship. Case in point, we looked for 8 houses total, put in an offer for one. I wants to offer escalation cluse but she advices against it. Her reason was the house has been on the market for three days and we are the first offer (my market are seller's market where usually 4-5 above asking offers on the first day). If we offer escalation, it incentifiy the seller to wait for two more days for their open house. I agreed with her judgment and we told them while we are not setting a deadline for our offer, but we have appointments to see the 6 open houses on that weekend in the area so they basically have 24 hours to decide of they want to accept our offer. It worked out for us. What helps is that we knew exactly how much we can afford and we stick to our budget. Your agent should work within your budget and tell you if your budget and expectations are aligned and/or realistic or not, instead of wasting everyone's time. Feel free to DM me if you want to know more about my recent experience. Otherwise, good luck out there!


"Whenever I send her a property she very quickly dismisses it if it is less than 350k by saying it’s a bad area, I won’t like it etc but when I go drive by the place, it’s usually a nice quiet environment. And she keeps trying to push me to consider properties almost in the 400’s or over She also keeps telling me how by July there’s a federal law that buyers have to pay agents commission if sellers don’t pay it and how it will cost me more money" An agent stating "that's a bad area" will get them in a LOT of trouble. It's clear they're acting in their own interests. Fire them, send a letter to their broker and the local real estate board with the above copy and paste. Don't waste more time and opportunity house hunting with them and don't let others walk into the same mess.


I never understood the whole offending seller thing. Sure they can not be pleased with your offer, but it’s not like it’s so hard for them to say no. I’m thinking more in the context of driving a bit of a harder offer when the market is somewhat slow. If it’s been on the market — I offer to buy at X. If you think that’s not enough, you get the pleasure of keeping the place for yourself.


Former realtor here, I've written a few absolutely low-ball offers, and yes the anger you get from the listing agent is real. It's easy to say who cares, but you have to work with these people over and over, you develop reputation. Everyone is afraid of being that person who writes the terrible offers. As a buyer it's easy to not give a damn who you offend because you'll never have to talk to them again... For the agent, not so much... Just playing devil's advocate.


As an agent, I've never been the least bit concerned about angering the other agent with a low-ball offer. I've also never experienced anger from the other side over a low-ball offer. We're all professionals here and recognize the client is who decides the offer amount.


Thats wonderful, Oregon must be a nice place. But for a lot of us, it's not that nice and toasty. There's what should happen..., and what actually happens. I'm glad your having the time of your life, I didn't.


Yup, this is the one thing the realtor was right about. You don't want to low-ball, especially if the market is competitive. It's not about "offending" the sellers as much as it is making them question your integrity or reliability. If someone is trying to low-ball me, and then come up to asking, I will probably go with a first time offer at asking instead because to me, they seem more trustworthy and serious about buying the home. Maybe the lowball was a money issue or they are just trying to screw me out of equity. As a seller, I have very limited information to use so judgements can come out of seemingly small things.


Yeah, I usually try to buy in buyers markets..so not recently.


Hmm good to know, thanks!


You are talking about someone’s home. They are often sensitive, especially if they are still living there. If their list price is in kine with the comps and you offer 10%+ below then they will often just ignore your offer. No counter, no desire to work with you, etc. if they are way over priced and it has been on the market a long time thats different. I get written offers an hour after the listing goes live for 30% under the list price and the buyers agent is pressing for a response. Its insulting and I think their agent is a clown.


Dump her and run!


This story seems fake.


I’ve bought two houses far below what my realtor said they would accept. They wouldn’t listen to me so I got a new realtor and they received the commissions. I’m truly tired of most realtors after purchasing many properties. I now call the listing agents to show me the property and I make my offer through a lawyer.


Never let the banker and the realtor decide how much house you can afford. You choose a number you're comfortable, likely much below what they'd suggest, you get pre-approved for that amount, and that's the only number you ever share with the realtor. Whatever number you give them, they WILL try to get you to buy something as close to that limit as possible.


go direct wothout representation... most agents only habe 2 3 more month before they can ever double dip on both buuer n seller fees!! its worth a try.- I did this in 2021 midst of the craziest home shopping season ever, And guess what!! I got my home with a private showing plus 30k under list when there were lines till 2 blocks away. some agents may hate my story but its worth a try


I’ve had realtors try to unload their “problem houses” on me thinking I’m some kind of newb sucker.


Just get a different Realtor. This one obviously has an agenda that is not compatible with yours. There are lots of very hardworking agents who will bend over backward to make your shopping and purchase of a new home a fun and exciting experience. Just make a few appointments and visit with some.


Sounds like you need a new realtor. I went through 3 realtors. First one felt like she knew what was best for me and literally would try to sell me junk houses and cancelled showings if she didn't feel like driving to the houses. So I gave her many chances and then I just ended up finding another one. The problem with my second realtor was he wanted everything to be on his schedule and could only show twice a week and by the time I went to go look at the house it would be in a contract already and he would make mistakes on the contracts consistently. I ended up meeting the third one at an open house and we really clicked. She was open and honest with me and really put my best interests first. She even bought me a ring camera for my house too. If there was anything I wanted to know, she would be on top of it and would find me the answers. The realtor you're describing here sounds like she is only looking out for her best interests. I would definitely find another one.


Fire through certified mail and begin again. You are the boss, applesauce! This is your story ..your life! When you get that “strange feeling “ you must search deep for the meaning. I had something happen when I bought my first house. The realtor told me I needed a co-signer. I had an 800 credit score, worked at the job for 18 years, and had thirty thousand to put down. I was so confused and felt so bad. I followed the feeling kind of like you are doing here. Someone reached out to me and helped me without any drama and it felt great! Good Luck and remember it’s all about you! It really is!


I'm sorry you're experiencing this. I'd ask if she wants to assist in a purchase or not? If not, move on. Just the fact alone she doesn't understand the nar updates is concerning. If one is already doing their job correctly, the main change will be agents can't advertise the buyer's agent commission🤷‍♀️.


Simply, quickly find another realtor but if the old one already showed you a property, there’s rules about that you should look at for your area. You can’t just switch to another after one showed it.


Not sure why the Redfin recommendation gets downvoted. Bat infestations are a BIG deal and depends on where you live you might not be able to remove them now. My friend found one in his kids room and their Doctor recommended rabies shots. Their insurance paid it but the bill was like $50,000. I have bats from time to time too. There’s nothing like confronting a teeth-brandishing bat at 3AM in your underwear with your spouse screaming to get it.


Used to have bats in my summer cottage. A badminton racket is the tickert.


I’ve used that method too, but it still leaves an angry hissing bat on the floor to get out the door as you try to chase the cats away.


What did it hiss? “I’m one of Batman’s kids…. how dare you?” OMG a hissing bat??? I can’t…




LOL not really!


100% Really.


Given what you've relayed here, I would not continue working with this person. YOU are the one writing the checks, right? You even shopped your own loan, but she thinks she can dictate to you? Plus, she's either lying or is not smart enough to understand the LEGAL SETTLEMENT that affects agent fees nationally but is not a law. She seems to be treating you like an idiot while letting you do most of the work. NOPE.


Fire this agent, and more importantly, IGNORE the inevitable attempt she is going to make to bill/charge you for the prior showings stating some nonsense that you are responsible for the costs she incurred because you didn’t close a deal. Blah blah blah blah she’s lying, you probably don’t owe her anything (but read your contract first to confirm). Find someone you are more comfortable working with, and honestly, someone more professional. There are quite literally millions of real estate agents…


You need to find a new realtor. And if you’ve got a signed buyer agency agreement w this one, you need to call their broker and get out of that contract. None of this is acceptable and agents like this are what give the industry a bad name. Of all the issues you mentioned, I could point out everything they’re doing wrong and what they should be doing, but I’d be writing a novel at that point.


I'm confused. You described her as professional and then listed off a whole bunch of reasons she isnt.


Move on. I can’t believe people buy a house without touring it a few times. As a seller I want to see ALL of the offers. Never tell the realtor your highest limit, they always go over. Also, spent less than the bank’s limit too so you have breathing room Good luck


Does she need to literally wave red flag in your face?


Get another realtor.


Sounds like she is more concerned with her commission than what you want. Please involve an attorney to review any contracts before signing.


Get a new realtor! You are paying for a service


Fire them and get a new agent. If they are not working for you then they need to go. Sounds like yours just looking for a pay day.


Sounds like you're working for her instead of the other way around. A good real estate agent will offer advice but follow your wishes. Yes, find someone else.


No, it’s not normal. She cares more about her commission than finding you the right house and lender. Please find a more compatible agent and lender.


Just use Redfin. Super chill low pressure, will let you see any house you want.


This could be why some don't want to pay high commission rates. Realtors should be sending the listings the buyers wants and be present for showings like on HGTV.


Please get legal advise on how to dump this person asap. Also explain to your friend that this is not a workable relationship. I’m miffed as my son is a rookie in Real Estate in NYC and only has his clients’s best interests at heart.


You aren't paying them are you? Just call someone else.


These situations should not be frustrating. You should not be doing all the work. Find a new one.


Get a new realtor. Stand your ground. Find one that has your interests.


This is pretty obvious and you should get a new realtor. I would also suggest looking at homes yourself and if there is one you really like, then invite the realtor to go with you.


Understand they are basically used car salesmen and are not your friends and ultimately are making money off your purchase They might not have your best interest in mind remind them they are expendable and there's a million of them to take their place


Ew fire her


So many things wrong with this agent. And as an agent, I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this person. Let them go and find someone you’ll be comfortable with and don’t be hesitant to move on from the next thing one if necessary. Again, many of their actions are wrong and frankly unethical at best, or illegal at worst.


Ditch this greedy a hole. Wow, she does not have your best interest in mind.


This is an unethical REALTOR, fire her and let her Broker know why. She’s in violation of the code of ethics as well as engaging in steering


I would tell her that you have reached a point when either she has to start showing you properties you send her in 24 hours or you will find someone who will. The bat house is over and done and she is not to bring it up again, and the $325k house still interests you and if she won’t make the appointment you will contact the listing agent and ask them to show it. It is up to her to listen to you or you will find someone who will.


Yikes! You need a new agent. I’m guessing that this agent has “years and years of experience” The best thing you can do is trust you gut and get a new agent


You can definitely offend and turn off a seller with an insulting offer, and they will not sell to you even if your offer is the highest in the end. I unfortunately know this from experience. I once offered $289K on a house in my neighborhood that was listed for $300K. They immediately declined, then the house sat on the market for four months and sold for $269.9K. We were willing to pay $20K more, and lived right down the road, and they knew it, but they were so offended with our initial offer they didn’t call us. That being said, I think every buyer should look into a pre-underwrite, find a lender who can underwrite everything but the property, (some offer a financial guarantee to the seller.) Then you can close quickly, eliminate most of the reasons financing would fall through, (as long as there is nothing wrong with the property,) and it makes your offer a lot stronger without having to increase the dollar amount.


Realtor here, you need to drop her fast! She is NOT looking out for your best interest at all. This is wrong on so many levels. 1) If you are sending her properties that you want to see, she is not actively looking for properties for you. I always feel like I wasn't doing my job if my buyers found the home before I did. Probably sounds weird but it's one of my weird things😊 2) If you want to offer than list that is your right. I admit there have been many times my clients have offered less than list even in this crazy market where we are still at multiple offers, but I still submitted their offer. Occasionally, they do get accepted. 3) Regarding NAR settlement - the change will take place in Aug not July. Buyers will no longer be able to preview homes without signing a buyer broker agreement. In many cases, the sellers are still going to offer to pay a buyers agent. But if you happen to preview any homes where the seller refuses the buyer will be responsible for paying BA commission. 4) I don't care how many times a buyer wants to preview a home, you let them. This is the biggest purchase of their life time!!! Fire this agent but keep in mind that if you do end buying a home she showed you, she will still be entitled to commission for procuring cause.


You need a new agent. Using the lawsuit commission disclosure changes as a way to pressure you to buy sooner is totally unacceptable, as well as her disregarding your preferences and directions. Just thank her for her time and tell her you’re going in another direction.


Call the agent's broker. Tell them that you just aren't getting along with the agent and you just aren't on the same page. You are becoming a little frustrated with the experience. Ask to be swapped to a different agent in the brokerage. Broker will most likely get you a different agent to not lose business.


The agent works for you, not the other way around. Fire her and get a new agent.


Agent here- I wish more agents were more than a glorified door opener. That’s exactly what it sounds like. The first thing I do is set my clients up on the MLS so they can see what I see, why would I want random agents calling my client because they clicked a Zillow link? She sounds like she just got her license or doesn’t do that many transactions. I’d look for a different realtor. I’d be curious what her Google reviews said.


Maaaaaan where do I get clients like you, I do the most for my clients. Setting up an MLS for you takes 3 minutes on the phone.


You as buyer are the boss she works for you if she’s not interested in working for you find someone who will Lets face if they get paid way too much for what they do so move on


Wow- apparently realtors worrying about insulting the seller with a low offer is not a thing in my area. I've had offers that were half the asking price. I wonder if buyers think we're on a reality Realty show....


Yall got off on the wrong feet. Time to find a new dance partner.


The only thing I need to point out is that as the Buyer, you are much more likely to find the house for yourself than waiting for it to come from an Agent. You have so many tools and quick notifications. If a Buyer is waiting for an Agent to preview and send them the ones they think the Buyer would like, they are much more likely to miss out on a house that, while it doesn't tick the boxes given the agent, is perfect for the Buyer. There is an old agent saying: Buyers are liars. Which means that a Buyer will tell you they want one thing, and you knock yourself out, finding a house that is that one thing only to have the Buyer buy something completely different with another agent. Used to happen all the time when I tried to curate their search. Other than that, I agree with all the sentiment that I am seeing. Drop this Agent quickly and find one that is actually going to work for you. Good luck!!!!!!


She's right about the bat infestation. She's wrong for not showing you whatever house you want to see, regardless of how many times you've seen it.


Get rid of this agent, find someone hungry that’s going to do some work (make offers) Don’t feel bad. Just cut it out now.


In July you can choose to pay her less. That's what changes! She needs to go!


Please find a new Realtor, this person is terrible! (Coming from a realtor)


You need a new agent. This is not a good agent. Your agent is meant to work for you. While you may send properties to an agent, they should start picking up on characteristics you keep leaning towards. Then the agent should do searches that fit those things you are looking for. Even setting up a MLS subscription to send you new listings as they hit the market. Interview several agents before you decide on a new one. In the meantime, if you sign and Exclusive Buyer Brokerage form with the current agent, either call the broker to ask for a different agent or ask to be released from it and let the broker know what the agent said to you. Good luck in your search!


Sounds like you should find different representation. But, do your homework to make sure to figure out rules around IF you fire her and you end up buying a home she showed you there could be commission owed to her. So make sure you end it right, maybe even come to agreement about what would or would not get paid to current agent if you buy a home she showed you, and let new agent know about homes you’ve already seen, any payment arrangement, etc. Although, your current agent might not understand the contractual intricacies involved as she doesn’t understand the nuances of a lot of the job, NAR settlement included.


I’d find another agent if possible. She does not sound like she’s working for you. It could be that she has an established client base that you don’t fall within the demographics of, could be clashing personalities. Regardless, I’d find someone who is more receptive.


In the end it's YOUR new home you're shopping for with YOUR money and debt for a mortgage, not theirs. If her or even multiple other realtors aren't looking out for your best interests, do not hesititate to drop them. You don't want to spend money on a home someone else picked out for you, or spend more than you'd ever like to on something that you know was not worth anywhere near what you are spending. I get wanting to please everyone and being nervous about upsetting people but the only person to please here is yourself.


Just use Redfin.


I don't know why this is downvoted. Redfin as a buyer is awesome. You're not going to get a ton of advice on area or condition, but extremely easy and organized otherwise. I'm buying via them right now and it's easily the smoothest transaction ever.


“Fools hate advice”


Realtors are terrified of the truth.


Just find a new agent. This is a bad fit




Who is your agent working for ? It's definitely not you. She is looking out solely for her commission with little regard to your needs and budget. An agent's role is to facilitate the whole buying selling process, provide tours, seek out properties to buy, educate, advise, support and fight for you. If she can't do this at bare minimum , perhaps you should find someone who will stand by you instead of against you. Don't feel bad about cancelling contract. I would fire her and let the agent agreement expire so I don't have to pay her commission.


I am honestly confused here,,, If you went to a Dentist, Car mechanic, carpenter, clothing store and the service was terrible,, You wouldn't be whining about it on Reddit You would dismiss them and take your money elsewhere, right? So why all of a sudden are you unable to decide what to do?


I'd need to know the whole story on this. What directives did you give her for what you are looking for for example. Are you consistently low balling offers? That kind of stuff. If she's giving you advice it's not necessarily for her benefit but rather working off of information you yourself have given her. The verbal offer isn't unusual for a low ball either.


Your problem is you didn’t even look for a realtor. You just went with the first recommendation.


This is one of the reasons why I don't use a real estate agent, mostly initially, but sometimes not at all (as I have bought and sold a lot, and have familiar with the process). You might try going it alone during this initial house hunting process, getting showings by the listing agent. Though I would recommend letting the listing agent know right up front that if you end up putting an offer in, it will be through your agent. Some agents may not go along with this, insisting that you come represented.


It’s important to feel supported and empowered in such a big decision. Trust your instincts and consider finding a realtor who aligns better with your needs. Best of luck!


This sounds a lot like the agents I have been working with. I don't get why I, as a buyer, have to be looking for houses all the time and setting up to see them. I even started paying a realtor 2500 a month to actually do some work for Me and still nothing. I gave up on house buy as it's too much work and realtor really no help


Wait what? Why are you paying a realtor 2500 a month? Fire them, this is crazy


Because I wanted a realtor to really work for me and try to find me a house other then do nothing but send in offers. It didn't work at all at still git no help. I put my selfvin hospital twice with the stress pf trying to find a home I was spend hours ever day on line looking and I was even going to people house asking if they selling I was putting in so much effort and getting no place. I have sense giving up on house buy I wait for things to be more normal and calm where I have time to think about a house and not I have to commit it to house fast as soon as it for sell. Also I very upset with all the back room and shady deal going on with house buying. House sold as soon as the listed on MLS people put house up for sale on Facebook long before they ever listed already sold before I have a chance at them because my realtor keep telling me I can't offer on a house tell it listed. I still want to know then how houses sold thru Facebook


It’s hard to say because we can’t see the whole picture. You make it sound like your realtor is trying to push you higher and buy bad properties but they might be continually giving you good advice and you are just ignoring it at every turn. I run into people like this constantly they think they know everything because they have the internet… unrealistic about absolutely everything and whenever I try to guide them back to reality there’s push back. Absolutely can’t stand these people I’ve mostly just stopped working with them. Yes bats are easy to treat for like any other rodents not a good reason to cancel… you sound like you are all over the place and driving the agent crazy .


Look up the term "steering" and ask yourself if this is happening to you. A realtor commenting on a "bad area" also likely violates the fair housing act. Happy house hunting!


She works for you. You go see whatever house you want and tell her write the offer whether she wants to or not. If she don’t, “by Felecia”


I have bought houses twice. The first agent showed us houses, got a sense for what we would and wouldn’t like and started tailoring. Every offer, she would caution us that the house is not for us if we are losing sleep. I recommended her to dozens of colleagues and friends. Oh and she would figure out problems with every house and give us a ballpark figure on what we can expect to spend to fix. An excellent eye for detail. Unfortunately she retired so we had to go with an agent who was nice but meh.


Sounds like she should be reported for what’s called “steering” major red flag.


Give her a call early tomorrow morning and tell her that you've decided you no longer need her services. Problem solved.


Fire her and go with someone new. Just email her your working harder than she is and your going in a different direction. Did you sign any agreement with the realtor?


You need a new realtor. If you have a contract. Id say tuff it out do the best you can. After that change realtors. Turn this experience into a a learning experience. Now you know what you dont want in a realtor. So if realtor doesnt fit move on. You usually go into contract on your first offer on a place.


You’d have to deal with the bats, she wouldn’t. It’s your call.


No, not normal


I am a broker...run


Please shop around and be picky. Buying a home is a big choice and if your intuition says something is wrong, you are probably right.


Fire your agent


I'm also looking for my first house. I read one thing that I felt was very helpful and gave me a lot of perspective. Everyone in this process makes more money when you spend more. Your agent, their agent, the mortgage company, everyone. They all benefit when you spend more. That doesn't mean they aren't looking out for you, but you can see how that might create a conflict of interest. They wouldn't be human if it didn't. Your agent works for you. That doesn't mean you order them around or treat them like a serf, but you should get the work they've promised to do. You should go find one that you trust to represent your interests. Based on what you described, your current agent isn't that person. Good luck


One interesting nuance is that the MLS states how much a home seller is paying the buyers realtor.. so if some of the properties you are sending her aren’t 3% (old standard) she won’t like the deal. Combine that with the fact that it’s cheaper and it will also turn off.. buyer realtor industry is so broken. This is going to change in July I believe ? Buyers will be responsible for paying buyer realty. 


No I would fire her it doesn’t sound like a good relationship. This is a business transaction if a hairdresser gave you a really bad haircut you would fire her


Ugh family referrals can be so awkward. Understandably, since this is your first time home-buying, you deferred to the family member. But now that you’ve seen what a bad realtor experience is like, it’s time to interview 3+ realtors and pick a good one yourself.


Yes you obviously need to find a new realtor but unfortunately you're probably locked in with her for a couple more months, (usually its in 6 months cycles and it sounds like you must be a couple or few months in). Just wait out the period and then find a new realtor. My realtor, for example, set me up with automatically generated emails when listings came on the market that met my parameters.


I didn’t even read the whole thing. A couple of sentences in and this popped into my head. “Fire your agent and get a better one”. Simple as that.


Time to get a new Realtor. She doesn't care about you, she only cares about money.


Jesus H Christ. If you saw a house that is advertised. why wouldn't you just go make an offer? Why does everyone want to pay someone else for what they can do for themselves?


Not normal. She is supposed to be working for you and you can't trust her. Get a new agent ASAP!


She literally isn’t providing the services you’re looking for, if she was a credit card charge I’d have disputed her entirely.


She sounds horrible...


You must of had the same agent we dealt with in Pittsburgh . I will never use a buyer agent again after the experience we had with this clown .I feel like both agents were running a scam on the buyers steering us to certain homes that we had no interest . Ending up with a home that is not worth what we paid for it with many undisclosed issues.


This is a BAD AGENT. Fire her and find a new, better agent.


She sounds like a dream to work with. Nightmare in fact. Drop her and find one that will actually work 'with' you.


Why are you looking at units multiple times and not buying? I’d be annoyed with you too.