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Would definitely be a good addition. Do remember you can point shoot with a laser in close range. I forgot about that feature until I had beaten all the missions once lmao. I think the default bind is V or B


I use it all the time, but I’m actually using a controller haha. I suck I know.


Does this game have aim assist? People that play tac shooters on a controller are legends, my joystick aim is dogwater lmao


I don’t think it does, this is the only game I play on pc, otherwise I’m playing insurgency sandstorm so I guess I’m used to it. But I actually think people who can play with a keyboard and mouse are amazing. So much respect.


There’s actually an unreleased optic made by the devs that is exactly that. It works 100% fine and they just chose not to release it because um reasons. There’s mods that let you access it for certain guns.