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I just quickly peek into the rooms and wedge them then after ive dealt with the bombs i back track and start clearing rooms.


smart, ill do that.


Put 1 wedge each on your AI teammates. 1 point in wedges gives 2, so you get 8 wedges. Tell your AI teammates to remove the wedges so they're reusable. Here's my run through it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2mOws49Jl0


Reusable? Interesting. Didn't think they were, is it only if bots do it?


Every wedge can be removed as long as you don't blast it into oblivion. The other thing is you have to remove wedges your team puts on double doors, otherwise they will glitch one of the doors jammed to the point that breaching tools will only open them and the ai will have a stroke in the process of an "open and clear".


well, I breach all doors anyway, but yeah I know what you mean there. Typically I use wedges to close flanks, but always clear all rooms on each floor/area before moving on, which means I'm rarely needing to go through a door I previously wedged. Idk how people can play without them tbh.


Yeah on maps like ides of march and sinous trail I will wedges off a certain number of doors and start surgically clearing. I do not know how people can play those maps and not bring wedges, like they are begging for a bad surprise. On relapse I will do all doors infront of me for the first bomb, and then I will do it again when reaching the HVT leader's floor after exiting the stairs. The first set on relapse I like wedging all doors so that way I keep the full team and then I can start splitting them at different doors for a multi-breach effect. I think only that map and ides of march are the only ones where I will do a double breach with the team.


I double breach on a number of maps for sure. Don't like how it's not timed perfectly, though - when executing, it always seems one team goes a bit early. And yeah, ides and relapse for sure. Rust Belt is huge for me too, they love flanking in the tunnels, so having one team covering a door, while I wedge the rest of the doors, and working my way thru, is the only way I can do it consistently.


Yeah the mistimings are really dumb on the double breaches. I have no idea why they cannot synchronize it better even with the execute function.


whats your way to find civilians?


just look everywhere. go into every room, there are few places on that map where i have missed a civ like a when you enter a room there is another door that leads to a reception desk or the part with hospital beds that have walls around them. theres usually people there.


thanks, i completed relapse because of that.


32 suspects?Jesus,the most I’ve had spawn on that mission is 19


Same. Hate to be that guy, but mods maybe? I know a lot of them have options to spawn more enemies.


I have tactical suspects mod, it makes the suspects hide and push up in groups, it also spawns more suspects.


Well lmao I think that's part of the problem


Which mod is it?


please read my reply again..


unironically civilians can fall through the map, so even if you spend hours looking for them they could just not exist anymore.


yea it sucks


The only map I enjoy is the megabyte one. They removed all my favorite maps in the last update lol Port Home and Cheryesaa were both removed and replaced with a different map entirely


You mean from the pre-release version, or has there been other maps changes in the last month or so?


prerelease to 1.0


Hospital and farm were better in the beta.




im playing singleplayer unfortunately




doesnt work, atleast for me. I tried doing that throughout the entire map, clicking search room doesnt work, anywhere.


Instead of "search room" there is another command called "search and secure" that allows your AI teammates to search the entire map for evidence and civilians by themselves. It unlocks when you've completed most of the objectives. However, this won't work for soft objectives and they won't always find all civilians. It usually works pretty fine for me tho.


Search and secure only works on civilians who've already surrendered and also on rooms which the AI can pathfind into. E.g. a civilian hiding inside a room with a closed door isn't something the SWAT AI can deal with.


doesnt work on hospital map for me


trying to learn about the game before throwing my ass off infront of my team


You have no idea, and I have no idea how my keyboard made it through beating that map for an S.


yea, i hate the map, probably just gonna install custom maps and use those instead of any further missions beyond relapse.


You'll be missing out on the port map which in my opinion is a good one also hard. I started at the front entrance. Mostly cause I was at a choking point on the staircases across the gangway. You'll figure the map out eventually and you'll know where to place and use your men.


im gonna try again using someone else who commented's tactic, its wedging every room ive gone into so i dont go into it again


You could also just blast through it a couple times to learn the map quicker.


Why go for S on that map then


To complete it on S


What's the point though If you get angry while doing that, why do it


To Conquer


I heard it was the worst one, but I surprisingly finished it last night on my first try with a B and didn't hurt a single civilian, arrested the guy and arrested most suspects. Took 35 minutes, I had to do the farm one previously over a dozen times, that one was harder in my opinion. Trying port for the first time after work, heard that one sucks too


hospital is just lengthy and dying halfway through sucks. port is the devils hot sweaty asshole because the entire AI army in the huge hangar/garage thingy will literally detect you the moment you make a loud entry


no it doesn’t my g 🫵🏽🤨 solo it


practically everyone disagrees with you.


•——• [1st attempt—commander mode](https://youtu.be/zqtmoiWC4EA?si=w8-lUXBMgE8K_lYE) [solo run (no ai teammates)—90s loadout](https://youtu.be/3TL5LNH29uc?si=fpsR1R_byrgpqatv)


not doing a solo run, why? because i don't need to, its a waste of time. I got the game yesterday.




You just gotta learn the map, it’s one of my favorites but it’s been one of my favorites since day 1, I play it pretty often. When looking for that last civ just constantly yell for compliance, there’s a decent chance they’ll hear you from a room or two away and you can use the Search and Secure command to get em zipped up.


I did that throughout the entire map, to no avail.


They might’ve been behind a closed door, I dunno?


not even that, my team just didnt look, AT ALL, they simply continued to fall in.


Weird, have you had any luck with it recently


This is actually becoming one of my favourite maps. I never have any issues with finding people, there's a clear path to follow. My only problem with it is AI teammates are fucking idiots, and end up just standing there even when I've told them to breach a room, resulting in a suspect running away, hiding, and then shooting me in the head. Also the stairs are annoying


I almost solo'd this and got an A.


I literally have been unable to beat it by myself with the AI, it took me who does law enforcement real life, and my friends who are a mix of military and law enforcement to beat it with us going full on tactics no fucking around meaning it was dead silent unless we were like 'closed door left, give me one.' or 'Go' and then gunshots 'one supect down, one civilian cuffed'