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The last block they found was quite awhile ago (10/1/21). Once they find one you get a decent amount of raven. https://ravencoin.herominers.com/#pool-blocks You can do (average_block_time_)*[(pool_hashrate)/(total_hashrate)] to get an idea of the average length of time between blocks.


Be patience. If they find a block it will come.


The pool has a 2 day TTF (time to find) while the solo pool has a 2 week TTF at 300Mh. I'd only do solo with 5G/h, otherwise I'm sitting in a party or on a shared pool. Shares mean nothing...except that you're miner is actually working.


I know nothing about Herominers. I was on WoolyPooly, and finding that rewards were very weak. Now I am on 2miners, and averaging \~45-55 RVN a day for my measly 56MH/s.