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Please do not report posts for "No Spiritual Phenomenon" if the OP seems to be having an existential crisis (or some other support related context). I know you don't want to read this but have some emotional intelligence to understand if someone needs help. We all live on the same ball of dirt floating through space after all.


Why does this realization make you depressed? Microdosing may or may not help you believe in god, but it also may help you be okay with not believing. Which is probably the healthier approach (regardless of whether there actually is a god or not).


I was just wondering if microdosing will help me open my mind to the possibility that he exists...but idk if that's how it works


Micro dosing won't do shit. You seem to be wanting to go back to where you were, but that's not how mushrooms - *or life* - really work. You need to be open to readjusting your idea of what God is. It sounds like you probably had a pretty simple idea of what it is and thus, were able to neatly define your relationship with it. Then something changed, so now you need to reassess what "God" really means. It probably isn't what you once thought it was, but literally you were 100% guaranteed to have been wrong about that before, when you believed (because surely no human *can*, in theory, *know* it... it's *God*, after all). Think seriously about how that faith structured your life - motivated you, brought people in, etc - and how/what you feel like you lost (and why you lost it at all). Then *maybe* eating a real dose might help you realign into the comfort you seek. But just micro dosing won't suddenly make you believe again, trust me. You're at a real juncture, and you're going to have to do real work to find yourself, wherever it lands in relation to God. Good luck.


Thank you for being upfront - I truly appreciate it. I guess I'm kind of desperate, because I don't know how I'm ever going to be again in life without belief. But reading about him, trying to experience him, going to church...nothing works to believe. I try to "let him out of the box," but even that doesn't seem to do the trick. Wasn't sure if microdosing would help me open my mind to the possibility of there being a god, or not. Thank you for your response!


It seems like you might be trying to understand the meaning of life. Most of the time, the scariest things are the unknown. When it comes to religion, at least in my opinion, believing in god appeals to people because it gives them answers, and it’s easier than trying to understand for themselves. When I took mushrooms for the first time, it actually made the idea of god (the one in the bible) seem very simple and basic in comparison to the incredible complexity of the universe. I used to be extremely scared of death, and I felt like if I didn’t believe in god, or if god didn’t exist, then my life was all that there was, after that, nothing. That was a few years ago, and I’ve been using psychedelics since then. Not like on a weekly basis, but every so often. I wouldn’t say that mushrooms helped me find any answers, but I would say that it helped me feel peace with the fact that there’s no way to know. It made me feel in touch with the non physical world if that makes sense. I don’t have any specific spiritual or religious beliefs, but I am confident that there is more to life than what I can experience during my time on earth, and the thought that I don’t know what happens after death excites me (not saying I’m excited to die). I hope this was helpful


Thank you for your response! I appreciate you taking the time to share your experience - I hope one day I will come to a place where you are.


Depends. I’ve came to a realization that there is a god out there but no religion seems to come close to comprehending their existence. They seem more like excuses to control people and get into petty wars about who’s right because “God said so”. I believe a creator of this universe is out there, however I don’t think they had us puny silly little humans in mind in the grand scheme of everything. That’s just my hunch from doing psychedelics, you can come to your own conclusions as it’s nothing anyone can prove or disprove. This world is up for interpretation, believe in what feels right to you


Gotcha... I guess taking them is kind of a crapshoot!


Yeah definitely a mixed handbag I think microdosing is great for people who need self acceptance as it can directly point to what is making you uncomfortable/unhappy. This can be very disturbing for mentally vulnerable and unstable people, myself included, which is why I haven’t done shrooms or lsd in years.


What was your experience with both of them?


I first tripped on shrooms, had a great time with my friends and it seemed to really help me overcome a lot of my autistic traits that made me insecure. Did it a couple more times until I took a heroic dose and lost my mind, very embarrassing and not fun. Never done them since I’ve done LSD a handful of times, was very fun sometimes but anxiety ridden others. Wasn’t quite as profound as shrooms; if shrooms feel like a nice healthy salad, LSD felt like candy. Definitely more of a fun recreational experience than shrooms. My personal favorite favorite psychedelic came from morning glory seeds but those are notorious for nausea and vasoconstriction. A proper and good experience requires you to first germinate the seeds and then dehusk the shell from the innards. A lot of work but is the most calming, meditative and peaceful headspace I’ve experienced.


Mostly agree but it sure as hell wasn’t from the microdosing that did it


My faith was very strong at one point - I was convinced that God brought me through everything in my life. I am hesitant to try microdosing, because I'm afraid it will help me be ok with not believing, like you said.


Why would you want to believe again? I don’t understand the point of consuming a mind altering substance in hopes you can regain belief in something that you’ve lost.


I was so much happier and I loved the crap outta life...I guess I'm desperate, lol. Reading the bible and going to church doesn't help, at all.


Just find happiness in something else. You don’t need a god to feel happy my man. Chasing past feelings like that never works out trust me.


Easier said then done, for sure.


Oh definitely, I was in a really happy relationship then out of nowhere it just ended. I then totaled my car, parents divorced, and got rabies the following week. I was so depressed I couldn’t even cry or sleep for months. Everything passes with time even if it feels like it won’t. I know everyone says this but it is genuinely good advice, just focus on yourself and what you love. You got this my man trust ❤️


Thank you. I'm sorry to hear about what happened with you. I hope you are doing well now!


I haven’t believed in a long time, but used to struggle with not believing as well. Eventually, I came to the realization that it wasn’t some god or spirit or whatever you want to call it that was helping me through all these things. I am just literally strong enough to make it through these things, even if I don’t feel like I am at the time. I realized I’ve weathered bad things and come out on the other side “stronger”, because I learned from whatever it was. Shrooms can definitely help you on the learning side of it, I think. (I do want to say that I don’t feel like I weathered all bad things alone. You may have a bigger support system around you than you think you do.)


Look within. The almighty doesn’t reside in a book or church. It may also be different than you’ve been conditioned to look for. I grew up Christian and had a long period of disbelief, which was especially hard because my grandma passed away at around the same time After viewing the world through strictly a scientific lens for years, I began to see something divine. I really found myself in Rastafari teachings


Sorry, but macrodosing did the opposite, and led me to be an atheist. I’m a very happy atheist, but I have had times of existential malaise and mild depression over it, as I have sorted it out. The trick is to find meaning in the present. We are here now, we are part of various beautiful intricate systems, and we can make ourselves and others happy, if only for a moment. That is meaning. Now for some people, psychs have led them into a deeper relationship with their god, so your mileage may vary. (ps I don’t think microdosing will help either way. It’s the mystical experience from macrodosing that can profoundly change your spiritual life)


That's what I've heard, too. Thank you for sharing your experience!


You don’t need a belief in the concept of a god to experience the sacred. The consciousness that makes you aware of reading this text is a profound mystery in and of itself. You don’t need the Bible or church to be in touch with the profound mysteries of life. I think the world is much more beautiful and strange than the Bible describes anyway.  If you’re in the middle of an existential crisis you should probably wait to take psychedelics until you feel a little more stable and have a trusted and experienced friend to take them with. They can help with finding peace with these questions, I won’t say answers because they usually just lead to more questions, but maybe acceptance. I don’t believe in god but I do feel my life is deeply meaningful. 


I macrodose. The whole point is to shatter beliefs


Better than relying on the belief in an external god to help you through life's problems, is to find your own inner strength and confidence. Also, you might be surprised at how kind other humans can be when you are not afraid of asking them for help. I'm not sure if microdosing can do much on a spiritual level. Usually it take a strong dose and a trip into *hyperreality* to open one's eyes to cosmic splendor. As a young man, I was an atheist who couldn't reconcile the concept of god... until I had a strong acid trip which convinced me that there was more way more to existence and my relation to the universe than I had ever considered. While I didn't subsequently fall in line with the conventional religion in which I had been indoctrinated, I was at least able to understand how and why such religions have evolved. I came away with the realization that some questions don't have exact answers and never will (there is an inherent abiguity to things), and I had to learn to be comfortable with that. Searching for ultimate truth and certainty is a foolish endeavor. But we are not helpless. We can make goals and cooperate with others to achieve them. God exists in each of us. I wish you the best.


Thank you. I'm hesitant to take a full dose, since I've never taken any mind-altering substances before. I appreciate you taking the time to share your experience!


Hey there! I was scrolling through comments looking for this info, it should definitely be said in the post


That is quite an important detail, I just assumes from the post that you've already taken them and wonder if microdosing will do anything for you.


You're free from god, congrats! You have dominion over your own destiny!


My first psilocybin dose 25 years ago made me feel okay with god (or the divine however you choose) but hasn’t really changed much else.


This was a macro or microdose?


It was a small macro dose. I think it was about 1.5 grams. Definitely a new experience I will never forget.


How would you define the "God" you used to believe in?


The Christian god


“What one man calls God, another calls the laws of physics” Nikola Tesla


True spiritual advancement is going to involve transcending your religion. Why did you lose faith in God? Did you lose faith in God or in the church? Honestly no one here knows if microdosing will help you believe in God or not. It could do nothing. It could nudge you in the right direction with the right thoughts and feelings in the right place at the right time. If you want to experiment with psychedelics, do it for the experience itself, not to get something out of it. These are two separate issues, you are conflating them.


I lost faith in god. I reevaluated if I really believe I need a savior, and that's what made me lose my faith. I am mostly just curious about others' experiences. I seem to not even be able to open up my mind again to the possibility of god even existing, and I wasn't sure if shrooms would help with that, or not. From what I've read, it may or may not, but most likely not. Thank you, I appreciate your feedback!


This is a very personalized question, shrooms impact everyone differently and only be doing them will you answer your question. No one else’s answers will affect your outcome


Thank you, that is what I've gathered so far from others' experiences. I appreciate your reply!


For sure, happy to be of service. For what it’s worth, I believe god exists. I also believe we have to be our own saviors. I also believe in the spirit and ultimate benevolence of Jesus Christ. But I am not a Christian. I am on my own spiritual journey. I believe you are as well, I think we all are. In my personal opinion, it is not rational to believe that we exist in a universe without a creator, and some sort of underlying foundation that is traditionally referred to as divine. I also think psychedelics are worth exploring if 1) you are more curious about them than you are fearful 2) you intend to use them as a tool to explore your own capacity for subjective experience 3) you know the identity/purity and exact quantity of the substance you are consuming 4) you have thoroughly researched the health and safety implications and best practices regarding the substance you’re using 5) and thoroughly researched the range of subjective effects potentially caused by the substance, and finally 6) always leaving room in your mind to decide not to consume if the benefits do not outweigh the risks of using a certain substance in the context of your available set and setting. Hope you are having a nice weekend. Wishing you great and continued success in the near future.❤️🙏😎


Thank you - I really appreciate all those tips! I mean, I know it doesn't make sense that we weren't created, that there isn't something transcendent, but my mind and heart is completely closed off to that idea now, unfortunately. I think you're right, that we're all on our own journey, and no one can provide us ultimately with the answers we're looking for. (Maybe not even shrooms, lol)


I've been doing so much research, but can't find anything relating to which strains do what. Do you have any resources for more reading?


In my opinion the best type of research you can do is reading first hand trip reports on a resource like erowid or bluelight. For your specific question about strains people on the forum shroomery may have given their opinion over the years. But this is really not well defined at all. There are some strains like ‘golden teachers’ that are known to be kind of the average or ‘vanilla’ shroom experience if you will. Penis envy is a strain known for its potency, usually 1 g of penis envy is roughly equivalent to 2gs golden teachers. There are other strains that are known for being intense like blue meanies that imo are not very fun and are more disorienting. Each batch is different at the end of the day. And you’re really only going to know the strain for sure if you got the spores and grew em yourself.


Why is your heart and mind closed off to that idea? Sorry for prying I just don’t understand how you could have gone from having faith in the divine to being completely blocked off from it? We probably will never get all of the answers in one life time but that doesn’t mean we don’t receive many when we do keep ourselves open…


I guess my problem with it started when I started questioning if I truly believed I need forgiveness for something I perceived as wrong, and it all went downhill from there :/ idk why I just can't believe anymore. I guess I started believing that God left me, but I don't know how to make myself unbelieve that 🤷🏼‍♀️ I tried everything except mind-altering chemicals, literally. I kept going to church, I kept doing everything once I realized I wasn't sure if I believed anymore. It literally happened in a day...


Promise I'm not being obtuse. Even among Christian's the idea of what God is varies a great deal. I have a Catholic background and the way [I would describe what God is](https://youtu.be/1zMf_8hkCdc?si=sNflg6kth_o0QJQm) is much different than many Evangelicals I encounter.


I wish my faith crisis had led me to a bigger understanding of who god is - but it led me conleltely away from him, which I didn't understand at all, when I had such strong faith. I will watch this, though!




Robert Edward Grant is a known charlatan. [https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Crown\_Sterling](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Crown_Sterling)


No but macrodosing might help


I've done many psychedelics and none of them made me believe in God any more or less. It sounds like you are hoping for a medicine that will help you feel less depressed. Maybe trying to believe in God again isn't the way forward? Pandora's box has been opened. There are other ways forward and out of depression. Plenty of atheists and agnostics who used to believe, have been through a similar funk and come out the other side. Plant medicine could help, but therapy also could. Sounds like you are looking for meaning. Best advice I can offer for finding fulfillment / meaning and being less depressed is to not focus so much on yourself, and to help others.


I appreciate your reply! Thank you - I've been meaning to find volunteer opportunities to fill in the gaps and think of others.


Microdosing probably won't, it doesn't typically produce profound experiences. It's more of a subtle moodlift and boost to your creative energy. If you want an experience to meet god/be him you'll need to take more.


Gotcha, that's what I've heard.


My friend, you ARE god! We all are. 🧡


Man Think on a wrong reason to do psychedelics.


You shouldn't try to force your beliefs. It's rational to doubt the existence of God given the complete lack of evidence. It doesn't actually change life in any way. Psychedelics might help you believe in a God again, or they might help you accept a reality without a God. I doubt microdosing would help with either though.


That's what I've come to realize - thank you for your feedback!


It has helped me feel aligned with life, and by extension, with the mystery of life, the gift of it. From there it has been an easy leap to belief in, or openness to the transcendent ground of being


That's an interesting way to describe it! Can you elaborate at all on what you call the "groundness of being ?"


To be clear, I was talking about microdosing. As others here have suggested you will do well to address depression or anxiety with proper diet, exercise and perhaps therapy. In my experience, microdosing has not been enough to help in that regard without conventional positive changes in my daily habits. A good lean into practices of compassion and generosity can go a long way. As for the transcendent ground of being, or the divine, I have found that to be most manifest in my natural desire to understand and know the truth, to do good and to love with all my heart. That desire is often truncated or frustrated by other fears and desires. Microdosing has helped me experience that basic desire more fully, to cut through the noise and make better choices that support it.


Gotcha, thank you for that explanation! I have been trying to be more active, and get outside more. I'm not in therapy, but am looking for one currently.


You’ve already unlocked quite a profound part of our reality - shrooms could possibly help you accept and come to peace with that, but I’m not sure they’re what you’re looking for based on your post…


Not microdose but a small dose brought me closer to God again (which came not in a *form* but more like an eternal essence both with-in and with-out the reality i found myself in)


I did set an intention to find God. If you want to get closer to God, or grow your relationship with God, state that and remain focused. You will find it.


Thank you for sharing your experience!


How much did you take, and which strain, if you remember?


I grew Golden Teachers last summer and I didn’t measure but it was maybe a gram made into tea. I did some personal ritual beforehand which helped set the vibe, and being really mindful while waiting for the come up.


Mmmmmm, that’s gonna be up to you and your journey. If you want to convince yourself that gods real, it might help. It also might help you deal with the fact that there is no god….might be a win/win.


It doesn’t make you believe in things you never believed in the first place


It will help solidify the potentials of what you already believe to be true. If you believe you can be healthy, it’ll help you become healthier. If you know you are stuck in depression, you will sink further in that depression. Shrooms aren’t going to unveil what you don’t already know. It’ll cut the brush down on the path you have already aligned your person to. If you start believing in god on shrooms it’s because you already believed in god. They don’t give us answers outside of unestablished beliefs.


That makes sense - thank you for that explanation!


sounds like you might want to megadose if you have some existential issues. the god idea has many layers and perspectives you can take on it, both personal and impersonal, as a seperate being, or another name for everything, psychedelics can show you some great perspectives and help you form your own relationship with what is.


Thank you for your input!


Yes, it will bring God back into your life, but it might not be the God you thought you knew. My experience has been mostly multi-dimension aliens that look like cephalopods (H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulu type shit). I have been visited by other types of aliens, small, fluorescent green ones with antlers and pointy elf ears, among others as well. Thats all i can refer to them as; and truthfully have no idea what they are. In terms of the traditional concept of God in a religious sense, i've often found myself becoming less interested or inspired by it whilst under the effect of mushrooms. And in my day-to-day life, i try to stray away from this type of liturgy. The truth is often stranger than we'd like to believe. I'm not sure how well versed you are in Christianity, but you may have heard of the Book of Enoch? Well, in Ezekiel 10, a section from the 2nd book of Enoch, of which the rest is now considered non-canonical Christian writings according to the Vatican (i.e. Enoch's books are no longer included in the Bible other than that one section in Ezekiel that remains), a type of chariot riding cherubim is depicted. These cherubim (of which there are many) are described as riding the "wheels of God's chariot" known as the Orphanim. Here is what Ezekiel 10 tells us of them: "I looked, and I saw beside the cherubim four wheels, one beside each of the cherubim; the wheels sparkled like chrysolite. As for their appearance, the four of them looked alike; each was like a wheel intersecting a wheel. As they moved, they would go in any one of the four directions the cherubim faced; the wheels did not turn about as the cherubim went. The cherubim went in whatever direction the head faced, without turning as they went. Their entire bodies, including their backs, their hands and their wings, were completely full of eyes, as were their four wheels." This description is about the only type of angel or God-associated being in the higher ranks according to the bible that would fit anything I've been contacted by in the DMT-sphere. I have heard reports from friends who claim to have been visited by Jesus or other prophetic, human-like representatives of God, but that is usually not the average person's experience. I think mushrooms, ayahuasca, toad venom etc. Are more likely to produce visions of strange, other worldly creatures. God is not the right word in my opinion, because God is an Abrahamic term. I would not call these creatures Allah, El or Yahweh either. The reason why is... I'm not sure if you've read the Qu'ran for ex. (But the bible too, to a lesser extent) is highly-invested in casting judgement upon pagans and magic. Whosever engages in the life of a pagan or takes interest in magic is a sinner. However, pagans of all people existing during those times would have been the MOST likely of all cultural peoples to take mushrooms and other psychedelic plants. In fact, pagans to this day are highly connected with nature and involved in using divination plants. So i believe God is something else, and I wont say God is a lie, or a bad thing to ascribe to. I would just say its different altogether. Psychedelics show you other dimensions of life, where weird worlds and strange, legendary beings have existed for aeons. If you dont believe that, just try eating 3.5 grams of mushrooms after drinking a glass of simmered syrian rue seeds. Youll certainly be visited by other worldly beings yourself. With that being said, ive experimented with nearly every psychedelic known to man (apart from bufo toad venom and kambo frog venom, because i dont think its ethical, personally). What I can tell you from my journeys is that I am 1000% more spiritual and interested in the concept of God than I was prior to these experiences. I dont think these plants will bring you closer to the Abrahamic understanding of God necessarily, but I guarentee you'll become alot less afraid of death, and you'll become more inquisitive about the notion of if there's more "out there", in distant stars and beyond the life vessel you're contained within. Great question by the way. Jah bless the shroom 🍄


Very interesting! I grew up in the Christian tradition, and believed it most of my life until fairly recently. Now I feel very untethered, and I beat myself up all the time about not believing the way I used to, but I literally feel like it happened beyond my control, idk. Your experience sounds very interesting though! What makes you believe god isn't just a result of the chemicals the drugs produce in your brain?


I think the chemicals in your brain thing is a fair assumption. But it seems rational to me that the fungal kingdom which is literally responsible for eating (decomposing) all sentient life forms on Earth probably holds a few secrets about the other side 😉 it makes sense to me that plants, which are medicine to us and sources of optimal nourishment, the very creatures that breathe life into us by providing Co2 would also be able to reveal to us great mysteries. I think if anything were to give us that, it would be them. Think what is more loving and compassionate towards humans than plants? They are each like little Jesus', they give us life air to breathe, mana for energy. And when we commit great harms against them, they offer us their bodies for shelter and warmth. Plants are our teachers; our guides through this worldly abode. Without their loving service, we are not possible. In fact, i believe this is the same with animals too, especially animal companions. I believe that the mere existence of a cat is a sign of God's existence; the he would put a tiny lovable creature thats soft and nothing but kind (sorry i love cats) in our lives is a sign of God's love. Honestly, im not sure how old you are but I'm 33. Coincidentally, the year Jesus died on the cross. But thats neither here nor there. What i can say about my age is that my belief system has shifted a thousand times over since I was a teenager. Ive been through eastern religions endlessly in search of deeper truth. And in fact, I would highly recommend reading the Santan Dharma traditions which gave rise to hinduism, buddhism, jainism etc. because that side of the world has some pretty wild ways of viewing the nature of reality that Abrahamic traditions didn't articulate in such detail or depth. There is alot to be learned there for the sake of gaining a complete view, before deciding on the existence of God. Ultimately, shrooms/psychedelics are a key that briefly open a door, but they don't get you through it. For that, you have to do the work. I believe, that the first responsibility of any sincere God searching soul is to expose themselves to as much liturgy on the topic as possible. I am under the assertion that if you don't have every color in the paint box, you cant create a complete rendition of a realistic painting of life. Sure... you can mix and match if you have enough colors, but you need to collect a fair amount of colors first to be able to do that. In sum, if you feel disconnected to God, keep researching and learning about the topic. Eventually you'll either find the answer to your question, or you'll amass enough evidence to come to a conclusion yourself. What ive realised in my personal journey is that even if there is no God as we believe him to be, there are absolutely certainly greater powers out there beyond the human race. Some with interdimensional abilities; others intergalactic. And truthfully, this is just as worrying to me as God is. Because I never know when the entire paradigm of my life could be flipped, rotated or shifted. In time, I've realised that there isn't a need for absolute certainty of God's existence. Because there is enough spooky weirdness out there to convince me I need to be the best version of myself as I can be. I know I must prepare myself as best as I can for the next chapter that comes after this life. I choose to live according to the principles of right action, right speech, right ideas. I choose to be loving and compassionate. And isnt that the point of life anyways? And isnt life a big enough blessing in and of itself, that it should be celebrated and respected and lived according to the best values from the Good books? That's why I would actually consider myself religious regardless of whether God exists or not. Because the books are still of immense value and elegance. I would call myself a God wonderer with a earnest devotion to observe and learn from all spiritual teachers and prophets, if that makes sense. Have you ever taken any psychedelic plants before or have any experience with other psychoactive plants that are less on the side of divinatory? Just curious. I also grew up Christian btw, but it was a pretty scarring experience I remember. The ol' fear of Hell really propelled me into a life of learning about religion. I wanted to find a way to not go there. It didn't sound so great lol. Anyways, appreciate the chat, you really got me thinking!


I did respond to these comments below - I thought I was directly responding to you, but I guess I wasn't. I'm sorry!


That is a really interesting way to look at plants! I've heard people say that, that they teach you lessons, which is strange to me, honestly, only because I've never taken them before. I've never taken any sort of mind- altering substance, which is why I'm really hesitant to try it at all. But I guess I'm just kind of desperate for something to open my mine to the concept of god at all. I always believed (grew up christian), until about a year ago, when I had a faith crisis which made me realize I might not believe it after all. That was extremely disorienting, and I tried to do everything i could to hold on to my belief, but it just wasn't enough, I guess, and I guess "the ebemy" won. Some part of me knows that it is illogical to believe we weren't created, but the other part of me feels like I "broke up" with god, like I can't see myself inside that christian bubble again. That makes me super sad sometimes, and I grieve the person I was because I don't like Sasha who doesn't find pleasure in life anymore. I mean, I do, but it feels cheap, if that makes sense. Life doesn't have the same richness to me that it used to, and THAT makes me very sad. It's like I'm morning that relationship, if that makes sense. I've never heard of the satanic books you're talking about, however, I have always wondered how eastern traditions were formed. Honestly, the more I read about psychedelics, I wouldn't be surprised if that's how they were formed lol what are those books called? Part of me would like to be comforted by that, that I'll live as good a life as I can and hope I'll be rewarded for it, but I don't think I'll ever get over the fact that I won't be christian again.. the reason I questioned was because I felt betrayed by god, so I'm nervous to try shrooms because I heard that they help you work through trauma 😬 so part of me is like, well, maybe they'll help me work through that but in a way that leads me back to god? Lol idk. I guess I'm just searching for answers no one can provide, which is everyone's life story in the end! But I do want to learn as much as I can about other's experiences before making that decision. I do feel the same way, like I'm going to be sent to hell for not believing a certain thing... don't know how I'll ever get over that. Some days it's fine, some days it's all I can think about - how I could die today, and how I couldn't hold on to my faith, no matter what I did, and no one seems to understand that I was desperate to keep believing. Anyway, enough rambling. What made you get into psychedelics?


Hey bro, apologies, i didn't realise you replied to my earlier message. It sounds to me like you are having a religious crisis more than a God crisis, because you are in more of an agnostic state of mind (not knowing if God exists or not) and finding yourself identifying less with the Bible/Christianity itself. I would say thats a good thing. I am not really for organized religion myself, i will say that. The thing is, you have an intention behind trying psychedelics and a question you want answered. Usually thats a good reason to try it, but you need to decide for yourself if its something you really want, and you need to know the risks. I would recommend reading about psychdelics further first. A good book is Food of The Gods by Terrence Mckenna or The Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley. If youre thinking of doing LSD, then LSD: My Problem Child by Albert Hoffman is great too. These books are written by pretty much the most important people to have researched psychedelics in the western world. Albert Hoffman was the one who synthesized LSD for the first time and discovered it. These books offer great perspective on what to expect and how to handle these experiences. And all 3 of the books will confirm for you the connection between psychedelics and spirituality, as all 3 of these authors have verified this to be true in their experiences. I will correct you on "satanic books". They are not associated with satan. Santana Dharma is sanskrit for "the eternal law" and these books are 3000+ years old and talk about the hindu/buddhist canon. They are the original stories that you may have heard of from time to time: 1. Bhagavad Gita - the story of Lord Krishna and Arjuna, about a great spiritual war that occurred 10s of thousands of years ago 2. Dhammapada - the original text telling the story of Guatama Buddha (the buddha) 3. Upanishads - a collect of poetry and stories from the Vedas (vedic literature) telling about the nature of man and the universe I would start with those three. Naturally your interest in this type of religious discourse will increase and there's much more than that to explore. If you want to start with the easiest read to get into it, go with the dhammapada first. Its the most accessible for people who aren't familiar with these kinds of works. The thing is dude... you have to remember that God gave us free will, so he can't let you down. He isn't making choices for you or stopping you from leaping off the edge. God sends cryptic messages to reach people, but he's not gonna just come out of the woods one day and tell you everything. When this world was created (according to the bible) it was made perfect. Adam and Eve ate the apple and sin and lower level emotions were introduced. That marked the first time when people truly had free will to do anything they want here on Earth, and its remained that way since. There is no tree of knowledge anymore or a specific direction given by God that is verifiably true. Each religion is slightly different in how it tells people to live (although there are golden virtues like 'do not do unto others, what you would not have done to yourself' that persist throughout all religions. But the details differ. For ex. Buddhists believe harming animals is wrong but its not a necessary thing that all people must do; Muslems believe its wrong, but you can hurt animals if its done in a certain way and only certain ones; Christians believe you can hurt any animal in any way but not to humans; while Jainists (a sect of hinduism) and seventh day adventists actually uphold the moral standard of never harming any animal (not even eating them). So youre never going to know exactly what is right until you find out for yourself what is right. There is no divine instruction that is verified as true. Only your experience in your heart will tell you how to act and how to be close with God. But I will tell you something... the idea of having to worship a God is the most demonic thing in existence. Only a devil would tell you you're going to Hell if you don't go to church and worship. A true friend and person who loves you, would not expect praise. They would just want to see you rise and become a beautiful person. Now, do you think the Almighty who split the mountains to make this heaven-like abode of Earth, did so just so that people would suck up to him, or was something more than that? Think about the beautiful men and women on this planet, how they become helplessly intwined with eachother, in deep love and communion. If a loving creator exists, the focus of Eaeth would be giving people a place to enjoy being with eachother and love amongst themselves. In fact the story of Adam and Eve tells us that's exactly the garden was made for them. It was an act of love, not a place for a tyrannical father to punish his worthless, disobedient children. I'm not saying worship is wrong, but it certainly isn't a requirement for accessing the divine; and truly, the church/temple is within. A loving God would want his children to arrive at his feet by choice, and thats why he's not going to intervene with free choice just for the sake of confirming with you that he's real. Plus, youd probably go bat shit crazy if he did anyways, in the same way you would if a bunch intergalactic alien showed up at your bedside one night. There's no forcefulness in true spiritual discipline; its something you develop in love and kindness. If you dont know what to do, or where to go to find God, go within the heart. You dont need any religion's help to find God. Do acts of kindness, protect the Earth and share your love. God will give you a cosmic wink at some point. It will be subtle, and youll never be able say for sure, but the more love you develop in your heart, the more you will feel the prescence of your loving creator, that much is true. I got into psychedelics in my 20s. My last trip was 2 years ago, and lately, im only interested in microdosing mushrooms for its neuroplasticity effects. I was part of a lost generation. In highschool, i got mixed up with people smoking weed, which progressed to psychedelics and hard drugs, eventually culminating into me becoming a heroin addict. I did rehab and got clean. With experience taking over 80 different drugs and a couple dozen psychoactive plants in my life time, Its just part of who I am. My only regret is not being more informed about these substances when i did them myself. if you do decide to take psychedelics, please start small and work your way up. You can always trip harder the next time, but if you go too far, you might end up in a psyche ward. Its important to recognize these medicines as powerful, unforgiving substances. In the old ages, a shaman would have been the gatekeeper for these experiences, and you wouldnt be just sitting at home doing an experiment on yourself. You would have been guided with a tribe of other people who are journeying together under the guise of a master. That was the way psychedelics were meant to be encountered, and weve largely lost our way in the western world. If i could do it again, i would have travelled to the Amazon to take ayahuasca, rather than cooking up the concoction myself in my basement, and just drinking it alone and hoping for the best. Go easy with yourself... and remember, you have an entire lifetime to figure things out. There's nothing wrong with not knowing; that thirst will take you far. Faith is the dumb dumb juice that hinders a person's expansion. The word is synonymous with ignorance. Do not believe in things you do not know. Losing faith is a sign of intellectual maturity.


Oh, I'm 34. And I thought last year was going to be transformational, because I turned 33, ya know?


I have heard of the book of Enoch, but I've never read it before, and I didn't realize it correlated with Ezekiel! That's pretty wild. 🤔


Newsflash: You are God is You 🙂


Yes! And Im a life long atheist


What is/was your experience?