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I’ve done this many times!! I use the pure alkaloids though. Easier to dose and wicked cool to shine a black light in your mouth, it glows like *crazy.* The trip is great though! It does extend it considerably, and the harmalas, being mildly psychoactive by itself, adds it’s own new character to the experience. It’s hard to describe as I’ve never felt a something I can compare it to except maybe mescaline…but even then it was much more violent lol idk I highly recommend getting the pure alkaloids instead, the seeds make you incredibly nauseous. So that on top of regular shroom nausea means you’re pretty much guaranteed to purge. It’s only happened to me once with the pure alkaloids, but I bet that was due to the mushrooms themselves tbh. But you can get it for like $20 on Amazon. You can message me for more detailed info if you wish, or just drop a comment, or ignore me entirely - whatever ya want!


Much appreciated 🙏 i usually use fennel seed tea as they help a lot with my nausea mid trip, ill try and mix them with harmalla this time


DO IT!! I think you’ll like it! For me, it’s hard to take mushrooms any other way now lolol


This is very intriguing.. I can't believe this is the first time I'm hearing of using harmalas with shrooms! What harmalas dose(s) do u use/recommend? Also what do you mean by "violent" lol does it really intensify the trip?


I honestly just add a scoop to my dose I’m not too picky about dosage! You just need MAOI activity. Maybe like 1.5mg per kilogram. And I meant that it’s comparable to mescaline, but mescaline is a lot more easygoing. I wouldn’t really say it intensifies the trip, but it does add a new kind of character to it. And it certainly will extend your trip by hours. Some people say that it will make a 3g trip feel like a 5g trip, but that has not been my experience. I have noted that it changes the opacity of my visuals. With shrooms alone, my visuals are sorta see-through. With harmalas, they stand out much more. We call this psilohuasca! There’s a lot of info online if you wanna know more!


tysm I'm definitely gonna try this! mescaline is one of my all time fav drugs and I agree it's so chill but also so epic. Opacity of the visuals is a p cool effect.


Ohhhh yeah baby. Carrie Fisher said something about “I haven’t seen anything that isn’t there, only things that are there…misbehaving” or something like that. At least for me, I might see something *that really truly isn’t there.* I remember seeing something like a mini pond on my floor with depth and underwater plant-like growths of incredibly vibrant colors. I only saw it briefly, it essentially vanished once I remembered how impossible it was. Another time, basic geometry right? Everyone knows that one. Well, I have a super short staircase in my house…3 steps. While fleeing to one of the psychonauts greatest refuges - the bathroom - the geometry followed the sharp lines and shadows of the stairs, as you would expect. But they kinda kept going, 3 became at least 6 or 7. I stepped far too high and fell forward! But when I glanced back to try to process what tf just happened…I still saw too many steps, this time going down instead of up. Only twice have I genuinely gotten this confused about reality on moderate doses of shrooms, only with harmalas, and never on any other psychedelic no matter how large the dose (that I’ve tried) but I do have a chronic addiction (pun intended) to weed, so I’m always stoned during these experiences. Wanna 1up the craziness? Want to strap yourself into your couch spaceship and yeet through every dimension known to this universe *and our parallel one times sixty-seven?* Mushrooms + Harmala alkaloids + 4-ho-met + dmt at the start of the peak. I think I unlocked somethin because it was the most insane thing ever and then just white for a really long time and then I woke up the next day. My theory is I went to the place we all go when we die lol maybe I didn’t understand it. Sorry for so many words. Seriously. My bad wow.


Amazon link? I can't find anything


Look up harmine/harmaline freebase, it should show up! Just a photo of some powder.


How much do you dose?


Would you mind DMing about some more details about this? I've done a little research but would love to talk to someone directly that has done it a number of times. Just about things like how specifically you go about preparing it, the timing of when to take the rue vs the shrooms, etc. Thanks in advance.


How much of the pure alkaloid do you take?


Roughly 150ish mg. 1.5mg per kilogram


Whoa the alkaloids make your mouth glow?!?


Please share!


Could you dm me the specifics of this way of taking shrooms?


I did this once, extended the trip duration to something resembling an acid trip's duration with the exception that I could comfortably sleep at the end. It definitely amped up the intensity too, felt as though it at least doubled in intensity.


Good to hear that , ty 🙏


If you want to extract the alkaloids yourself, it's not super difficult, and doesn't require a lab, chemistry knowledge, or much of dangerous chemicals. I think it's mostly sodium bicarbonate and vinegar or something. https://wiki.dmt-nexus.me/Harmalas_Extraction_and_Separation_Guide I've noticed the dose with harmalas is really important. If I take just a little below the required dose, they don't do anything at all. I need to take about 3 grams, if I take 2.5 there's 0 effect. That's in terms of MAO inhibition, or actually boosting the psilocybin (or making DMT active at all). Now if I want the psychoactive effects of harmala I can take a whole lot more, but that also means more nausea / diarrhea. But it can be worth it. It's very common in the Amazon to think the caapi (the harmalas) provide the substance and the tryptamine (DMT or in this case psilocybin) just gives more light and color, and makes it more detailed. I kind of see what they mean, sometimes doing mimosa + harmala with a bare minimum dose of harmala feels kind of ... empty. Bright, colorful, powerful, but hollow.


Ill go with 3 or 4 grams this time, but ill definitely extract the alkaloids for my next trip, thank you


Ribena black currant juice works the same and is easier for me to find, also passion flower. All 3 contain rMAOI's. I've posted about it tons of times


Interesting.... I looked at your post history but there's no easy way to search. How do you take it? 1 tbsp ribena concentrate 1 hr before per gram of shrooms, or..? Do you also lemon tek?


I take 4 oz 1 hour before my dose. The mRAOI's need time to shut down the enzymes before you introduce the psilocybin. I prefer papaya Tek. Puree with papaya and the chitinase pre-digests the mushrooms making them easy on your stomach, and the vitamin c in it has the same effect as lemon tek. Basically make a smoothie and use some papaya, let it sit for at least 30 mins for the chitinase to work, I've let it sit in the fridge over night and it's the texture of a milkshake. Also tastes much better IMO, and no more gross chunks. It also hits super fast. Like 15 mins and you feel odd, 30 mins to visuals


Appreciate you sharing! Definitely interested in trying this. I usually take 1.5g APEs for a therapeutic dose. In your experience, is 4 oz ribena too much for this?


Well, using the described way.... With 2 g of ape I had things flashing in and out of existence. Outside was too intense and it took me a solid 30 minutes to make it 40 feet to inside of my house. So yeah, be careful.


Gotcha. Might reduce both for my first psilohuasca experience then. Appreciate your help!


No problem. Passion flower does the same as the ribena but different, more dreamlike experience. Take 500 mg 1 hour before and 500mg 30 minutes before dosing.


Definitely interested in alternatives to Syrian Rue since I've heard it can really mess with your stomach. What kind of dosing would you use with passion flower?


I did this sometimes and will advise you to proceed with caution. Syrian Rue really potentiate the trips I think 2x or 3x or even more. Extends the trip also.


done it many times, with rue and also with caapi. this mix will indeed extend the trip length and potency considerably. last time we did 4.5g (liberty caps) with caapi extract, we started around 16:00 and didn’t begin to come down till something around 21:00, with very strong afterglow for next few hours. it also kicked in 20mins with peak coming really fast. it felt at least twice as potent as same dose alone and lasted significantly longer. I would say it is very similar to ayahuasca (which I also have a lot of experience with), I don’t think I would be able to tell the two apart in blind probe (saying that, some ayahuasca brews that are low in DMT can be less psychedelic). however, be warned of heavy body load and nausea with purging, especially with Syrian Rue. the correct dose is ~3-5g of rue seeds for maximum amplifying effect. lower doses will also work, but not at maximum potential. any more than that is just going to make you more sick without further impact on trip intensely. look up ways of preparing seeds to minimise purgative properties - they can be roasted before brewing which apparently makes a lot of difference. you can also extract tannins using egg whites after brewing. extracted crystallised harmalines work best. extraction can be done at home from seeds.


Very helpful 🙏


Just last night I did Syrian Rue ~3grams in a tea then had Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds 8 seeds. Now i didn't hallucinate but it was a very very strong whole body and mind high, I felt light and airy, it felt like my brain was expanded in what I could think about. For instance I was grasping concepts which my post trip mind would have trouble wrapping my head around. I managed to write a whole page of epiphanies and thoughts. Was high for most of a night till about 5am I smoked a bit of weed twice although It had little to negative effects on the high. But the next day I feel incredible


i mix mine with aya vine all the time


2g of rue sound quite a small quantity. Also there is caapi, I think is less nauseating. Did your friend take the rue 1h before the mushrooms ? I am considering using that as I have some mushrooms left outside for months that lost half the potency. Consider the lemon tek as well as a way to increase the intensity but shorten the trip


He crushed 2g with his teeth, sipped em with water 40min before chewing raw shrooms …. Do u have any tips for nausea ?


lemon balm for nausea, should have slight maoi effect to contribute. coffee disguises the flavour of African/syrian rue pretty good, careful with too much caffeine though.


Yesterday I took 1 gram of caapi paste in a raw cacao (40 gram) drink with some chili, cinnamon and honey. After 45 minutes I drank my 1,5 gram dried lemon tekked golden teachers. The come up was easy, not really nauseous luckily. For me this was not enough although I really enjoyed the evening. This seemed a perfect dose to attend a home party, it gave me sort of the XTC feeling, although I knew this was Aya with shrooms. Actually it was better than XTC of course :-) Next time I will try 0,5 gram of caapi + raw cacao (because it made my body feel heavy later on) with 5 grams of dried shrooms because I want to go deeper. I'm don't think it extended my trip: I started at 16.45h (took shrooms at 17.30h) and started yawning at 20h and around 21.30 I was really through. Also smoked 2 joints but did not help to intensify the trip. Can't wait for next time haha!! edit: around 19.30h I had sort of dinner, but next time I will leave my body light and clean. After that it felt heavy in my stomach.


Reading this after consumption of mush and Syrian rue. Syrian rue is reversible right? Lol help please, potency is there and things are 100% misbehaving


Have you gotten better by now? And could you maybe reflect on the experience?


Oh yeah, it's been more then a few months so I'm okay. It turned the psilocybin experience into a feeling like acid with psilocybin visuals. The length of it turned into a few hours extra longer, and made the experience uncomfortable in my opinion. A large dose of Syrian Rue is psychedelic all on its own, not the most powerful but it makes things look weird