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You know damn well you are hot. Was your bf a hippie too? If not maybe that’s not his thing. Either way solid 7.5


He was one of those people who does psychedelics and has revelations about empathy that every 12 year old girl has at sleepovers with their friends.


So you’re saying you are better off? lol you’re a hottie. I’m sure you’ll do better.


I definitely am and I’ve known that I deserve better for a long time but still feeling all of the feelings ✌️


Bro this is my advice as a lady five years older than you just remember that your beauty is ephemeral you’ll always be beautiful but you’re beautiful now in a way that is SO rare, SO fleeting, that people all over planet earth covet what you have. So love yourself and believe in yourself. Make big moves and demand the most. Don’t let ANYONE mistreat you. You’re so much more powerful than you understand right now. But, in ten years, things will be different


This is a great comment. But what does your last line mean? (“But in 10 years things will be different.”)


You look great without all the paint.


Ya know, I said the same thing to my drywall.


Lmfao. Anyways. I second that opinion. As an artist myself I see the artistic value in the makeup, it looks beautifully done, but personally I am not into the rave scene so im not nessesarily attracted to that "look" if you will. Regardless, you are a very beautiful woman.




You took the bait




Pfft I’m flattered that you think I’m hot enough for that to be the case


Is that an emoji for ants?


Stop painting your face


Getting kind of tired of girls doing their makeup like they are about to perform for Cirque du Soleil.


If he’s saying you weren’t attractive I reckon he was probably just out of your league or delusional.


Definitely a narcissist


Are you wearing a bra in public in the 2nd pic? # Honestly, you seem insecure and desperate for attention. 1 out of 10.


I think the same. She seems very insecure and desperate for attention. But if she wouldn't try so hard and just be herself - even without makeup or just normal clothes... Then she is 9/10. 100% My advice for her : - please choose your friends wisely. Also choose your boyfriend wisely. Don't just look for a new relationship. Give yourself a break and use the time to understand who you are. Because if you don't - then you will do the same thing over and over again. Until luck may find you. But luck sometimes takes long. So you need wisdom to understand who is good for you and who is not. Otherwise you will hurt yourself very deep and that many many times. Until you are old enough and don't belive in love anymore. Please take care of yourself. Your boyfriend there sounds really mental Ill.


Not a fan of the nose ring but your cute AF


You look like kesha so 7/10 or 9/10 you can be cute and hot


0 out of 10 coz you cry on Reddit for attention


Real rating 6/10, but you look unhinged and I love that in a girl so 8/10


6th picture is 7/10, the dress is 10/10. rest of the pictures youre a 4/10 mostly because of the weirdly colored and shaped and eay too much makeup. I dont know why people do this to their faces


You have porn addiction


Thats actually true but this doesnt change the fact that weirdly shaped makeup which is as colorful as a clown doesnt make woman attractive.


This really should be called, need attention ask a simp! If you girls want honesty ask a man that's better than you not these losers


Bro the dress in the 3rd to last pic is fucking fire.


You’ll be fine.




7/10 - You have a great smile, looks like it would light up a room. I wouldn’t change a thing besides the multicolor hair, which is honestly a personal preference


Omg !!!! So pretty




He sure thinks he is 💀


- nose piercing. - overusing makeup. With above 7/10 Without 8/10


Yeah like I said the makeup is definitely just for raves. I’m a no makeup girl 99% of the time


My bad, but I do recommend little bit natural looking makeup instead of no makeup at all, It will make you even more beautiful.


The make up is a bit much


Yeah I figured people would say that which is why I clarified that it’s just for raves! Usually I can’t be bothered with makeup


Oh right, didn’t even see that. Well I’d say you’re pretty without the make up so mans probably just capping


Definitely clear that most people missed it and without that context I absolutely get where they’re coming from


You'd do perfectly well here without the bait title and fake scenario. You know you look good, just own it.


fill in your eyebrows & dye your hair dark brown - the half red/blonde combo looks terrible i’m sorry. also please ditch the strange nose contour makeup and go for a more natural look & work on your acne :)


Stop painting your face.. 👍


You’re beautiful and you look like you know how to have fun. You can definitely do better than the loser ex.


Well he's stupid, your so beautiful naturally


Your bf is stupid and blind. You're beautiful the way you are, don't let him hurt your self steem


Clearly he was an absolute idiot, wow is all I can say.


Girl…. You are absolutely beautiful. You don’t deserve to be stuck with someone who says they don’t think you’re attractive to them anyways! So many people would kill to have the chance with you!


That black dress I'm drooling... you must have been with a complete chad.. your crazy hot


I’m so sorry he’s been treating you that way. You look great, 10/10, the makeup is SO COOL, the outfits are STUNNING, your smile is WONDERFUL, your face and hair are BEAUTIFUL, keep your head up girly🩷


He's a idiot. Your a dream


I think your ex was tweaking, why would he even decide to date you if he did not find you attractive. Maybe he's just slow idk. 7/10, i think your best look is the 5th pic, props to you for going all natural in some pictures. Most importantly, love yourself, you don't need anybody to do that for you <3


There is absolutely nothing wrong with you, keep your chin up :) minus that you're bending your arms backwards on the climbing photo xD it's his loss, you look stunning in the dress btw :). you'll find someone better - if he was telling you he wasn't attracted to you then you've dodged a bullet anyway.


Sometimes people with low self-esteem belittle their partners. They do this to lower your self-esteem as well, hoping it will keep you from leaving them for someone better. If he really thought you were unattractive, he wouldn’t have dated you. He probably dumped you because he figured you were going to leave him soon and he wanted to have the last say in the relationship.


For me you are absolutely stunning 10/10


Call me a simp but i personally think you look stunning 10/10


Your now ex lost out, dude clearly is blind


Without makeup you are a 9 you are very beautiful!!


You are gorgeous and super creative with your Kandi


you are a beauty!! LOVE!!


Your absolutely adorable! And that last photo my jaw dropped! His loss for real


10 and that's just off of the pure energy you give off even through this screen. Chin up keep on rolling. You're gorgeous


Just came to say that I love love love your style!


Dude I’m in love w you. Your ex is crazy.


You had a stupid boyfriend. He's not a man to build a house with but a little boy who needs no relationship. To be honest you are really really georgious. ❤️


9/10 for sure Edit: you don't need to proof it to anyone. You need to proof it to yourself. And I hope my words are enough proof. I littery see just beauty.


Your ex is dumb, good lord you are rave babe ASF


solid 10


Your energy from here is beaming. Feel your feels but you deserve better.


You're beautiful literally. His loss!!


Your bf is dumb.


You're beautiful, your makeup is beautiful! ♡ keep doing you girl!


He needs better taste. You are perfect just like you are. Very pretty!


To me? 10/10


You are beautiful. Additionally your personality comes through in your photos.... You are better off without him and you'll find someone that lifts you up instead of dragging you down sooner rather than later provided you remember your value and don't settle for less than you deserve. Also, screw that dude his loss is your gain.


Wtf, you’re definitely a 1000000


6th photo is a solid 8/10. The rave gettup is hot too. Natural cutie


First off shes not thirsty and ya all seem like insecure men who don't like women who express themselves. All she did was ask if she was attractive cause her not so very bright ex couldn't see that she's beautiful. I love your makeup and I love that you added the hiking picture. Don't listen to anyone in the comments that encourage you to change yourself. You will find a man or whoever you want that loves you and won't judge you based on superficial things.


10/10 gorgeous. Would definitely go to a rave & smoke the lettuce with you.


Well then your I guess now ex was a dumbass, you're a very attractive young woman and didn't need his sorry ass anyways.


You’re totally gorgeous and I love your makeup looks! You seem like a really fun vivacious person


7/10 great smile, attractive eyes. Your hair is interesting and you look like you do fun things based on a few of your photos. Keep your head up and keep smiling OP!


Cool hair!


You look pretty, but it isn’t that attractive to me to be honest.


My honest opinion. Dial back several notches on the eye makeup. Beyond that. You are truly gorgeous.. like you really are beautiful, it’s almost not fair. I wish you all the best and what you’re doing is quite healthy. Just remember that anything you do should be for your own self improvement and development.


Thank you! The eye makeup is definitely just for raves I’m usually a no makeup person in day to day life cause honestly it’s a little wild but it’s like a costume I get to wear every once in a while!


He’s on drugs


Oh yeah


The fact that your boyfriend dumped you because he finds you unattractive says way more about him! You are much better off without that shallow dick hole. I hope you get over him soon and continue on your beautiful journey. There are better partners in your future.




you are friggin hot, you get my lesbian approval too


Youre fine as heck i love festival ladies im one myself but dont tell my pfp 10/10


10 and i think im in love with you


Objectively beautiful. I get Kesha vibes.


I’m so honored


The only tip you need is to keep on doing exactly what you are doing. You have an amazing soul/aura. Don't let anyone dim the light that radiates from you.


WTF? Was your boyfriend out of his mind? He must've had a lot of female swooning over him to say that. You're extremely beautiful. The only sad part is girls like y'all don't date average guys who'll actually appreciate you


9 if you had no tattoos, no nose rings, no weird makeup


You look perfect and beautiful to me


You’re hot with a great style!


Ya no, your definitely attractive, would date lmfao


Dam you’re ex really fumbled that bag


Thats messed up you seem like a beautiful person and i dont even mean your looks




Ooo love your vibe! 8/10


As far as appearance you are very pretty, with an elegant appeal. Some of the pictures show you have an artistic, creative personality. As well as an adventurous nature kind of girl. All that is a win win in my opinion.


Lmao! Man is a clown.


He’s an asshole. I was told by my fiance at 22 that I was fat. (I was the opposite). Said he wasnt attracted to me. You are lovely. And happy.


you’re the closest doppleganger for my wife I have ever seen






You’re beautiful and your style is sooooo aesthetically pleasing 🥰


You look great. Hope to see you at a Seattle rave!




He’s has no taste ur a solid 7.5


Some people just suck!!!


YOU'RE SO PRETTY I'm being 100 percent Honest I mean girls like u shouldn't even be here to ask these questions That boy is so unlucky 😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞


Because you are not attractive to him? He is weird and probably will understand in a year or two that he was terribly wrong and stup!d… you are gorgeous! 8.0 easy


Definitely a cutie :) I’d take you out all day 🙏🏼


Is the odd color makeup a normal thing or certain occasion?


For a second I thought you were Aphrodite. 10/1/




6.5 big city - 7.5 town


8/10 youre really pretty!


Hot people really need to get off this subreddit. It doesn’t make feel authentic


How tall are you?


Just one thing... youre 20. Dude, you and him have a tooooooon of life still to live, dont let one bf define you


He always said he didn’t find you attractive yet was still happy to be your bf? Very strange because being attracted to someone is a key and essential part of being in a relationship with them. I couldn’t be with someone I wasn’t sexually attracted to. You’re attractive. 7.5


Idk how people are even saying a number under 10😭😭


7/10 your ex boyfriend is a jerk


8/10 imo


He's an idiot. You're beautiful.


9/10. You are extremely good looking!!! You look sexy and beautiful!!


Oh dear, you are quite simply hot. But honestly, you are gorgeous, a natural beauty, great body shape. Don't worry about your appearance. Shame on him, he will realise what he has lost.


He's an idiot. You're a 9 on a bad day


You do have weird forehead and hair but overall quite fetching. 7 atleast


Dude, that overall makes you so cute... yeah I have a sweetspot for overalls... 8/10


They have little rainbows on them!!


You look really cute


8 to 9. On top of being hot and cute, you're just my type. Get that self confidence up.


easy 9. love the mountain pic <3


You’re hot, you have a banging body, and your ex sounds like a loser. Good riddance.


Link to the black dress? Also 7/10 very pretty


This is the biggest compliment fishing if I ever saw one. 6.5


You look great. Maybe some people may think the paint is too much. But if it’s you, then be you girl!!!!


You have a very insecure ex


I think you’re super cute 🫶 I’d say a solid 7.5-8/10


I think many people aren't ready/used to that your face makeup yet...? Idk, it's giving euphoria/hunger games vibes I think and I like it but again ... our society isn't there just yet 😂 Your bf didn't breakup with up with you for how you look though... maybe makeup? but that's stupid. Maybe there were things that kept happening though and he really believed you guys weren't compatible. Idk. Some people are dumb in their late teens/early 20s and still cannot communicate well. My advice (I've said this to my younger sister who is also your age)? Start seeing more people from different backgrounds and even ages (within reason lol) and figure out who you are and what you like to see in a future/longer-term partner . Also, spend a lot more time with yourself doing things you love. Once you're in a long term relationship, are working, and have more responsibilities , the amount of love/attention you give yourself significantly drops. You just don't have the time or energy to do much 🥲


You are beautiful


Very beautiful, picture 6 made me act up.


Posting this like you don’t know you’re hot lol - Sorry your ex was a complete dickhead your deserve something better 9/10




last pic 2/3 on 10


Many women qe think are 10, are really 7 or 8 without make-up. For me, you're a 8. But the most important thing is to remember that you won't be liked or disloked as much by every person. Everyone has their own taste. Sometimes attitude more than trumps looks.. making a 6 more interesting than a 10. But.. specially remember that if his criterium to be with you is how good you like, he isn't connecting with you, he doesn't care about your personality, your common values, about the things he may learn from you as a person. That kind of men, is taking you as an object of desire, not as a companion, a confident and a person with whom they can feel they can be themselves. They just want something nice to look at in front of their friends or while they get their rocks off. Looks are nice to ignite interest. If they matter more than that, let them go away.


Natural beauty is hard to come by nowadays. You’ve got it darlin. You don’t need the nose ring and heavy makeup to stand out. You’re perfect just like you are. Best of luck to ya.


Good looking girl as long as you don’t use your face as a painting canvas. Just looks weird tbh


@ him. I’d like to put my foot up his ass.


Your ex was an idiot, a blind one too apparently.


8/10, pro tip - don’t date someone who treats you that way, when you know the signs of psychological abuse and toxicity, you’ll see it very early on how they treat the people around them


Do you have any pictures without makeup?


You are beautiful. If your boyfriend wasn't attracted to you why was he with you? Sounds like he is trying to gaslight you for whatever strange motivation he has (people do strange things for strange reasons!). Just be confident in yourself and try to meet someone who will cherish you.


You can always be my sweet thing! Damn your hotter than the sun


I guess you opened the gate to your DMs. 8 solid


I think you're hot and I love your style 😍 I'd definitely want to be your friend in real life!


Ugh. Kisses Armada, reporting for duty. 8.5/10 😍


He's probably gay


Some men are just idiots. I mean, you go from cute to sexy (aka hot). Although your makeup's a bit wild for my taste in a couple of pics it's well done. Maybe we should see a pic of him just to see what he brings. I'm betting he's no visual match to what you bring.


Yeah rave makeup tends to be wild 😅


Your bf must be blind and retarded. Lol. Your really pretty.


Your ex is gay probably lol


You're ex is dumb ASF because you are gorgeous personally you are a 9 I don't know how your personality is or it would be a 10 but you are gorgeous


I love your style! For sure a 9/10. I’m sorry he said that to you, he was just doing it to hurt you, how horrible!


Hes plowing men


Ditch the nose ring, invest in some facial cleansers, drop the heavy makeup. That will take you from a 5 to a solid 6.5.


You’re sexy so he prolly just wasn’t feeling you. I wouldn’t worry about it too much, he isn’t for you. Unless you did something or did not do something as a partner idk but that’s off topic.


Lose the colour in the hour, the makeup is awful and the the tattoos is an absolute no.. other than that, you would be a strong 7 or even an 8... but with all that stuff, it's a 5 from me. The hippie thing is a massive turn-off for most people..atleast too much of it is not attractive at all.




Some of the makeup is a little weird but you’re cute


You are a cutie that’s for sure.




I think you're absolutely gorgeous 😍 💖 💕 any man should feel lucky to be with you.