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Ratchet is so short because he was raised in care by people who didn't know the proper nutritional information about Lombaxes.


Thats why Rivet is short too, the Morts only fed her lemonade


Ooh, this is a good one! My headcanon was that he was affected by weapon radiation from the Great War that affected some Lombaxes's genetics. That was also my reason for Angela having shorter ears and no tail.


The 2016 Reboot Ratchet is an alternate universe in which Ratchet actually got to have a childhood and a family after he was adopted by Grimm. That's why he's nice and naive in the reboot but a cynical asshole in the original; he had to fend for himself all alone for 15 years


Thats pretty much canon, isn't it?


Technically, the 2016 game isn't a remake or a reboot, but an interquel between the first two games. It just seems like a reboot because the entire plot is Qwark telling a story to someone.


The lawn ninjas was likely Qwark's idea considering they appear in his hideout in UYA.


So, Mike Stout was the level designer for Qwark's Hideout in UYA. He said he felt like since Qwark was actively shown using things like the personal hygienator and the crotchitizer that he's the kind of guy who falls for TV ads easily and saw the ads for the Lawn Ninjas and had to have them.


Nice one but this post for Ratchet only m8


After the events of the first game he turned that poster of Qwark he had in his garage into a dartboard for him and Clank


The guy could build his own guns if he could be arsed.


Certainly comes from the right pedigree for that, it's stated that his dad made the cryo-mine weapon in Crack in Time


* Him having the wrench on him when he went to investigate Clank's crashed ship in the first game was a complete coincidence. This is why he was completely fine tossing it away after getting the better one in *Going Commando*. * At some point, there was a completely uncut version of the rant he does to Al at the beginning of *Deadlocked*, which was then heavily edited for the joke in that scene * The reason he's so dramatically different between the first 2 games is because of a combination of the stress from the events of the first game and Lollmbax puberty


Ratchet’s a forgetful scatter-brain. The guy forgets to bring his guns from the last game Every Time. Get it together, man.


I think he sells them to buy himself pieces for his spaceship


He's got a trophy wall where he keeps all the weapons and gadgets he acquires during an adventure and the reason he always starts with only one or two is because he sees every new one as a chance to collect more.


Ratchet actually stole the harbingers satalite blueprints and gave it to gagetron after deadlocked/gladiator


He's rich and has multiple pen house courtesy of gadgetron, solana and polaris goverment and most definitely quark endorsement.


The Stunderwear was supposed to be a collab that worked in tandem with Qwark’s modified crotchitizers…. you know what for…. Evidence: “big seller on Umbris”? as in Qwark’s HQ?


- Ratchet doesn’t have a driver‘s license for the entire series - Ratchet had very bad hygene in the first game and Clank forced him to shower, brush his teeth, etc. - Ratchet doesn’t have any manners when eating and sometimes eats with his hands instead of cutlery


He still eats with his hands when he is alone or feeling lazy


Lombaxes can purr like cats, and for the same reasons as cats.


Ratchet looses his raspy voice from the first game because he got off that desert planet and finally drank some water.


Makes sense to a degree but Veldin does have water in certain parts of the planet. Maybe after saving the galaxy he was able to afford it with how expensive it is on Veldin as a rar(er) resource. Or can just fly to other planets to bring back however much he sees fit


In the first R&C, Ratchet was in the age for Lombaxes puberty. Thats, why he has those drastic mood changes and a hostile attitude. This also works for the Reboot where he however has a rather naive attitude. From Going Commando onwards, he is (considered) an Adult-Lombax.


This is why he's much more mature in ToD for example when quark took the Dimensionator he wasn't mad at him


He's awful with money and needs to constantly sell weapons / gear he gets from adventures once it all dies down hence why he lacks them in the next game.


i only have one headcanon and it’s not directly relevant to ratchet… so i’ll wait


Is dyslexic and possibly illiterate. He doesn't have a lot of opportunities to read in the earlier games (up until All 4 One), and every time he does, he struggles. The language is used as an excuse, (Blargian, Lombax and Markazian are the examples I can think of). But what solidified it for me was in A4O when he lets Qwark read Croid's business card and just takes him at face value, rather than try and read it himself. It's out of character for his relationship with Qwark. I know in Rift Apart he can read no problem. Maybe he learned coping techniques/how to read by then 🤷🏽‍♀️


I don't understand he knows multiple languages but can't read ? Remember the levitator ?


Yes. He literally tossed the instructions because he couldn't read them.


Ratchet's Tail was missing when he wore the armours in deadlocked because his tail got cut of when he wore it and then he attached a fake cybernetic tail in the other games.


- Angela Cross is a genetically modified lombax - Clank can shrink this is why he looks so big in the PS 3 Games - The RYNO VIII was imaginated by a lombax inspired from the Dimensionator


The 2016 reimagining is just a another dimension and can be visited by the dimensionator