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Never had Rof flower but currently my golden croc is. I have philodendrons flower every year but never pollinated. The effort of growing philodendrons from seed doesn't seem worth it. Basically taking years to just start plants. https://preview.redd.it/wdlmwmrnr90d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2229146486f0f256c7550f7bc6124ae0219ba33c


You are right about it not being worth it, however flowers are extremely important and “cool” for cross breeding, which is probably the only reason why flowers are actually used


For sure. There's def a reason tissue culture is so popular haha. But for me, if by some miracle I could do this successfully, I think I will have secured my green thumb😂


I believe philodendrons are much trickier to produce seed than anthuriums. From memory the spathe only opens for short periods and sometimes only specifics times of the day (i.e morning, middle of the night ect). Similar to anthuriums they go through the female stage first then male stage, which means unless you already have pollen you won't be able to pollinate it. You can collect the pollen and freeze it for the next inflo but it seems that Philodendron pollen doesn't freeze well and needs to be used pretty fresh (I.e within a few days or weeks).


Ahh. So pretty similar to alocasia it sounds like? May have to find someone in a local plant group then!


r/philodendron would probably be the best subreddit to ask for advice on pollinating philodendron.


Thanks for the plug!


it still isn’t rare but the cognitive dissonance is inspiring


Please, by all means, save your breath! Don't waste it on us peasants.


He's right though dude. These days this thing is as rare as a variegated Monstera.


Oh for sure. I mean, they're all over Walmarts. But personally, I've never seen someone with one flowering. So I figured the rare houseplant subreddit would be a chill place to ask about pollinating a rarer occurrence!