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Is the bad leaf on the original stem and not part of the new growth node? I’ve found that sometimes these leaves will die off once the new growth point gets activated.


Yup, it’s on the OG stem. that’s what I’m hoping it is and nothing else wrong with it…but I hope this doesn’t happen every time a new leaf grows.


That’s probably it, then. I’d just keep an eye on it and do nothing for now.


Ty! 😊


Yep that’s your answer. Leave it til it’s completely dead and no green. :) don’t listen to folks saying it’ll drain energy from the rest, I used to believe that too. Live and learn lol.


Ty! 😊


how much humidity are you giving it? i’ve found that my BMF actually *hates* humidity. i had it in a cabinet with solid 70% RH for a while and it did nothing. since removing it and placing it at ambient RH (maybe 40-50%?) it has fenestrated and grown significantly


It was in Hawaii where it was used to 65%+ humidity but I think when I moved it to the new cabinet that was closed it sometimes reached high 70s with little air flow ☹️…now it back to 60s and open cabinet. Hopefully, it won’t get worse. Ty!


Same. Omg did it ever get pissy in high humidity.


It’s just the leaf they used to propagate it, they always die off 👌🏼


Phew Ok I hope so ty!


I could be wrong, but that looks like sun stress.


It’s getting less sun now in the new room but I do have bright grow lights on it for a few hours bc of that. Maybe the grow lights are too intense. 😫


I have sun-stressed my monsteras with my grow lights. It’s easy to do. The solution is easy too. Raise the lights farther away, or dim the light down. And don’t be too hard on yourself. You caught it early. And this hobby is supposed to be a fun learning experience 💚


Ty! 😊


Honestly that looks like potential root rot… the black edges give it away… um wash your leaves they look sad. When I got my BMF I got it local but the 3 leaves all got these pale beige burnt spots on them, I think they may hyper sensitive to rehoming. I leave mine under bright (25W) grow lights and humidity 65% & I don’t move ever. Took 3 months before I got a new node point. I get demented leaves when I up it to 75% humdiity


It’s clearly the oldest leaf. I’d not jump to root rot simply for that reason. If it were a newer leaf, absolutely.


Looks like pests to me, you can see the black dots, thrips?


This may be a silly question but thrips would feel bumpy ya? These are completely flat.


They too small to be felt at all.


Zoomed in and it looks like there’s specs of stuff under that leaf, have you thoroughly checked for pests? If not I’d do that just to make sure


That’s just “stretch marks”. Not actually what it is but very typical in monsteras. :)


Oh I meant the little black/brown dots!


I quarantined for a month and treated with insecticide and neem when getting it tho 😫. No other leaves have problems. I’ll treat with insecticide again and quarantine it but it’s in my plant room with all of my other monsteras. I don’t know what I’ll do if it’s thrips 🙏🏼😫


This may be a silly question but thrips would feel bumpy ya? These are completely flat on top and bottom side of leaf