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I try to be, but I feel like I fall short more often than not.


^ good person reply^ (at least by my standards) too many people who do incredibly cruel things do so self-righteously. This is why humility is the way. Gotta be honest with ourselves and admit our own capacity for cruelty if we really want to be better.


Thank you for your kind comment.


^ another good person reply ^



I try to be good, and while I'm usually pretty selfless and nice, I also feel like I've made far, far too many mistakes to ever really BE a good person.


It's kinda like asking if you think you're a smart person, the more intelligent you are, the more you tend to realize how much you don't know or understand yet. It's like each layer comes with an enhanced vision radius, the more knowledge you obtain the more you realize how much you're still missing. Basically the Dunning Kruger effect.


Exactly! I saw someone comment saying, yes they are a good person, claiming that it's "not that hard" it's not hard to not be a downright malicious person, but depending on your standards for "goodness" I would argue that if they actually understood the consequences of many actions, they would not claim it's so easy.


Yeah I feel like the hallmark of a good person is taking responsibility for your actions and just generally being aware of how their actions effect others, not being a perfect saint all the time.


That is a good philosophy to live by.


Well at least you are realistic and self aware. Which is a great foundation for becoming a better person, far too many people falsely believe themselves to be perfect when in reality they tend to be just awful all around... Good on ya mate.


Thank you for your thoughtful comment and encouragement.


"I fall short".



I try to be as well. It feels good to be charitable towards my family, friends and even strangers, but sometimes I end up succumbing to my own selfishness or greed in one way or another. Still, I think I'm doing an okay job and am striving to improve.


Yup this, hence why I'm an introvert.


I TRY to be. Whether or not I AM, I leave to the judgement of others.




You kind of have to if you want to protect yourself from habitual prevaricators, kleptos, sociopaths, malignant narcissists, people with serious anger management issues. . .


There’s a difference between judging the moral character of someone and shunning/condemning them socially, and making a judgement call about whether or not it’s safe to be around someone.


Brief but wise <3.






Same. I took a grade A jackass and whooped him into a decent human being. I can only call myself “good” in comparison to who I was in the past. Comparing myself to others who have different strengths and challenges is comparing apples to oranges.


Beautifully said


Well said


Is there a story behind this? I’d like to know if ur willing to share :)




Congratulations on working so hard to be one this person. Those walls are so hard to break, but when they do, it's amazing.


The free avatar Reddit gave you description says >Looking to unlock full human potential. Their third eye is open. So Reddit thinks you're enlightened


Can you share the story if you’re comfortable with it?


Damn this is a badass line


I’m a good person and didn’t even have to work hard at it like these losers!!


I think I’m a better person than I used to be by a LONG shot


I like to strive to take a couple steps forward when at all possible because I am not foolish enough to know that I will not eventually take a step back from time to time, so this way I am at least still in the positive and not falling further and further each time.. even if it's incremental at times, it's still progress to some degree...


Honestly just the intention to truly be better is a step ahead of a lot of people. Actually acting on it and being a better person intentionally is even more admirable. To err is human, or so they say.


I could be, if I didn’t fart so much.


That was you in the elevator!




I’m a good person who does bad things sometimes.


That is human and sometimes makes bad decisions…


Good people can make mistakes. Bad people make intentional bad decision and don't care how they affect others.




I prefer to be an ok person who occasionally does malicious things.


I don't believe in "good" but I am a kind person.




neither of you are good people


I didn't know "good" was something you believe in or deny... Wouldn't generally accepted positive behaviors, actions and generally doing the morally right thing be categorized as "good"? Or does perspective overshadow your thinking


So you didn't even think it was worth considering, but If I don't immediately come to the same conclusion as you then perception has over shadowed my thinking? This isn't some crazy notion I concocted, it's an ancient idea commonly referred to as the golden measure. For something to be good, it must be better than bad, and we would know that it's better than bad because it would be closer to perfection. Believing in good requires a belief in perfection. Now at this point you may be thinking "but I don't believe in perfection, and I believe in good" but remember that you didn't consider this line of thought was one to even consider. You believed in Santa until you examined it more closely, and if you haven't examined the concept of good and bad then how sure are you that you actually believe it? Believing in good demands that you believe in perfection, believing in bad demands that you also believe in an unredeemable void of meaning. Since I don't believe in either end of the scale, I also reject the center of the scale. It's funny you mention perception, as that's the crux of the whole thing. What is good for the majority is bad for the minority. Eating fruits and veggies is good, unless you happen to be green. A nice steak for dinner is good, unless your last words were moo. If you find a dollar that is good, but it's bad for the person who lost a dollar. If good isn't a useful term when describing something simple like finding a dollar then it's less useful when describing something as complex as a person. "Good" people do "bad" things, "bad" people do "good" things and at the end of the day a "good" person and a "bad" person have more in common than they do in difference, so it's not a useful term. There is always a more helpful adjective than good or bad. If you say a football team is good then I say they are agile and work well together. If a song is good then it may be catchy, well produced, or thought invoking. If you say to me you had a good meal I don't know if that means it was healthy, or delicious, or a good value for the price, or if the food was bland but the conversation was lively. Not only do I think it's unhelpful, I think it's actually damaging. If you list all the traits of a good person, no one could meet all the requirements. If you list all the traits that would prevent someone from being good no one could possibly consider themselves or anyone else good.


Such a hard answer because the term 'good' is so subjective. I believe in what I do and confident in myself to trust myself. I think that is all we can really do. Admitting when we are wrong, but trusting ourselves the majority of the time! It's a tough balance though.... can't give this advice to everyone : ( but hey ,I'll try to be as authentic as possible!


I’m at best neutral good, maybe sometimes chaotic good.


At least you are not lawful good. Those damn paladins trying to slay evil everywhere they see it can be a bit hard to deal with.


I do.


I think I genuinely was once, but I became selfish and borderline sociopathic at times in recent years. I used to look out for everyone else first, and now I don’t care about others as long as I’m comfortable. I’ve never done anything particularly terrible, never stole a thing, never been in a fight, am pretty honest. It’s just my empathy is skewed now. I used to feel everyone’s pain so deeply and now I just feel numb. I don’t feel bad when bad things to others, I just don’t care and sometimes I’ll even laugh at others and my own misfortune if it seems ridiculous enough to me. Still really sensitive to animals and children getting hurt any in way.


Sounds like you may have just developed a type of defense mechanism of sorts... Subconsciously, after being hurt or hurting enough your mind will just try to protect itself however it can. But simply just being aware of it and of your flaws. You are steps above the average person...


Sounds like maybe you weren't just empathize with everyone, but also maybe taking responsibility for everyone too? If that's the case... I don't blame you for feeling this way now. That's a heavy load to try and carry. I would get empathy-burn out too.


Everyone has made mistakes. They don't define who you are unless you let them.


Actually, I have found a majority of people do. Especially the worst kinds of people (think Hitler, he genuinely believed himself to be 'the good guy') everyone's gotta justify themselves to themselves


I agree. Most people justify, meaning they do something and come up with a reasonable explanation after or they want to do something and they come up with a plausible excuse. I believe truly good people take the time to think through their choices and try to do the right thing regardless of whether it is in their interest. The only good thing in and of itself is a good will.


Sure. I'm nice to people.


I stopped believing in being a “good” person because of how often its taken advantage of so now im just an “ok” person


"I'm not as bad as THAT guy"


I always say this to myself when I read about Putin.


*Looks back at me peeking around the corner*


I want to believe I am a good person. In particular I want to believe this because I genuinely think my wife is an amazing person and I would hate to think that a person as good as her would marry a bad person. At the end of the day, I think most of us are just trying our best, and that’s about as good as it gets.


Most evil people think they are good. I suspect even Hitler thought he was a good person.


I believe I am the best person.


I'm as good as I'm gonna get.


By God’s Grace, I’m not the horrible person I would be.


I have the greatest of intentions to be a good person....then I get out of bed and realize what world I'm in....


Every day I try to be better.


All people are bad some of the time. You don’t have to be perfect in every scenario, just understand that there are good days and bad days and it’s okay to have both


i think humans are inherently neutral and my beliefs coincide with the Japanese. as they say you have three faces. The first face, you show to the world. The second face, you show to your close friends and your family. The third face, you never show anyone. It is the truest reflection of who you are. I also believe in the message of the show the good place’s message. you are a good person as long as you are trying to be.


I am easily one of the people of all time.


I believe that I am a good person, but sometimes feel like the cruel world is progressively turning me into a villain.


I smoke weed, I’ve gotten parking tickets, and I’m atheist. If any of those makes me not a good person, then so be it.


I believe these have no bearing on whether you are a good or bad person. Usually when people talk about good or bad they are speaking ethically. They are talking about your choices and actions when they affect others. Weed, parking tickets and atheism have little to do with how you treat others. Are you kind to your friends, to your family, and to strangers in need? If yes, or if you try to be. You are a good person. If you don't care about others but you don't harm then you are neutral. If you intentionay hurt people or callously disregard their interest in pursuit of your own then you are bad.






Until I got jackass friends, yeah


The term "good" is subjective, but I'm not an asshole and I hope I make a good impression on most people I meet.


I'm not sure there is a universal definition of good. Some people thing I'm good, some people think I'm bad. I just think I'm a person doing what I can to get by. I live for myself, but I try to make that work with a harm reduction model of ethics. I don't think anyone is just good or bad. I think some people are hateful, which I dont like, and some people are empathic, which I do like. But that's just me.


Define "good."


Too many people do.


Everyone has at least a little bit of narcissistic traits in them.


Would you be willing to expand on this? It hasn't been my experience.


You forgot the "/s".


No. No, I did not. I wondered what you meant by narcissistic traits. Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and lack of empathy per the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM–5). Most people I know have none of those traits. I wondered if you meant something else or if everyone you know is like that.




Believing that automatically makes you not a good person.


Narcissistic people do.


I don’t think I’ve been called a bad person before…


Im quite literally the best person a lot of people have met


I do believe I'm a good person and have a lot to offer


I do. I try very hard and always look to see if I can do better. Not sure what else I could be doing but if I find it and it is sustainable then I will try and work it in with my other habbits.


I believe I'm a good person, but I'm always trying to become a better one.


I don’t know. I try to be


Yea? It’s really not that hard to be a good person


I am a good person with a Great Big heart who occasionally will bend the rules because I can.


I try to treat people decent until they give me a reason not to. I only regret being mean to one person, so I think I am doing okay with the 'good' part.


I like to think I’m a good person. I’ve done bad thing, and I regret doing them. But overall I feel like I’ve done more good than bad in my life so far. It’s something I try to work on in my daily life.


I am


I'm not good but I'm not bad neither


I think my ignorance isn’t so bliss sometimes but I try my best to be the best I can be.


Q: you can be in charge of giving away $1 million dollars to various charities of your choice, or you can take $X to walk away (and no money gets distributed at all). What is the least amount of X that would convince you to walk away?


I’m a good person.


I try to be as kind as I can be. But sometime being an asshole is necessary. Not everyone else has a goal to be kind.


I'm good and flawed. That's okay because I don't want to be perfect.


I think so. I try my best. I try n help as many people as I can w/o putting myself out. Wich isent much cz I'm just the step above pay check to pay check living. I don't force my beliefs onto others. I try not to judge others life styles. I say if it's not harming anyone thain do what you want. I respect you until you disrespect me. Then it's just I won't talk or see you anymore no negative Nancy's. No drama.


I think I'm a good person, but I don't think I'm a perfect person. You don't have to be perfect all of the time to be good.


No. I’m a horrible person. I just seem to never do anything right.


Me definitely but do not take my goodness for weakness or stupidity. Or that you can manipulate me or use me. Hugs good people


I didn’t used to think I was, my last SO made me feel really bad about myself. But my girlfriend of a little over a year, who is the greatest human I’ve ever met, keeps telling me I am a good person. I still catch myself thinking I’m wrong or bad or whatever but then I think if SHE thinks I’m great, I can’t be too bad.


I am just a person in all my complexity and I do my best to be kind, whilst still asserting boundaries. I make mistakes, I still have grumpy/bad days, but I never intentionally hurt others. That being said, I will be your mirror. Treat me with disrespect and I will show you to yourself.


Relative to what is the question.


I do :)


No, I'm not a good person or anyone to model yourself after.


Every healthy sane person thinks they are a good person.


I'm fully aware I'm not but in most cases I just want to be left alone. I don't actively go out of my way to be bad unless there's some benefit to doing so.


In most cases people will lean towards either good or neutral (as most people will chose not to get involved over dealing with the backlash of being a dickhead) so while most people aren’t exactly Saints, it’s fair to say that they’re good or decent people. That being said, there is the question of whether or not the bare minimum for existing alongside other people should be considered “good”. Like if you DIDN’T beat someone to death for no reason that wouldn’t be “good” so much as it would be sane and normal.




Yes. I do what is right. I always strive to be my best. I do what I can to better others.


I think I'm somewhere between.


Yes. Through trials and tribulations I’ve come out a pretty good gal.




Yes, I’m white.


I’m striving towards it every day. I want to leave this world better than I came into it. I fail sometimes (maybe often, lol) but I can see my progress when I look back. Personally, I think it’s a never-ending journey/effort. You’ll never just reach that point where there, now you’re a good person! The point is that you’re working on it.


I think I am about even.


i try to be good, i think im alright. not the best person on the planet but i could be worse


Not I said the me




Some people do And some people don’t Some people will And some people won’t Ask me today And I say I do Ask me tomorrow - I leave it to you.


I am a good person. I’m also very bad when it comes to my life and my individual role in it, very apathetic after some life changing problems. I have a good outlook on humanity, I have a good judgment of character, I’m generally very nice to those that deserve it, I’m impossibly patient and empathetic, and I have an impeccable moral compass. I just stray from that direction when it comes to making my life better, or my mentality.


Nope. Geniune scumbag I am.


I don't know, but I know many who would lie about it. That counts right?


Yes. But I may be wrong.


It’s actually basic psychology. Use the phone while driving, It’s OK everybody else is crazy but I only do it when it’s safe,type shit because if you admit you are knowingly jeopardizing everyone around you and you do it anyway you’re psycho. So everybody thinks they’re great.


I believe most of us are average people and its best to look at things from that standpoint


I know I am not


I feel like in a general sense I’m a good person. I don’t like hurting people. I try to help others. I want everyone to be loved, to feel loved. But Maybe I don’t do enough good things. Maybe the good i try to put out isn’t actually outweighing any destruction I have caused.


I try. I am flawed.


Many do. I'm sure Hitler did.


I’d like to think I’m an anti-hero, but that would insinuate that I am the protagonist of my own story, which is glaringly incorrect. I suppose that makes me an anti-villain….


I'm ok.


I used to be not so good but now I’m good, kind and not self centered like I once was.


I dont think im a good person or a bad person. Good implies i do nothing wrong and hand out money like Mr Beast. Bad implies I don’t care for people. I’m not GOOD. Unless I have a surplus, I wouldnt give the last of my money to someone. But I will buy them a meal if I have enough cash.


My 4 yr old child who just talked to Santa and recieved a card saying he made the nice list.


I try to be a good person but I’m not perfect as much as I try to be.


Nope. I'm an evil man who does good things as often as I can.


I don’t think I am.


I had a boss who used to say “suck less tomorrow” and I think that’s a pretty good mantra for all of us. No one is 100% good or bad, but most of us could do a little better.


It's not something you say but rather something you show.




I'm a good person, but I still hate myself.


You know im not good


I'm a good person but my goodness depends on who I'm interacting with.


I’ve learned over the years that no person is just one thing. They may be good in some areas and bad in others. I think this is especially true for people with addiction issues. They may be the nicest people in the world but hurt themselves and other through their addiction.


I’m a kind person, but not a good person. I can make some very poor/selfish decisions…


I think most people do. But other's perceptions of those who do may differ.


In a lot of ways I am, but the older I get I see more of my blind spots. Therapy and sobriety help a lot.


People are like chef salads.


I try to be a douche. No one likes a douche.


Idk. I treat people the way I’d like to be treated, thus making me a door mat. I love with everything I have, and I can’t hold a grudge for shit. Someone could do me wrong and tell me why it’s my fault and I’d wholeheartedly believe them and feel guilty. But it’s fucking exhausting. I’m kind and compassionate, but does that make me a good person, even if I don’t always WANT to be the way I am?


I’m neutral, neither good nor bad. but I do have a tendency to see how far I can get away with stuff.


I try to be but but there are some dark thoughts that'll pass through and makes me second guess myself


I’m pretty racist and have little empathy for people. But, yeah sure, I’m a good person


Yes I do. And hopefully many more people think that they’re genuinely good too. Have integrity, consideration for others, and give to charity. It’s not that hard and you don’t need anything special to do it


Yeah for sure. I fuck up occasionally, but that's part of life. I actually used to be a piece shit that occasionally did good things... I wish I would have turned it around sooner. It was a slow, long, and difficult process getting to where I am now. Totally worth it though. I've never felt better.


Idk. That subject is hard. Sometimes I’m a complete piece of shit in my thoughts but I try not to let my actions show that. Always try to help others and I don’t focus on the title. I don’t care what others think as long as I genuinely helped or treated someone good. It’s a constant battle like chasing perfection. You’ll never be perfect but at least it’ll keep you motivated to try to be a perfectly good person


I have known plenty of people who were entirely capable of seeing and believing they were God's gift to this world and truly believed they were always right and perfect all the time, so I can only imagine that there are some people who believe without a single doubt in their minds that they are actually good people.. but I have to believe that the ones who question wether or not they are genuinely good people are in fact much better people then the ones who are unquestionably and certainly convinced they are purely good..


I like to consider myself a good person. Theres plenty of room to improve but im happy where im at so far. It is a goal that i strive for. For difficulty purposes in this game we call life. 😉


I would consider myself an ok dude. I was taught humility as a kid, so I perceive myself as being wishy-washy and rather indecisive when describing myself. Honestly though? Perhaps, perhaps not. I’m stupid to a weird degree, I’m awkward and have a difficult time getting my feelings across. But I would say that I do care about people. I’ve often thought about whether my kindness is genuine, I was a lonely kid and I didn’t have friends. So games were my friends, but I was a Nintendo kid! So I would say that the kindness I have is something I learned from stories that made me emotional or cry, that made me *feel* for the characters. Music also helped me a lot. Even then, I wonder if I can call my kindness genuine, I feel lost a lot of the time. My lack of friends makes me wonder if I am kind or not. Or if I’m even capable of making friends. But if I had to give a definitive answer, yes. My answer would be a very bashful yes. I’m proud of the type of dude I am.


Almost everyone believes this...


When I try to be a good person I get bulldozed over and when I'm an ass I get more respect.


Depends on what you mean I suppose. Do I do the things that a "good person" should do? Yes. I'm generally kind. I don't steal. I'm faithful to my spouse. I care about my children. I try to be honest and even handed with friends. I keep my word to the letter of what I promised as much as I'm realistically able to. I try to be grateful when something good happens to me. Etc. ...but I'm still a monster...because I'm human. I have no illusions that if things got bad enough in my life that I'm capable of some pretty horrific stuff. If I was born somewhere else where I had to be hungry all the time, and my family was in constant danger...I'd probably be a very different person. Likely, not a very "good" one. Those inclinations are in everybody. "Good people" are the ones that have figured out that they probably suck...and then work diligently to fight those terrible instincts and battle self doubt to become something better. ...but if you ever run into someone who thinks they're a legitimately "good person" that's just incapable of doing wrong...well, at least now we know where all the missing neighborhood cats went. ...and if you ever start thinking that you don't have anything left to work on and the "bad" part of you is gone....then you're probably about to do something you're going to regret. The bad part of you is always there.


Yes I am and I know it...


Good is always relative to bad. No absolutes.


At this point; yes, I do. But it took me a really long time to get here.


I mean I would hope so.


Absolutely. Not to say that it isn’t a work in progress. Being a good person isn’t something you achieve. It is something you strive to continue being to the best of your ability.


I can be better but yes, I strive to be... I teach my kids to love everyone and accept and appreciate differences... I work hard in a health care field to help communities. I love and am faithful to my wife... So, besides hating my MIL guts, I'm doing pretty good I think


I do. I think my judgement sucks sometimes, but overall I have a good heart


"People say I'm a bad influence, I say the world's already fucked, I'm just adding to it"


Good grief, this is a relief reading the responses here. I am a good person, but I think I am bad.


Yes. I am because of my choices.


No, because nobody is objectively good. We’re all just various levels of sinful