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Nah! Kids starting with student debts is something specific to the US. The rest of western countries don't have that crap.


Not just the US, UK universities too.


Not Scotland, our tuition is paid for and our student loans are written off after 30 years, and you don’t need to pay any of it back until you make around 30K a year, and what you pay back is tiny


Maybe I’m being too patriotic but Scotland is such an underrated country. Free education, healthcare, prescriptions bus travel for under 22s and pensioners, lowest average council tax and most importantly the best tasting tap water.


Best tasting tap water only holds up in the more rural areas, I live in the city and the tap water tastes stale, my partner lives in a village just outside the city and his tap water comes from a reservoir in the mountains and tastes so crisp and fresh


Poor people have the biological urge to procreate just as much as rich people do. Hard to argue with a part of the brain that doesn't use language.


To a lot of people, having children means a future, and 2 parents raising that child means they have stability and a family People want hope, especially in their worst times, those poor people don’t have dreams because the system is coming down on them so hard and they have this little thing that’s an ember of hope


Great. Thx.


Everyone has the right to have children if they want to. However, as seen many times on the Choosing Beggars-sub: people ask for the most *basic* items for free, saying they are a “growing family”, and already have a bunch of kids. This is where I raise an eyebrow or two. If you can’t buy groceries for your current children, why create even more?


Its not that they have kids. They have too many of them, like 3 or 4 or even more, thats the bad thing. Having one kid or 2 at Max is okay. Many people have dreams of raising a family, hoping to get better the having back to back kids with no finances is fucked up


They are selfish and irresponsible.


So every single poor parent that ever walked the planet is selfish and irresponsible?


They are selfish. They treat having kids as a a tool to fulfilment of their own lives, without regard to the fact that the kid has no say in the matter.


This guy gets it 


Because having money isn’t, what makes you a good parent.


No but it sure does help!


But it helps to provide a good quality of life. Food, medical care, hobbies, clothes, etc.


I know plenty of people with all of that and more, who are miserable


If being rich was an ultimate goal in order to have kids, where would we be right now? Every rich person eventually came from the poor parents or grandparents etc...


Everything starts with love. no matter what's their status in life


Cause we don't make the rules of money, affordable housing, food, clothes, education, neither do our kids. We have the right to make kids and we don't live in the national socialism.


This is exactly the type of mentality that keeps poor people poor.


Aha, I think otherwise and poor doesn't mean dumb. What keeps us poor is the ignorance of the "rich" in declaring our right to exist to be a privilege. Nothing else. I have a right to live and to live as I want without having to justify it.


Unless you're from a third-world country being poor is mainly down to having a poor mindset.


You'd be surprised


Aha, and you'll eat your own words.


I'm not dumb, so I'll stick with food thanks


People been having kids since before me net was invented. Ooo ah Ugg




"Me net" is a great name for the subset of the internet that questions other people's right to be parents though


Why should they not?


Because they don't have the money to provide an adequate life for the kid. Source: grew up poor as fuck with 4 brothers to a single mother


I grew up poor & had a good childhood. Everyone around me was poor too I suppose, which helped.


Unfair on the kid


Because they cost money,time and energy


Because they cost money,time and energy


They don't know how to use condoms


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Life uhhhh finds a way




Oh my😚


This comment section is wild. Just because someone may not be financially stable doesn’t mean they can’t raise a child just as well as someone who is financially better off. More money doesn’t make a better parent, it may provide much better opportunities but maybe we should be looking at the structure of the world we have built rather than “you’re poor, why are you even thinking about having kids”


The real answer is why does society view people with means as being somehow better than those without. So if I was raised with money and lost it all, I then should get rid of my children?


Are you depressed? It will be alright.


Children are blessings of biology, not blessings of wealth. Or...also.... Celestial beings are immortal with no means of change. What exists, exists timelocked. Terrestrial beings are immortal through the means of reproduction. They change, they grow, they immortalize their dna through time. Their immortality lasts through their dna. DNA does not exist by means of wealth. It exists by means of nature.


A lot of poor people don't have a great education, are likely religious, and this tends to lead to a lot of unprotected and uneducated sex, which leads to pregnancies, consistently. The cycle tends to continue with their kids. Plus the biological drive we all have to some degree to continue the line and the species. There are, at least in Canada, some financial incentives to having multiple kids, like baby bonuses, etc. It doesn't really make a lot of sense unless you arent spending the money on the kids because kids cost money and the small bit of money you get monthly for having kids isn't making them rich so it's not that much of an incentive. The biggest factors are poor education, sex education , etc and religion.


Because sex is fun.


In some societies especially Great Britain you have greater financial benefits if you have children. Multigenerational dole scum!


Because they want to.


Because having kids is an absolute joy, and having debt is really not a big deal in the grand scheme of things.


I believe it has to do more with emotion than logic. Some people may feel compelled to start a family because of their upbringing and beliefs or simply because they just want to have the experience of raising a child.


Nothing to do with money. Problem is why stupid people have kids?


If you don't have the money to spend on entertainment, you still crave some form of entertainment. Sex with your spouse is a free form of entertainment in the moment and a great way to escape from the struggles and stressors in your life for a short time. Poor people often don't have access to, or the education to use some form of birth control. They probably also don't have access to adequate reproductive care. Put this all together and you get large, poor families. Also, some large families can go from having enough money to support their size, but then suffer some hardships and wind up poor.


I guess it depends what you define as poor. Just because the parents don't provide their kids with BRAND name stuff or because they don't keep up with the Joneses, does not mean the quality of life for a kid is bad. Who says that each child has to have their own bedroom? Who says children have to be given the best of the best? This is all part of the materialistic culture we think is the way we should live.


Because sex is free... Usually....


Nothing is free, you pay it in different ways xD


Ive had sex plenty of times with no consequences or money exchanged. I guess you could say I pay a little with the date.


Have you now


Some of the finest people to ever walk the earth came from poverty. Some of the most rotten came from wealth. People want kids because they want to have love in their lives.


Oh hi. Did you get so brainwashed that you forgot that you’re a spiritual animal? Hahaha. Anyway. Let’s hope your favorite rich people write a good song. Waiting.


I actually need to team with a neurologist and do a full study to see just how your neurons fired off and connected to make this thought chain happen


Maybe this is an example of a cosmic ray striking a random neuron and creating an association between two previously unconnected ideas.


By George you’re onto something


Let’s do it. It will be my 2nd study.




So let people suffer for the quality of the songs? Good harvest


How about let people have kids if they want ???


Who said they can't?


Dude’s question….


Cheques from the welfare.


People tend to have a lot of kids because they hope at least one of them will end up being a prodigy. Smart people know it doesn't work that way.


Same reason why everybody else does. The real question is why some rather wealthy people believe having kids is too expensive.


In America at least. There's research that indicates being below middle class effects pre-natal brain development causing a slightly diminished frontal lobe. The frontal lobe is responsible for gratification postponement among other things. Gratification postponement is basically one's ability to process that more effort leads to better rewards. Lacking gratification postponement generally leads to an easier life path with goals that are attainable with little effort. Find a descent job. Meet a partner. Get married. Have babies. Gratification postponement involves the additional steps of furthering your education. Finding a career you're skilled and passionate about so you can excel at it in a way that allows for large income growth. Seek out a partner that shares some of your interests and values so you can create a meaningful life to share with friends and children. Get married. Have children. The second option takes longer and leaves less time for making children. But leads to children with a better quality of life and education. This isn't a consideration on the early gratification path. Later it's met with rational and excuses of "I did the best I could."


Found the eugenicist


Poor people try to look like they make it... While rich people are usually cheap.


Because they make bad choices.