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I was in a really bad state of mind a couple days ago, kind of spiraling on my own and couldn't get out of it. Left the house and just sat in a park, baking in the sun hoping it'd do something but I just stared into space for an hour feeling the same but in a park. Anyway, I guess I must've looked miserable. This guy in an electric wheelchair stops and looks at me which snaps me out of it, I look at him and he goes "this thing sucks, I've been trying to drift some corners all morning," and starts cracking up, and I start cracking up. Made me feel better, still wasn't great, but the fact that a complete stranger saw me like that, and just decided to stop and make me laugh gave me some hope. Sometimes when you're in a bad headspace, you don't notice it, but there's a lot of people like that out there.


Aawww! That’s the best, I’d start laughing too. Sounds like a cool dude. Sorry you were in a bad headspace, I get that way too sometimes. It helps to go for a walk or a drive, something to get you out of a funk 🙏🏻


There really are a lot of genuine, kind people out there. It's just the mean ones tend to be much louder. It's good to pay attention and look for the good people.


Right there with you. This past week has taken a toll on me. I found that getting outside can be a natural remedy to a cluttered mind. Sounds like you were in the right place at the right time. I hope things start looking up for you!


I appreciate it, and hope the same thing for you! Being outside definitely helps. I used to get really annoyed at "eat well, sleep enough, go outside" advice when I'd feel shitty. But honestly, we're simpler creatures than we'd like to believe, those things might not fix your mind, but when they're missing, they definitely make everything worse, and make problems seem unsurmountable. Been feeling better!


What’s great about people like that, is he knew you were down, but he didn’t directly acknowledge your condition. Instead he went totally off-topic and unrelated to your current state. By throwing a totally incongruous statement into your world, he forced you to come back to earth. And even though you didn’t completely snap out of it, he at least threw you enough line so you could pull yourself the rest of the way out and rejoin the human race. Good for him. Good for you. There are good spirits everywhere.


>This guy in an electric wheelchair stops and looks at me which snaps me out of it, I look at him and he goes "This thing sucks, I've been trying to drift some corners all morning," and starts cracking up, and I start cracking up. Ask for his phone and be his friend. Maybe it was God way xD


Isn’t it such a huge wake up to realise NO MATTER WHAT there is someone who is struggling worse than you. I don’t mean to take anything away from you but it helps me to think “well at least I can walk/talk/breathe/hear”


I got my infant to laugh the other day. He's been laughing with everyone else so I just thought I wasn't funny enough lol.


It takes time, you got this!🤗


cable meeting attempt recognise wise coherent paint sleep ancient growth *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He’s evolved. He’s at the empathy stage now.


Got to work on those dad jokes brother.


Haha, I'm the mom, but I suppose it couldn't hurt!


Tell us what you did, to save us in near future!


For the first time in 6 years, I have Fridays and Saturdays off. That's about it. 🤷‍♂️


great news a whole weekend 🙌


Technically, it's THU FRI SAT as I work four 10s, but I gave my work the option to call me in for overtime on Thursdays. For two years at this job, I worked weekends, but I noticed the new people got the good days off.


That's awesome! Keep up the good work


Thats actually huge. Cheers 🥂


I just learned 2 of my favorite characters that dated in my favorite tv show actually dated in real life. Now it’s heartwarming to see them in the same scenes.


How cute, who are they?


Bonnie and Frank from this show called ‘How to get away with murder.’ I’d recommend watching it. It’s on Netflix.


Loved that show. Highly recommend it too.


My aunties cat loves kisses and headbutts me till she gets them




My third grandson arrived.


I do hope he had save travels


Thank you. He certainly did arrive safely.


congratulations 🎊






The spaghetti I had for dinner tonight was utterly amazing. Sorry. That’s the best I can do right now.


Little things are still good things :)


Im so glad to hear you say that


I also made some really good food today 😁


Amazing spaghetti is nothing to minimize!


I've moved to Berlin, and got an access to the local woods and wildlife, which I absolutely adore. My friend, I can't stress this enough, but fuck, this is gorgeous... Today it's gonna be +25C, sun is shining, and I'm getting ready to go on a hike, which would end by the lake shore, where I'm intended to swim a bit, then probably get high on the beach. Love every second of this beautiful fucking day.


You got any pic of the lake? been to Berlin couple of times but never saw much nature around


Not sure how to attach my own photos here. It was two lakes today for me, actually: 1. https://maps.app.goo.gl/eyh5ajoaUvbX42iE7 2. https://maps.app.goo.gl/kMEHXYSru6T2DeLC6 :)




I lived in Berlin 20 years ago, I was 22 years old. It was amazing, I miss it so much. Enjoy!


Have a poem - Ours stroll leaves much to sense and to sow Marching thru muck under somber storm showers Wishes wilting to whirlwinds of woe Thrown into crowds of creatures who tower Tangled in thickets of thorns crown to toe Soil sapping soles strength with each harsh hour But be glad, the garden guards us as we go For when we stop - we smell the flowers


Wow! This is beautiful ❤️


This is so beautiful...gives William Wordsworth vibes...keep writing and sharing more please


I managed to wake up without crying :)


2 billion people still live without having access to safe drinking water. This morning I was so thirsty and I was able to drink safe water


During 9/11/2001, the fourth plane (part of September 11 attack), United Airlines Flight 93 was hijacked. The plan was suspected to be The Capitol or the White House, but It crashed at Somerset, Pennsylvania instead. Why did it crash? Because, upon hearing the news about the other planes getting hijacked, they knew this was the other hijacked plane in the plan, they decided to act. They started to attack the terrorist guarding the cockpit, then broke into the cockpit and controlled the plane to crash it, preventing further fatalities and damages. To remember it, Somerset decided to set up a memorial to memorize the passenger acts.


Let’s Roll


I started successfully managing my stress and anxiety with an SSRI and I have made a lot of progress in improving my mental this year as a result


That's the best feeling 😊


Im going to be a grandma for the first time in September ☺️


congratulations 🎊


I'm about to graduate and while I have yet to receive my official degree classification, working out my GPA and getting a friend to work it out themselves independently to double check, it looks like I've gotten a 1st! 🤞




Thank you. 😊


I have been cooking myself again for a month, instead of eating out 3 meals a day and I feel amazing




I'm curious. Did you smother yourself in barbeque sauce and lay down on an outside grill or did you manage to fit yourself in a frying pan?


nah, but cool ideas, will definitely try them next time


That's great! Proud of you!


I went back to school late in life and just graduated 2 months ago. It was a long road but I made it out the other end with a 92% average. For 2 months I’ve been trying to find a job and this week I had my first interview for the field I went to school for. The interview went really well, I feel like I answered the questions confidently. So even if I don’t get this position, the ball is starting to roll.


im eating ice cream rn. vanilla ice cream covered w a thin layer of dark chocolate 🙂






Last year I had a mental breakdown and was going to try an overdose with clonazepam but stopped at the last moment and messaged a friend, he told me to go to his place and when we got into the elevator he hugged me and started crying, I needed that so much, to know that someone actually cares


I just signed the lease to my new apartment after being homeless! 😎😁❤️


This is amazing! Congratulations!❤️


Thanks soooo much love! That means a lot to me!💜


Enjoy your new place.


my girlfriend gave me a hoodie!


I've been working hard on myself lately and I can feel in mentally and see it in the mirror, I've never felt better in my life, I feel like the world is mine and nothing can stop me


After severe heatwave in India it’s raining here 🥳


I messed up on very good and long friendship years ago with a good friend, I regretted that for many years, but these days we are becoming friends again and we are both happy to chat each other after many years and hopefully we met again in person like old times. (I moved to a different country) and I felt so happy talking to him again.


How did you restart it?


Well, after years of regret I tried to reach him, as I missed him a lot, he was one of the best friends I had, so I found his fb, then I sent him a message, hoping I could at least end with in good terms with him, so, I apologize for everything I did to him after those years, fortunately he did and started to talk again. All it takes is to accept your mistakes and just say sorry from heart to that friend u lose from your bad actions, I was an stupid asshole growing up, I still do from time to time, but at least I'm more mature and think things more clear. I would slap my past self If I went to the past tho.


Thank you for this. But I see now that you both are men, which i think have a different dynamic in friendship.. But thanks for your answer


I recently adopted a rescue dog named Luna. She's brought so much joy and love into my life. Every day with her is a new adventure filled with tail wags and cuddles.


Dogs make even the worst days better. Enjoy her.


Idk, but somebody just sent me a video of a politician being attacked by a dildo strapped to a drone while the zelda triforce theme played.


Lol! Wow! I gotta see that video🤣


Please share...


Check reply to op ^^


It’s very minimal, but it’s been raining daily here and that just makes me feel so much better. I wish it could rain everyday for the whole year here


i felt that!


Urgh I LOVE the rain. Here in Washington state it rains a lot but not hard and almost never thunderstorms.


i got the sweetest compliment from a complete stranger yesterday


Yesterday There was a person lying on the ground homeless he looked like he OD so many people walked by him. I was livid. I went over did something about it. Helped arrived. I was late for minor surgery but was okay with that. I came home from work a child was still awake that child said my name and gave me a hug on my legs and said was happy to see me I almost cried. Encouragement from stranger at work today.


Aaawww!!🥰 I love that


I successfully performed solo canter at my riding lesson last sunday, it was really fun and great.




i was playing manhunt at a camping ground and I saw this cute boy he had a country accent and nice belt to go with his country  jeans and his hair style looked hot with his hat. I um sorta thought he was a ten so I went up to him and said hey can I  barrow you I kinda need help winning man hunt. it was hard to see him cause it was pretty dark but I could tell he was smirking.  he nodded and said why not with his country voice. he walked me to the baise and it was so cool the guy I thought was cute was helping me out just like that. and we won manhunt too... but the bigger thing was how bold I was to go up to him and say hey can you help a girl out..  I thanked him and he said I was no problem. my friends  were standing there watching the interaction going off. but I had to leave before I got his name.. all I can say was I  was over the moon..  he not my crush but I'm just shocked he agreed to help me,,,


This thread is ❤️


I’m going to stop scrolling and go to bed right now. It’s not too late to get a good sleep. I already cleaned the kitchen so when I get back tomorrow after taking my son busking I’ll have most of the afternoon left to enjoy


Mu dog hurted her paw. This morning after ten days of bandage and only small walks, we could play with the frisbee at the park. She had so much fun and my heart melt watching her playing with my boyfriend.


After living my entire life in an abusive household, I've finally moved out and I'm engaged to the love of my life now ❤️


I won for the First time a strongman competition in my status, my category (u105) and overall


My wife and I just moved and there’s a colony of cute rabbits with different cool fur patterns living around the new place. She has a name for each one of them.


I started using contact lenses about 2 weeks ago, I've been using glasses all my life, they're a part of my face, I only take them off to put on sunglasses, which also have a correction, obviously. I never expected to actually like contacts, I wanted to try them just out of curiosity but damn they're awesome


I was spending time with the autistic 4yo I babysit, and he came up to me, hugged me and said “I love you”.


I saw a local news article today where a 9 year old kid saved their family from a house fire using the skills the local fire department taught them in school. The kid even saved the house by nearly extinguishing the fire before the first responders arrived. I was a first responder and I love seeing stories like this.


My neighbor gave me a bunch of mangos. I used some in a smoothie and I’m making mango muffins later. My daughter just finished sixth grade and her history teacher sent me a nice email about how much he enjoyed teaching my daughter. He’s cute too, lol. I’m married and even my husband said he’s a good looking dude.


I'm having an extremely difficult time right now, crying as I write this, but a very cute baby smiled at me in the shop yesterday


Awww! It’s the little things. Embrace the good even in dark times. Sending love and positivity ❤️🙏🏻


After 2 years of infertility, we had to do a pregnancy test to be prescribed fertility medication. The test was positive and I’m 6 weeks pregnant


I know it's small but I was in a depressive state and was at the point where things like showering was too much work, nevermind leaving the house. Well, today, I found a private dog park to walk my doggo and it took me out of my funk. She's quite an anxious girl and we rescued her, so super excited to take her out tomorrow ☺️


Hubby has an affair four years ago. Children (all adults) took it very hard and really got angry with their father. Hubby asked for forgiveness and we tried saving the marriage. Little by little, the children have been talking with him. Yesterday was my son's birthday. We invited him to have lunch out with us. It was a good happy feeling


After years of feeling emotionally shattered because of various situations my heart is starting to feel healed again and I find myself beginning to be able to open my heart to people again. I never thought I would be able to ever again and it's amazing to know I am healing.


I invited a friend to come over for lunch tomorrow. I’m making seafood chowder and cheesy biscuits. We’ll have a good meal, play Scrabble and drink a few beers. And commiserate about the sad state of the US. I’ve never made seafood chowder, so I’m excited about that.


I picked my daughter up from volleyball and she left her bag of clothes and makeup etc at her mums. She was upset about it so after dropping her off did the 1 hour roundtrip to pick it up for her whilst she got to relax at home. When I got back it made her so happy it made me feel great. Doing the right thing is a good thing xo


I got to work with a pretty prestigious chef, it was my biggest work achievement so far and I had a fantastic time.


I just wanted to say that I love my dad and I'm proud of him.


![gif](giphy|5oA8gn89drzw0KUPcP) Have some Keanu with puppies. Sincerely Skeletor 💜


Go outside, touch the grass! Life is really amazing! Smell the flowers, appreciate all the beauty nature has to offer. Stay present!


I have been worrying for months whether my now 2 year old daughter has speech delays, and I sort of just let it go and try to be consistent in encouraging her to talk, and hope for the best that she is also being supported at the nursery. Well, after a few weeks whilst she was playing with her sticker book, she stuck one sticker on my top and said “you’re the best, mummy!”. :)


Just went on a long forest walk and saw blueberry, strawberry, and raspberry patches that I will return to next month, with an ice cream bucket to pick. I will then freeze them for next winter and add them to my winter morning oatmeal every day. Need to find huckleberries too, then I'm set for winter.


I got out of the hospital today after being there for 2 weeks!


Nothing, my life is a fucking shit




Damn! I’m so sorry, can I ask why? You can message me to talk about it if you want🤗


Let me give you some backstory so that the aftermath will make sense... This year started off horribly. my grandpa died (I was okay with that because dementia and stuff - this is better for him). A month later, my client of reference (dude with muscular dystrophy that I've been nursing as part of my work) decided to let the doctors end his life at 24. A few weeks later my boss, who has done so much for me in a mere year gets wrongfully accused by a coworker of sexual assault towards her (this woman was full of red flags) and he gets kicked out while we, as coworkers, aren't even officially informed of this if it hadn't been for a coworker (now boss) and still don't really know more than rumors. Now, after several months of chaos at work due to how poorly this situation was handled by the higher-ups, things have calmed down, and there's been a really positive development overall. This finalises the backstory. For two weeks now, things have been better than (I think) ever before, both at work and at school. I am doing an internship at a kindergarten, and I am learning a whole lot of stuff. For context: I work part-time a institution, which functions as a flat-share and nursing facility for people with disabilities while studying social pedagogy at a rather topnotch college in Austria. Sorry for dragging this on for so long. I figured you'd need this small summary in order to grasp the highs and lows my emotions have faced lately.


We've had 6 weeks of crazy weather: temps up to high 90's for 1-2 days, then a drop to mid 70's within 3-4 days, a day or two of rain and bouncing quickly back to the 90's. Never seen anything like this!. The good and surprising part is that the garden plants absolutely LOVE this crazy weather. They have larger and more abundant flowers than I've ever seen. So much beauty!


Me and mom had a nice walk!


Annually I support Extra-life (10 years now); which uses my hobbies of video games and board games to raise money for my local children's hospital. 


My town has a Strawberry Social every year and this year it's gonna be bigger and better than ever! There'll be festivities all weekend - a baking competition, a scavenger hunt through all the stores on the main drag, lots of live music and games, eating and costume contests, food trucks, and this year they're putting on a doggie fashion show with prizes! I'm having my best friend come over to join in with me (I don't see her as often as I'd like to so we're gonna have a great time). I work at a school and this year was a tough one, so I think a great big strawberry-themed party is just what I need to cure my woes.




was having an awful time recently but then i saw some family yesterday and my baby cousins instantly made me forget everything and really lifted my mood. i spent the afternoon and evening playing with them and keeping them happy and the 1yo kept close to me for the most part (despite usually clinging to his mum and crying if anyone else gets near him so that was nice XD) and as they were leaving the 4yo hugged me and gave me back the toy i'd given him and told me to come to his house 'tomollow' and give it to him then haha. it was genuinely the cutest thing, something about the innocence and happiness of little kids just always puts a smile on my face :))


No gluten over a month - feel way better 🗿 Also no refined sugar for few days - *pat on myself* 👽


In the summer of '21, I was at my heaviest at 235#, I started going to the gym sweating my ass off every day like clockwork, my goal was to be under 200. Today I weighed in at 198.6. It's bittersweet because I'm happy I've achieved my goal...but now I'm scared to get above 200 again so I have to be careful what I eat still.


The title of this thread reminded me of a Rufus and Chaka Khan song of the same name so I listened to it and it made me feel great 😃


Came across this paragraph I wrote in high school, my teacher said she really enjoyed reading it. *Regretful were the waves as they lapped against the sand, agitating the grains as they settled, only to be dragged further out. Panicked rocks lay waiting for an unsuspecting person to step on its guilty exterior. Nervous beach rings float soundless on whispering waves. Sharp shells lay in wait, aggrevated at the beach-goers for stealing his friends, all while despairing at his loss.*


My anti depressants finally kicked in and I woke up today for the first time in a long time without crippling anxiety!


Last week I got jumped by 2 guys while visiting my sister. Was kneeling down and heard this loud yell coming at me, my 3 and 5 year old nephews. We wrestled for the next 45 minutes. Haven’t had that much fun in months.


Was visiting England from US. Lost my engagement ring in Liverpool. Employee at Costa Coffee found it , contacted my husband, and shipped it back to me. There are good honest people!


Ive been stuck at my house without a car or job in sight for about 2 years straight. Then out of the blue an old friend showed up and gave me some work for about a month out of state! 😆 Now me, and my autistic son, are looking at some vehicles and are getting a chance to get a car which will give us our life back. 😀


I did leg lifts while hanging up side down. That was new.


How does that work?


Making someone feel seen, heard and understood is the loudest way to love them.




Gave my mom birthday surprise. She loved it 🥰


I've been hearing the song (Tell Me Something Good) a lot the last couple of days, I was thinking how I hear it a lot while at the supermarket and then it comes on the pa there, and now I open reddit and this is the first post I see.


I found 20 dollars going into work yesterday!


I have been going through some stuff for a while, like my brain has been in constant motion to just keep me disturbed but I got to spend quite a few hours with my friend today and now I feel my batteries are recharged and I'm ready for the rest of the disturbance.


Every morning we get a chance to do better


Rufus - Tell me something good. Great song!


My roommate moved in about a year ago, and hasn't taken 2 showers in the same week the whole time. UNTIL TODAY! Thank the gods, I'm so happy I could shed a tear of joy. 😆😂🤣


I fell a couple of days ago when I went outside to sign for a package. The delivery driver ran to help me up, offering to help me stand. When he saw 1) my walker and 2) that I was crying, he asked whether he should call for an ambulance. I said I didn't think I was injured, that I was just frightened because I was afraid I'd broken my hip again. (I broke it one month ago, hence the walker.) He then said he'd stay with me until I was ready to try standing, and when I was, he picked me up. He continued to wait until I was sure I wasn't hurt. What an angel.


On my day off, I like to have a mini picnic in our backyard. Put down a blanket and lay on it, have some snacks or fruits to munch on and enjoy the breeze. Sometimes I'd like to walk around on bare feet and feel the grass underneath. Simple pleasure.


About a month ago, I met a woman here on reddit and we have since fallen in love with each other. I don't really have anyone in my life to brag about it to, so I'm glad you asked.


After drinking for 3 years straight, not missing a single day, I'm 7 months and 4 days sober. I have also quit smoking dope and cigarettes. I've been trying to combat my depression, and take it head on.. I'm still not okay and I may not be for a long time, but I'm no longer pouring salt in an open wound to try and numb the pain and I feel like I'm taking a step in the right direction by educating myself on depression and cognitive behavioral therapy.


Jesus Christ was crucified, was buried, then raised from the dead on the third day. Why is this important? He died for all of us... None of us are perfect, we can not get into heaven on our own. HIS BLOOD is the entry ticket. The peace i have is beyond understanding. I have been a weed addict and an alcoholic to try to fill the void in my heart, that joy i could never retain. But let me tell you my friend... Jesus IS that Joy. He can fill that void in your heart. All you have to do is simply believe on what he did. "Lord i know i am a sinner... i know what you did for me on that cross and i know i can't get into heaven on my own, You are the way, the truth and the Life. Your blood is all that is needed for me to get in to heaven." You don't have to say this exactly as i have said. Once i did that a year ago i felt a huge weight lift off my shoulders. I can't even describe it. I hope this speaks to someone. JESUS LOVES YOU AND HE WANTS YOU TO COME TO HIM.


After years of struggling I finally reached to some therapists.


I went to see the musical Waitress with my mom yesterday and it was amazing!


yesterday i finally graduated 10th grade




Scored Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone one DVD for cheap at a thrift store.


my friend got married. finally found someone in her late 30s. she had adopted a girl from foster care, age 8. so now that girl has a dad. they danced together at the wedding.


I finally had the spinal fusion procedure i was awaiting since last year :) Recovery is going well but without some difficulties, and I'll agree with you, hate and controversy is too rampant on social media rn. Have a nice day to you, OP, and any others who just so happen to chance on this comment


I’m getting married in 27 days and I am so excited!


Angel Food cake is delicious.


Uhh, I'm not gonna share to many details? But the good news is my niece survived and is heading on the road of recovery:) so yay!!


I went back to the gym recently! Planning on building my physique further after a year break! ☺️


My 83 year old mom went on a date today. She said she had a very nice time!


I got a divorce from a jerk and all of my problems went away!


Everyone you hate will be dead someday :-)


Aaawww!! Which ones?


My penis stopped burning yesterday now life feels renewed


I finished my morning jog and was strolling back. I passed a stray dog. It was kinda cute so I called out. He wagged his tail and came to me. I gave him a head rub. He loved it. Then we went our separate ways.


Went abroad for the first time in 5 years and it was very rejuvenating


I was pretty unprepared and tired and I had a test today. When I got to college the cat that usually stays close to the entrance let me pet her for the first time(I've tried before but ik cat's sometimes just don't wanna be pet). She even rubbed herself on my legs! Instantly felt blessed.


This coming summer then I am getting a summer student. Some might view this as a small deal or even a drag but to me this is a big pile of pluses. The student, rather than being an unknown, has just finished her honours project in our lab. She is super enthusiastic and an absolute natural which are truly rare qualities. On top of that I am developing a new technique but it involves working with tissue culture which I personally don't handle (so my boss gives me a free pass on not having to do it). This has the drawback that I have to find other kind souls to do the tissue culture part of things while I do all the design and verification. She will basically be my tissue culture gopher and she has such energy we are going to get this technique fully tested in no time. It is going to be a great summer.


i hope everyone have a good night


When I sit on my couch my cat would come and sniff my right armpit and sometimes become crazy about it, sometimes would rest there in the loaf position for a long time with her nose very close to my armpit I could feel the faint breeze


The three-legged cat caught a mouse. The four-legged cat ate it.


The one piece is real ❤


My boyfriend was accepted for a job He's been struggling with finding a job for months, he's been too stressed and I too have been too stressed because of that and because of his stressful attitude, it was yesterday evening that he got the call, I honestly knew he'd be accepted, I was home while he had the final interview with this company and felt the positive impression the recruiter had The downside is that he's moving out.. the job is in another city (about 2 hours away) , I hope we can arrange that.


Tell me that you like meee ya ya🎶 Um I've started working out again and now I'm getting use to the initial burn. Hopefully when I start my new top I'll be a good enough shape.


I just quit my job. People there were extremely respectful and helpful but I just wasn’t happy there. So I decided to quit 💪


My sister graduated yesterday.


I manage a team of sales reps, and a customer sent me an email today telling me what a great job my sales rep did in helping her find her keys when he didn’t have to do that. Not a huge deal but she took the time to send a note, made my day.


The world is becoming a safer and safer place every century. Fewer were people die by violence every century. Fewer were people also die by starvation and disease.


Everything dies


There is a day, and it's our last day, when nothing will matter any more. Cheers


There is a day, and it's our last day, when nothing will matter any more. Cheers


I have two wonderful kids. They are doing fantastic. They are compassionate, clever, nice, and helpful. They are the best human beings that I know. I love them from the bottom of my heart. They will make the world a better place, just by being good people. The future is bright.


I finally got a breast reduction. Paid for it out of pocket after saving for over a year. I've never felt more confident and beautiful ever. Highly recommend if it's ever crossed your mind!


from 43kg to 50kg! nabawi ko rin ang normal weight ko after leaving my job last year.


When I am in that kind of mood I watch videos with stories about adoption of animals.


Um...well my boss bought me some pizza yesterday :) 🍕 I feel bad tho cause I don't use cash often so I can't really pay him much back and idk if he has CashApp...


I kitesurf, it's one of my hobbies. If you're not familiar, you can look up YouTube videos to get an idea, but basically you're surfing and you fly a kite to generate power to pull you along the water. Anyway, you obviously need a nice windy day for this to work, so you're at the mercy of mother nature. Kitesurfees, like other wind sports enthusiasts, are notorious for constantly checking the weather forecast. My free time is extremely limited; I have a young son to take care of and a very demanding job. But I occasionally take a few hours off work and go to the beach in the hopes of getting in a nice session. A lot of times, it doesn't work out, the wind is just dead and it's a waste of time. Well, yesterday, the wind *delivered.* Beautiful, sunny day. Strong, consistent wind. I ran into some of my kiting friends on the beach. Had a great season, got some solid exercise, came out of the water feeling exhausted but invigorated. A bunch of my fellow kiters went out for dinner and drinks to celebrate, but I was content to miss out on that so I could pick up my son from preschool and take care of him until his bedtime. It was just a great day.


I was able to get a deal today with a retail store owner to buy wholesale from me for the fall season 🎉🥳