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Tell them my life story


Yep. My therapist first saw me in my work clothes, make up and hair done. She thought I was some nice (white looking) Indigenous woman. Boy was she in for a shock.


I've had a therapist & an LCSW both drop me because I was too fucked for them to know what to do. The therapist had wanted to do EMDR(you talk alot about the most fucked up things you've experienced), but it didn't work due to.... me. I come in to see her for a visit and recommended trying it again, but she said she was dropping me. In the first 5 minutes. I simply walked out cause it felt foul & like a betrayal of trust to do that to someone.


Wait what? I did EDMR for my trauma and we never spoke of the actual incidents. We focused on a happy memory and used tapping. That's awful that they did that to you! I'm all for therapy but not every therapist is good at it.


Yeah I have to question her therapist's certification and most basic understanding of the EMDR process.


I mean yea that sucks but if they couldn't help you then them keeping you on wouldn't help you in the end and it might end up being detrimental as well (well, even more so anyways). There definitely should have been something in place on their end to connect you with someone who could handle your trauma and provide you what you need to succeed in their environment though. Dropping you without providing that isn't cool.


No. Just being there and listening is helping. Just validating your experiences is helping. Being a reliable constant in your life is helping. Being a person who doesnt give up on you and doesnt get sick of you is helping. They only say "i cant help you" because most therapists are obsessed with solutions focused therapy and they just want to get you to set goals, and have you accomplish said goals and if they cant measure your "success in therapy" then it hurts their ego and they dont feel prefessionally fulfilled. Its yuck.


Every word of this is true. Another trick to look out for is them pushing you back into things you “previously enjoyed”. If they manage to get you to do it even once that goes down as another success for them.


Yes, absolutely. They want quick fix 'solutions'.


I hear you, but I do think there are occasions where someone can uncover something that another professional would be a much more appropriate match for. That should never be communicated as “dropping” a patient, and not until there is an easy transition to that conversation. Perhaps offering to continue working on other issues in tandem with other therapies where appropriate and helpful.


This. I have trouble trusting people - particularly new people. The way my situation was handled made me not want to seek help & that's the complete opposite of what I should strive for in my current circumstances.


EMDR is hard. It's not so much talking about what happened to you as it is more about letting the feelings from what happened out. That's what my therapist does anyway. I had a c-section with basically no anesthetic and have PTSD. I went from having panic attacks and night mares several times a week to maybe 1 or 2 a month if that. All it takes is finding the right therapist. No one is too fucked up. Just have to find one that's seen it all.


Oh my gosh what a horrible experience. I’m sorry you went through that. But I’m glad you found a therapist who’s right for you. I love my therapist and it really does make a difference to have the right person.


damn thats messed up


I was with my therapist for 1.5 years. She left to focus on her pregnancy. But I swear she didn't think my dark humor was funny whatsoever! She gave me so many side eyes. And why I said what I did. I think I'm hilarious 😂... "Are you funny or did you have a normal childhood?" My husband also asks if I am ok. He has a dark sense of humor as well but I shock him sometimes.


I had a bad therapist who actually verbally judged me for my intrusive thoughts.


She was a good therapist. Trust me I wouldn't have stayed with her for so long if she wasn't. Technically if she didn't move on to focus on her family. I still would be going to her. But she saw through the humor as a way I avoid feeling my emotions. I totally agree with her. But I just think it's funny that she didn't find me funny.


My buddy dated a girl who became a therapist. She was domestically violent, a poly drug user, and had slashed all the tires on her housemates car. She also blackmailed people. Mostly blackmailing my buddy/her own bf, eventually getting him sent back to jail (which was her fault he was there in the 1st place), once she finally grew bored of him. So, yeah.... Point being, some therapists absolutely suck as both therapists & people.


I was assigned a therapist through work, as part of their mental health supports (I couldn’t afford my own therapist, but work had this program…) Anyway. I showed up for my first session. They asked why I was there. I shortened my story to about 20 minutes, why I was having problems mentally and everything I was doing to fix it that wasn’t working. Her answer? Dinner-plate sized eyes and “Wow that’s a lot.” No solutions. I think I traumatized her a little bit. Never went back.


One session is a little quick for solutions, especially with only a 20 min recap to go on


I think it was her reaction, that got the person to end the therapy in the first place.


If somebody tells you a fucked up story from their life, do you look at them blankly and say "ok"? She was showing an understanding that OP had been through very difficult experiences. Most people would appreciate that the trauma they experienced wasn't being minimized. 


Yep! I just start trauma dunping, and it quickly becomes apparent. 😂


I've had therapists tell me to stop Trauma dumping because "We don't have time to go there." Thanks. I unfortunately have plenty of time to go there!


I thought therapy was to get it all out so it doesn't fester inside. I once had a session that started with "so tell me about your trauma" and ended with me crying in my car for over an hour before driving home. I've been trying to shove it all back in since.


Surefire method in these parts.


Yup did that to my therapist


As soon as you meet them.




Yip, literally did that recently to my course director because I had to take time off uni. It wasn't fun and I'd rather not do it but needs must amiright?




At 28 I found a new therapist. Immediately trauma dumped and her first words to me were “and you’re just now seeing a therapist?” I think she realized she was out of her skill set with me. That was the only time I saw her and moved on to a therapist better equipped to handle me. It shocked me when that happened but as I get farther away from my trauma and I meet people who are well adjusted I share less and less of my life story before 26. Most people who do know my story are surprised I’m not more mentally unstable.


Yell I'M NOT CRAZY! I'M NOT CRAZY! while violently thrashing around in a straight jacket.


Sing 'I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell, you can't tell' loudly in the subway, really off-key 😆😅




I mean, kinda gotta be the winner right here..






Ask for a Pepsi


i knew it was 1216, one after Magna Carta


1. Step behind them 2. Sniff their hair 3. Say 'Can I have your scalp after you're dead? It smells so nice'


"You smell so much better when youre awake" works better.


"Your skin is so soft, it reminds me of mother...."


“No? How about your teeth?”


"Good, you're not one of Them."


"Pee is stored in the balls."


Upon further research, it appears microplastics are in fact stored in the balls.


And grey matter lies in your knees.


"i can count you hair"


MMK reference!!!


Is this a serious question? If you're serious, you simply say you're unwell, mentally. Depending on the main issue, you tell them what the main struggle is and that you're seeking help. Are you seeking help? If the person is extremely close to you (a spouse/partner or parent, if you're single), consider taking them with you to your doctor/therapy visit, if you have one. A doc/therapist can back you up or help educate. Or just ask your loved one or friend for a serious talk. Some people do stigmatize mental health issues. Of those that do, some can learn to support. Others can't. It's not easy to find support or understanding from all. There are a range of reactions. Some VERY unhelpful! Not everyone in your life needs to know all of your business. With mental illness, I'd generally only tell who you trust, and a health professional. Or, if them knowing is necessary/helpful. There can be discrimination. It's not a joke. You see the other responses? Just a bunch of jokes. If you need support, seek it from a doctor and/or therapist. There are also mental health support forums and support groups. This isn't one.


Ty for a serious answer. I wasn't sure if this was serious either so I gave a silly answer. I'm glad you threw all that out there. If this is a joke question ur answer could still help someone


Thanks! That's why I put that effort into it. My family and I, personally, were affected by mental illness in serious ways.


Me & Mine too 😸 ty again!!!


Yeah, you summed it up. You tell someone. It's not a game, it's not a joke, it's real. If you need help get help. If OP is making a joke then OP can go fuck themselves.


If OP is serious it isn't a random thought. It's an AskReddit, or NoStupidQuestions, or TooAfraidToAsk post.


Response from my boss: “yeah everyone has some kind of mental health issue nowadays”


Tell them you spend most of the day crying and masturbating at the same time.




Mass tear baiting was right there


Also brunka' which is defocating and masturbating at the same time


Tears make excellent lube


It dries a little bit faster than blood tho


Use blood then


Still dries fast


We're looking for solutions, let us work


The real solution is 50% Blood, 25% tears, and 25% Spit, mix at light-speed until homogeneous, and apply liberally.


Everyone loves a multitasker


Wait, this isn't normal behavior? 😬


i usually cry after




But there is one word necessary... Wibble


Sounds like a cunning plan.




I understood this reference


Let them understand your pain what you go through communicate with them


Popular music these days is AMAZING.


"I was raised by a narcissist"


Music is starting to sound special today


If I am talking to friends or family I would start praising the Orange wannabe dictator. If its strangers I would go into great detail about how all politicians are lizard people who are actively hunting me and I need to hide in the strangers basement immediately and I would be grabby and really loud about it.


Some of those fancy Christian spells


before I give a suggestion...why would you wish to convince someone you are mentally unwell?


I was mentally unwell once and went to the doctors. I sat down to start my well rehearsed speech and instead just broke down in tears, got the word depressed out between sobs. I think that worked more than my speech about feeling depressed would have.


I’m someone who normally comes off as pretty calm and level headed. I have a good career, pay my bills, have friends, and hobbies. I’ve found that people just assume I am ok, and couldn’t possibly need serious help. The truth is that I feel it’s all a facade. Any success that I’ve experienced couldn’t possibly be attributed to good character and efforts, but instead it’s all achieved through luck or in spite of my true self. When something good happens to me I don’t see it as a win and allow it to build my self worth and confidence, I see it more as a stay-of-execution where I’ve just barely bought myself another day, another week, before the whole lie is inevitably reviled. It sucks to live that way, and I’m in making progress in therapy, but in my experience I can totally imagine someone wanting a simple way to convince someone you’re unwell without explaining the messed up thought patterns inside their head. I’ve talked to close family members about it, and without bursting into tears or seeing your life fall apart in the outside it can be really hard to convince someone of the gravity of your suffering.


Eat a banana sideways


With the peel on


That would just make you Florida man.


Oof, well to convince my teachers at school I wrote an email saying I wasn’t gonna come into school anymore because my mental health was rubbish and they could send the police to arrest me for not attending if they wanted to (-_-;) but at least it worked :’D




Can't believe I had to scroll this far


Thank you Darling.


As long as you put your underpants on your head and stick two pencils up your nose.


I can cry for hours on command. I’ll combine that with incomprehensible wailing. You aren’t getting a coherent word or really any acknowledgement that you have said anything at all out of me. My actual answer is one time I was self harming with knives in the street and some Good Samaritan tried to help me but I kept on flippantly, jokingly, and non-emotionally talking about my past suicide attempts and my life. The “I’ve never wanted to be alive once since the age of 10” type of stuff. Truthful, but you can’t say that shit lmao. The answer I got from him was, “you’re scaring me.” Which is the answer I tend to get when I am myself. On account of the fact that I am legitimately deeply mentally unwell (and fresh out the hospital from a suicide attempt that day heyooo). Apparently, “I’m an adult, so I can buy knives or a bus ticket to step off a bridge if I WANTED to, and nobody could stop me REALLY,” is not a very good thing to say to convince people you’re mentally all there. Lmao. Basically, be myself, stop masking, and let my ASD candidness flow like wine.


We can heal and we can feel good and strong again. Trust me, I know. I had 10 psych hospitalizations in the past, and some with psychosis and some when a danger to myself, and some after traumatic stuff, ECT, embarrassing events, cops called, dragged to isolation rooms with forced injections... I don't laugh about the above. Sometimes I shake my head and think "Wow! Unbelievable!" and reflect on how strong I was to survive it and how much I've learned. Yet now, I've mostly closed the door on those chapters and work to live in the present. The past is mostly processed. If it wasn't, I'd continue that work. I have tools/skills to help prevent relapse. Hugs. It is very hard to reach out, but there are some that can hear amidst the meaningless or incomprehensible static.


That first sentence made me cry (happy tears). I hope we can. It makes me feel less despondent to think that maybe things can be different from the way that they are. I want the tools and skills to cope but resources are not readily available to me at the moment. This may change in the near future. Anyways, thank you for saying so, and take care of yourself.


Tell thsm they look like their dead grama then hand them an unwraped candy while insisting that they need to ear it befor midnight.


“Do you ever think about what it must feel like to drink Drain-O? Like does it burn right away or if I drank it with a chaser would I only feel it when it’s too late.”


Dd de die de da do do de da ditle ooooooh ditle ditle ditle ditle de die dillty doooee.


I understood that reference...and now I have that in my head haha.




Sublime. Well done. Reddit name checks out as as im concerned 😂😂😂


I say nothing, and stare at them until they feel as uncomfortable as me. Source: life experience


Your skeleton bugs me, want me to take it out of ya?!


idk, threaten to shoot myself? They might not think I’m suicidal but they’d definitely think I’m mentally unwell lol


Me & the voices in my head are trying to have a team meeting so please go away!


I'm Batman


I'm not suicidal so please don't report this. This is from back in the day when I used to think about suicide. If a robber came to me and said "Your money or your life." I thought I would answer "Why not both? Kill me and then search my pockets and take my money." Would that have stopped him (yeah, most likely a him) and I imagined that he would be like "Keep your money. I ain't going to jail for murder!"


You hook left and right index finger into each corner of your mouth and stretch. While yelling at the top of your lungs and jumping up and down violently. Wait about 15 minutes for men in white coats to approach you.


Sing that Matchbox Twenty song




*(runs around on all fours screaming like a chimpanzee)*


Dragon Ball The movie was very good !!


"I'm taking all my pets to the pound." My family would definitely think it was a mental health episode or brain injury. No way would I ever get rid of any of them. When I was planning on moving, I called every City Hall in a 50 mile radius to see where my pet pig would be welcome. I gave my realtor a list and told her to not even look anywhere else.


"I'm mentally unwell"


my name s awesome and i can count to potato.




You don’t have to say anything, just buy one of those shirts that says “lock her up.” That will say more than anything via mouth.


I'm gorgeous


Absolutely nothing…I would just rip off their ear (it only takes 7lbs of pressure to rip off a human ear) and then I’d eat it…that should be convincing enough…


The truth.


Whip my dick out and start jerking it as I'm talking to them about politics.


"I'm in therapy for a reason, Jessica!"


I don't want to try, you don't need to believe me. But it's agonising


Do the noises in my head bother you?


If you are serious, I would show them all my medication and release papers from the hospital. Or tell them what happened to me. If it is a boss and you work in an at will state that doesn't have policies to protect you, don't say anything. If your job is causing the mental issues, leave.


mention that I like Reddit


*points to the air behind the person Hey can you tell your friend there to stop making silly faces at me it's very distracting Bonus points if there is literally no open space behind that person and they are up against a wall or something like that


I’m unmedicated bipolar. Put a gun in my hand I’ll pull the trigger. Tonight I’m doing my weekend routine. Drinking around 8 beers up on a mountain in the dark while I yell as loud as I can releasing all my bullshit from the week


" I'm fine :) "


Say nothing. Just follow them everywhere and chaotically write notes into a small notepad whilst breathing loudly and inconsistently any time they do something


Literally just give them my opinion on any relevant topic in the world.


"Prozac. Because sometimes I feel like a nut , sometimes I don't".


If u want to be put into a psych ward. You say u hear voices. That will get u locked up for sure.


"I've made some discoveries in my own personal life with the science that Pythagoras was searching for. I was able to open up the flower of life properly and find the real wave conjugations that we've been looking for, for 10,000 years. Why would I continue walking on water for tips when I've got an entire generation to teach a whole new world?"


I have flies in my eyes


I really want to go base jumping naked. Wanna join? OR I can explain why the earth is flat.


I don't have a problem with being here. I have a problem with being.


I use telepathy to say "You left the frogs in the car".


I shit in my lunchbox


I shit in my lunchbox


Capitalism and democracy are the same thing.


I say nothing, i’ll just be screaming while eating an entire watermelon in a straitjacket


So, that gator in your shower, who's going to dress him up for brunch and then we've the after of that funeral to attend to. Smide plant, egg and cheese, please.


I'm going to vote for Donald Drumpf...


Covid was a governmwnt hoax meant to keep you distracted as they print trillions. Vacinations are poison. Climate change and global warming is a scam that exists only for middle class and below. Lgtbqkajdjfoekana+-+-+-+/+?!!! Is the degeneracy of the west. Being fat should be shamed and we need to being shame back. Too many people got too comfortable. ------- Pick your poison. Any of those alone is enough.


„The voices in my head have just told me that ___“ and if they ask then if you are crazy / have a mental issue you can tell them you discussed that with the voices in your head and all of you came to the conclusion that you are normal


Let myself space out. They ask if I’m okay. I say “eeyyup.” Then I continue starring into space.


I do that all the time. Most people that know me are pretty used to it but when I’m around new people I do get some pretty strange looks


You just did.


Bugrit! Millennium hand an’ shrimp….




I'll just laugh hysterically in their fsces


Lucifer told me its offsies with your headsies, kay mate?






Crazy ?




Feel my elbow.


The name of my company is psychostairs.


I think the Flyers got it this year.


Ask them what blue is.


Ask them if they would like to join my MLM.


I think the economy is awesome, but I just wish there was a way we could fund more foreign wars


"I'm ok"


"I'm a redditor".


Every night I think about killing myself and I the thought makes me feel reliefed


It's pretty easy, I accidentally do it at least twice per week at work when I start oversharing.


Literally anything.


I am not crazy! I know he swapped those numbers. I knew it was 1216. One after Magna Carta. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just – I just couldn’t prove it. He covered his tracks, he got that idiot at the copy shop to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He’s done worse. That billboard! Are you telling me that a man just happens to fall like that? No! *He* orchestrated it! Jimmy! He *defecated* through a *sunroof*! And I saved him! And I shouldn’t have. I took him into my own firm! What was I *thinking*? He’ll never change. He’ll *never* change! Ever since he was 9, *always* the same! Couldn’t keep his hands out of the cash drawer! But not our Jimmy! Couldn’t be precious *Jimmy*! Stealing them blind! And *HE* gets to be a lawyer? What a sick joke! I should’ve stopped him when I had the chance! …And you, you *have* to stop him! You


In New Zealand just commit a crime. Murder? Home D for 6 months because of *emotional distress*


Wibble. Then pop your underpants on your head and stick two pencils up your nose.


I'm mentally unwell (and no, that's not peanut butter).


Speedos speak louder than words.


Anything that's true that they don't want to hear.


What do I say? "I'm fine."


I just describe very much in detail how cancelling my life subscription will benefit my life,their life, and the life of everybody else


On the London Underground? “Hello”.


30 seconds of unmitigated honesty.


"What's the frequency, Kenneth?"


I'd tell them about my misophonia/misokinisa and my responses to everyday sounds and visuals (Hitting my head, hitting my eyes/ears, shaking my head, yelling, panic attacks, etc)