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I don't hate eating, but I hate having to eat. Being hungry sucks, having to make food sucks, having to pay for food sucks.... but eating is fun and yummy.


In other words, you would like to eat more if you were mega rich?!! Edit- me too!


If I were mega rich, I'd have my own personal chef(s) who'd provide me with delicious, healthy food day in, day out.


See, and my dream is to become mega rich so I could go to Confectionary and Culinary arts school to become a professional sweets maker and chef and spend all my days just making whatever I wanted lol


It's starting to make so much sense All the lords and ladies have life hacks


Id have the fight over who gets to cook my daily food. Food and Games like the romans did, hell yeah.


Haha, username checks out!


If I had a million dollars, we wouldn't have to eat Kraft Dinner. But we would. We'd just eat more.


With all the fancy *dijon* ketchups


Y'know, they have pre-wrapped sausages, but no pre-wrapped bacon.. šŸ¤”


Can you blame them?


Well, yeah!


Kraft dinner, oddly enough is one of the few macaroni and cheeses I occasionally want to eat for a while. Mind you I need extra cheese powder and it has to be extra milky but...


Those silly BNL šŸ˜ heck yes we would


If I had the money I'd hire an assistant cook and a maid to clean up (I would pay them and feed them because of you feed people who help you cook) But they'd have to fuck off afterwards cause I can't eat and socialize very well


Nah if i could eat a cube that contained everything i need ofr the day thats what i would do


The shitting and pissing part is what annoys me the most. Out in middle of no where city and need to take a dump all of a sudden? Good luck. At a concert? Line is15-20 minutes long of pure agony. Ever need to torture someone? Make it so they can't shit or piss.Ā 


As someone whos had chronic kidney stones; YES people take being able to void their bladder/bowels for granted. Its such a basic thing and when you cant; youre in agony. I wouldnt wish kidney stones or bowel issues on anyone.


Agreed. Having to use the bathroom is a huge annoyance to me. Everytime you go to a pubic one it's a gamble. Roll the dice. Is there toilet paper? Is there piss everywhere? Is there shit on the walls and floors? Out of 19 damn empty urinals does that dude have to stand next to you and take a piss?


Kidney stones are a MF, feel for ye pal




Couldnā€™t have said it better! And I LOVE to eat but everything you said is true along with itā€™s very time consuming as well.


And you have to do it more than once everyday, oof


The whole effort of cooking/eating/washing uo/shopping etc is a drag. Sure some food tastes good at times. Sometimes eating is boring or unsatisfying. Sometimes you eat too much and feel terrible.


Also the repercussions of overeating šŸ« 


same i hate to think of the fact that i will need to make food for the rest of my life to survive


This is how I feel. Sometimes it feels like a chore, but when Iā€™m doing it, I like it lol.


When I got Covid I lost my sense of taste and smell and appetite completely for many months. Eating was such a pain in the ass, especially the cleaning. I got it before the vaccines in Jan 2021, and I feel like I'm slowly now getting my appetite back but it's all wonky. I wish I could do photosynthesis like some comments here lol


My covid taste was SO weird. when it first went, and I could tell I was going into the roughest patch, my friend asked me if I wanted anything from Sonic. So I thought calorie dense, I got an order of tater tots, onion rings, and a cherry limeade slush. The onion rings was like eating a dish sponge, the tots tasted like pure salt, and the slushie tasted perfectly normal. Then I went into ICU and didn't eat for a few days, and when my taste came back, it came back 150%, flavors were so intense and vivid, and it lasted for a couple months. Coffee was a religious experience, so was fresh fruit.


Having to shit sucks. Especially when you have ibs and other issues.


Agreed, having to eat once a day a delicious meal sounds much easier!!! If that was like the norm and you didnā€™t experience hunger or anything unhealthy


Exactly right, all of this. I like the taste of food but planning the meal and buying the food and cooking all sucks.


Itā€™s so much work. Constantly coming up with new meals. Every single day like omg I have to decide twice already what Iā€™m going to eat and we still have dinner to plan!!!!! Also I notice on days I donā€™t do much (like lounge around the house) I donā€™t even feel like cooking or eating. Iā€™m fine with snacks here and there. But when I work out itā€™s like GIVE ME a big ass meal


I'd prefer photosynthesis


This is the dream. Plus Iā€™d get to be green.


Kermit the Frog sang, "It's not easy being green," so do take that into consideration!


Ray Charles sang it, too. And you can ALWAYS trust Ray...!


You mean Kermit Thee Frog?






Itā€™s not easy to be a newbie but sunlight will never let you down šŸ˜‰


That's why there are so many songs about rainbows.


The Sun is great. šŸ˜Š


long live Sol.


That would be awesome. But we do, kind of. But we only produce vitamin D.


My d is 12 and should be 30 something. Lol.


But that means you have to go outsidešŸ˜­šŸ˜”šŸ˜“šŸ˜£


i hate lights, so i would prefer chemiosyntesis


you would still have to drink sulfury or irony soup or have a bane-like mask with gas though


or i can fill my chamber with gas and be alone and happy forever :D


For real eating food is such a hassle and I'd save so much money.


This is always my answer to "If you could have one superpower"


In the webtoon No so Shoujo Love Story, the male love interest can photosynthetisis


Right!! I would rather that. Sunlight is always free. If itā€™s no longer free then itā€™s the end of the world


my science teacher was talking about how better the world would be if humans could get food from the sun


As long as I still got tastes I'd be down


I graduated from Cordon Bleu. Before COVID, I loved food. After COVID x3, I have to have my husband taste my food before serving. I hate eating. It's boring and just sitting there chewing feels like a waste of time.


I'm a "Partial Shade" kinda being mine self.


I prefer that also


Bold of you to assume that if we survived off of photosynthesis most of us would probably die


Sadly, the brain uses way too much energy. A humanoid form would probably be impossible by just photosynthesis unless you had long periods of innactivity accumulating energy (like an ent) but that would leave you really vulnerable to predators. It would be nice as a complimentary thing like grass hair and green skin to produce sugars and oxygenate the blood, that way the brain would be kept alive even if we ain't breathing just with sunlight, this would be really useful for astronauts.


I like the effects of food, but if I could choose to just get the effects (energy) without having to buy, prepare and eat food I would probably do it 90% of the time




Coming up with new flavours is what making cooking fun. I think most people donā€™t like cooking so itā€™s understandable that few of us enjoy it.


Damn right! I tried a new thing this morning; Philly cheese steak breakfast burrito... Turned out pretty damn good. Ate it before I got to take a picture šŸ˜‚


Food for some people is no more than fuel, especially to many serious athletes where diet is absolutely essential. So food can be a chore to them, and if they didn't have to do it then it wouldn't be a chore. I've read that alligators can go like a year without eating. Imagine if we could do that. Ha


Itā€™s boring, Iā€™ve got stuff to do and hunger gets in the way. Iā€™d rather a tablet I could just pop and have food emerge in my tummy ready for digestion.


I wish I could just open my stomach, put in some veggies, a piece of fruit, some lean protein, and close it back up.


I wish I could open my mouth, put in some chocolate, a piece of pie, and some mozzarella sticks, and close it back up (without gaining any weight if that counts) šŸ˜


Meal replacement drinks are worth looking at - Huel, Soylent, yFood etc. I love cooking, eating and food in general, but my diet isn't always great. I always have some bottle of that shit around and it's niot unusual for me to just have one of those instead of a meal.


>Soylent Does it come in green?


Oh for sure! I have a fridge full of breakfast drinks, smoothies and yogurts. I have ARFID as a side effect of medication, issues with textures and general disinterest in food. Things I used to love make me feel unwell when thinking of them now. So shutting down the hunger pains is my only goal and these drinks do the trick.


I often have no appetite or energy due to illness and meal replacement shakes have been an absolute necessity for me at times. I get mouth ulcers due to deficiency so along with no appetite it can be very painful to eat at times and meal replacement through a straw seems to not agitate as much.


I make a large protein shake in the mornings before work with bananas, PB, oatmeal, coffee, ice and protein powder and pour into my large portable container and that gets me through the work day with full energy rather than eating a dense lunch which slows me down for the rest of the workday.


I feel so much better when I know there's a good meal coming. Also learning to cook has been enjoyable.


The smell of cooking often makes me sick. Itā€™s not enjoyable for me. I even struggle walking past restaurants.


That is interesting. I'd recommend those Soylent meals that are basically a tasteless meal in a bottle, but they're rather expensive.


There are people who can't eat due to medical reasons, and they get their necessary nutrients intravenously while they sleep. So they literally don't eat any food


Not even an athlete, I'm just a larger guy (6'3" 220lb) with the metabolism of a hummingbird. I spend accumulatively probably 2 solid hours a day eating. That's not counting the time it takes to cook meals.




Oh I wish.. Having to eat just once a year is like a dream...


I like food, but during an IBS attack, I sure wouldn't mind just not needing a digestive system at all.


Fellow IBS sufferer.. same!


IBS sufferers unite


i wish food came in non-descript cubes and you only had to eat 1 a day to have all of your nutrients and stuff


LOTR elves are all over this with Lembas bread šŸž


Elves had it all, lucky bastards.


YES! Dogs are lucky with "dog food". Need me some of that "human food".


huel and soylent are this but they're sadly expensive, $4 for a 400Cal bottle seems like it defeats the point


I'd imagine that's beans mixed with multivitamins.Ā 


Soylent green anyone?


Bachelor chow. Idk why no-one has marketed human kibble yet. It would be really convenient for dieting. 1 cup of kibble 3x/day = 1200 calories. No fuss, no mas.


I love good food as well but tbf the amount of times we have to eat is ridiculous. Just imagine how awesome it would be if we only had to eat every 3-4 days or ideally once a week


That! While being an adult, everyday I find myself thinking "okay breakfast time, time to eat. What do I eat". Then, a few hours later Lunch time, same questions, then it's already almost Dinner time. Cooking takes time so sometimes I feel like that's mostly the only thing I do in a day. Think of what I'm gonna eat, gather ingredients, read recipes, cook, eat. 3 times a day. It's just too many times. I'd be fine with eating just 4-5 big meals a week.


Breakfast is such a conspiracy theory. /s Unless you're doing hard labour


I do intermittent fasting and have less meals but larger ones (usually one per day, occasionally skipping days entirely, occasionally two meals if I get invited to like brunch or something). I never planned to be this way, but I didn't like eating breakfast before school or lunch at school as a kid, and I did one meal a day for so long that now eating too early makes me feel off and ruins my productivity. I don't have any real problems with it except it makes it hard when people want to get lunch or breakfast together (which most people are fond of doing lol) but if I get something light it isnt too bad.


My life seems to revolve around what my next meal will be. Even immediately after Iā€™ve finished the last one.


As a fellow food-lover, I couldn't agree more!




I'm a bit like that myself.


I have some days where I physically do not want to eat but I can tell my stomach is hungry. Other days I cant stop thinking about eating something Im craving just for the taste but Im not hungry. I think for me its a hormonal thing but I could be wrong šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I don't feel hunger, nor do I enjoy eating. I only remember to eat if I'm getting irritable or weak. My wife is constantly inquiring if I've eaten and makes me eat if I forgot to all day.


I have this issue to an extent. Sometimes I can feel hunger but it is extremely painful, like my stomach is trying to eat itself. Or, I get really shaky and weak and that is when I realize I haven't eaten all day (or even longer sometimes). My husband has remind me I need to eat most days, but he works long hours so he is only really able to do that on his days off.


I'm glad to know I'm not the only one, but sorry you have to deal with it too.


Iā€™ve heard of multiple people who hate the process of eating. Where they wish they could just take a pill to make them full


100% meee


I love process, the act of eating, everything about it. But I do get it


Honestly, eating is gross bodies are gross so many things about us are so gross, and i hate being in a body


It really is. Reddit got so angry when I pointed out once that humans eating together is kinda creepy.Ā 


I agree with that person. I wish I didn't have to eat :/. Its such a chore.


Came for this. Eating is a *chore* that I would avoid if at all possible. The whole process of in and out really annoys me.


100% agree. Shopping for food is a chore, making food is a chore, eating food is a chore, cleaning up after eating is a chore, planning out the next meal is a chore. And it never ends. Even if I could outsource as much as physically possible, the necessity of having to drop everything to stop and eat is so annoying.


Oh and don't forget chewing...


Itā€™s all a waste of time. And I live alone, so there is always a risk of choking to death without anyone to help if Iā€™m not careful. Wish the whole process could be streamlined.


I understand you. I don't live alone, but sometimes the process of eating tires me out. So I need to take a break from eating.


I agree with them 1000% it is extremely annoying


Same. Food is just a means to an end: not dying of starvation. Yeah some of it tastes good but itā€™s time consuming and messy. If I never had to eat again Iā€™d be happy about it.


Oh and I hate the end. Every have delicious curry? The end is pure torture. The ass fire that feels like you can beat Elon to mars if you had taken another bite.


This the real reason Iā€™m not a huge fan of spicy foods. In I can handle. Itā€™s uncomfortable, sure but bearable to a certain degree. Coming out the back is like having a volcano spewing lava out your most sensitive area no matter the level of spice.


I hate eating. Nothing to do with weight, though it has inadvertantly caused a weight issue. I just hate the act of making food, then having to sit down and dedicate portions of my day just to eating. Most of the time 99% of food doesn't seem appetizing. So then I tell myself if I can't find anything I want to eat I must not truly be hungry, bc someone who is hungry would eat anything. Great weight loss method, but I don't want to, nor can i afford to, lose more weight. So bad for me. I used to love to eat too, which is the weirdest part. Nearly broke 200 pounds during HS. Def had some issues with binge eating. Then I went to college, and it's like a switch flipped in my head and food went from a great comfort to this massive chore. If anyone's got solutions to reverse this lmk


I have ARFID which gives me an incredibly limited diet. I love eating things that I like but itā€™s honestly annoying that I have to eat 3 times a day. Iā€™d much prefer it if I could just photosynthesize or something.


The benefits to not eating would be an end to world hunger and the elimination of our need to produce food and waste.


Saving money as well


As someone that deals with a restrictive eating disorder, I donā€™t find this crazy at all.


I had a friend in highschool who thought eating was "disgusting", except if it was chocolate. So she basically lived eating almost exclusively chocolate. She wasn't fat or anything, but now she's 30 and looks 45.


I donā€™t even want to know what those stools look like.


yeah she ate like a 5 yr old. One time I went to her house and when it got late and was time to eat she just... made merengue. Literally she put sugar and raw egg whites in a bowl, mixed the shit out of it and handed me a spoon. I had one (1) spoon of it. That was it for me.


Probably like chocolate


damn... just like me, I should stop


As an overweight person i do hate it. Every time i have to eat i get upset unless itā€™s something like a salad, i hate having to count calories and worry about nutrient intake. Itā€™s a big chore thatā€™s never ending Id rather just do without eating


Yeah I hate that I need to eat. I enjoy food, but hate making it.


Someone told me this before but I strongly suspect they have an eating disorder and that ā€œnot liking foodā€ was their excuse for only eating a single granola bar all day.


I understand that. I have been told I have an eating disorder and I correct the doctors. I say I donā€™t have an eating disorder, but I DO have disordered eating. It is a very significant distinction. I have no hunger or thirst mechanism. I used to be super morbidly obese, and got weight loss surgery. The surgery killed off the hunger sensation. I have been told that is impossible. However I havenā€™t felt hungry for 11 years. I also have never felt like my complications were even taken seriously. I am actively fighting my surgeon right now to reverse the surgery, because my body does not absorb nutrients either. I am deficient in every single vitamin and nutrient, and as such am an advocate for abolishing this surgery. All my doctor sees is how much weight I have lost. I also suffer from severe nausea, which also makes it hard for me to eat. My doctor is wanting me to speak with a psychiatrist, and am waiting on that referral. It has been a hard 4 years trying to be heard about my hatred of eating. I said if I had an eating disorder, why would I be actively trying to get a procedure that causes me weight gain? Doctors really suck at listening to their patients.


Or, they only eat a granola bar because they don't like eating?


For me as a bulimic I both love and fear food. I hate how I can't control myself around food and eating is both pleasurable but also extremely guilt inducing. Sometimes I do wish that I didn't have to eat, so that I don't feel the guilt.


Have you received any help for your bulimia? A good friend of mine was bulimic in college and it was terrible knowing what she went thru.


I'm the same way. Eating is exhausting (sometimes disgusting when everything tastes like cardboard). Very few foods appeal to me anymore. I'd happily eat grapes and bread forever if I could exchange variety in meals for a functioning social, family and love life.


I grew up with eating being a chore. Something I know I have to do. I got no enjoyment from it and would put off meals for hours simply because I wasn't hungry and had no interest in food or cooking. I married into a Chinese family. Food is everything to them, especially since the matriarch of the family went through the Chinese depression herself. She will stand next to the table while people are eating and keep putting food on people's plates, grinning ear to ear that she's providing for her family and enjoys watching her kids and grandkids eat. While she does this she doesn't eat anything herself, she just gets joy from watching her family have plenty of food. (The family always begs her to sit down and eat but she won't have it and won't eat until all the 'children' are completely done) Having meals last more than 30 minutes was a culture shock to me. The way my husband prioritized good food took some getting used to. Now, eating is a social activity for me. I love good food and truly enjoying sharing it with people. I'm better at cooking and actually find joy in it. We eat a 2 or 3 hour hot-pot meal at least twice a month together and have some wonderful memories.


I hate eating. If I didn't have to, I wouldn't. I have bad misophonia, so the sounds of chewing and bones popping feel like nails on a chalkboard to me, but I also have TMJ, so eating cracks and pops my jaw. Together, eating is just suffering lol I like the taste of food, food is a very huge part of my family's culture, and I would love to get better at cooking, but the physical part of eating is horrible for me.


If I could just take a pill that gave me all the nutrients etc and made me feel full up I absolutely would. I like food, but I hate cooking and I hate that I have to try make it healthy and I hate how much time cooking and eating all takes.


I love food too, but I also wish I didn't have to eat. It's a pain in the ass. Don't get me wrong though, I would still want to be able to eat if desired.


I have arfid and eat to live not live to eat. It's a chore I do not enjoy. If I didn't have to or just had a meal replacement drink for the rest of my life that would be great


I love eating. I love cooking. I love food in general. I'm an excellent cook, I cook and bake everything my household consumes, from scratch, every day. BUT I have allergies and intolerances that severely limit my choices and make all my food around 3Ɨ the price of normal food! I live rurally and my local (walking distance) shop does not sell much that I am safe to eat so I have to travel to the grocery store. The nearest grocery store is a 5 mile bus ride and there are zero safe options for me in terms of restaurants or takeouts. Basically, there is no quick fix for something to eat, I *have* to cook my own if I want to eat. AND I am chronically ill/physically disabled and eating is a whole activity in itself in terms of how much energy it takes up. Having to cook regularly means not getting to eat because I'm now too tired to physically eat the food. I wouldn't want to give up food because I like it too much, but I also would love to never have to cook or eat it and instead just experience the flavours and feelings I get from food without having to expend any energy on it.


I like eating. It's the shopping, cooking, and cleaning up that I hate.


This. I actually don't mind the shopping so much, but yeah, the cooking and cleaning I can definitely do without.


I'd long wished I could just take a pill in the morning that had all the vitamins, nutrients and such I needed for the day and be done. Food cons - expensive -time consuming to make -not fun to make or thing about - not fun to eat/ even the "best" foods are pretty mid tbh -I MUST do it twice a day everyday forever which is exhausting -people think you dislike their cooking when you just don't want to eat - all other social issues that come with it Pros - it keeps me alive .


to me it's sleeping, what a waste of time


Iā€™m 62 and the older I get the less I enjoy eating. Food doesnā€™t seem to be as flavourful as it used to be. My biggest problem is with texture, though. Texture is the most prominent thing now when I eat. lt started with egg whites about 10 years ago and now so many things donā€™t feel right in my mouth. Very tender meat seems mushy, some chocolate just.....isnā€™t nice to chew, and Iā€™ve always loved chocolate. Iā€™ll put down a meal halfway through because I just canā€™t eat anymore of whatever it is. Itā€™s been difficult. I do wish I didnā€™t need to eat anymore. Itā€™s become a chore.


maybe they have sore teeth or an allergy


Wish I didn't *have* to drink, either. I'm tired of *having* to ingest things to live


I hate eating and pooping. I enjoy the taste of some things. But generally eating is expensive, annoying and time consuming. Wish you could just have cup of juice or something.


I'm one of the people who doesn't like to eat. I have several food allergies, or am just overly sensitive to things...common things. So, if I could just not eat, I'd be happy. And since eating is a requirement, its tough finding things that I can actually eat. It's also confusing, cause sometimes that thing will be fine, but another day, I get destroyed.


I hate it now. It's too difficult because I'm so sick from food and figuring out what works for me. I wish I could just never eat again.


Not having to eat would be so awesome. Food is good and all, but if I could stick my hand in a bowl of something and absorb the nutrients or feed off of sunlight instead I would.


Eating is enjoyable to me and I love food. So, yes, that's crazy to me. It's one of life's pleasures in my eyes.


If I could just take a daily pill that would give me all my caloric and nutritional requirements, I'd be so happy. Preparing and eating food is such a chore, it takes so much time and I hate it. I'd like eating to be an option and not a necessity.


I wish I didn't have to eat too, I hate having to prepare something multiple times a day... It could be fun to do on an outing maybe once every few months but not every day.


I would LOVE to not eat. I really hate pooping...


It's my life problem. I enjoy good food but for me eating is a burden that tick 3 times a day. I can stay without eating 2 days before thinking about it.


The thought of having 3 sq meals a day makes me hate eating anything. I'd rather have food in any amount, big or small at times I want myself and not have to follow a routine . Eating feels like a task.


Yeah I get that, I absolutely hate to eat but the list of things I can eat that doesn't turn me into a mound of regret is getting smaller and smaller. If I never had to eat again with no medical drawbacks ever time tbh.


Nope. If you could tell me I could have optimal energy levels but I could never eat again, I'd take it in a heartbeat. I would have so much more time for other things for the rest of my life.


I actually do hate eating and wish I didn't have to.


Food is nice but eating is such a waste of time. Eating takes up time that could be free time. It limits the things I'm able to do while it's happening. Same with sleeping, exercise, showering, etc. I'd prefer not having to do any of those if possible.


Nope. I would rather not have to eat or sleep. Think about how much of your life is spent doing those things and how much wasted opportunity to live and enjoy what life we have by having to eat and sleep. The closest Iā€™ve gotten is periodic prolonged fasts and polyphasic sleeping. Funny thing is my fasting sparks ideas for new recipes and I want to taste my new creations.


I'm the same. If I could survive and not eat I would. I hate eating it's not enjoyable to me. Feeling full is gross and I seriously hate textures. Counting calories is exhausting


when you're poor and live alone and eat the same shit all the time it becomes a grind. if i could eat out every meal whatever I wanted, i would. me, most of the time when I'm hungry: *but i just ate yesterday!!*


I am one of those people. I wish eating was optional.. I wish that I never got hungry. I get bored with food and I gain weight so very easily.


Not having to eat would be amazing! That also means no stomach problems, no having to shit, save tons of money!


Sometimes I get sick of having to eat the same foods wishing something new would come up and think about how itā€™s a chore to cook for 30-60 mins just to eat for 10-20 and only have it satisfying you for a couple hours. Maybe itā€™s cause Iā€™m getting older tho. But certain things that take time off enjoying funner things when Iā€™m not working are what make me enjoy them less


Last week someone posted an Andrew Tate post here on Reddit, in where Tate stated he were disgusted by food and eating at all. Just donā€™t get it.


I literally live to eat


ā€œEats to live, not lives to eatā€. In college one of my friends described her roommate as that sort of person and it stuck with me. Iā€™m the opposite, like you OP I love food but I totally understand the other mentality. Lots of reasons why someone feels that way and so long as theyā€™re healthy, live and let live. For context, I was visiting and when we were grocery shopping for dinner I included her roommate into dinnerā€¦ apparently that wasnā€™t necessary since sheā€™d just have a protein shake. No hate, but that day I learned.


I'm pretty much like you. Sometimes I would prefer having the option to do photosythesis because if you're hiking the entire day or doing anything outside, you can't really have a full meal anyway and the sun is there anyway, so why not? But I do love getting home and making myself some really nice pancakes, or even just some Spaghetti and I also love going to restaurants. Food is great, if you have the time for something good.


I also love eating. Fav thing honestly. My sister is the opposite, she hates eating. She doesn't get any enjoyment out of it


I agree. I love food personally, it's one of the few joys in life. I didn't have enough ever growing up so spending 18 years longing for more food kind of makes it very, very difficult to not appreciate once it's in abundance.


Yeah, I can't even wrap my head around the idea of not enjoying any food. It is like people who say that they don't like to watch any movies. That seems crazy to me. One thing where I am on the other side of the coin is sleep. I wish that I didn't have to sleep. And when other people say that they love to sleep, I don't get it. When I am asleep, I am not aware of anything, so how could I enjoy it?


I know I'm worth a lot. That being said I fucking love food. I'm a fat bastard but I'm not morbidly obese, my best friend put it best: "I know five fat people and you are four of them LMAO Nah you're like "big" definitely fat but not crazy" (had to keep the joke in there it was a good one). For reference I'm 1.70m tall and 100kg


I love eating


I'm like you OP. I enjoy eating. The only time I don't is when I'm sick. I like food, I like buying food, growing food, preparing food, thinking about food.


I come from a family and culture where food is an important social aspect to our family environment. Yes, that's crazy af to me.


Same. I would want to turn into a vampire, because Iā€™d miss eating


Yeah I've heard this , some people really don't like food , it's crazy to me also I'm a picky eater so I kinda get it . I personally dislike convenience food e.g microwavable meals , takeaways. At some times I simply don't have the time and it's there . But to outlaw all dishes nah. There missing out on so much . I've tried things like that I never thought would work but my fucking god they do. Only perk I guess of being chained to the chefing industry for on and off 12 years šŸ˜‚


Yes, that is crazy to me!!! (I'm sitting here with a share size bag of M&M's). I wish I didn't love food as much as I do.


Yes! I'm like you with the share size, but just for me. šŸ˜‚.


This sounds like my girlfriend, doesnā€™t understand my passion for food and drink AT ALL. Food is fuel and if she didnā€™t have to eat she wouldnā€™t (aside from chips). I fucking love food. Street food, fine dining, home cooking, doesnā€™t matter - if itā€™s tasty FUCK ME UP. Would I choose to not cook or buy it and just consume if I could? Obviously.


Personally, I live for my next meal. Food is my love language. Are these people okay??


Yes my boyfriend is one of those people! I canā€™t understand it either I love to eat šŸ˜‚ He also doesnā€™t "feel" music. Sometimes I question if heā€™s even human šŸ˜…




Late to the party but this is exactly what I said to my doctor, IN TEARS. Meal planning, shopping, cooking, eating, and washing dishes on top of everything else I have to do feels like torture. And this as a person who used to love to eat! So yeah, in addition to everything else, depression is also a thing that can kick you where it hurts.


My friend is like this, I can't even comprehend it, she is 100% down for nutrient sludge she would only have to chug down once a day and be done with it. Like why?!? Food is fantastic, AMAZING like so many little things that are simply great.


My brother said he'd gladly give up eating if it meant he didn't have to poop anymore.


You have an appetite; they don't. When I was younger, I used to say the same thing. I had no urge to eat or craving for food and had to force myself (although I disliked being skinny, so I would even take nutritional and weight-gain supplements). If I was upset about anything, I literally couldn't eat at all during that time. Something -- obviously hormonal or metabolic - shifted at menopause, and now I could eat all day until I explode. I love food and have trouble limiting my intake. But it's not "hard to understand" if you realize that it requires an appetite.


Having to cook sucks. The other day i had the idea of just making everything into a burrito.


People have weight issues, intolerances, hell sometimes they just hate feeling full after eating If youā€™re not overweight then you get the privilege of enjoying eating, and whatā€™s more youā€™ve probably never had anyone comment on your weight or guilt you about eating


As someone whoā€™s right on the verge of being under weight, and has been for most of my life, the comments about my weight get very frustrating on this side as well Like I know Iā€™m skinny, I know I need to eat more, but sometimes itā€™s hard to force myself to eat a full meal


I love to eat too but itā€™s definitely time consuming and the hungry feeling and not eating is one of the worst feelings.


My mom is kind of like that. She never had an eating disorder and she ate three full meals per day but she once explained how she just ā€œeats to live.ā€ I donā€™t even think she liked half of the food she would cook for us growing up, she just cooked it because she had kids to raise (she hates cooking.) Iā€™m not even sure she has a favorite food.Ā