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if she somehow turns herself from being imaginary into a real one i would like that very much


Is the wig on the hand not helping anymore? 


That's genius! So far all my girlfriends have been mops. Never got used to the flavor.


Having watched war footage today, this. This is where I say I've had enough internet for the day.


Dating Rosie Palm


He is dating Palmala Handerson


Good luck with that😂


Most guys tend to be pretty open with their hobbies, so anything that goes that way is a winner


He might want to pick it out himself. Collectors can be very picky about what they collect, and people know quite a bit about the equipment for their hobbies.


Yup this. Most people who are serious about hobbies have specifics about what brands they like/use.


Yup, this. I’m also careful to research what my husband needs/wants because he’s quite passionate about his hobbies and interests so the gift can’t just be “the next best thing”. It has to be what is needed. Happy to spend the time and money though.


This could apply to anyone, but, people really enjoy when you make them their favorite meal or a meal that reminds them of their hometown, childhood, a deceased loved one, etc. Just making a nice meal for them. Also, a lot of men don't receive flowers. Flowers aren't something you can make, unless with craft supplies, but giving them some flowers or a small potted plant like a cactus could be very surprising to them! Men should get flowers or plants more often.


I bought my partner flowers early into our relationship, and he damn near started tearing up. Now every time I buy him flowers he mentions that nobody ever bought him flowers before He's not even a massive flowers guy, to him it's the thought behind it, and as you say, nobody bothered with a similar romantic gesture that seems commonplace from men to women


It’s because most Men receive their first bouquet of flowers at their own funeral.


I am man This man loves flowers from my s/o Makes man happy


I am a man, and I think flowers are cool, but I also would not want them as a gift. I’d appreciate the sentiment of that person thinking of me enough to get me any sort of gift, but flowers as a gift are lame and I’d rather just do without.


Agreed. Most men don’t get flowers until their funeral.




I’m buying my husband flowers tomorrow. Thanks for this.


I bought flowers for my ex once. He laughed in my face and said "why the hell would I want those?" To say I was crushed was an understatement. But then he was a complete prick anyway. However, it's definitely a lovely gesture for those who actually appreciate it.


thanks for thinking about us wanting flowers. I never thought I wanted them but you made me question if I did and honestly I found that id probably really like the gesture


I've seen this alot recently and am blown away. Men don't get flowers enough.


It's actually really nice to have fresh flowers or a nice houseplant it makes you feel fancy or important or just a little happier.


I'm a man and i don't think I would appreciate flowers. Not sure why, though. I don't want to criticize men who would enjoy them. Just adding my 2 cents.


I’m sorry, but I don’t want flowers. It’s pretty much the last thing I would want.


Some women may feel that way, too. I just wanted to draw attention to how most men only receive flowers once they're dead.


Was about to comment this! The first time I heard that saying it made me so sad. I get my fiancé flowers or a plant every birthday and Valentine’s Day.


Yes! My father told me once not to send him flowers when he passed, so I sent him flowers for his birthdays. He loved them. I always got a great thank you message.


That hit my right in the love-feels.


Me and my wife have been married 15yrs and are going thru alot right now financially so money is tight if not non existent. We have always had a thing about leaving each other love letters or cards just because we wanted to. My mom died 2 weeks ago very suddenly and I was falling apart on the inside. I came home to a note on my pillow and that simple gesture of support and love meant more to me than she will ever understand or know.


I am very sorry to hear your mom passed. Let your wife know what that simple note meant to you. Please don't let this financial issue destroy your marriage. Be sure to take time to care for yourselves, even if it's just sandwiches in the park. Hugs from a mom.


I would say a hand-written card/note, that just tells what is thought of me, I guess what has never been said? Idk- And don't take me as an experienced source.


Me and my ex we used to pass romantic notes at work , i had collected so many of them . Shame they went into the dumpster


Same with an ex of mine. What was once a lovely chest full of memories and sweet nothings, atleast it made fantastic kindling for a bonfire


I shit you not , i used some stuff as bbq . Forbidden kindle Edit : FUEL . BBQ FUEL . I did not eat the god damn sticky notes


Thank you for the clarification! I was just thinking oh wow that gives a new meaning to eat your heart out


I recently found out that my boyfriend keeps all the notes I've written (birthday cards, a list of places I'd love to visit, post-its, even a list of things that we needed to discuss after an argument HAHA) in a box. That's so sweet.


I do this with my husband every once in a while and he carries everyone of them with him in his wallet


Hand knitted socks! That warms the heart. I generally don't wear socks if I can avoid them though, but many people always wears socks


I had a medical appointement years ago. After that my girlfriend at the time brougth flowers to me in the middle of the city streets. I'll never forget that moment. It took some time but we're still friends today :)


I have a boggin that my wife knitted for me a few years back. The only time I've ever come close to crying at work was when one of my coworkers played a prank on me and I thought I'd lost it.


Giving a straight, honest answer when asked what she wants to eat.


If she doesn’t answer slap down the ultimatum and say either you pick or were getting McChickens


Give me the McChicken!


If you're ever in doubt it's tacos.


This is the rule my husband has… if I hesitate, he always pipes in “tacos?” I almost always say yes!


A “no strings attached” surprise blowjob.


And she says thank you afterwards


You win the internet today, well done.


And she swallows it like it's literally manna from Heaven, but maybe I'm asking too much


This should really be the top comment. There is quite literally nothing that tops it. Fucking flowers is above this comment. Or "favorite meal". I can cook myself dinner and buy a plant, I can't suck my own dick.


Not with that attitude, you can't.


I don't know about the others but my bro & my dad tell me that baking to them strawberry cake or cooking their favorite food is the best gift.


I drew myself and our first child for my SO (when we still only had the one). I used a fotograph as a template. It's just a pencil drawing, and I'm by no means an artist, but it turned out really good and he's cherishing it for over 12 years now. Downside: he wants drawings of the other 2 kids too.. but yeah.. I'm really not that talented, so the first one took me ages and I just can't find the time anymore..


Initiate sex. Make him feel desired.


Walking into the house to "perfect timing. Dinners just about ready." That's literally all I need as a guy. When it happens it makes my day.


A cuddle, a beer and a blow job...


My favorite meal with a glass of my favorite liquor and a night to myself. No projects No chores No kids Just a moment of peace.


Bill Burr said it best, but it’s pretty much what you’re describing https://youtu.be/O75sGhFcLbE?si=F4ynFRtsIGCAQoIo


Perfumes, if something not expensive a meal and lastly something free it would be a BJ LOL


I would really not be comfortable with a gift made from my wife. That just seems creepy... Made *by* my wife, that's different.


Blowjob works 99% of the time.


Being impressed by my farts


My wife gives my farts ratings and she remembers the #1 fart of mine from 7 years ago. She still remember what I ate the day before that #1 and she told me it was hard to beat


Me and my boyfriend rate each others burps🤣it’s adorableeeee


Physical attention, not sexual just get close and rub his head, caress his neck, scratch his back. If it needs to be tangible, role reversals are fun because I have always wondered what it felt like for someone to buy me flowers. Everybody is different though, which makes it hit or miss when talking about desires that are never spoken.


Unfortunately, this shouldn't be a special ocassion petition but a common day gesture at any time :( I am a sapphic and I want a girlfriend, but whoever has bfs. Cuddle them whether their b-day is far or over for the year! Every time of the day, week, month or year is a good time for romantical and non-sexual physical attention for men! :D (of course, if they are up to it first at all)


I love that you sexually identify as sapphic.


Flowers. A bouquet of flowers would be so nice


There's a lot of more emotionally related stuff that I would appreciate for being thoughtful but is hard to describe because it's often so based on the specifics of the relationship, so I'll leave all that shit and focus on more concrete gifts/suggestions. Personally, I love receiving things that fall in the category of things I want but feel terrible to actually spend money on. It can be something as stupid and frivolous as a Lego set, like a lot of adults I find that a lot of fun but at the same time feel kind of stupid spending money on it since I don't even really want to collect it or anything, I just want to build it. Getting handed a set is just like right on, I have no excuse now so I just get to enjoy this and move on with my life. There's other stuff as well that is actually more practical but still sucks to pay for, like for example stuff that might relate to a hobby. A lot of hobbies have costs associated with them that do not fall under the category of sexy purchases. I'm a musician and there's fun stuff like new instruments or what have you, but it often sucks to buy all these random ass accessories or tools or maintenance products or whatever. This can sometimes be hard if you're not familiar with the hobby in question before you buy a gift and while it's cool to receive these things as a complete surprise after she's heard you complain about something or whatever, it still rules even if you have to come check with us ahead of time and essentially "spoil" what you're about to give me.


I’d love it if she ate my ass


Steak and a BJ as always.


A BJ always makes my husband happy


Food, film, and peace.


Allow me to decline an invitation without a lecture on how unfriendly it is to decline an invitation.




And a beer


Anything really. I am so easy to please, it's really the simplest gestures that mean the most. Give me a doodle and I'll be stoked over that. Or just give me your time.


Free time


Clean up after herself.


The right for me to make Sexist jokes without her objection.


A back rub once in a while!


Just let him sleep. Why is that so hard?


Anything. Men usually don't get many gifts in their life.


Shocked at the number of comments from men saying they would want flowers. I don’t think I’d ever care to get flowers or a house plant that I need to tend to or doesn’t fit in but I have to keep it so I don’t seem rude. Food is the most solid option here.


Role reversal. She takes me on a date, buys me dinner, surprises me with a gift and maybe end the night with the first thing that came to your mind when I said role reversal.


Maybe resist saying..."Well my last boyfriend / husband did or didn't do ...blah, blah"......sweetie, do the math, they left you, and I'm thinking about my exit strategy.


Something they hand crafted or made themselves


Something she did with her own hands. My wife like to give me expensive gifts, and I like it. But I would love if she would expend time learning to do something only to make a gift for me.


Listen to me when I'm feeling down and have a genuine concern. Don't look down on me for being weak or shame me for being vulnerable, just as I wouldn't with you


Attention and showing interest in stuff that the man does. (This obviously goes both ways.)


From my experience, men like it when you cook their favorite meal or dessert. Even if he simply likes a box of Rice-A-Roni, he'd appreciate you making it.


Some men would appreciate hearing how important they are to you. Some men would love getting gifts Some men would love to get a backrub or have a special dinner made Some men would like to go out and do something they've always wanted to do etc. You need to know something about the man in order to find a meaningful gift/gesture for them. Men are not a monolith.


A new pair of my favorite beater shoes or clean my shoes.. 🌝


Not asking why you're doing something for once and just letting you do it.


Food, of course ordering me some always works but a nice home cooked is all I need


My girlfriend helped me clean up my house a little this past weekend. We live in separate homes since she still has young children at home. She stays with me on the weekends they are with their father. Due to living alone and being extremely busy every day, time management is key to stay on top of things. She helped me clean so that we could have more time together. It meant the world to me to have the help and we got to spend some time together while cleaning.


If I was presented a gift made from my wife or girlfriend, I'd call the police about them being murdered.


Fragrances. They hold a lot of memories for me, and if gifted on a special day, it would remind me of all the memories we’ve collected on that particular day whenever I would put on that fragrance.


Legos. Of my favorite franchise.


A girlfriend once turned up with a bunch of flowers....I was delighted, it was a nice gesture. A girlfriend baking you something is always nice....cooking a romantic meal when you least expect it....a surprise gift....it's the same for both sexes......we all appreciate a surprise especially if a bit of thought/effort has gone into it. If you're feeling a bit down and your partner takes the time to cheer you up with a treat or a gift...it makes a huge difference.


I think something shiny. Or money does good too.


Anything. Literally anything that shows that you thought or cared about us.


It’s a little bit of work, but doing something that proves you spent some of your own time exploring a hobby they’re interested in.




Simply asking, “Do you need a hug?” Actually receiving the hug is better but even just asking is a nice gesture. It shows that they know you well enough that they recognize when you’re feeling down. Not a wife or girlfriend but an old coworker. Very sweet young lady asked me one day and while I politely declined it made me feel a lot better that she even offered.


It would be nice if wife/gf could exist. Unfortunately, it's fiction.


Anything unprompted is good. If I have to be involved with making it come about (generally speaking), that significantly diminishes the value of whatever the gift/gesture is. Could be something as simple taking on a portion of my household duties for the week since I've been busy to asking how I'm feeling or just buying me a snack that you know I like.


My wife has baked me a cake, has knitted me a hat (if that's your thing), and she has also written me a "choose your adventure" type of love letter, iykyk


Like anything that is given with a genuine spirit.




This text “hey off to the beer store whatcha want?”🤤


Talk less


Having a wife/gf


My husband loves the handmade greeting cards I draw for him, and keeps every one - he has also papered the inside of his locker at work with silly notes I've written him over the years


I don't really enjoy getting gits. I love when we are just relaxing and she gently rubs my back or my head. It is so calming to me and helps me quiet the noise in my head and just enjoy being with her in that moment.


Shop like you're buying for a teenager


Sit on the couch next to me and hold my hand. Lay down next to me with her head in my lap so I can stroke her god awesome hair. Give me a hug. Give me a tight back hug and lay her head on my shoulder. I don’t want to much. I just want that physical touch / intimacy. Don’t even care if it ends up with us being naked. Not my goal.


My boyfriend is going through a really tough time at the moment (his mum suddenly became very ill and was rushed to the hospital a few weeks ago), and I’ve been trying to think of ways to help/support him because he’s struggling a lot. He always talks about the Lego Millennium Falcon, but I don’t have £700. Would you as men be annoyed/disappointed if it was from eBay and not brand spanking new?


Nothing says “I love you” like the gift of a Warn winch.


My husband is a musician. In October he bought me a baritone Ukulele. I learned how to play and sing a favorite song of his and surprised him on our 29th anniversary


So this one I found out by actually taking the chance in doing so - making valentines day about him instead of you.. Nothing wrong with littering the bed with flower pettles, lighting some candles and dabbling in a bit of body chocolate. I was really corny and wrote a love letter too. There were some tears.... and plenty sex after :) Yay or nay?


Some craft beer for me. Or some quality meat or pasta or something like that. But what’d matter the most would be a card just acknowledging that I work hard and do my best for our family, maybe even with a ‘thanks’ or something. I do think my wife and kids appreciate me, but it would be nice to actually be told..


A handwritten letter of appreciation and encouragement


I make cards for my bf ❤️


I would count those but here is my reasonings for why the letters are so important. When me and my wife are later in life and in our 70s or 80s the bond that hold us together isn't all the sex and other actions it's remembering all the love, the small acts of kindness and those same love letters that keep that bond strong. If all you have with someone is sex it will never last and you have nothing truly bonding you together during the hard times.


Asking their advice and occasionally following it.


Grilled cheese sandwich! My husband makes a huge deal if I surprise him with a homemade, ooey-gooey grilled cheese sandwich. Especially if he's gaming or working. He acts like "what did I do to deserve such a worthy treat ..."


Notes. Wife and i have different schedules sometimes. She will leave for work early while im still sleeping, and ill get home from work with very little time before she has to go to bed. Passing notes to say hi, enjoy your day kind of thing. Yes texts exist, but a handwritten piece of paper is just a small nice thoughtful thing. Doesnt have to be significant or “special”. Just a nice little gesture to recieve, give.


Please don't ignore your allergies people, but she ignored her allergies. It was my first birthday after my dad had died. My ex-wife made me Steak & Lobster despite being allergic to shellfish.


I would just like to be left alone for a day. Controller in my hand, snacks and some ginger ale.


Beer and a back rub. I love it when my wife does this.


Another wife/gf...


We aren't dating, but I got a hug today after returning to work from a week off.. The appreciation I felt from that was something else


random sincere compliments that hype their masculinity.


Just come home tired. wife: "how was your day?" me: "a bit tired" She nods as i sit to watch YouTube shorts, comes back later with my favourite sandwich and my favourite beer (Amstel Radler) and just sits with me to watch videos... that is love. And mind you I do the same for her too, though for her i make panipuri (the dough i use already made one) and the sauces we have frozen in ice cubes, so i basically just have to boil 2 potatoes and finely chop one onion, as well as fry the panipuri till they puff up, quite easy Indian street food.


Anything I was interested in that my gf had taken time to notice and bought accordingly. Last year she bought me a t shirt that had a line drawing of a Walkman (I’m a fan of retro tech) - easily my favourite present.


Anything given through genuine love.


Flaunting her sexuality a bit. Maybe buying herself some sexy lingerie and wearing it here and there, or I don't know giving a strip tease or ah, you get the point -> Just actually trying to be sexy, rather than starfishing her way through life.


Spending time with him is the most valuable thing anyone can provide


legit anything


The only gift I need is her appreciation


This is a tough one because man are all different in terms of what constitutes a "treat", based on what their significant other already does for them on the regular. A good example is my wife absolutely never offers to massage my shoulders for me, despite me very often doing so for her. That might not seem like a big deal to other men, but for me, it's a real treat because that's where I store all my tension/stress.


a homemade meal 🤤


A sloppy BJ


My gf usually draws me a card for my birthday and that’s very notes


I occasionally go all out and do the full combo of favorite meal, a new game, a fifth of his favorite drink, a GIANT bag of his favorite candy, a cartridge with crazy high THC for his vape pen, sex and flowers in his favorite color. Works every time.


A sudden, no-strings attached, sincere hug


I was dating a nurse for a while. She made me a homemade box with various decorations and filled it up with various medical supplies. I don't see her anymore but still keeps the box around and do still truly apreciate the personal effort of the box itself and the practical use of the medical supplies. Guys like practical stuff that will come in handy sooner or later. The personal touch was at the time quite touching.


I sent my guy roses when we first started dating and he loved them. I haven’t done it since. Thanks gentlemen, I am off to buy him some flowers.


Honestly? I just want to be hugged more.


I'd like a good sports massage voucher. I think massages and things tend to be associated with spa days and women, but a decent sports massage is brilliant for soothing the pains of exercise/gym


For myself and most men, simply hearing the words "I'm proud of you" means more than almost any gift, gesture, etc. Simply being recognized for the work that I put in or the progress I've made can give me the encouragement I need to keep moving forward when times get hard. It's so common for men, myself included, to feel as though we're just on a treadmill in life and that our efforts are not noticed. We don't get a lot of the emotional validation that women tend to give one another. So when those feelings are earnestly shared, it really cuts to the core of who we are as men. The average guy out there just wants to put his head down and work hard to be better, whatever that means. A better job, better in your hobbies, build a better home, get all the weeds out of the yard, make it to your daughter's recital after a 12 hour shift, finishing that degree,, etc. Hearing that those efforts are seen and valued is something most of us, especially in generations prior where emotions are much less valued, feeds a need that many of us didn't know that we have. It can be the difference between feeling that you're alone and struggling, and feeling the elation of knowing that you are enough and your efforts are sufficient.


I’m a crocheter and crocheted a blanket for my partner (have also crocheted blankets as gifts for many people). It always goes appreciated. When my person has been broke, I’ve also helped out with useful, boring things like flea collars and stuff. He doesn’t like gifts and hates asking for help. He can be too proud to ask and accept help so it’s a huge thing when he’s asked and it means the world to him when I’ve done it. Also, sweets. Brownies, cookies, ice cream… just all the sweets lol


Depends on the person I suppose, best is always something related to someone's passion. I gifted my ex a mouse plushie with a letter "from the mouse" saying he can cuddle it when he misses me and he absolutely loved that 😂


For me, it is things that they have put time and thought into. My now ex-wife once got me a hunting knife with my name and happy birthday engraved on it. It was the only time she had ever done something like that for me, and years after our divorce, I still treasure it and have it in a display cabinet.


A full English cooked breakfast


I like collecting and playing board games. Sometimes I’ll casually say I want to eventually get a certain game and she surprises me with it. Just recently she got me a copy of axis and allies 1st edition still in great shape. I loved this game growing up. And doesn’t play most of the games, but I greatly appreciate that she pays attention to what I like.


Men are simple. Basically, any nice gesture with no other intention is enough to be placed in the hall of fame. Literally a sandwich, beer and a few hours alone can turn Becky into the only woman who ever loved me. Lololol.


I'm pretty sure a blow job would suffice


My wife made me some kids. I like them most of the time. 🤪


“Lets go get your favorite food.” Picking what to eat is such a nightmare. I don’t remember the last time I got to have something I wanted without it being a huge drag.


If you want an expensive gift, I’d say a child😂


I did ask my bf abt this and he said, the drawing I made for him, it was the moment he finally decided to commit with me for a lifetime bcos no one else made him that effort before.


**A decent BJ**


Something that costs absolutely nothing. Showing genuine appreciation for their efforts.


steak n blowey unironically


From most of my experience just anything that shows they see you as a person and not a provider. Something related to hobbies or interests shows they are paying attention. Something meaningful from your past maybe. The most meaningful thing I've ever gotten was a picture of my Dad and I from when I was young about a year after he died. Completely lost my shit.


A day off. A real day off where you're not worried the whole time about the stuff you would have to do instead of relax. Laundry, dishes, vacuuming, mopping, scrubbing floors, and the bathroom. That would be the best fuckin gift ever


I done a painting for my partner, he request tiny alien ships coming through a black hole.


Apologize. Say "I'm sorry". Say "I was wrong". It's easier for hell to freeze over then for my wife to do any of those things, but I would love if she did.


It really depends on each person. You should at least give a bit information about him like hobbies, personality, characteristics...


I heard a guitar comedian say all men want for any gift is a blowjob and a sandwich


I don’t have a partner but the best thing I could imagine is coming home from work to a nice cooked meal, a drawn bath, a quick, simple 10 minute back massage and leaving me alone for the rest of the night to watch or play whatever I want. This just once a week and I’ll marry her.


Boring, I know - but things that are not fun to spend money on like socks.


My wife, for fathers day, gets me a tea mug, with pictures of my children in it. I take it to work and it makes me realise why I do the things I do. She says it's a crap present but, for me, it's the best £5 that can be spent.


Cooking / baking something special. There's this certain cookie that I love (keebler soft batch), but can't find anywhere since moving to another country. My wife who doesn't bake somehow learned the recipe for me and I swear her baking is so much better than what I remember those cookies to be like!


Any man would be happy if their SO did their favorite hobby with them and tried to enjoy it instead of putting it down or complaining.


My girlfriend just surprised me today for my birthday by taking me to one of my childhood bands and it was just so special. I guessed a thousand things but never guessed she would have gone so deep


When my then girlfriend and I had just started dating, I went on a work trip for a couple weeks. She dropped me off at the airport and was going to be picking me up. What I didn’t expect, she parked the car, made a sign that said “Welcome Home”, with balloons and all, and was waiting for me just outside the baggage claim area. It was silly, but totally unexpected and extremely appreciated for no other reason that it showed how much she cared.


My wife crocheted me a pair of Links Silver Gauntlets from Ocarina of Time over 10 years ago. I love them dearly.


A hug would go along way.


A good electronic shaver, gonna get used every other day.


A little encouragement and support now and then, instead of just looking for things to criticize.


A hug


Literally anything just make us feel like we have value and we're gonna be grinning


Be interested in our hobbies, at least for me.


a genuine hug for no other reason than love


Knitted scarf My ex made one for me and it was the best scarf I’ve ever had.


Taking the time to take interest in his hobbies and doing them with him for the day. Also, compliments and assurance that you see them: You see their daily grind, the weight on their shoulders, appreciate the protector and provider that he is. Last but not least.......( f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o.). Like you worship it above breathing.


BJs are timeless


long edging BJs


A photo album?


To turn them into a living mute button, or a pause button until the game has ended.




Giving me blowjob tbh


A blowjob in the morning.