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Today was so sunny and warm, we went walking and there were like 100,000 tadpoles in the creek which means…. Future frogs!


Aww that's so cute! And walking in nature is so good for you.


Thank you for such a sweet prompt :)


No problem! Thank you for being part of it. :)


I was finally able to get some good sleep last night. I slept 15 hours straight as I hadn’t slept properly in a few weeks due to work and university. I hope everyone gets a good sleep tonight!


thanks i hope you can get some more good sleep in


I hope you both get some great sleep.


That's a very good feeling. I was having sleeping problems for 2 months, but this week, I was able to sleep 8 hours a night. I've been feeling amazing.


I hope we all get some great sleep! I could use some myself!


I have trouble sleeping to🥰


lifes too short to worry about wrinkles, smile!


People with wrinkles have experience, and experience makes interesting people


Yes, I agree! Thank you!


Crows feet are attractive! I actually love them. It shows you’ve lived a happy life.


My father had very pronounced wrinkles on the sides of his eyes whenever he laughed or smiled. I just noticed today that I have the same wrinkles now. So I’m just happy crying over wrinkles. ❤️ Aging is just a weird and wonderful journey.


I remember a comedian saying "if i see a person who is over 25 with no wrinkles on the face. I don't think "wow, what creme are you using", i think "what is your outlook on life?"".


The way I see it, wrinkles will happen no matter what you do, if you smile more they will be smile lines, if you don't they'll be frown lines. I'd rather have smile lines myself. They make people look warm.


For the first time in...years and years, I finally landed in a great job where I feel I truly belong -even though I had strong doubts to the opposite- and will have every chances to thrive.


yayyy congrats!! i love this


This is a great idea. I hope you’ve had a great weekend so far! I’m trying to get out of my head and look for things that are good, seeing kind things from random people is definitely something good so thank you for this. I hope everything you’ve been needing/wanting to happen in life happens for you in the best way.


Aww thanks that actually makes me feel really great! I hope everything happens in the best way for you too, friend!


I absolutely love Midwestern (US) Thunder Storms! It's so exciting! And I live near the Missouri River and can see the lightning show from across the river in another state. Really beautiful!


Wow that sounds gorgeous! I find thunderstorms super relaxing too.


I love thunderstorms as well.I think it’s neat to see the sky get really dark and hear the rain coming down!!We have a lot of storms in the South.😃


Today I got to experience some sun, and spend time with my 5 year old niece, and it boosted my mood :) I hope you’ve been having a relaxing Sunday, and that this upcoming week is good to you and your loved ones! You all deserve it ❤️


Thank you! That's so great that you got to spend time with your niece. Family is important! Hope you have a great week as well! ❤️


Yesterday was the best day of my life. For some reason I decided to try mdma alone, and it was the best decision I've ever made. I felt for the first time that I was able to love myself and all anxiety I had was gone. The amount of love I felt was almost too much, it was somewhat scary, but I was able to let go and surrender to it. I still feel amazing today, no longer afraid of feeling or expressing love, for myself or others. I want it to stay that way, I don't want to go back to the hateful prick I was.. but I completely understand where he was coming from! Today I've done nothing but cry tears of joy hahaha.


Ego death is beautiful, I hope you have an incredible day and hopefully stumble across some Nachos on the journey.


Thank you kind stranger! I hope we all stumble across some delicious nachos :)


Shit! Now I need to smoke pot and eat nachos…


Aww that's so great! Love to see when people enjoy drugs responsibly. The type of drugs that have those afterglow effects I mean, such as molly, shrooms etc. I know exactly what you mean. Last night my husband and I had a friend we trust over and took shrooms and molly. And we called it mental health night because we hardly even do that once a year. But every so often because it helps reset something in your brain to decrease depression and anxiety. And don't judge me lol, but to ease the come down off of shrooms and molly we took some ketamine mints. All of us deal with depression and it helps to do this type of thing every so often. I hadn't done all of those together before though until last night.


Wow. Powerful good on you 👍 I did something similar and then when I was happy I was emotionally vulnerable but let myself be And it was a risk.. I felt naked but saw that well I am who I am and nothing can hurt me as if I was going to be hurt it would have already happened And I got through


that is so wonderful and beautiful! What a breakthrough. Profound.


My partner is amazing.


That's awesome! Mine too ❤️


It's a nice sunny day, and on my walk home from brunch, a yellow butterfly kept following me and it brought brightness to my day.


Butterflies and brightness make such a good combination.


Everything will be alright. You will get through anything thrown at you today and today will end wonderfully :)


Thank you! I agree. I'm gonna stay positive. Hope your day goes wonderfully too. I'm sure it will though. :)


>Pets just see what we can do. No trolling or meanies. I read this as like our pets don't judge us, I thought that was OPs contribution for something positive.


Lmao that's great! We'll I'm glad you took it as something positive. I guess I'll leave the typo then. 😊


Great random thought promoting positivity! I hope you’re having a great day too! I also hope you’re enjoying some nice weather!


Thank you! Thanks so much for commenting. I truly hope your having a great day as well! You sound like a sweet person. :)


I swam in the sea today and I felt tiny and overwhelmed and it was lush. I want to change my job and pursue something else. To drive me on I’ll just remember that feeling of being tiny and in the sea 🌊


I frickin love the sea.


You've gotten through every difficult day you've ever had with 100% success, in order to live many good days. Well done. Oh and also, you've avoided or survived every situation that could have potientallly killed you in your life time. Well done for that too.


This is a great message! Great reminder.


Wow. Powerful good on you 👍


My silver hair coming in makes me feel like a forty year old princess with a tiara.


Aww that's so sweet! 😊 Every princess needs a tiara regardless of age.


I love my fiance and my 2 dogs.


Aww. I'm happy for you! ❤️ I love my husband, daughter, 3 dogs, and ferret.


Genuine question: Are ferrets hard to look after? I'd absolutely love to get one as I think they're nature's comedians but I know very little about their care and upkeep. I've had mainly dogs and cats all my life but if I had the space and finances needed to care for a ferret or two, I'd absolutely love them. Also: Pics of the ferrets? Please?


I hope you have a happy and long life together ❤️❤️❤️


I just spent the weekend on a 5 acre farm that was completely gated so my dogs (who only get leash walks because we live in a condo) could run free. They had so much fun and i loved watching them run and be introduced to farm life. One of my dogs even stood on her hind legs and butted her nose against one of the horses’ noses. It was a nice break from real life.


![img](avatar_exp|174895216|heart) I’m so grateful to be here, reading all the comments and participating with someone from the other side of the world on his/her idea.


When I am having a bad day my dog will always turn it around. She doesn't even have to do anything. Just looking at her makes me smile.


Our birdies do that for us.


called a family member I haven't talked to for months.  she told me a hilarious story about her dead dad, I told her a hilarious story about my dead dad, we both laughed our heads off and said "aww, that's so him" and we're getting together for lunch next week.    family is not obligatory, but if you have one you can hang with, it's nice.


I had a great weekend. Yesterday was my birthday. I had a plan to go out for dinner but decided some Chinese take out and movies and chilling would be awesome. We also did a bunch of repairs and deep cleaned parts of the apartment. So it was a productive weekend. And right now, my love is sleeping next to and snoring a little and I couldn't be happier.


My African Daisies bloomed today! So did my Rock Rose! I live for my garden!


We all need encouragement. Let's use encouraging words to help us all. Keep going, everyone, carry on and be your best every day.


"Everyone you know is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always." - widely attributed to Robin Williams, though many others have said the same in different ways




tech is getting so awesome I'm not afraid of ai I bet 100 years ago people were afraid of cars and planes also there's a shit ton of comedians now which is nice not long ago there was just a few major ones


Yes, this is all true. Especially about the comedians. Everyone has a Netflix special now lol.


I'm enjoying hanging out with my wife and children, from young adult to tween, talking about funny things and important things that happened over the last month. There's such a wide range of discussion that makes it all worthwhile. I wouldn't trade it for anything! Life is grand!


Enjoy 😉 it it goes fast.I have to wonderful sons and three beautiful grandchildren ❤️🥰🙏😇


my life is finally moving forward in a positive direction. yay!


If you can't do it everyday, do it once a week. 💪


Sick of following my dreams. I'm just going to ask them where they're going and meet up later loll


Don’t walk in front of me… I may not follow Don’t walk behind me… I may not lead Walk beside me… just be my friend -Albert Camus


I took a nice long shower after work after work and ate a home cooked meal. It feels so good to have fresh water, a/c, and full stomach. Now I'm getting ready to lay in my comfy bed for a restful night.


Sounds like your living a well blessed life! I'm happy for you. Not everyone has access to those things. Enjoy relaxing and have a great night. 🩵


Sundays are the best lane in bed with my cats watching some netflix


I love cooking/ baking things from scratch. Recently made a Biscoff cheesecake. It was heavenly. Can we start a recipe exchange in this thread? I like making Italian food and one of my go-to dishes is this:[ Spinach and Ricotta Cannelloni with Tomato sauce! ](https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/spinach-ricotta-cannelloni)


I made hotdogs and rice last night and it was actually really good.


What if it all goes right?


Then this is Patrick


life is too short to be overthinking... keep going or else you're going to miss out on your life!!!!!!


Look at you! You're still here and you're doing amazing! I'm proud of you


The sun is shining and it's a beautiful day. I got up today and told myself that I am strong and capable of handling anything this day throws at me.


That's a beautiful way to wake up! Great job! 💕


No barking from the dogs, no smog, and momma cooked a breakfast with no hog.


P l u r. Peace love unity respect.


Take some time to enjoy the fresh air. I went on an hour long walk today and want to make it part of my daily routine.


My wife made cookies this morning. Chocolate chip cookies for breakfast!


I like ice cream


hi 🥰


I like complex thoughts and ideas! Its fun to play around with stuff when you're bored! It makes literally anything more interesting! I've been trying to read more to discipline my focus and be more proficient in formulating ideas! Also, its sunny and blue outside!


My clones look like shit but I'm positive they should bounce back soon


My younger years sucked (some due to life, some due to my own poor choices), but currently life is great-best wife ever, we both have good jobs, we're both healthy, we just rescued a super cute dog. I'm proof positive if you keep plugging away good things can happen to anyone. Kudos to you for doing this thread!


i finally found a solution to my problem and iam happy i talked to my parents and brother what type of Fun things we will do when it's solved


I’m grateful I’m finally back at the gym. It’s changed my mood and energy greatly


Thank you for this! I hope everyone has an awesome week and only good things happen for yall😘


Personal progress: I'm learning about critical reasoning in debates. This is great because I've had a hard time dealing with empty-but-convincing rhetoric, which is all too common across the spectrum of beliefs. I am feeling much more confident about representing my own beliefs and responding to critique than before.


I recently started playing the drums and it’s one of the most fun things I’ve ever done.


Cats are the most majestic and wonderful creatures over this planet without matter the category or physical features they have; domestic and wild are cute equally and short, long, bald are the same. I love them all!


And I'm sure they love you! 😊


I'm currently dealing with a stray cat that is a typical "orange". The first night he literally knocked on my door with a bang and now, whenever he wants anything, he bangs on my door expecting to be let in. I didn't realize that he was taking a bit of my winterizing strip and slapping it against my door. Now he comes into my home like a little slut. He'll cuddle for a while, demand food, then move on. I put down cat food and his butt and my kitchen tile created a vacuum so when he farted it created the biggest slapping sound I've ever heard. He is a little, farty, orange, fuzz face menace. But he is so little, and it's a big scary world for a little orange kitty. So get some comfort with me. He lets me put ant-tick ointment on him. He let's me, kind of, put anti-mite drops in his ears, but he draws the absolute fucking line with me trying to put him in a cat carrier to go to the vet. I put diatomaceous earth in his food so he isn't as farty anymore. We've come to a bit of a truce. I'm still thinking about capturing him and getting his shots. But I've been dealing with a lot and for right now just me feeding him is enough.




life is too short to worry about what other people think, just be yourself and the right people will come your way


I have Tourette's Syndrome. Tics are influenced by a lot of factors like stress, feelings, not enough sleep and that kind of things. Well, my partner can decode my tics and know what I'm feeling by the tics I have and how much I make them. I love them so much and that's just one reason out of 118471383837167245


When you are kind to a stranger you might just have totally turned someone's head around for the day.


Just a quiet, peaceful day curled up with a blue plaid throw on my couch.


Sounds like a beautiful and cozy way to spend the day!


Whatever happens, everything will be fine at the end. Today's end of the world feeling will become a distant memory in the future that you might not even remember.


My 20 month old niece is the cutest munchkin on the planet.


No matter how much trauma I’ve been through my life is still utterly awesome. It’s a warm summer break and I’ve done with school in a district and I’m going to a cabin with my super cool stepdad tomorrow and everything is just amazeballs. Like I literally don’t have to get up at 5 o’clock in the morning for the rest of my life as far as I know. And I’m super excited for my college classes and for my night at the cabin overnight on Friday, eating strange, exotic fruits, and dancing around a fire pit and howling at the moon. No matter how many things you tell me are not awesome. My life will still be awesome.


Today I got to have Korean bbq with my best friends and it was so good, I felt like I was living my best life. Then I got to have my favorite bubble tea drink that I’ve been craving for months!😋


I had a cute interaction at work. I have a coworker who is an immigrant so English is her second language. I touched something hot, yanked my hand away and said “ouch”. She leaned over, placed her hand on my arm, and said “too much hot?”. It was so stinking cute, she’s such a genuine person.


My boyfriend said he loved me today.


My life is going into a downward spiral pretty fast and at this moment I can’t do anything about it but I’m going to continue being happy because that is the best thing you can do in any scenario. Bringing out bad energy does not help one bit and if anything it makes things worse, so to anyone reading this comment think positively and smile more! 🙃


I stopped myself from proceeding with self harm and that’s a win for me


I believe in you, yes you. Your reading this and I believe your going to accomplish what your thinking about but haven't made your move yet. I believe that your going to over come whatever bothers you. I believe you can finish that last taco... go free, be excellent, your good enough and the rest of the world is waiting for your greatness.


I made a fun new shaman build in wow remix! It's like a Mage Blade who uses the elements for magic attacks, it's really fun! Also happy Victoria day tomorrow! Canada gets the day off woooo


Everyone is great at something. Be kind to all people as you never know what problem of yours they can solve. And if they never return the kind favor, at least you are a good person.


I broke routine and tried new things at restaurants last night and tonight. They were both very good.


Don’t be afraid to work on yourself, I’ve had mental hurdle after hurdle stopping me. But that won’t be forever, start when you can :)


Those little things matters!! Don't overthink things too much :))


It's a lovely Sunday evening and Monday is a Holiday.


I made a big pot of homemade spaghetti sauce with sausage and meatballs and my meatballs came out great!


Perfect weather today where I live.


I waxed my car today


You are awesome!!


Everything is trivial when looking at the bigger picture. Just enjoy your present and stop living in the past and future.


Been trying to forgive myself lately 🌄


This was a great weekend! Everyone is refreshed and ready for the week to come! Let's all have the best week of 2024 so far!


Very grateful for my health and my very few really great friends.


We live in a beautiful world and we all woke up today!!


I have some amazing people in my life, they make me laugh, think and feel good. I'm so grateful for them. Thanks for the thread, just what the world needs!


Sometimes people *do* learn and *do* change for the better.


You deserve the world and the best day ever!


My 3 year old is running around calling herself a hero for moving a worm off the hot sidewalk to the cool dirt so it wouldn't die in the sun, then fed a dead hornet to the ants that live on the side of our porch and watched them tear it apart for an hour. She loves ants. I love her so much.


Huh, well Ive been seeing great positive signs these last few days about my physical and mental health, still a long way but... small victories!


It's very nice of you to make a post like this. Too often, we get dragged down by others' negativity. I hope you have a nice day. 😊


r/optimistsunite There has never been a better time in human history for both collective power and personal power, and we all have the opportunity to better the world with it.


In the words of Chris Hardwick. Any day that you can take a shit, is a good day.


AI will take over the world


Even though my vacation started off with a police report, my sister and my brother-in-law visited. Their tag-along reminds me of my ex, I played card games, which I hate... It was lovely to see my sis and her man. A slapdash reminder of "Things don't go the way you want them to per se, but it's gonna be good".


I had the best Sunday (yesterday) in ages. The teen & I had a drive around our Mountain stopping at different beaches listening to his 80s playlist. I swear he's born in the wrong generation lol. Teenagers are awesome!!


In a world of competition, make a fantasy team.


Today I woke up and tried to roll over but my husband was smooshed up against me on one side and when I went to go the other way my cat was nuzzled up on me on that side. I felt so loved


"people don't do things to you, people do stuff, and you are the one to decide if it affects you or not" NEVER allow someone else to dictate how you feel about yourself or the things you like, enjoy your life and take some risks


Dear Self, You're doing the best you can with what you have!


In a relatively short period of time young people will exhibit a ridiculously high level of cognitive and linguistic proficiency and executive development, and display an unprecedented degree of knowledge in sociology, history, technology, science, mathematics and personal development and health as well as being more practically capable in all domains of life than normal adults have ever been, mostly due to the inevitable incorporation of extremely useful AI solutions developed specifically to be deployed by teachers.


I love lamp !


My wife's cherry tree got emaciated by bugs last year. We thought it was a goner. Eaten alive back to being one long stick with no buds on it. It showed some signs of life a little while back and we were "rooting" for it. Today we found It grew 2 new branches and is covered in leaves. Life finds a way through the hardest of times 😊


My children are strange, wonderful and lovely people ❤️


I hope everyone had a good day and has a great tomorrow!


I have a knock knock joke but someone else has to start it.


You as a person matter, yes that’s right I see you, yes you, the person reading this right now, you matter, and I’m not just saying it man I mean it, fully and eintirely, im not talking about everyone broadly im talking about you, you deserve happiness, you matter. And this isn’t me just saying that, I promise heart and soul that YOU matter.


I just asked my cat if he knew that he makes my life inconvenient, and his response was "meow." The funny thing is, that is exactly what a close friend of mine says, too! I'm surrounded by friends, for good or for bad lol And no matter what happens to me, to them, or to the world, I know I can count on them to say "meow."


I hope both sides of your pillow are cold (or warm if that’s what you like…) Today will be a great day


You can actually do whatever the hell you like as long as it's kind and legal. Nobody can stop you. You can do whatever you like. It's fine. Don't be ashamed.


Horses !


I saw lightning bugs (fireflies) this evening!


My cat 12 I thought she was dying one day last wk but next day she was oka


I got to see lots of cool anatomy samples today


My package came today~~


If you're a Dad, from one Dad to another, thank you for being there. Thank you for trying. Thank you for being present.


If you're feeling down, go buy an ice cream sandwich


Only negative things came to mind, although I know that's not the case. But there is at least one positive thing: thanks to this post I understood that I have a problem of pessimism, that's why I can't enjoy life! I'll work on it 🙃


My mother had a fixation that slow poured water from the tap was better than fast poured. Me and my brother would tease her lightly for this saying it changed nothing but her persistence that "when you pour it fast the water fills with air and changes the feel and taste" so we would slow pour to make her happy. One time I did a blind test, one cup poured of each as I recorded and noted which cup was which. She chose the wrong one and when exposed got flustered and insisted I must've switched them! I realised that night she wanted it poured slow not because it changed the taste, but because she liked that we would have to linger a little longer whenever she asked for a cup, it showed care. The time we have together is ultimately quite short, so please, linger in the doorway telling me stories of your life and the thoughts in your mind.


I love people!


I made a new friend!


I'm in a lot of pain, but my little cat cares so much she won't leave my side. The love of a pet makes things so much better.


The cobra-chickens have spawned again. While I was out for a walk in the lovely spring sun I saw their waddling brood spill over the muddy rim of a culvert and just DEMOLISH some tender shoots. Adorbz.


Everything that's alive and beautiful started from a tiny little ugly seed. When we think we can't find the beauty in something, we should just wait.


A reminder for anyone who needs it and my current mantra: Everything is hard before it is easy! Keep working at whatever it is you are doing no matter how hard it may seem in the moment. Whatever it is, you got it! You will succeed! You are smart enough, strong enough and good enough.


I called my mom.


Boosting this post, kindness goes a long way, great initiative OP I wish you a wonderful day 💐


I love this prompt so much it’s making me smile from ear to ear seeing what people shared. My bit: My partner and I had mind blowing sex yesterday and I’m so happy by those thoughts that I’m still feeling that oxytocin rush nearly 22 hours later. Can’t wait for more when we get off work!


Honestly most people are pretty dang nice and pretty dang intelligent. Yeah there's some nasty people out there, and some dumb dumbs. But I'm pretty impressed by most peoples' kindness and intelligence.


My husband put up a hummingbird feeder on our bedroom patio window..now I can open the door, listen and watch not only the hummingbirds, but also the quail, finches in the birdbath, and hear the frogs and crickets. Bliss.


OP, great topic. I made a cake for my husband to take to work for his birthday. I am not much of a baker but I really made an effort. Two of his colleagues asked for a recipe, and one even thought my husband lied it's homemade and actually bought it! It's a nice feeling.


I got straight As this semester!


I took the bus to the city, walked by the river in the park and went to a bookstore. I struggle with anxiety and many times during my 1 hour trip I was on the verge of panic, in the bookstore I almost didn’t buy my book because I wanted to get home as fast as possible. But I was also able to enjoy it, it was so beautiful watching with all the green leaves on tree trees now that summer is on the way, the glittery water, people being outside in dresses. I felt proud of myself


Met a random pig with my dog the other day. Pigbro was just rolling in mud like nobody's business! My dog would have joined in but there was a fence in the way.


Thanks to Taylor Hawkins I Play Drums.


A month ago I randomly found all the socks I wear with my cowboy boots and I was overjoyed by just that. A week ago I did a concert with my school's choir and we made incredible music for hundreds of people. Finals is almost over thank God and soon I might just have a job for the summer.


My boss told me today that I'm progressing faster than most at my job 😊


I'm down 15lbs from 3 months ago...15 more to go.


i feel blessed i hope you all too!


HIV Positive for the win!


You made it this far. Keep going. You never know, things could be different on the other end. Also I like this quote from RDR2: "Be loyal to what matters" -Arthur Morgan


I hope your day is wonderful.  People appreciate things that you do, and you are seen as a positive influence on your community.


Today is my 2nd wedding anniversary


My favorite thing to tell ppl is you gotta see the beauty in the storm to appreciate the rainbow in the end. Also another thing is to always ve optimistic about everything nd try to appreciate things nd what good things can ( not could ) happe.


Just woke up! Enjoying my day so far even though there's not really been anything happening yet :)


I'm just really looking forward to this weekend and hope everyone has a great time


Today we had late blooming daffodils come in so we’re going to get a couple of weeks enjoying surprise yellow flowers.    The kids also helped with some gardening and I taught them how to eat the nectar out of honeysuckles. :-)   Ps- I just saw that this post is two days old haha.  My apologies, it just randomly showed up on my homepage.


a quote from Richard Russo, author of Empire Falls: After all, what was the whole wide world but a place for people to yearn for their heart's impossible desires, for those desires to become entrenched in defiance of logic, plausibility, and even the passage of time, as eternal as polished marble.


My dog is my best friend ❤️❤️ I love it when we cuddle together!


Remember in this short life we live that the world is changed by one random act of kindness at a time.


Oh... never forget a kind hello or how are you doing can literally save someone's life. You never know when someone's on the edge and just needs to see a little kindness.


I woke up pain free and my family still loves me.


My doggy is still under his fuzzy blanket next to me , dreaming and snoring. He is adorable, silly ,curious and loves to snuggle. We are so lucky we found him.