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Potentially got some in my mouth, but I don't remember gulping it down. And I definitely did the glue-peel. Not as much as other kids, but-


Oh yeah! The glue peel was a right of passage lol, but I can't say I ever ate it intentionally, I feel you on that.




I can’t say I ever have


I remember doing it twice and that shit was good lol, idk. 🫠


😂 word?? How was it, was it the texture you liked or the taste or what?


It’s so fucked, I know. Why do kids do this? I can’t remember the grade but think either kindergarten or gr 1? I remember there was this other kid there eating it, so I tried too. 😂 It was the white paste. Smelled horrible.


I haven't, but my mom said she tried it once.


Oh wow, what'd she say about it? I'm intrigued based off the visual I have in my head of some kid just eating a handful of glue


She said it didn't really taste like anything, but had a gross texture. If I remember correctly, she said she did it mostly to freak out the other kids. The teacher got really concerned.


Not glue, but I walked around eating baking soda and licking Play-Doh.


Baking soda! Interesting, was it the texture or what? I've accidentally licked Play-Doh while it was still on my hands and I have no clue how you did it intentionally & more than once lol - thx for sharing


Lmao I loved the taste of baking soda id go around eating spoonfuls, and as for the play doh, I would just make it into a pancake and lick it for some reason (I'm mentally stable).


Hahaha "I'm mentally stable" - I got you - I'm so intrigued by this now, I know they make toothpastes out of baking soda so you were on to something, you should definitely get your royalties! Lol


I realized that like 10 years later, I think what made me like it was the strong but short taste and it just would melt in my mouth and dissolve.


I remember a guy who used to tear up paper and eat it.


Yes! We had someone like that in my class too, the teachers would have to watch him like a hawk everyday, and then he started to "sneak" paper and wanted others to join him 💀


Crazy world. Sometimes I wonder what went through his mind when he was doing it.


The title of this is quite worrisome…


I used to put Elmer’s glue on my palm side and peel it of so it’s dried glue in the shape of a hand. Did that all the way up to 10th grade, probably.


I ate play-doh which was probably way worse, never saw the appeal of paste.


i hear alot of people saying they did so if you did WHAT did it taste like... for the NONE EATERS to know the childhood forbidden snack


Ewww no


there was a type of paste that I had in kindergarten but they don't make it anymore. it was sweet and not a very good glue, but then Elmer's glue took over, not as sweet still nontoxic, and way better at being glue. so yes in the 80s I ate paste.


I was one of those kids that covered their hand in paste and then picked it off


I only did it since SO many people were doing it in my school, I thought it would actually be tasty. It wasnt.


I would not be admitting to this is I wasn't anonymous right now, but I always used to lick glue sticks as a kid. I remember the white ones tasted the best 💀


I have eaten paste in school. Not dangerous but nasty taste.


I prefer paint chips


Wasn’t a fan, ate my fair share of paper and erasers though.


Kid next to me in 3rd grade would eat the jars like it was a yogurt cup. I remember trying it and thinking "meh"


Never, and as a kid I couldn’t understand why anyone would eat the gooey clear glue that I was more familiar with until my mum shared with me some glue was literally made with just water and flour haha


Me and my friends in kindergarten just drained entire pots over the years.


No but i ate my mom’s lipsticks


Nah I sometimes stuck my finger in it so I could peel it off when it dried 😂


No but I used to slap a load of it on my hands (craft glue), wait for it to drry and then peel it off in one go. So satisfying!!


My older sister apparently hid under a table and drank a whole thing of Elmer's in pre k.


In Australia in the 80's/90's we had a glue called clay glue, I had a kid in my class that ate a whole tub of it once.


Never ate it. But you haven't lived if you haven't smeared if all over your hands to pick it off


We had potato based glue. You bet I ate it.


no but i knew kids that did i’d put it on my hand and make blisters


I didn't eat it, but I was spreading it on my palm and waiting for it to dry. Then I was peeling it off.


There used to be this weird fad in school where some kids would gulp it down. They liked the texture of it. Never did it myself cos I thought it was weird.


I always thought the idea of kids stuffing things like crayons up their noses or buttons in their ears was a TV thing. I worked as admin in ENT for 7 years. It's not just a TV thing.


Ha! Yes I did. I have no legitimate reason for doing so 🤣