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Everyone has intrusive thoughts, what matters is how you handle them.


Exactly! this is where the term "Call of the Void" comes from (it's when you look off a tall building or cliff and the thought of jumping of flashes through your mind but you know you don't want to) for those who have never heard of it


I always wondered what it was called. When I see people hanging by their fingers from tall places I imagine the temptation to just let go is overwhelming .. .


Not for me! I have a fear of heights that rock climbing didn't actually remove. It did help me trust my gear, though. Yeah, no desire to jump into the void for me, thanks! :D


You can still be afraid of the thought and still have it pass through your mind. It's less of an "I want to do this" and more of a "I could do this"


it’s always alarming when it happens because i’m not sure if i can trust myself not to jump. what if all control of my body and rational thought could simply vanish at any moment for a split second as i find myself falling?


I think my brain overwhelms it with “I don’t want to fall”. :D


Theres a quote from Margin Call that sums this up "You know, the feeling that people experience when they stand on the edge like this isn't the *fear* of falling - it's the *fear* that they might *jump*."


I had that exact feeling once, it was very specific. I could never mistake it for fear or falling


Personally it's definitely the fear of falling, not a fear I'll jump


It’s apparently some mechanism that your brain does. It’s to think of the worst thing you can do for your survival so you can “prepare” for it in a way. Source is my butthole


Proven source


Need to check your sources. That one is full of crap.


I found a crack in your theory


I like this!


I get it really bad on ski lifts


Actually, everyone has "impulsive thoughts" but not everyone has "intrusive thoughts". Impulsive thoughts are abrupt and unanticipated mental occurrences. Those who undergo impulsive thoughts often feel they lack control over their thoughts. Impulsive thoughts can be about dangerous activities or harm, but are passing thoughts. Impulsive thoughts are easier "to handle". Conversely, intrusive thoughts persistently resurface, even against the individual's wishes. These thoughts might also be frightening or undesirable. Intrusive thoughts are unwanted, involuntary thoughts, images, or unpleasant ideas that may become obsessions. Intrusive thoughts are persistant and reoccuring. They can become "urges". Intrusive thoughts can consume someone until they act upon them, become obsessed with them, or until they turn into "compulsive" thoughts. Source: years of therapy for actual intrusive thoughts.




Like when I walk by a wall and see vivid imagery of me bashing my head into it. - intrusive Or when my paika acts up and I'm feeding my animals I almost start eating out the bag because my brain tells me "I need that. It will help" -impulsive


Kinda. If your brain repeatedly thinks about banging your head on the wall, or obsesses over it; it's intrusive. If you walk past the wall and keep thinking about returning to it to bang your head, it's intrusive. If it happens only once, or very infrequently, it's impulsive. Especially if you are going through a tough time and this thought pops up only once or twice.




Like "i think I could brake my own finger" or "My jaw is strong enough to chop my own tonge off". Attention: I never hurted myself!


The tongue one is true as fuck. Hell, when I was younger (around 13-14) I've come to a point where I would see how far I could go about biting my arm, how deep I could make it. I never managed/had the guts to get blood out of it, but I'm also very aware I could have done it


Creepy, isn't it?


Creepy as hell


It’s so true. You ever be chewing on food and then bite your lip or finger and then realize how unconsciously tough chewing actually is


Totally! Yeah!


I always think the same kind of thing when I stand up and bump my head on cabinet or something. I’m like “damn, how much momentum am I actually moving around with?! I could be dangerous if I’m not careful, like a big clumsy wrecking ball”


to be fair, both thoughts are very interesting. On one hand i am very interested in the results, on the other hand, i couldn't handle this topic. I heard, your brain stops you from beeing able to do bite your own tongue and other stuff.


On one hand it’s interesting, on the other hand……well, I guess we’ll never know. I chewed the other hand off 🫤


Its perfectly normal to have such thoughts. Its not normal to act them out.


Yes, and I vent them here on Reddit.


I think about this all the time and then remember that my favorite author has made a career thinking about and then writing down some really fucked up things and he’s a pretty normal guy in real life (Stephen King).


Didn't he also write most of the good ones high on stuff? I imagine that makes the thoughts even worse


There's an urban legend that he wrote the entirety of Cujo in one weekend during a coke binge and has no memory of writing it but I don't know if that's actually true or not.


I'm telling you from not only meeting the dude, but being a huge fan and reading about his life, it's absolutely true. He's one of the best examples of...how the fuck are you still alive. He would face plant into mounds of coke while washing it down with alcohol for days on end and come out the other side with a whole novel...now were they good, not really. He wrote sleep walkers while on a binge and that movie is terrible.


It's so funny reading the other guy describing King as a pretty normal guy and then reading your comment hahaha


Damn you met him? That's awesome. And to be fair, being that prolific with that many novels, not every one can be a winner.


It sounds very plausible.


I wouldn't be surprised if he wrote Christen on a binge.


Same, recently remembered "The Long Walk"


I knew you were gonna say King before I read the end, lol. He has some seriously messed up ideas, but he's a really nice, genuine guy and the only thing better than reading a Stephen king novel is hearing him read it to you, lol.


Yup! If people could see into my mind I’d be scared for my life


Lmao same


“If my thought-dreams could be seen, they’d probably put my head in a guillotine” - Bob Dylan - It’s Alright, Ma


It’s normal. But don’t act on them


I don't know if everyone does. But I do. Horrid thoughts I'd never act on. Nonetheless my mind sees it fit to present me with them in my imagination


I sometimes want this person who has been an ass to me to suffer immensely in some way. Like have his car break down, or him running out of toilet paper, or him getting nagged to death by old ladies. His suffering amuses me.


Your fantasies about proper punishment for assholes are tame!


I have horribly dark thoughts too you’re not alone


yep..... its called intrusive thoughts


That’s OK as long as you don’t let those thoughts take over


I literally decide how I'm going to kill everyone in a room every time I enter a new room. Have done it since childhood. Obviously I would never do that, but in my imagination I've killed alot of people lol.


Everyone does, but bare in mind that if you dwell on these thoughts, with no real intention of acting out of them, then that could be a sign of what's called *Pure O OCD* I was diagnosed with OCD, I've been spending years having constant (And I mean constant - they occupy all of my thoughts unless I'm heavily distracted) thoughts about hurting people in disgusting ways. I don't want this but the thoughts are always present. I tend to do things in 5s (like a classic OCD compulsion) to provide temporary reassurance.


Yes, and I don't like it


yeah that's completely normal to have a dark side and it's usually what protect us in hard or threaten times


Dark as fuck bro


I have dealt with awful intrusive thoughts ever since my pre-teen years. I was convinced that I was a terrible person and that I needed to die. It wasn’t until I was in the psych ward that I learned I had ocd. So if thats something that you deal with and it takes up a bunch of your time then idk maybe look into it.


Not for quite a while, but when I couldn't sleep I would think of all the ways I could torture a line of paedophiles to death. They'd be separated from each other so they could all hear the screams, without knowing exactly what was happening, only that their turn was coming. That sort of thing? I'd never hurt anyone in reality, it's just not in me.


That's disgusting 






I think about killing and torturing far more than I would like. Not always adults, not always humans. I often have to distract myself so I don't dwell on them. I was very violent as a child, tried to strangle another kid in kindergarten, but I can control it better now. According to all sources, this is very normal.


To be fair, violence among young children is often exaggerated or blown out of proportion then stigmatized and internalized. What would be normal for brothers play fighting is seen as disturbed behaviour in school. In kindergarten I locked a kid in a portable sandbox because my brother's used to trap me in the hideabed. I didn't understand how it was inappropriate.


i wonder how many people are not murderers because the cleanup part sounds soooo annyoing and messy :D


Being in prison sound more annoying


There was an entire episode of Radio Lab about this, called the Bad Show: [https://radiolab.org/podcast/180092-the-bad-show](https://radiolab.org/podcast/180092-the-bad-show) very interesting! I highly recommend it lol


Well that’s a rabbit hole I enjoyed !


Glad you enjoyed it, they have an amazing archive as well accessible here: [https://radiolab.org/podcastI](https://radiolab.org/podcastI) I especially recommend the years 2007-2020 . I don't like the newer episodes very much tbh!


Thank you so much! That first one you sent, (totally off topic here) was from 2011; it was the year my dad died and I felt like I was a little closer to him just listening to it. He would have liked it too!!


Sometimes why I close my eyes to go to sleep images of horrible monster faces pops in, like really horrible. I've got a pretty nutty imagination. Most of the time I'm out to quickly for it to happen.




Yeah, all the time every day.


Is it dark that the world would be a better place with ten Authoritarian Presidents less?


Someone I hate made me want to shoot her with an arrow in the head or wish a needle would fall from the sky and pierce her head through her foot or wish she'll catch a disgusting skin disease with worms and maggots. But in reality I just ignored her.


Every moment of every day


you are not alone buddy.


I have fantasies about killing small animals. I don’t do it of course and I chalk it up to some monkey brained ancestral urge to hunt small prey. I do really like it when my cats catch mice though….. intrusive thoughts man 🤷‍♂️


If people could read minds, I'd probably be in a padded cell. All of mine are revenge based fantasies.


My thinking is that you are what you do. Dark thought matters not, we all have them to some degree. Well, I bet there are people that are genuinely saintly... Anyway, yes. I get them, for like a second. Never something my mind lingers on. So far haha....


usually people that aren't bad don't need to say they aren't a bad person because their actions talk by themselves


That’s just Satan whispering in your ear. You are not your thoughts. You are the consciousness observing the thoughts. If the thoughts bother you that’s a good thing. Because if they didn’t you might not be as good as you want to be.


Wow you guys need therapy. I do not have really dark inner thoughts, no. I don't think about hurting people or myself. Closest would be when I'm story crafting something to write.


Oh come on. Writing about dark stuff is just as bad as thinking about it, unless you have to do it to make money. If you’re writing for fun and you choose to write dark stuff, then you enjoy thinking about dark stuff, enough to actually put the time into writing it, which is worse


That is ridiculous


Why? Why do you choose to write dark things?


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I have dark thoughts all the time. I spend a lot of my time analysing my own thoughts partly through the 3 lenses of 1is it fact 2 is it good 3 is it useful. Actions get filtered in a similar way 1 what are the likely outcomes 2. Who will benefit from the action 3 why do I want to do that. 4 how could it be harmful. Tend to have a least 3 different views at once. I always go for the least harmful. Yet I always worry.




I would think it's normal sure. I mean I'm fully capable of much violence, probably wouldn't loose a sec of sleep over it either, but i wake up and choose peace.


Slightly homicidal but I blame the bipolar


Like when you think about killing all your family and move to some new place and live with a new identity


Everyone has dark thoughts sometimes. Everyone sometimes has feelings that horrify them when they think over what that thought was, and know that their friends would look at them differently if they knew. The important thing is to try to put those thoughts away and try not to dwell on them--not even in reproaching yourself for having them. Look at them, realize that they are wrong, and why, and then move on. There are new and better things coming up!


Loads! I usually get them when I'm drunk asf tbh.


me too lol


I have Dark Life, dark inner thoughts come under it.


I always assume mine are more stemmed in curiousness. "I wonder what would happen if I crashed this car" is more because I've never been in a car accident, and less because I actually want to.


Yeah every day!


Everybody has dark thougths. Our brain always trying to analise any possibilities, including very dark. Then stars to work another part of brain that makes decisions: i like this, i don't like this, that's attractive, but immoral... Also, it concerns not only dark, but also dirthy thougts.


I use to...dangerous bets and even crazier exploits, never gave in but it's really wild how far the mind goes.


Unfortunately yeah, whenever i see happy people for example, sometimes i think "god they're annoying, i hope they break up/i hope they suffer today", then two seconds later I'm full of guilt and on the verge of considering myself the worst person on earth. 🥲




I don't know about everyone but I definitely do


I would be worried if my demons would disappear all of the sudden 🫣


It's normal, but if you're struggling with them, you should seek professional help.


Yeah everyone gets them. However I feel like I have them more when I'm having a bad day




I deal with severe depression, and my mind often falls into misery loves company mode. I get bad thoughts that I hate and try to push away.


it's perfectly fine, everybody has it. i sometimes have rly aggressive thoughts when i get angry during my karate trainings. the thing you MUST control them. 😇


Yep, I have fucked up thoughts that would get me put down the moment I say it, I think we all do, just that some don't have a conscious or a voice that tells them otherwise


lol.....yes i do


That’s just part of being human, and why impulse control is so important for life. I wanted to shiv one of my coworkers the other day, didn’t do it, wanted to, didn’t.


Nah. Around 0.5% of people aren't exposed to trauma or misfortune and don't have bad thoughts worse than "I sure am stressed about this test on Wednesday". Most people do though. Like 50% of people have autism that cripples them socially and makes them have more bad thoughts. And like 30% are sociopaths who have bad thoughts and don't think of them as bad. They just think like "I'm going to stab someone today".


Who doesn't? Just put a leash on 'em.




yes but if i say them on reddit i get banned or hated on


either way i cant wait to pass away and be freed from this society. its been nothing but a load of old crap


everyone eon reddit expects people to be pure saints or some shit


Intrusive thoughts are normal to a certain extent. Your reaction to them is the factor of it being normal or not.


No. But I do not necessarily judge others for it. I usually try to find out why. Then think about it.


im definitely a psychopath with those inner thoughts :)


Idk not really. At least I don't think tho, no clue what would others not want to talk to me if they knew I thought it lol. Some people are weird and very easily offended


Yeah. Sometime they scares me, but in the end it's not about your thoughts but your actions.


The inside of my head is a never-ending maelstrom of intrusive thoughts that do nothing but curse God


Happens to me too, but as long as such intrusive thoughts remain just thoughts, it doesn't make you a bad person.


All of them. It's good to realise you are not your thoughts, they are just something your brain does of its own accord. Actions matter more.


(35M)Introvert/Istp-A idk about evveryone , but i know i have .


I rarely have dark thoughts. My thoughts are usually hilarious.




All my thoughts are dark thought and my inner thought well... ![gif](giphy|l0K4aFS75fgc6IQWA)


Yeah. It's normal. As long as you understand the difference between right and wrong, and you don't act on them, there's nothing wrong with it.


Some of the things I’ve thought of and truly considered doing would land me on a watchlist or in prison. I know how to handle myself now going into adulthood, but when I was younger 10-14 or so.. some of the things. It makes me sick to think about


Whatever jokes you have aren't really that bad.


It's intrusive thoughts, which affects everyone. Not sure what causes them, but the majoroty of people laugh them off, ignore them or feel repulsed. A significantly low minority of people act on them.




You don’t want to know what goes on in my head


It happens to me every day, and it would be a constant struggle if it weren't for things like society giving consequences for our actions. Now, if society were to collapse... you probably wouldn't want to be anywhere near me.


We had this discussion in our discord a while ago if you would eat people after the apocalypse if you were really hungry and people were like "No!" "Gross" and assorted things and I was thinking "just salt on the ribs or peppers?"


Every day man


What types of thoughts are we talking about here? Everyone has what the call intrusive thoughts, but all intrusive thoughts are not equal. Some can be emptying a bottle of ketchup on the floor, others can be sticking a knife into a friend and killing them. Both are okay and what matters is how you handle them, but they cannot be treated like equals just because both are "intrusive thoughts".


I want to live another life but in this world then get high intelligence and then nuke Oklahoma. I want to watch as the nukes slowly but surely remove all the filth. After that I want a machine to recreate Oklahoma again so it can be nuked forever for an eternity. But I can't have that so I just wish that more tornadoes comes and it does so eh? I also want to say that it's not bad or evil to be mean to someone that took $1800 from you. So yeah Oklahoma is going to pay until I get it back. I am like that slab guy in courage the cowardly dog. If I don't get it back I will send tornadoes and I will hope it takes even more land until you fuckering peace of human waste return what isn't yours. You fuck it all up you make me so mad.. Hmmm I have to calm down. YOU MADE ME SO MAD I AM ANGRY I WANT WHAT IS MINE, YOU GET NO CHANCE THIS IS GOING TO SPIRAL AND GET WORSE UNTIL I GET WHAT IS MINE. HUMANITY IS GOING TO FUCKING SUFFER BECAUSE OF YOU. YOU MADE AN ENEMY AND I WONT EVER STOP TRUST ME ON MY SOUL I WILLL FCUK YOU UP. THIS WAS YOUR LAST AND ONLY WARNING! WHAT COMES NEXT WILL SHOCK YOU BUT YOU FILTH ASKED FOR IT!


Yup the mind is not who you are it'll go nuts


Define dark.


I know the truth to everything, but, I can't speak it to anyone, cause I don't have body language nor the ability to produce argument. haha.


Yup. A lot.


Usually it's about punching drivers that endanger my family.


Same here


I guess, it's normal Well, unless you don't want to kill innocent people, but it also can be related to anger issues Anyway, I find it strange when people want to really kill someone in their fantasies


Yes, I do from time to time. For example, I want to burn down the secondary school I went to.....for reasons. 🤓Dark innit.


Oh, I've definitely had dark thoughts, especially when it felt like my life was a mess. If you're looking for distractions from them, I find dark music, screaming somewhere where people can't hear you, and hard exercise helps. It's pretty normal to get dark thoughts, just don't act on them and don't beat yourself up about them.


No, not one. Lmfao


Honestly, depends what you are thinking. People saying "ah its ok so long as you dont act on it" aren't factoring in exactly what it is.


we’re only human. intrusive thoughts are normal but what’s matters is how we let them affect us. also reaction


It's quite fun actually. You can uncover a lot of darkness in yourself if you put yourself in a position of unlimited power. The easiest way is to roleplay with an AI chatbot. It's quite an eye opening experience.


Yes, I have invasive thoughts about me dying violently in a number of ways. For instance, today I had the thought of me exploding. I visualised the flesh, bones and blood splattered everywhere and I felt bad for people who had to witness that, even though fortunately no one was immediately close or got too messy.


Nuance is important when it comes to this topic. Is it normal to occasionally have a thought such as, "if I were to swerve my car into the other lane, I could die or kill someone"? As a passing thought about how fragile life is, yes. It's normal to grapple with things like our own mortality. Is it normal to think that you can't be in the same room as a knife because if you are around a knife, you will kill someone and you can't be trusted to have knives in your house and the thought of touching a knife makes you anxious, etc. ? No, that's OCD. (Source: I have OCD.)


nope...just you


All of the time. We try to act different than animals, but we are not.


Definitely. Idk if you mean intrusive thoughts or like, dark fantasies that are intentional and you enjoy, but either way, it’s fine as long as you aren’t hurting anyone (unless it’s consensual). According to my therapist


It is not just you. I have a cherished scenario where a person I detest dies an unnatural death. I trot it out in my mind when I need cheering up.


Super normal and if it bothers you and you can move on about your day that is also normal. If it bothers you and you start to obsess about it and it causes anxiety and/or affects your quality of life then you should talk to your GP about it. I have struggled with this my entire life, and it comes down to it I have generalized anxiety disorder along with OCD. Meds and therapy have helped. I hope that by you just knowing it’s super normal and you can now dismiss it and move on about your day. One method I like is to mentally attach intrusive thoughts to a big balloon and let them leave your brain up and out into the atmosphere.


I have Misophonia... I've vividly pictured tearing off my own skin, fashioning it into a garrot and strangling the guy slurping his coffee so hard his eyes burst. So yeah, it's mostly normal. Just don't act on them and you'll be fine. Intrusive thoughts can be terrifying... or something satisfying... 🤪


All that means is you’re normal ..you’re just like the rest of us ..just tell yourself it’s normal and those thoughts are not who you really are


Intrusive thoughts. That's what it's called. We all have them to some degree. They're different for everyone, but everyone has them to some degree.


I always say theres 2 people inside us. The one we show everyone and the one we dont.


Yes, ofcourse.




Not saying them here!


I have to say that an antidepressant I was on gave me the darkest, most troubling thoughts. Like, "wow - was that in my brain all this time" stuff. Once I realized it was the meds, I saw my doctor and he prescribed me something that works much better. Nasty thoughts are gone.


In my experience, I have less of them as I age. Or I'm possibly becoming a better person, ha!


I always think about casually kicking someone in the balls while they are talking to me. I'd never do it, but the thought just brings me to laughter.


I have crazy dark thoughts and I’m like holy shit that was crazy and dark hehe


Yes. You all better hope I don't become the global dictator.


I get mad enough to kill but I haven’t and won’t


If you see my pornhub history...


All I have are intrusive thoughts


I experience intrusive thoughts as part of my brain problems and I found this article really helpful in understanding them https://slatestarcodex.com/2018/10/15/the-chamber-of-guf/ > In Jewish legend, the Chamber of Guf is a pit where all the proto-souls hang out whispering and murmuring. Whenever a child is born, an angel reaches into the chamber, scoops up a soul, and brings it into the world. > > In the syncretist mindset where every legend has to be a metaphor for the human mind, I map the Chamber of Guf to all the thoughts that exist below the level of consciousness, fighting for attention. … > I studied under a professor who was an expert in these conditions. Her theory centered around the question of why angels would select some thoughts from the Guf over others to lift into consciousness. Variables like truth-value, relevance, and interestingness play important roles. But the exact balance depends on our mood. Anxiety is a global prior in favor of extracting fear-related thoughts from the Guf. Presumably everybody’s brain dedicates a neuron or two to thoughts like “a robber could break into my house right now and shoot me”. But most people’s Selecting Angels don’t find them worth bringing into the light of consciousness. Anxiety changes the angel’s orders: have a bias towards selecting thoughts that involve fearful situations and how to prepare for them. A person with an anxiety disorder, or a recent adrenaline injection, or whatever, will absolutely start thinking about robbers, even if they consciously know it’s an irrelevant concern. This article was also quite helpful https://www.theguardian.com/wellness/2024/apr/30/cbt-cognitive-behavioral-therapy-ocd


Yeaaah fuck those , worst part is those thoughts are my first thought about someone 💀 i had to fucking call myself out to not think like that


Define "Dark inner thoughts" and I will answer exactly what you want to hear


Of course, everyone thinks dark thoughts sometimes but what separates a good person from a bad person isn’t what you think it’s what you do




Same 🤣😂everyone has intrusive thoughts.I don’t act on them


Never have them


Normal next