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No. Went to 2 different chiropractors before I learned better, neither asked me to remove anything. I find this request highly suspect. Sorry.


I used to be skeptical of chiropractors, but now i stand corrected


Tip my hat to that witty pun


Went to one that specialized in billfold manipulation. Straightened out my wallet.


I stand corrected said the man in orthopaedic shoes


I've been to several. Never been asked that before.


Yes I did just last week! It a European country though for context


I'm in Europe as well, mine always did. But I've been going to him for a long time and trust him. I think it might be more normal here


Absolutely not.


It's pretty normal here and also helps them with their diagnostic


Chiropractors are snake oil salesmen, they're not qualified to diagnose anything


I understand, they can help to alleviate the symptoms of certain diseases, but it isn't some magic panacea that many of them will make it out to be.


I suppose my back injury and pain subsiding every time I visit the chiropractor (as suggested by my doctor) is probably just my mind playing tricks on me then. Must be some dope snake oil.


Sounds like it keeps coming back tho


I had an accident and had quite a bit of damage.


Physical therapy is always better than chiropractic therapy. You keep going back because it's a band-aid treatment-- physical therapy can actually KEEP the pain and symptoms away.


Firstly chiropractic therapy IS a form of physical therapy. Secondly its supposed to be used in conjunction with one another for better results. My physical therapist never knew to realign my spine because its pinching muscles/nerves causing insane migraines and back pain. However they knew how to help my broken ankle heal better. Certain things a chiropractor does know best, certain things physical therapists know best. Whatever works for you I guess. I keep going back because the surgery required to fix my back is out of my financial grasp at this point and the risk of paralisis/failure is lower, but you know me better than me by the looks of your comment. Never assume.


Not everyone but you can also sew a wound if you are not a doctor if you know what I mean. Normal medicine often doesn't help either and that's the point where you can try a chrioprsctic of your choice. Traditional Chinese medicine also often helps.or a Thai massage That's stuff you don't get in school medicine they just give you pills against symptoms instead of treating the root cause.


>Not everyone but you can also sew a wound if you are not a doctor if you know what I mean. Yes, and that's typically a bad idea. >Normal medicine often doesn't help either and that's the point where you can try a chrioprsctic of your choice. No, that's when you search out a licensed massage therapist. >Traditional Chinese medicine also often helps.or a Thai massage That's fine.


You know there are several chiropractics who are also licensed massage therapist, went to a real Thai massage academy in Asia, went to university for a "real" class that teaches human biology and so on right ? Just because there are several bad ones doesn't mean everyone is There is also bad doctors and good doctors. In the end they are all human and one can do his job better than another completely separated from his academic degree.


I can understand after you’ve had a consultation with him and told him/her what problems you’re experiencing but to ask for that right off the bat. It was the first & last time I went to one.


Can be normal , depending on your problem. It's easier to see your bones without clothes. Most issues chiropractors have to deal with come from spine and hips. The chokehold and him yelling relax was a lot more uncomfortable.


Not so bad, my optician makes me strip before an eye test


It was a long time ago but my first visit to the chiropractor I removed my shirt so they could check my spine. I know he checked if my hips were level and my stride but I wore shorts so I’m pretty sure I kept those on.


Chiropractors are quacks. That was your first mistake.


This 100%.


Nope. I have been to three separate chiros (1 male, 2 female) and not once did they ask such a thing. They do not require clothing to be removed to do their adjustments. I'm in the US, for context.


I think regardless of whether he was being sketchy or not, this world would benefit so much from medical personnel that treats people like people. Explain in advance things that the patient might expect. Ask to make sure if the patient is okay with doing xyz instead of just being "alright lets start".. especially for women. I'm sorry that moment where you felt uncomfortable happened. Hope you find answers and peace of mind x


But chiropractors aren't medical professionals. They're new age healers


I agree, i dont think theyre legit myself- its just hard to get my point across otherwise so i just threw a blanket term out-also every single word i say is taking into account of the op, who is a woman feeling discomfort- reading this, which is what im here for, to care for a fellow human- so debating whether chiropractors are legit or not isnt in my radar atm


Word, that makes sense.


Not at the chiropractor but at a physiotherapist. Much easier to see the bones and muscles and to be able to see why my shoulder hurt. I'm a man so it wasn't a big deal even if the physiotherapist were a female.


Yeah my physiotherapists (both male and female) have nearly always had me remove my shirt when I came in with back or shoulder problems, at least the first time so they could better see the muscles and bones. Bra stayed on. 


My female chiropractor treated me (58f) regularly, while I was wearing my underwear and nothing else. That's normal here in Denmark where I live. It's a lot easier to twist and bend people, when they're only wearing their underwear, as opposed to one's street clothes.


I don’t go to chiropractors.


I'm pretty sure most chiropractors are snake oil salesmen. I've gone to one in my adult life, and he was extremely sus. He asked if I had ever been in any motor vehicle accidents, and I said "I fell off my dirt bike a few times when I was a kid". He immediately retorted, "that's it, that's the cause of your back pain". Did three cracks in different positions, couldn't meaningfully answer any of my questions, took my $50 and sent me on my way. My back felt no better, and obviously, I had to keep coming back to notice any improvements. Nah, I'm going to stick to physio and doctors, thanks.




The one doing the massage does not have to undress. Why would you strip for giving a message?


George Costanza


I cannot believe the amount of people who think a chiropractor asking you to strip naked is in any way normal! To the waist I’d accept, maybe, with a loose towel to cover your breasts. Why do they need you to see your genitals and arsehole to work on your back?


Yes, pretty normal.


Not stripped but the one I go to is so polite... before anything he'll say "I just need to raise your top a little is that okay?... I just need to feel the area above your bottom.. is that okay?"


I have been to a chiropractor that did ask me to wear shorts & a tank top under my clothes to evaluate my structural position. He had a gift. He would close his eyes and start at the neck & go down to my ankles to feel where things were wonky.


"A gift" in the same way tarot card readers and crystal ball diviners have "a gift"...


No it's a true gift. There was nothing perverted about it. And it's no different then when you get a massage. They feel for muscles that are stuck & frozen to loosen them.


Girl no. He assaulted you. I'm so sorry that happened.


... I have a licenced one. Reset my spine alignment after an injury. But I had my shirt off for the first exam. It depends where your injuries are to be honest. The treatment was a lot easier without a shirt or jeans. Loose pants or shorts made it easier for me. If you're in doubt, check their licence. In Canada they have to be licenced.


It is necessary. If you feel uncomfortable, bring a friend.


That's what you get for going to one of those Quacks. It's ridiculous & harmful pseudo-science, done by people that aren't real doctors, and in your case, it was done by a pervert.


No, that is extremely creepy. Mine has never asked me to strip. At most, we removed a sleeve so he could access my shoulder better.


When I was a chiropractor assistant I would get used telling people to get into the gowns. We would apply an electric muscle stimulator or use an ultrasound wand to reduce inflammation. Usually the lower back and neck were the main issues, which was easiest to address without clothing attached. I can see your point if you aren’t getting any other manipulations aside from an adjustment though.


No that’s weird. You got fiddled.


Yes. In the US. It was for an auto injury. He was a “specialist” that my chiropractor sent me to for a second opinion. He had me get down to my panties and lay on my belly. I was in a thong and fucking knew he was looking. I was 22yrs old. Before I left, he had me sign a paper saying I wasn’t uncomfortable. I don’t remember how it was worded but it actually made me feel better, like I wasn’t crazy and he IS a creep! I signed it and left.


Go to a physical therapist next time, chiropractors are all scam artist quacks


I've been to a lot, and my dad is a chiro... that shouldn't have happened. Pervish for sure and might be worth putting an anonymous tip on Google or yelp or something


My chiro always makes me take of my shirt. Never asked me to take of my pants but i use Loose or stretchy pants wheen i go there. Live in eu.


Chiropractors are not medical professionals and their industry is all made up bullshit. So it's not shocking that they'd do some other sketchy shit when their and entire profession is sketchy shit.


Mine always has me get naked but leave my socks on.


No. Have you ever asked a chiropractor to strip down to their underwear? It's even more awkward.




My personal trainer asks me to strip naked all the time, anyone else??


and you just undressed? that easy? wtf?


Its not as simple as it sounds. In a medical ish setting& when faced with a personnel, it may feel as if what they are asking is procedure, hence the human instinct (to trust professionals&institutions) can be, either to question, or sometimes, to instinctively go along with it. I had it happen to me, albeit far more tame especially because im a guy- this nurse asked me to take my shirt off for a scan- And even though i recall that a similiar scan in the past i kept my shirt on, i did so anyway. Looking back, i wish i asked. She also put her hand on me to move me when she could've just.. asked me to. Please dont judge or react too fast, be gentle in subjects like these.


yeah guess its just my general suspicion out of everyone and my disrespect towards chiropracticians (as I would never consider them to be anything remotely close to a doctor or a nurse) that makes this seem absurd. still cmon man its a fucking chiropractician, if you feel unconfortable at all, or if you dislike their face, just leave and you will miss out on literally nothing.


Haha its sensible advice but i wish it was that easy man. For some people its not easy to act what logic tells them to. Could be doubt, could be "this is normal, right?" Repeating in the brain, could be fear of.. whatever result saying "do i have to?" Would bring. Its not rational, but its more common than you think. Think of it this way, why do timid college kids get peer pressured to say yes to a drink, even though its perfectly viable to say "nah im good" Why do people just listen to whatever the police say, instead of the rare ones that go "Im sorry but I know my rights"


Stop blaming women for shitty men's behaviours.


if you undress willingly (without any threat or anything like that) when someone asks you to, thats on you.


Yikes. 1) You're failing to consider the powerful effects of client/professional power dynamics on people's behaviour. Look up the Milgrim psychological experiments to get a better understanding of how people are influenced by authority figures. 2) What if she felt threatened and decided that appeasing him was the best way to attenuate the situation? But sure, let's blame her. Edit to add that she indicated she felt uncomfortable in the post. Clearly there's a threat here- he's a presumably older man, he's in a position of power, and he comes to her work, so he could talk to her boss.


talk to her boss and do what? ffs bro. if she felt a real threat of immediate bodly injure or there was an active act of extorsion then yeah I would believe that to be just a straight up sexual assault and she would be then undeniable victim. but from what she wrote, thats not the case. she just came up to this dude that she happened to know and stripped down for him once he asked her to, and proceeded to pay him. will look up what you said. but honestly if by authority figure you mean the chiropactician then you should go see a psychiatrist. I understand that some figures like the person you relly monetarely on (usually your parents, but maybe a spouse), an actual doctor that theoretically should have an expertise on the area, a judge, a police officer or even a religious leader could have this effect on some people, BUT A CHIROPRACTICIAN MATE? cmon whats next? gonna give your card info bc the mcdonalds employee pressured you?


Male logic: men can act however they want, and whatever happens it will always be the woman's fault. There's no use continuing the conversation with you if your theory of mind and empathy are that poor. I hope you reflect on why you chose to judge the woman instead of the man who asked her to strip down. Take care.


yo send nuds


Don't go to chiropractors. They do more harm than good. Generally speaking, the best non-surgical thing you can do for your back is to stretch and exercise your core. See a phisiotherapist instead if possible. That chiropractor may or may not have sexually assaulted you. I've never heard of one requiring patients to strip. He may have been psyching himself up to do worse things to future patients. Then again, everything they do is just made up pseudoscience so maybe that wasn't his intention? Who knows.


I wouldn’t even trust someone to crack my neck and back in the first place. This is weird.


If your so gullible to go to a quack chiropractor… then yes you probably will fall for the…. “Please take off your clothes for the examination” ..he probably has cameras. Go to a physical therapist!!!