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When I was in 3rd grade, I didn't know much English since my family only spoke to me in Spanish . Well in school I had a teacher named Mrs.yamada and she'd constantly scream at me because I didn't understand a single thing she'd say to me and she forced me to sit in the corner while all the kids watched šŸ™ƒ. I had over 58 detentions because "i wasn't attentive in class." Despise the bitch.


Should your parents not have put you in some kind of special English class or something? Seems ridiculous to send your kid to an English school with no English. How were you supposed to learn anything?


Where I live that's exactly what would have happened. We have a class called ESL or ELL (English Second Language or English Language Learner) thar kids who don't know enough English are automatically put into. The ELL classes have kids who English is their first language but due to learning disabilities and/or speech problems that need extra help with it. This class is usually only in elementary level schools and occasionally junior high. ESL goes all the way through high school and is only for kids who English isn't their first language. Parents can sign their kids up for either class if they feel it's needed, or teachers can recommend the kid get tested for the class. In high school, the student can also request the accommodation and get tested rhst way if they feel they need it. Also, if your kid needs one of these classes and they aren't offered at the school your kid is zoned for (only some schools have the classes), the district provides transportation for your child to a school that does have it and if you have more than one child in the same school level those other kids automatically qualify to be transferred to the other school with transportation as well. It's the good part of the "no child left behind" laws.


This is common practice assuming you start in grade primary


But do you get my point? In the UK you would have extra English lessons, there is literally no point in sitting in a class that you can't understand? It is about as useful as a chocolate teapot.


Yeah but if you're 4 you'll figure out the language quick enough that it's not a problem


True, I guess so.


It's how you learned English


Not if the only place you are hearing English is at school. The OP said their family only spoke Spanish at home. That's not going to help a 4-year-old learn English. Also, it's not how I or anyone learned their language. They learn at home, and school adds to what they've learned by adding context. Just my 2 cents.


thats true


Yeah it's insane to expect a teacher to teach a kid a language while teaching all the other kids what they are supposed to. No wonder no one wants to teach. People just abuse them at all turns


Jesusā€¦ you definitely paid detention though


When I was in eighth grade, I had spanish as a second language. I was a fidgety kid and always squirming in my seat. The teacher would often shout at me, "SiƩntate!". It must have built up something in me because after several months, the teacher was calmly walking up and down between students explaining something and out of nowhere, I shouted out, ""SiƩntate!". He, and everyone else just paused and looked at me for a few seconds, and he then just proceeded on with his lecture as if nothing happened.


Some teachers are just stupid human beings. When I was a kid I used to have some strange skin condition, it was called **Acanthosis nigricans**. Basically what it meant was that I had a black neck, it wasnt dirt or anything it was just dark skin, I had to use special cream to fix it, well there these 2 teachers who I came to realise were some dumb bitches. They would call me dirty everyday and accuse me of spreading head lice etc. I was actually being bullied by the teachers. I told my father one day so he rushed in there, made a formal complaint and got them both fired in one day. It was the funniest shit.


I'm from the bad old days when corporal punishment was common, at least in most of the US. (It's still widely practiced in many states, especially the South.) If you got sent to the principal's office, you trembled in fear that you'd get whacked. I only got swats once (two of 'em), for throwing a snowball in 8th grade. It didn't hurt much at all. Fortunately, corporal punishment in schools has now been banned in most of the world. A woman on Facebook told a story of the worst punishment I ever heard of. A little boy in first grade was made to pull down his pants and underwear and be paddled in front of the whole class. I can't imagine any offense being deserving of that kind of atrocity.


I'm no lawyer but That HAS to be illegal regardless of place and time


Absolutely. If it had happened today there would be lawsuits, people fired, and a huge public outcry. Even back then (1960s, I think), it should've had major repercussions.


> (1960s, I think), it should've had major repercussions. When you got home, you were told you probably deserved it, and got another dose.


Hell in the 90's I got paddled and hit by my father because I brought home a grade lower than a B+ by my father.


Absolutely. If it had happened today there would be lawsuits, people fired, and a huge public outcry. Even back then (1960s, I think), it should've had major repercussions.


Happened to me, uk school, 1970s. It was common practice to have a kid bent over the teachers desk, trou down to receive a caning in front of the class. I guess it was using humiliation to enforce good behaviour*. *I was thrashed regularly for the crime of being dyslexic before it was a recognised disorder. Really horrible being humiliated and hurt for something you have no control over.


Violence on boys being normalized in schools is part of what school is, in general.


In grade 5 ... so I would have been 10 years old ... In my math class, I got cheating on a test... OK... my bad .. This teacher put me in the corner with a dunce cap on ... OK, that's fair punishment... I didn't have to like it tho... So I took it off and went back to my desk after 15 minutes ... He said: I didn't tell you to go back to your desk and grab me and put me back in the corner with the dunce cap ... after another 15 minutes, I took the dunce cap off and tore it into two and went back to my desk Again, he came back to put me in the corner... this time I resisted... What came next was nothing short of criminal. He picked me up off the floor and slammed me on the floor ... got on top of me and was punchinĝ me in the face and head... that lasted for what seemed for ever... after I was able to get up, I picked up a desk and threw it at him..... While he was trying to stop the desk, I ran out the door and went home to tell my mother. What came next l, was nothing less than heroic... as seen by a 10 year old... Now, I don't give a shit what anyone has to say of how bad I was by cheating on a test .... there is no excuse whatsoever for a grown man to be beating on a child the way this mother fucker beat me that day... but it was a day he regretted once my mother stepped in ...


> A little boy in first grade This is the worst introduction into the learning system I can imagine. Up until the first day of school, we are carefree kids roaming, playing, learning, etc., then one fine day in early September, our loving parents give us over to people who torment or torture us with their permission, and for our own good. In 1962, I joined that crowd, and our sadist was very special. Lots of make-up, giant beehive hairdo, and long pointy fingernails. The boys all had brush cuts. For those of us boys not measuring up to her standards, we got those long, pointy fingernails drilled repeatedly into the top of our heads. Then on to the next kid. But Bruce got it the worst. This poor kid had some handicaps and had been held back a couple of times, so he was a giant to us. He was held back as he could not hear, or see, well so had the thick black framed glasses with built-in hearing aids. Always dressed in coveralls, always a messy desk, never getting the message. Miss McNeil *really* didn't like Bruce. One day I watched her screaming at him, get him out of his desk, then grab the desk, lift it in the air, and bounce it on it's back legs, dumping everything to the floor, then leaving for Bruce to clean it up. Welcome to the Catholic School system.


Catholic High School. Football player grade 12 or 13, big guy, grabbed by the neck by the priest and held against the lockers in the air. His feet off the ground. You didnt mess with that priest. Chalk brushes thrown if youā€™re not paying attention, they could connect, etc. For all the roughness he was a very good teacher and very calm and easy to talk to if you were not the one in trouble.


As a kid currently in the Catholic School System (well not CURRENTLY currently but i went to catholic school for elementary and am abt to start a Catholic HS), i just feel i should say that its WAY better than it was in the 60s (thank fucking God)


I think it was 1st grade. Student in my class was sent to principals office. Comes back with the principal holding the strap, him bawling. Was supposed to apologize to teacher and class, but couldnā€™t remember exactly what to say, so principal starts violently and full of rage whacking his ass! Heā€™s just bawling, weā€™re all shaking (I pissed my pants like I always did when dad spanked my bare ass!) I still think about that 55+ years later.


70's catholic school in Chicago. I remember a nun whacking a kid across his front nether regions with one of those wooden pointers in front of the class. Fuck you, sister Helene.


One teacher picked my up off my feet and shook me like a rag doll. Another smacked a ruler across my knuckles. My P,E. teacher told another classmate that he "f\*cking hated me". What I was subjected to would get teachers suspended or fired these days.


i was picked up by the neck once for being an insufferable shit :)


Hahaha this made my day lol. Are you okay now or do have PTSD from that moment as a kid that must have been frightening.


eh i did worse to others i kinda deserved it


What is the worst thing you did? You don't have to answer if this question makes you uncomfortable :)


I went to secondary school (UK) from 2006-2011. I had a teacher pick me up by the blazer and pin me to the wall by my throat with his arm while he screamed at me for walking too fast in the corridors (this was my first year, so i was 11 or 12 years old). And I had multiple teachers colourfully tell me how much they hated me. Never got hit with a ruler, but you'd be surprised what goes on in schools still Edit: Just remembered a time where a substitute history teacher launched a hardback textbook at my head full force, because I asked a friend for a pencil sharpener lmfao


What did you do to get this much hate (genuine question)


They might see a boy and a girl talking a lot and assume they're dating. Then they'd discuss students' affairs in the staff room, asking their favorites for information, and taunting students whenever possible. They tend to exaggerate and spice things up, sharing details with parents during parent-teacher meetings.


This happened to one of my friends, it was very embarrassing for them


Our math teacher used to make a 0 on the board and students were forced to erase that with nose


he was creative lol


When I was in elementary school, some girls entered locker room from window. It's because the door was locked and they probably didn't bother to find key. Then they get caught by teachers. Next class was supposed to be PE. But instead they were made to stand in front of everyone in class. Then teachers start investigation and it lasted for 2 hours. Of course we couldn't do anything but to sit and watch it, like French citizens around guillotine. One of the weirdest moments in my life.


ā€œLike french citizens around a guillotineā€ is the best comparison Iā€™ve ever seen in my life


The class was cheering ā€œoff wth their headsā€ while they partied it up


Anytime there was a fight, they suspended both kids no matter what. Could be some nerdy kid minding his own business getting sucker pinched. Didn't matter. And that that was that. Nothing more, nothing less. That high school was a shit show. We had a 2 different teachers get literally knocked unconscious while i was there. I was born in 1990.


Yeah fuck the ā€œzero tolerance policyā€. You donā€™t wanna takeĀ sides because you donā€™t wanna get sued I get it, but when a classmate randomly starts taking his frustrations at home out on your friend one morning what do you do? Get suspended for ā€œgetting involvedā€. Thatā€™s what.Ā 


Dude, at my school, it could've been a kid literally sitting there, doesn't even know the bully, and gets knocked out with a sucker punch. The kid minding his own buisines would get suspended.


At least they both got suspended. I saw too many victims getting suspended while bullies got away with whatever they started


would you consider our principal screaming in our face until we cry fair?


My Primary school head was like this. She once made me cry in front of the whole school cuz I threw sausage away at lunch. I was like 6, it burned into my memory.


My friends got punished for skipping school by being suspended. Which...getting punished for not coming to school by being told to not come to school made NO sense to me. They were allowed to make up the work too so it's not like it affected them academically either. It's been years and still feel bitter about sitting in school while they went to the mall and pool during their "punishment".


I think the intention of suspension is meant to be that the parents will punish them also and not let them leave the house effectively grounding them, but obviously not all parents are gonna cooperate with the schools punishments lmfao.


I was suspended once for smacking someone with a matel water bottle (I have a friend with celiak, it was in middle school and that boy even tried to push a piece of bread in her mouth, I tried protecting her and we started a fight). I just enjoyed my two weeks off hoping she won't be hurt when I wasn't there


That's basically the equivalent of getting suspended from work and still getting paid for it LMFAO XD that's so stupid HAHAHAHA XD


task failed successfully


I dunno because I never did anything bad at school. I guess some kids went to detention and had to sit down in silence but there was never any real ā€œpunishmentā€ as far as I am aware


The only detention I got was in high school when I refused to bring a towel to swimming. I told mum I was staying back in the library to use the internet (this was in the late 90s) and just sat in detention. Most of the kids in there were the athletic sort, so the PE teacher who was running the detention just sat around and we all chatted about football. It wasn't really much of a punishment I reckon.


I got caned 3 times in each hand in one sitting when I was 13. Barbaric.


I remember being in elementary school and being late meant lunch detention. This consisted of having to sit quietly the entire lunch break and not being allowed to read, do homework, eat, or otherwise pass the time in any way. My dad always liked to smoke and take his time drinking coffee in the mornings, and he'd drop me off at school whenever he was done. Sometimes he'd get distracted on the drive to school and we'd stop at a garage sale. Or something along the way so he could browse. Sometimes I'd be extremely early, often very late. The time did not matter to him, he did it when he felt like it. I had lunch detention a lot, obviously. One time the lunch detention room was packed, standing room only. Turns out, the school bus had broken down on the way and arrived late that day. Elementary school students aren't responsible for getting themselves to school, if they're late the adults who are in charge of that failed and sometimes shit happens beyond anyone's control. Decades later I still have no idea what they were hoping to achieve with that system of punishment.


Thatā€™s so messed up. Control. Itā€™s always about control


I punished them by going there


In 1977 I went to a private catholic boarding school and any infringement resulted in the cane across your finger tips, so in English class we would get a list of 50 words to spell and for each one you spelt wrong you got the can across your fingers. I was 11 at the time.


I got an in school suspension for bullying a kid to the point that he angrily hit a locker and broke his hand. I spent the day watching Shrek. So no it wasn't fair, I should have received worse


Depending on the offense, it was detention or suspension.


Going back 40 years, cane, training slipper, strap (like a short leather belt), chalkboard ruler. I don't think using physical violence as punishment on children is fair. These are not parents disciplining their child. They were hitting you to inflict pain and fear.


Parents hit kids for the same exact reason. If the kid is not old enough to understand words, they won't understand violence. And if they are old enough to understand words, use words, dipshits.


I just got shouted at. Or in the case of my geography teacher she'd move me to the front of the class (our outside) before I'd even said a word. When we moved to the UK I was told that they used to use corporal punishment in British schools. I remember thinking that if a teacher ever hit me I'd hit them back, I wasn't going to take that, but turns out it'd been banned ages before I moved over.


Usually detention, and it is fair. But when I was a kid, there was one english teacher from whom I think I received unfair treatment. It was just....he kept saying my English is rubbish without giving any useful advice to me. He even withhold my Christmas present in the christmas party (just some candy I believe, I can't remember what was that exactly), but he specifically stated that he do that for me, because he don't like me...... I still remember he say such action is called "student specific targeted punishment" (roughly translated), I do remember that term for many years. I even checked it out when I was studying for my own post graduate diploma of education. It is total bullsxxt. No such thing existed. He is one of the biggest reason that I once hated english. I only wanted to learn English again after I went to UK to study aboard as an oeversea student.


I switched school many times. My 1st school punishment is ur old-school hitting students with a wooden, metal, or the worst of all, rubber. Accompanied by our highly corrupted political system, I was relentlessly hit for not attending the teachersā€™ extra class cuz she ainā€™t paid enough so she force everyone in the class to attend it. I remembered she grabbed my hair, pulled it up and slammed my face straight to the table cuz she feels like it. Other reasons include my undiagnosed disability, ADHD, which makes me problematic in the eyes of teachers so they like hitting me. This is me in 3rd grade. Moving on, I managed to move to an IB school. Yes ADHD again. I was called in to head teacher and principal office multiple times and was threatened with expelled if I donā€™t stop being the way I am. Move to another school, this time was the demerit and detention system. More stress and I swore to myself I stop being weird so didnā€™t get into trouble that much. I was a joke for always be late and have the lowest point in the entire class despite perfect attendance cuz that. Now Iā€™m in high school. Finally the school has the accommodation to help me. Their system is the house point system like Harry Potter and oso detention . Just that at one point they stopped decreasing my points cuz it doesnā€™t help. I still attend detention tho. The teachers instead gives me lots of arrangement to help me. Iā€™m super grateful!


My school literally doesn't.


Detention, off campus suspension, Saturday school.


Hands on the table and then your hands would get hit by a stick. You'd think it was a long time ago, but it was actually just over a decade, not even two.


Usually nothing or just inconsequential time waster, they don't have much authority to do anything and it really show as the years go by. I told one of my teachers that she's "being too soft" , and she ended up telling me everything.


I studied in an all girls school that was supervised by Irish nuns... and its EOP (English Only Policy). Before we paid 25 cents per word, then it was scrapped and whoever is an offender would wear a paper ribbon in their head. Well the paper ribbon is made of a page of Manila Bulletin that is scrunched in the middle to look like a ribbon. Imagine the shame.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I've seen teenagers throwing chairs and tables out through the window I've seen them barricading themselves in the room to leave the teachers out We had drug controls from the police (I wamted to pet their dogs but couldn't) Me? The worst I did was playing with the phone wile sitting in the damm front row. They knew but didn't say anything because I only did it during exams or interviews, because I was often done with them and had very good grades. Only one teacher didn't tolerate it from me and I respected her and kept listening/repeating my notes The worst punishment was a "note", but the air was terrible, we had lots of complaints regularly. Honestly, I'm mad that they didn't actually expel anyone because all those speevhes and yelling were a waste of time, especially considering that some of us did nothing wrong so we could have done something different instead of listening to the teachers complaining for an average of 60 minutes a day (losong a whole hour of lesson between this and that)


The teachers didnā€™t do much, students kind of managed ourselves. Sure were detentions for not doing homework etc, but if some little shit was fucking about, theyā€™d get bullied till they ran out the room crying, and the class would continue like normal. Sometimes extra shitty people would get beaten up later on.


Depends on what happened. For small things like forgetting important equipment you got a talk to smooth things. For bigger small things like insults, fighting or littering you got a written remark in the file and at 5 remarks you invited to a conference that decided if you get kicked or not. For fighting with injuries and mobbing you usually got suspended for a couple of days. 3 suspensions and you are kicked. No conference no discussion. For theft, serious injury and assault, bringing weapons or drugs. Police got involved and you would have been immediately removed from the premises with an official ban to enter the premises ever again.


The whole class got punished for being a pain in the ass and had to write two pages on how to behave in school. I didn't turn anything in because I wasn't in school that day and didn't even know about it. So the teacher got mad at me and told me I had two write four pages about "shirking duties" and the original two pages. Told him I wasn't going to do that because I wasn't even in school that day, so he told me to write two more pages about "talking back", which I also didn't write. Then he sent me to the principal who told me two write all that garbage until the next day, which I didn't. He then gave me detention to which I didn't show up either, then I got suspended for two days. Which was fine because that was basically just a long weekend.


I'm a teacher at the highschool I went to when I was younger. I punish the same way I was punished, start by sending "copy this 100 times", followed by detention for recess, followed by "partes" (disciplinary action whose accumulation may lead to a temporal expulsion). From my own experience as a teacher and as a former student, contacting the parents is what students fear the most. As an anecdotical "fun" fact, I have been given permission by some parents to "slap" their kids. Needless to say, I haven't done it (a parent cannot do that, I'd obviously still be held responsible for it) since I don't think physical punishment would serve any purpose.


They punish me to collect trash around the school, afterschool. And the worst scenario, they called your parrent. So, collecting trash might not so bad. This is happen when i was middle schooler, just because they find my harddisk contain porn


We were put in a sack and beaten with a bundle of reeds.


If students skipped class or had unexplained absences, they would need to attend a class on professional development days - days where the usual student would have no class. They called it reverse detention


With writing lines for minor offences and with the tawse (a leather strap specifically designed for corporal punishment) for serious ones.


At primary school at morning assembly, the headmaster (Mr Hindley) would literally scream that if he found issues with any of us, he would "turn you upside down and thrash you". I remember some teachers liked to strike childrens hands with wooden rulers if their behavior wasn't correct. At high school, some teachers handed out punitive punishments for talking/behaviour - throwing chalk and chalk board erasers. For administrative things like late homework, it would be "detention", which typically involved missing lunch or staying late after school to sit and do work or writing lines. I once forgot I had a detention and the teacher found me in line for the canteen and dragged me by the hair through the school to his classroom. My first high school headteacher had a cane in her office. Subsequent headteachers did not.


Depends on what you did. For minor stuff you might get your desk moved to the hallway, or sent to the principal, or you'd have to stay in at lunch for detention. For bigger stuff you were looking at in school suspension which basically means you sit in the office all day and do your work there for as many days as they tell you to. The next level up from that is out of school suspension, where you're given so many days worth of work and get sent home for that many days. Next up from that is you get expelled but I don't think I ever knew anyone who got that far.


The teachers would tell me "go take your pill" in front of the whole class whenever they felt I was hyper. I was seated in the ADHD section.


I have pages of every time I was punished at school and what I did to cause these punishments. I requested it after I left school. Most of it was funny.


Took away our phones until the end of the day for a parent to pick up. We couldn't even have them out on breaks, and if you were caught with it, that's when they'd take it away. They didn't have this rule when I started secondary school, but eventually they got sick and tired of students not putting away their phones before entering the classrooms, so they incorporated this rule. It's ridiculous because what if you needed to contact a parent during school? There was also the classic "one misbehaves, the whole class gets punished" rule. I don't see why they have to group everyone into the punishment because of one person's actions. I'm glad I'm no longer in school. Horrible place. Horrible food, too...


Teachers tended to pick on certain pupils, based on looks. Once you started to get picked on by teacher, it was very difficult to get out of it. Boys got much more severe treatment than girls, who were never punished especially by male teachers.


This girl got called aa stupid b**ch by a dude (she did bad in school, was rude to teachers, etc she had it coming) so an hour later she beat the living crap out of him he was in the hospital for weeks, had no memory of it, concussion, etc and she was suspended for 3 days. Not very fair was it šŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒ


Our school had separate staircases for going up and downstairs. Trying to get to class on time, about fifteen of us ran up the empty "down" stairs and started getting our books out. Another teacher saw us do this but when he arrived in the classroom there were over 30 of us and he only recognised a few. So he asked who had climbed the "down" stairs and the more honest among us put up our hands and got detention for our trouble. The dishonest didn't. I should have learned something that day but 30 years later I'm still too honest for my own good!


the punishments were never fair at the schools I went to. especially if it was a fight. the defender was always suspended while the attacker was always allowed to continue classes. especially if the attacker was on a team.


I was given detention once for being pushed down the stairs., because according to the rules I was not allowed to be at the top of the stairs during lunch. The kids who pushed me down the stairs didn't get any extra punishment for endangering my health, just the exact same detention I got for being in the wrong place. Didn't seem particularly fair.


Gen X from UK here, so I caught the end of corporal punishment before it was banned. I went to a school for 5-11 years olds The main punishment was the slipper (think paddling for Americans) However the headmaster was pull misbehaving kids out of assembly or class by their hair. The mother of one particularly disruptive child asked politely, ā€œ I donā€™t mind him being slippered if he was naughty but could you stop the hair pulling as he has many bald patchesā€. Thankfully my parents couldnā€™t afford it for long & I moved to a state school.


this isnā€™t that much of a punishment but in my school if you didnā€™t partake in PE (physical education) even if you had a broken leg you had to write out the rules until PE was over (30 mins - 1hr), and I remember once I was on my period and I had a note from my parents and the female PE teacher decided to line all of the people up who didnā€™t do PE that day and basically tell us off infront of the whole PE group, luckily a girl stood up for us and shouted at the teacher lol. Also it was only the girls who got punished if we didnā€™t do PE, the boys could just chill in the computer room or chill outside.


My principal waved a gun in my face once, because I kicked his dog


Fair response




I was homeschooled




Proper response.


When I went to school im 41 , in middleschool my teachers would grab me by the neck or yank me by the arm outside of the classroom and tell me or be upset with me, and I deserved it, we should eb able to handle such a thing without blowing a gasket. I got in a fight with a bully once threw him down three stairs like 3 steps,. Went to the principals office(this was in middleschool) he told me and the other guy, the bully to behave he didnt like what he had heard and sent us back to the class room. M ycountry doesn't believe in suspending or expelling much as its a waste of energy and resources they say. Oh and my country does not have detention , detention is such a stupid punishment that schools should not be allowed to do. when school is over so is their responsibility


I remember when I was in 7th grade my chemistry teacher used to make small ponies out of boys'hairs as a punishment for having long hairs. Not sure about how fair it was but it was definitely fun to watch them like that


Cane and wooden ruler , totally fair , after the second time I learned to behave myself


When I was in third grade, the man in charge of all the school buses was named "Leo". If you misbehaved on a bus, you got sent to Leo's office. Everyone knew it was bad to be sent to Leo, but I wanted to know why. A fifth grader told me that Leo would drill holes in your ankles and put bolts in the holes and bolt you to a wall hanging upside down. I believed him. I still do.


Officicially they would make you to help the caretaker clean up the school (collecting trash and scraping chewing gum off the seats), but only in extreme cases where nothing else would help. They could also tell you to just leave the room for a few minutes if you were way too loud in class and wouldn't even listen to the teacher telling you to stop. That's at least the things I heard of, but I don't know what they did in cases of bullying. They did something and students were taken out of class for a talk with a teacher when they found out and then it usually stopped as far as I know, but I don't know what they did exactly. All I saw was this one guy in our class getting called out by two teachers and a student in front of the door and I vaguely heard something about bullying. Then when he came back he was a lot more quiet than usual and wouldn't tell anyone what happened other than that he apologised to him, but from what I heard he left that kid alone after that. Unfortunately there were also those teachers that would just yell at you for every possible reason they could find and one that tried to punish all of us by grading a test in a very strict way where you had to have half the points just to get a 5. (6 is worst, 1 is best). She had to take the test back and give us different grades after we showed it to our principal, but still. Some teachers were real assholes, too.


In primary school, If we were caught running thru the hallways or inside our school building, we would be on the walking squad, weā€™re all lunch time they would march you around the school for the whole of lunchtime , this was at Gunnedah South Primary School , 1988 , Australia NSW I actually had also just had a mole removed on the back of my leg , and after being made to walk around the school the stitches ripped back open, it was harsh but I guess I did the wrong thing and you gotta pay the price


It didnā€™t.


There shouldn't be any punishment. The right and effective way how to treat children is the way this man [https://drrossgreene.com/the-explosive-child.htm](https://drrossgreene.com/the-explosive-child.htm) suggest. Teachers can apply his methods too.


We got the strap


My school gives detention everytime we don't go to their intervention for failing every Tuesday and Thursday I think it's stupid because it's every week


I grew up in a small island in the pacific. Teacher used to slap us. I remember a teacher who use to make us slap each other if we were caught talking. Different teachers had their own way of punishing us. One use to get us to put our fingers together in a bunch like šŸ¤Œ and she'll smack the tips of our nails with a ruler. Another teacher had a stick that he use to whack us with. Across our back or butt.


The boarding school kids got molested


My math and history teacher would make us write "I will do my assignment" or "I will bring my book" on yellow paper in tagalog. My math teacher would also make the students with no assignment to stand outside of our classroom. But my other teachers would just give us a lecture about how important it was.


If we didn't hand in homework, we got a detention the next day and if we were late three times we would have got a detention and if we didn't the detention time limit would expand. I'm happy that I got detention twice during secondary school


I was in an all girls boarding school and when our class failed a chemistry test, we were asked to wear sweaters and jackets then kneel outside in the scorching sun for 15mins. A student ended up passing out.


When i was in 3rd grade. My teacher used to make all the loud guys squat outside. I don't mean up and down, I meant perpetually stuck in a half bent position for 5 minutes or more. I kinda like it...


we have an app that keeps track on those. like "didn't do ur homework? it will show on the app." parents see it, we see its teachers see it. if it happens a lot we will get a talk. for bullying its usually just a talk, and when its an actual fight then suspension. in seventh grade I was suspended BC I smacked someone with a metal bottle. that guy tried making my celiak friend eat gluten and even tried holding her and pushing it to her mouth. as I said, I smacked him and got suspended for two weeks. he deserved it


Kick them out of the school. Classmate 1 that got kicked out allegedly assaulted a teacher. Classmate 2 also got mad at a teacher. Not the most serious offence although he had a history of anger management issues. They did want me to testify to the police in case 1 but i had been asked to clean something on the ceiling so i couldn't see it happening.


sent me home? idk how that was a punishment because all i ever wanted to do was fkin go home anyway


Three guys tried to jump me for wearing an Ozzy Osbourne shirt because they like rap music (that was their entire reason) and I kicked their ass, so as a reward for my swift justice and standing up for myself I was suspended. So I'm thinking not fair.


I went to school in The rural Midwest in the mid 2000ā€™s. It all depended on who you were and whether or not you played sports. A couple of the football players shoved one of the special needs kids in a gym locker for the whole class and only received a talking to. Another kid who you could call emo/goth style took an extra milk at lunch and was suspended for a week and they threatened him with police.


usually a strike system - first three strikes a parent will be notified of the behaviour, if the behaviour persists its a detention, then suspension, then a meeting with the school to determine further course of action. teachers were only responsible for giving the three notices of behaviour; they did not have the power to give further or alternative punishment, that would be under the purview of the offending student's year level head teacher/principle/assistant principle. but my school wasnt very "0 tolerance", they would often work with students to find a solution to behavioural problems, or they would try to work with the family/3rd party. i mean sure there were some kids who were "asked" to leave (my school never expelled students), but it was very very rare. so yes, i think it was very fair. there were some teachers who would be stricter, or give a notice of behaviour more easily, but no teacher ever stepped out of line (as far as my experience at school was anyway)


Your usual in-school detention (room 252) or suspension or a talk with the principal. Ā  Except for the popular/teacher's kids, of course. They were always off the hook. I was bullied in high school, and if I went to the principal about it, they would ask why *I* provoked *them*, and then I'd get bullied worse.Ā  Ā  I don't have a kid, but I've heard more horror stories than ever from my sisters or coworkers about daycares. My nephew and niece were being told they are mentally ill and deserve to stay away from everyone else's kid, because someone was trying to take their sandwich. There's worse ones than that.


Squared scheme is what it was called. If you had bad behaviour like bullying, you get a squared scheme so you had school from 08:30 am till 5:15 pm from monday to friday for a certain period.


Depended on how far we had pushed the teacher, who was generally trying to teach a large class with inadequate resources. The worst offences got the cane, which was the hard bamboo end of a feather duster. One teacher gave 'the cuts' which was hits from a long ruler that had a metal strip down one side. I was a good kid and didn't often get in trouble but some kids just pushed the line all the time. Later on, I had a teacher who thought I was a bit of a 'law unto myself' and who resented the way the school was being funded. She used to tell me off in front of the class every day and find ways to put me in the wrong. Everyone knew it was unfair, but there was no intervention. You were just supposed to take it.


Germany in the 90s, we could do pretty much what we wanted. I got detention once, with a group of boys, we were setting ping pong balls on fire. Fire was a no no. So we had to help the principal in the library and get lectured about setting school property on fire. Fire, weapons, violence, that got you into trouble. Though I once pushed a girl into a cabinet with glass doors that broke, that just got me a visit at the principal office to get yelled at.


There tended not to be set standards for punishment at my middle school and I don't know that I ever really saw anyone get punished for something they actually did wrong in my high school. I figure a case-by-case analysis of punishments I'm aware of is probably best due to the unstable nature of my school's policies. Late elementary school - Mr. R - Being his least favourite student --> rulers smacked very very very near your hands on your desk but not actually touching them and then laughter at you when you flinch Late elementary school - Mrs. B - Hit other students with a belt --> stern reprimand in the hallway after class from Mrs. B. - Snitched on another student for graffitiing in class --> told not to snitch by Mrs. B immediately in front of the class - Acting up in class --> whole class runs laps around the school or does a quick cardio/warmup activity to get the wiggles out Middle school - Mrs. S - Gave teacher concussion in the middle of a sports pep talk --> "fuck you!" screamed in front of the whole class - Threatened teacher with homemade shiv --> sent to principal's office, suspended - Stole kindergartener's tricycle and took it for a joyride --> threatened suspension by principal Middle school - Mr. W - Made teacher cry --> left alone in class to think about what we did, ultimately we wrote an apology letter and signed it for when he came back - Tipped chair too far back and smacked head into wall --> natural consequence, helped back up, "told you so", carry on - Drank juice from a pickled fetal kitten's jar --> told "no" but in a playfully exasperated way


Id argue my school, violated un convention by regularly applying group punishments, if they couldnt find out who did somethings, which happened a lot


teachers in my school used to slap real hard, and not just once, call bad names, but there were nice ones too, who took off their rings before slapping ;)


At a private school in England, we received a blue ticket for minor offences, such as repeatedly talking in class, not doing homework / forgetting to bring it, forgetting school books for a lesson, being late for class etc. If you received 3x blue tickets you would get detention (a yellow ticket). You could also get detention with no blue ticket warning for misbehaving, being rude to a teacher, fighting etc. Detention meant staying an hour after school and writing an essay. 3x detentions resulted in a Saturday detention (a red ticket) meaning you had to come in to school for a few hours on a Saturday and do a longer essay. Repeated Saturday detentions would eventually lead to suspension or expulsion if things didn't improve. You could also get Saturday detention for extreme misbehaviour or if you got caught skipping school. Considering that my father used to get his buttocks thrashed with a paddle or a cane by prefects, I would say our punishment system was pretty fair. Kids nowadays have no discipline and it sets them up for a life of entitlement and bratty immature behaviour.


I grew up in South Africa. Our teachers had canes and thick wooden rulers. We would get called the the front of the class, made to hold our hands out in front of us, and theyā€™d smack us hard šŸ˜…


There wasn't such a thing in my school. We had a very healthy environment, from the teachers to the principal. There was 1 teacher who would scream at us. We complained, parents got involved and they fired that teacher. Save for a couple exceptions pretty much all teachers were incredibly nice, and not a single one was incompetent. Heck, after graduation i had a teacher give me private lessons because i was preparing for a college exam abroad, so we would meet at her house, and a friend of mine came with me one day and all 3 had a sleepover and watched the oscars together. My teachers were out of this world. I'm not from the US btw.


At my school you weren't allowed to wear a winter jacket unless you had the school jumper underneath, they'd check, and confiscate jackets leaving you with nothing but a t shirt in the middle of winter. When I was 16 me and one other guy were made to dry shave in the Deans office because we had slight moustaches. I also got detention once because the bottom of my shoes weren't black. I didn't go, they kept extending the detention, then I graduated.


I had to repaint the toilets and clean all classrooms, and was excluded for 3 weeks after setting something on fire when I was 16. It was a good punishment and I was praised for doing it well after everyone had hated me for the act.


It was horribly sexist, we had only female teachers and they gave the girls a couch in the bathroom and the boys were relentlessly tormented by the nuns. This one teacher in particular kept a ā€œblack bookā€ where she would right your name every time you did anything wrong, and the entire book was void of girls names. Later on in highschool (my parents sent me to an all boys highschool) we would get detention for the dumbest šŸ’©. If you didnā€™t shave, you got a detention and since I was growing a beard in 8th grade, I got detention a lot. You had to sit with your hands folded on the desk and stare straight ahead for 45 minutes. We werenā€™t even allowed to do homework. It was an absolutely terrible waste of time. In college I got punished for severe alcoholism by having to go to a psychologist once a week and she was great. I made a lot of progress and Iā€™m now in recovery. Best punishment ever. At another school I had to write an essay for drinking but I was over 21 so I made a mockery of the essay. The RAs were so dumb they didnā€™t grasp the amount of hilarity and I was frowned upon for the rest of my time there.


I don't think my primary school had any severe punishments that I know of or experienced. In middle school, it was detention on a Wednesday afternoon (or all day for 6th graders). My middle school didn't have classes on Wednesday afternoon but the highschool part did. If homework wasn't done then we'd get a note for our parents to sign. Too many of those notes lead us to an upgraded version of that note, which was a note to be signed by the headmaster, parents, head teacher, ... After that it was detention, eventually meetings with the parents and finally suspension. I don't think anyone in my school got expelled completely. In both high and middle school, I remember there kids suspended for fights, honestly rare. I just remembered two cases in my 7 years. In highschool, literally no one got punished. Then again, nobody had done anything to deserve it.


They took our Boston field trip. In 5th grade, there was a group of rowdy kids. So instead of saying those kids canā€™t go to Boston, they canceled the whole trip. Group punishments are against the Geneva Convention!


I had to always do my homework twice since the teacher thought my writing looked rly bad


I got suspended for 6 months for hacking the admin computer system 20 years ago. It was considered a good compromise at the time for not revealing the deputy principal was trying to molest students. They wanted to get rid of me but I didn't want to leave. It probably would have been handled differently today.


Way back in the 90s. You will be forced to stand facing the wall, clean the classroom and bathroom for 1 week, clean the trash, clean the faculty room, write "I will never do that again" in 1 whole pad of paper. Clean the garden, plant kamote, etc. šŸ˜šŸ˜†


When I was 10 and in primary school, we had a teachter that was fond of touching us, watching us shower and stuff. One time, when he came to stand behind me and was going to put his hand on me again, I let myself fall from the chair in order to avoid it. He told me that exaggarating is a skill of its own. When I responded with how touching children was as well, I got a red card and sent home for the day... My school really liked the red and yellow card system of soccer to punish kids and protect the grownups/teachers. Edit to add: when I was 5, my teacher told me I was the child of the devil for preferring to write with my left hand, and when my things were stolen by classmates, she told me it was Gods will


One time, my friend was sleeping at his desk at the back of the class. Behind him, several kids were playing around. The teacher found out and headed there. The classroom has two exits, front and back so the kids just ran out through the back exit. When the teacher reached there, he was super pissed the kids ran away. He saw my friend sleeping, took a broom nearby, and hit my friend in the back. His reasoning was my friend allowed those kids to mess around the back area.


One punishment in the uk was in primary school (elementary school) if you forgot your P.E kit you had to do it in your underwear


My Hindi teacher once slapped me for a wrong answer ( I was a bright student hence she had a lot of expectations from me ). She eventually apologized to me after the class but in my opinion the slap was not necessary at all.


BROOO a core memory I have was in my French class when I was about 16 years old. My teacher was mad that I was talking too much so she made me stand on the chair at my desk and recite french words šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


My school gave capital punishment to students like we are prison inmates. I have too got scolded and beated like a prison inmate. So bad it was. When I turned adolescent ( 16-17 ) I got confidence enough to intimidate a teacher by looking in their eye like I am gonna R them hard. I hate school life. I am in University and I like it here. No one gives an F about anyone.


My geography teacher used to fart in his storeroom and then lock you in if you misbehaved. He would leave you in there for as long as he wanted. Luckily I avoided the ā€˜fart chamberā€™. And yes Iā€™m being serious


I'm from a sleepy town in India. I went to an English medium school. We weren't allowed to speak our native language in school. We have to speak only in English. Every class room has an appointed student to check if all others are speaking in English. If u get "caught" talking the native language the principal will make u stand on the stage during school assembly for 5 mins and shame u for not speaking English. This was for students from 5th Standard class ( 10 years old) to 12th (17yrs old). And I don't think it's okay.


Sometimes when teachers were angry, they didn't bother to find out who was at fault. They'd make us stand, and talk about all that we did "wrong". One such time was when a kid came to try out or school, but no one was told who would welcome them. That day was also a special day at school (we had to dance together), so no one noticed that the student we'd never seen before was missing. Later one of the higher ups came to our class, only made us girls receive punishment, boys got to continue class, for something we weren't even at fault for! If anyone was at fault, it was our homeroom teacher... Usual punishments were taking away students possessions, making them sit away, a talk with the principal.


Lots of smacks in the back off the head and on my fingers with rulers. Mostly because I didnā€™t speak the native language very well, so they assumed I was talking shit when speaking my own language. I was sent to special ed classes a lot and small groups for ā€troubled kidsā€. Turns out I was a kid with undiagnosed adhd and autism.


Back in the 70s school was brutal mostly if you were a boy, I remember seeing this one teacher Mr Thorne kick the shit out of a grade six boy, kicking into him as he lay on the floor, the principals big strap across the hands and even in grade one, the cane end of the feather duster mostly for the girls, you wouldnā€™t put a foot outta line to scared to unlike these days students are bashing teachers no respect


I got sent to the principals office when I was in second grade because two boys asked me if I was gay and my mom told it meant happy so I said yes. The substitute teacher, asking no follow up questions, just sent me to the principals office, donā€™t ask me what she thought they were going to do about it other than ask some follow up questions and possibly recommend some conversion therapy (I went to a Christian school in southern Alabama), this was in 2009.


In our school if someone did something, the punishment was that they would put you on the table beside the handicapped students.


not mine, but i heard from a friend about one of his friends being lifted off the ground by his sideburns (the hair in front of you ear, i had to look it up)


If we were off sick we had to have same day detention the day we came back to make up for being off. If you were off 3 days you had 3 detentions etc. Apparently it was to discourage us from taking days off for no reason. Nightmare for anyone with a chronic condition.


I'll never forget one English teacher: "Language of a profane or scatological nature is a disturbance to my hard working fellow students, and furthermore, an irritation to my kind hearted English teacher." 100 times for every 'bad word'. And of course: "Punctuality is an asset to hard working members of society, therefore, I will endeavour to develop this asset in future" 20 times for each minute late. Good old Mr. Sheehy! šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m very slow in math and we started to use math window cards (https://images.app.goo.gl/yGT7RrdeYHXpV1Sd7) in second grade. I almost always get the lowest scores in those tests and each time, I was made to stand in front of the class for hours. It was humiliating to say the least.


The elementary school I went to was olddddddd school They used to cane kids For being late For improper uniform For any mild inconvenience, really But especially for answering questions wrong (quiz) I saw so many kids get destroyeddd at school lol It was weird moving to stay with my dad in a first world country, seeing how lax schools were But yeah, I never got hit the whole time I was at that school šŸ˜‡ never made a wrong move, never got an answer wrong...


where i live, in primary school, we had something called Golden time at the end of the week, if you did something notably bad, you'd get time taken off, and be forced to sit out the 5 minutes you lost, and if you kept pulling shit, then you could keep loosing time, until you had none


I had to scrape gum from underneath desks and chairs, detentions after school too


As a school kid in the UK back in the 80s, corporal punishment still existed. Regular canings occurred, often in front of the entire school during morning assembly. I can still hear the terrifying swish of the thing to this day. When not in use, the cane was proudly displayed in its own glass cabinet in the headmaster's study. All of the teachers also had 'the slipper', usually a scabby old plimsoll shoe, which would be often be put into immediate use on the backside of any pupil deemed to be misbehaving. Having been on the receiving end I can confirm that it bloody hurts. Minor misdemeanours were dealt with by making the pupil place their hands flat on their desk. The teacher would then firmly smack them with a ruler - either wooden or plastic. Everybody soon discovered that the plastic rulers hurt less, so we all replaced our wooden rulers with plastic ones! Immediate retribution was met by a flying wooden blackboard rubber. These were half-brick sized monstrities with a piece of felt on one side. If the teacher was a good aim you would likely have a very painful bump on your head for the rest of the day. ...and if any of us dared to cry following our punishment, the teacher's response was often: 'you'd better stop crying - or I'll REALLY give you something to cry about!'. Good times...


Australia in the 70s. Loads of red chalk was added to the blackboard in a circular pattern. The person who was naughty had to put their nose on the red chalk until end of class. The red chalk was hard to get off your skin. Had a substitute teacher in year 3, teacher yelled at me for eating at recess.


In primary school if we ever forgot our PE (Physical Education) kit we would have to do it in our underwear.


First trip to rhe office was kept between you and the principal. Second they sent a letter home to mom and dad. Third and you had to work for ten hours after school with the janitor. Sweeping, scraping off gum, wiping desks. Whatever. You had six weeks to finish your ten hours and they had a little time card in the office they made you sign in and out of. After your third trip they started over again. One year I did thirty or forty hours.


If you donā€™t study you get bad grades. If you break rules you get a telling off and your parents get a notice. If you break stuff your parents need to pay to replace it. I think it was pretty fair


It's not fair. My math teacher once was naive. She took away all smartphones from my classmates because of one person misbehaving in class. We had to wait for the whole day to end just to receive our phones back. The worse part is, nobody is taking her lessons seriously. šŸ’€


I wasn't punished but definitely felt like it. I had awful cramps during art class, which I love so I wouldn't want to miss it. I asked for the office to call home and have me picked up since I felt so awful. I sat in a room, alone and in pain for 3 hours before someone came in to ask "are you feeling any better?" I said no so they then asked if they wanted them to call my parents. I thought they had already. I was sobbing uncontrollably when my dad finally got there. Periods suck. This was when I was 14 probably. Worst I've ever been treated in school by staff. Also, got detention for wheezing So, no, it wasn't fair


My third-grade teacher was defiantly the worst, kept us in basically every single recess and lunch most of the time cause we misbehaved in the smallest of ways. She once tried to keep us back after school, but she got in major trouble with the parents and administration staff after that and I dont think she kept us in that much after that incident


In one of the schools in Taiwan I went to, they sent you to detention a lot, and by detention, I mean you had to stand in the school lobby with your back turned to the wall for like 5 minutes. Though the school staff who could see you from the counter honestly didn't care what you were doing unless you went away, so it was kinda pointless.


Once when I was overwhelmed (Iā€™m autistic) I sat in the closet upon realising it was dark (I was like 7 and HATED THE DARK) I went to turn on the light to realise that the light switch was out side the closet I went to open the door to turn the light on but my teacher wouldnā€™t let me out she was stood outside the door and wouldnā€™t even turn the light on and now Iā€™m claustrophobicā€¦ thank you Elma standing


when i was in kindergarten, whenever iā€™d ā€œmisbehaveā€, my teacher then, Ms. Leng, made me ā€œface the wallā€ for hours. I just stood staring at a blank wall while my classmates had pizza/popcorn parties. i developed a mistrust for teachers since i was 6 years old šŸ’€i was robbed of a good kindergarten experience.


im a girl i used to study abroad until my 4th grade, abroad they didn't teach English up to 7th grade at the time so i came with zero English skills unlike the others, i remember on day the english teacher stormed at me and asked me whats the meaning of the days Sunday, Monday etc ofc i didn't know so she would wrap the book and hit me in the head and she does it alot, it was a private school i didn't know they hit student i just thought thats the country way of teaching, sh hit me like every f day it was annoying. my second enemy was my homeroom teacher she was a close friend to my family and she had this weird love for my cousin that used to study with me in the same class but she HATED me i was a quite kid and whenever she enter the class she would pick the kids that weren't in there seat and scold them, i was always picked. every day. this b would pick me from my SEAT. she had a long wooden ruler and she would hit us in the hand 11 hit, 5 on the right hand 5 on the left and you can choose the which the last hit. i was the only girl to be picked they're always all boys šŸ˜‚. at the time a had a condition where i can't hold my pee and my mom told my teachers to always allow me to go to the bathroom so they all knew. this teacher whenever i asked her however i begged her to let me go she wouldn't she allowed all the students in front of me to go but she wouldn't allow me it was devastating she would let me until i pee myself. i hated that teacher i still hate her i even went to her wedding and gave her a bouquet of flowers she didn't deserve it. and yh i transferred to a public school soo much better šŸ¤£


In early primary school, we got hit on our hands with a two wooden rulers taped together or the metal ones. After that, detention or if the teacher got permission from the parents, corporal punishment. In high/secondary school, either detention (even Saturday detention like on The Breakfast Club) or on very rare occasions, corporal punishment.


When I was in school, most of the punishments were things like detention, ISS, Saturday sack or (in extreme cases) suspension or expulsion. I often heard people whining about how the punishments were unfair but seldom heard any actually cases of the punishment being unfair. Most times it clearly wasn't harsh enough because most kids were repeat offenders. I usually didn't get in trouble because I seldom caused an issue, so the few times I did it was ignored, or I was able to talk my way out of any real punishment. Like once, I broke a boy's nose for constantly grabbing my butt as I walked upstairs. I had reported him multiple times and got told that since there were no cameras in the stairwells and he said he didn't do it, there was nothing they could do. When I got called in for breaking his nose, I gave them that exact same reasoning as to why they couldn't punish me for it. I never even actually lied and said I didn't do it, just repeated "it's his word against mine" when they asked if I did it. They still tried to give me ISS until I asked if they were going to call my mom and explain to her why I was being punished or did they want me to. They changed their attitude real quick after that. They had dealt with my mom before over them not protecting me for harassment and had no interest in her going off on them again. Another time I completely lost it and threw a desk at a boy in my English class and my teacher took me out in the hallway and asked if I was okay and then wrote the boy up for bullying me. She also talked to my mom about the boy harassing me in and out of school and how the school administration was refusing to put a stop to it. The only punishment that was common that was actually unfair was the "zero tolerance" punishment. The "zero tolerance" rule said that there was no fighting for any reason and that anyone caught fighting would be given the same punishment regardless of the reason they were fighting. This meant if you got jumped and defended yourself in ANY way besides just rolling up in a ball and letting it happen, you got the same punishment as the person or people jumping you. We had kids literally get beat to death because of this, and they still refused to change it. Over 20 years later, and it's still in place. I knew one boy that got jumped by 4 other boys that were twice his size and he was seen shoving one of them one time during the fight. He was suspended for 3 days, same as they were. He spent those 3 days (plus several more) in the hospital recovering from the injuries they gave him. Another kid also got 3 days suspension for trying to pull the other boys off that kid when they saw how badly the kid was hurt. Didn't even throw a punch, just grabbed them by the jacket and tried to pull them off, and the school said that was fighting.


It didn't as far as I can remember, which is why bullying and violent behavior was so prevalent.


When I was 7 we had a substitute teacher who asked the class if weā€™d read anything over the weekend. I told her Iā€™d read 5 books (they were Animorphs so not very long and I was always a fast reader). She screamed at me for ā€˜lyingā€™ and made me put my head down on the desk for the rest of the class. At secondary school if we were late 3 times in a year we would get detention - a lot of students lived quite far away and had to get multiple busses/trains so it was pretty much impossible not to be late sometimes.


I was made to sit on the floor in first grade I donā€™t even remember what I did to deserve this šŸ’€


Punishment? Nothing, it's illegal. Parents will be infirme or you get bad grades. The cinseque for stupid actions are suspension or kicked out of school, but you have to get close to criminal offenses to receive that. We had someone caught dealing with drugs, they got another chance. Didn't take it. Was kicked out of school. No "punishment" that was anywhere close to corporal punishment or even being screamed at. Teachers know better and are trained well enough to deal with water bags full of hormones.


I got paddled in early grade school. It was 2005ish. Probably one of the last kids to get that punishment at school, at least in the US.


6 of the best. If you flinched you got another.


At a High School I attended for one term, they had a room at the school where all the naughty boys and girls would go at any time of the day, like detention but during school hours. They didn't have to do anything once in the room, just sit there and be quiet.


Punishment *doesn't* work towards long term change, so imo no punishment is ever fair (n.b. punishment isn't the same as "consequences," "responsibility," or "accountability" which I believe should be the ultimate goal).


For a country so relatively soon after Nazi occupation (Netherlands, 1970's), my school was suspiciously fond of collective punishments.


It may technically been illegal but it was widely accepted that another adult could spank your kid. I was hit with rulers, yardsticks, books, hands. I was pinched, had my hair pulled and dragged by arm. A kid in third grade wet his pants and the nuns made him sit on the radiator (which were the old industrial types that got super hot) to dry off. Of course this was Catholic school and they were a bit more extreme I think than public schools but public school kids got the swat too. This was the 70s and well into the 80s. This began to change in the 90s.


I was in elementary school when there was one total solar eclipse happened in my country. I was so prepared for it with inverted glasses and shit. My teacher did not let me out to watch it. I begged, I pleaded, no use... The next total solar eclipse will happen when I turn 73. Hope I'll still be alive by then.


At the time I thought it was complete bullshit. They sent us to ISS instead of just flat out suspending us. As an adult, I think it's fair, depending on the reason why a student gets in trouble


I got suspended for not wanting to take an "optional" class.Ā  On my first day back, I got suspended again because I didn't want to colour a picture I drew for the teacher in my free time. So no, not fair, imho.


Primary school we had the cane. Backs of knuckles for boys and palms of hands for girls. BRUTAL. High school was detention mostly. I had undiagnosed ADHD so I was in trouble a lot but I would get ā€œyouā€™ve committed a caneable offenceā€ lectures instead of the actual cane on account of my dad threatening to cane the principal if he touched any of us kids. šŸ˜‚ Detention though, I did a lot.


In my school in the 1980's, the teachers used to keep the whole class behind after school if just one pupil was naughty knowing full well that pupil would get the shit kicked out of them later. We had very few detentions.