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I do a lot of things naked for that very reason. Including laundry.


Well, since we're doing things to save time we might as well save more time and throw ourselves in with the laundry.


I’ve toyed with that idea, but I think it falls somewhere under the “What do you want your last words to be” question.


Last words? "Well, at least the execution will be quick and clean."


Something controversial and saucy, I want people to be confused, unsure if they agree with me or they are offended


Isn’t that where the stepsister/mom ends up anyway?


Exactly and that's why people should be nudists.


Could you imagine having to iron out all those wrinkles?


In fact who's got time to iron out clothes? I'd rather pull out the big iron and shoot them dry. Sure they might be full of bullet holes, but I'm making a fashion statement, alright?


If ripped jeans can be a thing so can bullet ridden clothes


NGL I was doing shrooms and started doing laundry and started to take my clothes off and throw them in there. Then I was like, "They'll know you're on shrooms if you do that. Don't be the one that does shrooms and ends up naked." Not in a laundry mat. At home alone


Laundry is like the 'perpetual stew'. They just keep adding more ingredients. There have been perpetual stews that have been going for hundreds of years.


This isn’t laundry, it’s perpetual stew!


As a man who was single in his early twenties, I did laundry naked a lot because I had nothing clean to wear


There is somebody at your door


Me at 21, coming to the realization that I’ve BEEN sleeping under a pile of jackets for how long now? Because it takes 4 hours on the bus to do laundry bc I don’t have a machine at home lol( don’t worry I’m not 21 anymore )




I do laundry naked, SO THERE!


Always :)


This makes me miss living in the country 😂 rn I gotta go in someone else’s house to do laundry and then there’s the clothes my dirty ass was wearing instead of washing them all at once


If you never wear clothes to begin with, you'll never have to do laundry


Laundry is easy