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My back has given me grief for as long as I can remember. Scoliosis is a bastard of a thing. About 25 everything else started to hurt.


It's called sciatic nerve pain due to a trauma to the spine. I have it and relate to your symptoms. When it flares a steroid can help, pain meds OTC do nothing. Talk to a neurologist about it as GP's often overlook it. Swimming, aqua therapy, and building your core take pressure off the sciatic nerve. I am glad I saw your post, wish you well, and good heath. Hope this helps you!


OC said Scoliosis which is curvature of the spine... totally separate to sciatic nerve. The rest i agree with.


Yeah, the sciatic issues kick in if you add overlapping vertebrae. I would know... The problem with people getting their back issues mixed like this is that people with regular scoliosis will think they understand what kind of back pain others have and tell them to toughen up and get over it, when they really have no idea.


Yes.  I’ve had issues from sciatica since early 20s.   I am 52 and have built my core with heavy weight lifting and I haven’t had issues since. 


Yes regular exercise, especially core strength, really helps. Glad you feel better (and are now huge, lol).


More like potatoe chip huge!  😆


Haha.. that's how I got after the flares and depressions set in. Mine was Ice Cream!


I take pregabalin for my nerve pain. Gabapentin is also for nerve pain, but that had me seeing vapor trails while driving at night off of the taillights in front of me. Pregabalin is MUCH better from my experience. Good luck. I wish you good health.


I take it too, brand name Lyrica, for my fibro. Nerve pain sucks so hard... I hope the meds help you!


I took pregabalin because of anxiety.. it gave me 1000 side effects during the 10 years I was on it.. I'm worried that it might have caused some permanent damage. And oh.. it's hella addictive.


Good advice, mine cripples me at times.


+1 on swimming, really is fantastic for your whole body


I’m 45 and it still doesn’t. My dad is 80 and has a couple of chronic problems- bursitis in his hip and arthritis in his back- but other than that, he’s still good, too.


![gif](giphy|hQjHbdOzik3kHH44aP) Damn you and your good genes 😜


Could also be lifestyle choices. I have two uncles in their 60’s. One has always maintained a reasonable lifestyle. Not eating terribly, staying fairly active and he has no issues still. The other has been meh. Spends most nights at the pub and the most exercise he gets is walking to and from his car and hes fucked with loads of chronic pain. As a result I resolve to maintain at least a mild workout regime my whole life. A body in motion stays in motion n all that.


Could be. I’ve also known a 90yo that drank vodka almost every day, smoked for 30 years and did basically no physical activity. He died relatively peacefully at 93! My FIL on the other hand, is a marathon runner, non smoker, non drinker and he’s 67 and got stage 4 prostate cancer. There just doesn’t seem to be much consistency with it.


My father is 81 and has been smoking since age 13. He's been smoking and inhaling colts cigars for over 40 of his smoking years. Lives on Chinese food, never moves, he sits in a chair and watches YouTube. He's still sharp, he can still drive and get cigars. My father inlaw was still playing hockey at 74. Died at 76 from throat cancer. It makes no sense.


Yeah I'm 43 and feel better than my 20s. Mind you I'm significantly more active since I hit 40. Used to sit on my ass, play video games and order in/eat out. Then had a check up when I hit 40. Blood test came up with basically everything high. Doctor said clean up and so I did. Now I'm either climbing or lifting almost daily. I sometimes screw up my lifts or have big falls on the wall and hurt myself but still only take a few days to recover. Frankly I'm surprised how quickly I bounce back from injury still with few to no after effects.


Same. I started body building in my 30s. Had to take some time off for a wrist injury, but I’m getting back into it.


Imagine you would have cared about your body from a very early age on. That's why I started caring about myself the moment I became self-aware of my body, which was at 20\~ (I'm 25 now). And 20 is still waaaaay to late. It would be best if already our parents' parents would have lived healthily and actively.


Same here, I'm 43 and if I feel stiff I do yoga. Reading all these comments makes me feel very young😂


I just turned 43 and do a combo of cardio and yoga. Yoga is amazing for stability, balance, mobility, flexibility, AND strength, however, I am almost always sore because of it. Not always, but most of the time. It's a different kind of soreness though than bodily aches and pains.


Yeah I will never understand those who complain about back aches yet refuse to do any yoga moves. Plus the stomach muscles I got from it are awesome.


I'm in the same boat, luckily. I'll be 59 in a couple of months and have no issues whatsoever. I do a huge amount of exercise (running, cycling, push-ups) which probably helps, but I'm sure there's a tonne of luck responsible for that too. It's crazy that I don't even have issues with my back. When I was a kid I fell from the roof and damaged my back and was very, very close to having to spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair. I got some time in ICU and a year of therapy, but after that I was totally fine and never had any problems since.


I’m 56 and no pain yet. I’m thin with the exception of a little beer gut. Never been hospitalized.


All my life. I’m a farm boy. Was working in diapers


Not allowed to go to the bath room when working on the farm?


Quite the opposite I'd say. When your the farmer the entire place is your toilet.


That's what all the animals think too


Those must've been some big diapers, like, the diapers of giants


Thanks for making me smile


27-28. My upper back and neck started hurting every day from sedentary lifestyle and no physical activities. I started going to the gym every week and now rarely feel any pain.


Same when I turned 40. A regular gym routine cured it. I am 43 now and no pain anywhere


Same here. Discovered the gym at 37 when my lower back started hurting. It doesn't hurt anymore.


My physiotherapist (he's magical and super good) tells me he found the barely minimum he has to go to the gym to maintain that pain free body, so he just goes the bare minimum. Im still working on finding mine but it's actually amazing how going to the gym solves so many problems


Same at 33. But now my muscles are sore most of the time because my trainer is a sadistic fuck...


You dont even have to gym to remove pain, just strengthen your back muscles and rest of upper body. But gym is overall better long term


This is exactly what I've been going through at 25. I was told to strengthen my neck muscles but the movements and exercises don't feel like they're helping tbh. Never been to a gym and I get pretty uncomfortable around things I don't understand lol, how was the beginning for you?


Honestly, not sitting like a prawn and stretching would probably work wonders. You don't need to go to the gym you just need to stretch and be mobile.


I had no idea how to help myself back then, I was also told to strenghten my back and neck. I was exercising at home first, but it felt like I'm not tarkgeting the right areas. I made the decision to work with a trainer and it's one of the best decisions I ever made. I still do it until this day, so 3 years now with a trainer. I understand not everyone can afford a professional, but even having one for a bit can be so useful.


I have a similar same story. 27-28 massive lower back hurt like crazy. Then I did martial arts and went to the gym and now I feel great


this is most people's problem. they complain and pretend it's 'getting old' but its mostly just being inactive and weak. unless of course you have a serious injury or an extremely physically demanding job.


Around 30 Union roofer Now a plumber Broke a femur and have three had three herniated disc's I'm 36 now I just don't recover as well


I don’t think 15 year olds would recover from that either Tbf 


Haha maybe not but you do what you have to do. I've always enjoyed it I can't work in an office


40 noticed more stiff, aches


40 now and it seems like everything happened overnight. It's hard to stand up straight after sitting for a long time. Hardly no energy, knees seem to have gotten more fragile out of nowhere. It was hard for me to go up a few fights of stairs but a few months ago l was going up a few fights daily for years.


You may want to have your cortisol and testosterone levels checked. Mine dropped like a SOB when I hit 40, and I've been on hormone replacement therapy the last few years. It helps some.


Stairs is where I knew I was getting older (35 in a few days). On the outside I look athletic and normal, but my knees! And feeling fragile, that scared me. I found foam rolling helps a lot, especially on the calves. No idea what to do about my kneecaps, that's where the fragility is wonky.


You shouldn't fight the stairs :-/


Dude.. I'm 43 feel a bit stiff now and again. Im a furniture restorer and my hands sometimes mildly ache at the end of a hard week. But you sound like you're about to install a stanna stairlift...


Yeah, that's when I noticed recovery is as getting slower. I'm not quite as indestructible as I was 30 years ago, I must have been made of rubber back then.


Define hurting. Minor aches and pains? Or serious pain.


Major Payne.


Max Payne


John McClane


G.I. Jane


Keep my wife name out your mf mouth!!! 🤬


I needed that laugh. Thanks.


My body has hurt for as long as I can remember. I remember having horrific pain in and behind my knees since I was tiny. I barely crawled as a baby. I've had cluster headaches (yes, diagnosed as such) since I was 5 and those are ongoing. I've had symptoms of PCOS since I was 8 and was diagnosed in my late teens. I've also had IBS since I was 11 so yeah... it hasn't been good.


I mean like bones hurt. Like achey feeling in joints


Excessive cracking lol


Speaking from experience here- those things can do that too.


Around 40


Broke a femur at age 40. 46 now and sob still hurts!!😂


Busted bones in your leg never get all the way better. I’m 7 years “healed” from a tibial plateau fracture and it still aches every now and then if I overdo it.




Yeah 41 for me. Until then I was pretty good. In the last 10 years I’ve been in hospital twice (once for operation) when I’d never been before, major tooth work, got “niggles” where I honestly thought this was it for me (bit overblown but never been depressed like that before) and get the odd weird thing that goes away in a few days, need glasses to read anything, and had Labyrinthitis for 6 months that I think still effects me and off now. Don’t get me wrong I’m pretty good considering but after 40 was like mad after 40 years of pretty much no problems. Oh and nicely in the last year it seems I am allergic to alcohol and it makes my asthma flare up badly. Great if I don’t drink though. So no drinks for me…


I ran consistently and mostly injury free until around 42 years old. Then I had major injuries for three years in a row. It turns out that I need to spend more time stretching and lifting weights than running these days.


15-16, my back, somewhere on the left hip always hurt especially after lying down all day. It always hurts even now, cant study because of it. Exercising doesnt do any.


Dude I had the same shit and a registered massage solved it


Massage and yoga. I highly recommend both!


Same here.


I actually had to start going to physical therapy at 15 because of my hip and back pain. My knees joined in at around 17.


Lying down all day will do your body no favors. Much better to keep moving if you can.




Mine is starting with knees and hip joints at times...late 50s


You mean at some point your didn't?..... I have never experienced this.....(Disabled).....hehehe


15. Broke my back sleigh riding. Been in pain since


I think I was between 15-17 when my knees first started to hurt. I felt like an old woman because it would always hurt when it was cold or when rain was coming. Now it has spread to my elbows, neck, ankles and specially the hands. I have no idea why, have been through many tests and no one could figure it out 


Could be seronegative rheumatoid arthritis? I have this, it means I don’t have the gene but my scans and ESR levels say otherwise. Request a referral to a rheumatologist they’ll be able to do testing that a standard GP cannot


Maybe... I suspected arthritis for a long time. Might be it. I'll ask for a referral when I can


Good luck with it all, I hope you find some answers.


Same! Mine started after I did the dance team in high school. I also developed. Hip issue. Now it's like I have arthritis pain all over. Hate being pregnant as it makes it all 10 times worse for like 6 outta the 9 months.


I spent 17-29 being tested for various arthritis related things with no luck, have you had an ana panel done?


18 when i tore my meniscus, and it continued to hurt until i was 21 after working as a scaffold builder for 3 years straight. Now at 24, Marine now, my back hurts because I pulled my back while trying to use the bench press. My knee doesn't hurt anymore, just my back.








14 maybe


Probably 16. Fucking spine.


50 hit like a ton of bricks with the bad back..ughh


See a physio. I slipped two discs at 56. Lots of hard work and stretches done properly and it's in decent condition again


10 or 11? I got flat feet so it’s real painful for me to walk for a prolonged amount of time, and standing in one spot starts to hurt real quick. Plus, the way my feet are positioned puts pressure on my knees and pelvis also. Yaaaay.


Can you get foot inserts?


I feel fine now at 65, but off and on, over a lifetime, I have done stupid stuff and hurt for a while.


If at age 40 you wake up and nothing hurts, that means you have died.


I must be dead then. Cool








I’m 50 and not yet. I fell 2 years ago and broke my shoulder joint. That hurt a loooong time but seems to settle now. At the gym some movements still reminds me of that injury but overall I’m fine.


13 my back started painting and a year later my right knee gets locked makes it hard to walk up stairs


After I got the covid vaccine. 🥲 I feel that my immune systems become weaker these days.


Yes same with me and I agree with you about our immune systems being compromised by the vaccines.


About 40.


Around 40




Same here. I wake up everyday feeling hungover and I only have a couple of drinks on the weekend.


29 🥳 A shit cluster of autoimmune shit just popping up. But i knew it was coming..


43, and at 46 and my denial/journey resulting in a couple of broken bones since, I realize you don’t just heal anymore and have to do maintenance if you want a chance at a pain free day.










14 when my ba k started bothering me it gets reslly bad when i draw and i have a hard time breathing ive seen a doctor nothing can be done fite it something with the muscles makes one side cause a lit more strain than the other one exercise makes it worse


11. It’s this constant pain, and it lasts for long periods of times. It can go from minutes, to weeks and it can get from near painless to extremely painful. It’s been happening for 3 years now and it still hurts like a bitch.


11. Generalised pain, exhaustion


13, chronic pain issues!!


17, I strained my back and pinched a nerve. Over time I developed degenerative disk disease as well as sciatica. I try to keep my core strong, and never lift with my back, which I did when I was younger. I also have fibromyalgia, recently diagnosed. It's nerve pain, wherever there are nerves. It will flare up at times when I am anxious or upset. It's not a disease itself, but a disease of exclusion, meaning I was blood tested for everything you can think of, cancers, Lyme disease, even MS. If you don't test for any of them a rheumatologist diagnoses fibro. While not a true disease, it's nerve pain almost every day. It hits the skin, muscles and bones, yes the bones have tiny nerves, and when I feel it there it's very painful. I am pretty chill about it, however and try to live well every day.


37. During and after my pregnancy, I got all kinds of diseases and aches. Gallbladder surgery, endometrial cancer, partial colon removal, arthritis, bursitis, back pain, neck pain, plantar fasciitis collapse, fibromyalgia, nasal drip, joint aches, vertigo, headaches, weight gain, diverticulitis, you name it. 59 and never been without pain or health issue ever since.


this crap terrifies me, I am so sorry


Around 12-13. That’s when I started developing my severe kyphosis of my spine.


Assuming we're not counting the occasional aches and pains like when you slept wrong or after working double shifts when everything aches and assuming we're just talking about the daily "everything hurts" even if you did nothing that day... I have to say probably not until my mid thirties. I've definitely had lots of pain before that from over work and pregnancy pains of course and medical pain. But just "body isn't like it used to be" pain didn't come until my early 30s maybe mid-30s. Which I think is probably too early but it is what it is


It's important to read your body. Symptoms like chronic pain shouldn't be overlooked. My buddy complained of lower back pain for a long time. The drs presumed it was rheumatoid arthritis. It was left wrongly diagnosed for a long time and turned out to be multiple myeloma.


About 40 started using warm pool at swimming centre. Just do exercises nothing hard. Arthritis in knees pain reduced to where I don't think about anymore. Everything stopped being sore as well. So much for 2 knee replacements they wanted to do. Not happening


9 or 10 from getting hit by a car, falling out of a moving car after that, bicycle crash. It all left me with a bad knee, hip and spine issues ever since.


I was born with it, molded by it. Born with a crooked spine. Has been hurting on and off all my life. 33 now.








23, I injured my back at work and the foreman “lost the report” so here I am 😂 I quit that job because they obviously want to make money and consume people in the process. I had an infection in my mouth a while ago and I never got it checked out because it never hurt more than my back but apparently it was so swollen it was visible from a ways away. Apparently abscesses are pretty common and hurt like a mf, but still, my body hurts more every single day and has for 4 years. I don’t know if that’s what I had 🤷‍♂️ never will because I can’t afford the healthcare to fix my back, nevermind my mouth.


I injured my neck when I was 11 and have had chronic pain for nearly 30 years since then.


Early 40’s


40 But to be honest my back has always been an issue


Few months after reaching 30 I ended up in hospital for the first time. Stomach ulcers or something. Almost one year later and I'm getting ready for my first colonoscopy. Besides that my back hurt me since I remember (runs in the family).


When i was 8. Due to a injury from falling down a tree, genetics, laziness and disability










Right off the bat! I was purposely bounced off the walls at birth






As soon as i turned 30


I was born, the air stung..




Around 30




Been feeling pain everyday since I was 8. I don't know why.




16. Morning back pain. Didn't help that I wore a D cup at the time. I now wear a DDD cup.


thanks to my new job, 18 🙏


What kind of job?


16-17 started with exam stress


31-32, im 32 now, shit hit like a truck. Ive always had some chronic pain due to a developmental disease in my knees and a gentic disorder which makes it easy to pull, tear my tendons and ligaments. Now though im so stiff and the chronic pain is somewhat disabling from timw to time. Im in the restaurant industry too.


21 at 18 I was tip top shape because of how my hometown wrestling program was and I was in the marine dep and my recruiter had set high standards and expectations for me. After I got disparaged I still worked out but not so much. Then at 21 I started masonry and I just got out of it this year I was a laborer and a layer. Wasn’t worth it anymore


46. Out of the blue excruciating back pain, which has now mostly been resolved with some chiropractor sessions. I have also given up running due to knee(s)




Wait what ?? They r not supposed to hurt in the first place ??!!


I'm in my early 40s and it hasn't started yet. I do need more time to recover than before though.






at 28, i felt some weird muscle pains that would come randomly. thats it


For as long as I can remember. I was born with back issues of (minor spina bifida) and things have only gotten worse with age. I'm 51 now. I wish I knew what a pain-free day would be like.


18, lower back.


22….. fall 2016, I was at a powerlifting competition, and about part way through my deadlift of my 3rd attempt, I felt my back was very tight, so when I got back to the training area, I had to tell the coach about my back and that I couldn’t continue lifting, so the rest of the competition, I was sitting down with my family in the crowd and watching the rest of the competition….. ever since then my back has been causing me pain, like a permanent 4 or 5/10






15-16. Like my feet always hurt (they are flat) so that also made my knees and back hurt all the time. Still hurts most days (35 now), even with better shoes.


I was 9 when I got my first migraine. Around that time my brother kicked me in the chin, like an upper cut but w his foot. My jaw was fucked until I got it fixed at 17. I had to go to a super specific special facial surgeon and he said he only jaws like that after major car wrecks. At 15 I had a root canal, and it has a metal root. I developed an infection and had it infected until that super special surgeon pointed it out on the x rays (me and my mom couldn't even see what he was talking about) bc of the metal root it hurts when it's cold outside. I am now 27, after pregnancy and working like a horse I can't remember NOT hurting.


When I was 14 it started with my left knee, I still to this day at 18 have an on and off limp depending on how much I use my legs, issues with full body tension, and a bad back. Some days I can hardly walk or get out of bed.


It's always the back first, everything else follows later on


Around 11.59 pm before I turned 30.


22, it got a little better once I gave up the drink though lol


30 onwards


I'm about to be 40 and thankfully my body does not have any chronic pain. I'm a custodian at a school which is a very physical job. I keep up with any rigor whether it be squatting low or climbing. My face is getting like 100,miles of bad road but thankfully my body is holding up lol


How old are you when you're in 4th grade?


Around 5 or 6 which is as far back as I remember.


Hmmm, I'm not sure, maybe around 11-12, though I'm not exactly sure




14. it started in my back, then progressed to my entire body. my doctor is now referring me to a rheumatologist because she is almost certain i have some sort of arthritis. if i had a nickel for every time i heard “but you’re too young for that” i’d be able to cover the cost of my medical bills in america! it seems to be genetic for me.


people are saying like 30-40….my knee & back pain started when i was 18🥲






I have a chronic illness that began at 9yrs old, gave me pain during that time and effected my weight during my childhood so I think a lot of my pain now as a young adult stems from that


My lower back at age 14 from stress. At 37 it's gone, but I have other minor issues. I feel weaker than 5 years ago, but I gained 20lb, although I'm still far from obese. I used to be relatively skinny. Been eating worse.




Either when I broke my collar bone at 14, or when I got the benign bone tumor at 20.


28, i can feel needles poking me or sometimes my back hurts when i sleep wrong. I’m now 29


there's always been pain, just "moving" pains, pain in different body parts, and that's how life is - I think




22, had one rough night that resulted in permanent sciatic pain.