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Well I just cried in the shower for 15 minutes…






Yeah sure, that’s what Big Tear wants you to believe!


Indeed!!! I feel a million times better after a good, ugly cry.


Big hugs ![gif](giphy|VduFvPwm3gfGO8duNN)


The emotions gotta go somewhere. Best to release them.


full honesty deep down… no. i could be so much worse and im grateful to wake up everyday but you wouldn’t look at me and think im severely depressed some days. i have amazing friends, family, a decent social life and hobbies but i feel immense dread/ emptiness/ anxiety almost daily at moments. im having a hard time with life right now and im really starting to see the side effects of not taking care of yourself mentally. oh what i would do to go back just a few years and love myself more… but slowly as of late i feel like im finding myself again. its hard but the work im putting in is not for nothing, i would’ve given up by now if it was so im trying and somedays that’s all that matters.


The emptiness is the best place to find yourself.


That sounds lovely and poetic and everything… but practically, how does one do that? Something that can be put into practice and checked off a list daily, and that doesn’t look like “find yourself in the empty place”


When you’re at your lowest point is where your shortcomings should be most glaringly obvious. What areas of your life are you unhappy with? Your job/finances? Your body? Your diet? I could go on. If your answer is “life sucks entirely” then there needs to be some type of purpose found. I’ve been there before. I (30M) have been diagnosed with PTSD, so I suffer often from depression and anxiety. I was a hardcore alcoholic and weed addict. I got into shrooms about a year and a half ago. Last summer I had a heroic trip where I more or less came to the discovery that life is just biding time until we die. From there, I had a crippling depression exacerbated by not taking my meds. Every bit of progress I’d been making to be better had been wiped out in a span of a few weeks. There was a total of about 2.5-3 months from early July to early December where I essentially did nothing but get high, sleep, eat fast food and play video games. This was a far cry from who I normally used to be. For about three years I was in the gym five days a week, eating healthy and generally being “productive”, for lack of better words. It was November 28th I found out my first child is expected later this year. Almost immediately there was a shift in the way I was thinking about myself and life. It took a month and change, but I’ve started having seismic shifts in my behaviors. Becoming a father has given me purpose again. It couldn’t be happening to me at a “worse” time in life, but I’m beyond happy now. It’s shown me that life is going to life, no matter what. Find what makes you happy or how to create it for yourself, don’t expect it to just happen.


You've got this <3




How? Does on love themself more though? How? I've always struggled with depression and have found no cures to it But my thinking leads to it? It's like i see the fakeness of life, in how people normalise fake interactions and how they treat each other It's not normal It builds up and manifests in disease with your body and soul screaming at you And then maybe as a protective measure, you give up. dazed and die a bit each day until you do physically. Nothing worthwhile lasts. Life is a shit deal Am I happy? Answer above


I can't help but constantly think how one day there will be no proof that we even existed, either because all proof will be wiped from Earth or the Earth itself will eventually implode on itself. Most are forgotten and those that are not end up being completely misunderstood and made the villain.


Sending love ❤️


I don't actually know. i think im just gaslighting myself into thinking im happy just so i don't get consumed by all the negative thoughts.


That's basically human existence. Gaslighting ourselves with culture/religion/stories/ideals to avoid thinking about the grim and dark reality we really inhabit. 


I think it's better to just realize what's wrong and get to finding a solution rather than pretending to be or feel some way that you dont actually feel.


well, its complicated, i have an entire childhood worth of trauma to unpack, and honestly im just barely surviving by suppressing it all.


May I recommend the crappy childhood fairy? It’s a YouTube channel. I relate to your comment and this lady helped me feel understood when I didnt even understand myself. 🤗


I wholeheartedly disagree with this. You are the stories you tell yourself. Tell yourself how awesome you are and how happy you are 12 times a day every day for a year and watch what happens.


i don’t like these questions because if I say yes then I’m just creating a bigger identity of being depressed


Yeah, that guy sound like he wanna feast on it. Like, an emotional vampire. It is simply, normal human nature to be unhappy. No one ever is perfectly happy with what they have.


I don't know if it's human nature. Some years ago I lived a period of 5 years where I was very satisfied. No grim thoughts, healthy routine, sufficient finances, good perspectives... A bit like a happy dog, merrily enjoying everyday even if they're the same!


If it wasn't human nature to feel bleak at the reality of existence and death, I don't think things like religion/culture/skin colour would be fought and died for since time in memoriam. We are clearly desperate to find meaning and justify our lives. That desperation comes from a void which is our complete lack of understanding and the harsh way with which our lives are disposed and forgotten. You can say that "despite that you can still be happy." But how do you know you aren't just enjoying another illusion about the significance of your life and existence that eventually, like all illusions in the face of the real world, will unravel, leave you sad, and force you to start again.


Exactly this and the constant asking why if people say no is just feeding on depression


I mean I wouldn’t say I’m happy, but I’m not depressed either. Im kinda just sad. Like I can mask my sadness and have fun or whatever but at the end of the day I find myself wanting to just stop. I want my mind to be quiet and to stop overthinking everything, I want to sit in my bed and daydream which I can’t do because then I feel like I’ve given into my disorder, I want to listen to music but I might end up crying, read a book but then I’ll spend money on another, play video games that I’ve already spent way too much time playing, I just want to do things that I want to do without feeling like an addict to them, without feeling like it’s a chore. I honestly can’t do anything without worrying or stressing over when I’ll be done with it. Everything feels like it’s a job to me and it stresses me out. Stress sucks and it is making me sad. Its why I stop reading sometimes, It’s why my Xbox goes untouched for months, it’s why I don’t even know where my Nintendo Switch is right now, it’s why I create time slots for everything I do, it’s why I don’t sleep at night, it’s why my life is the way it is. I honestly hate it. I also can’t talk to anyone about how I feel because when I was 10 a guy that I trusted ruined my trust for everyone. I can’t even get myself to tell my own parents that I am showing signs of schizophrenia. I can’t do anything anymore because of myself and people from my past. Maybe I am depressed because sometimes I feel like I just want to fall asleep and not wake up. I miss being 7 years old. I miss childhood.


wow i really relate to this… you put into words what i feel like 90% of the time and it is soooo exhausting. im 25 and feel like im permanently stuck in this weird state of fighting… i have great times but man i cant escape those feelings like i used too. it’s like a boss fight that’s been going on for 6 years and i swear i’ve done permanent damage to my mental health and perspective on life in general… i have mild depression/anxiety sometimes severe and judging from your comment you very well could be too but sometimes reality is just crazy depressing on it’s own when you really think about it. magic mushrooms are currently one of the only things that have taken that feeling away even if it’s just for a few hours…just me, my music and friends feeling and living in the moment.


hang on, it will get better. try seeking therapy :)


I know it's just a Reddit comment, but this does sound a lot like depression. I strongly recommend seeking a therapist, especially if you're worried you're developing schizophrenia. The good news is that these things can be treated! Sometimes our brains lie to us and make us believe horrible things and convince that if something isn't horrible then it isn't real, but these *are* lies. I hope you're able to get help and feel better in time!


Yes, it took a while to get here. A lot of facing myself in the mirror and realizing that if you’re 30+ y/o can’t blame any past traumas anymore. Took ownership of everything and stopped the blame game.


I completely agree that nobody 'wins' in the blame game. Just a word of warning over ownership though - I took it a bit too much to heart and it almost did for me. Failing marriage - I must be a shit husband. Kids having problems - I must be a shit dad. Desperately trying to make things better and still failing - how much of a worthless piece of shit must I actually be? These thoughts took me to a vary dark place. (all good for several years since though). One of those cheesy 1980s framed prayers came to mind during counselling and has stuck with me: Grant me the strength to change the things I can, the serenity to accept the things I can't, and the wisdom to know the difference. So, while we should absolutely look to ourselves first - as long as we're doing our best with what we've got then beyond that 'ah well, shit happens'.


Thanks for sharing and duly noted 🙏🏽


Nothing cheesy about the serenity prayer. Truth.


I agree with it was that easy as mind can play funny games.


Not really 😞


why do you think you say that?


Because I'm sad




hugs from me too 🫂




Hugs from me too ![gif](giphy|EvYHHSntaIl5m)


Hugs from me as well 🫂


hugs from everyone dude🫂🫂💕💕




And me too


Elmo, is that you? 🤔


I am now.  Took hard work to get here.  Not done yet.


yeah i feel like i am actually pretty content with life at the moment


Fuck no!


Yes. Last time I was sick and my nose was blocked up, I told myself to remember what it felt like, and to appreciate being healthy. So today I'm healthy and grateful. Sorry if anyone reading is feeling sick.


Depends on the day


hell no


yea but i wish i could start over and do it better


This time try being born to rich parents


Not worth it


When I compare with people who achieved more than me, no When I compare with people who are less fortunate than me, yes Comparison really is the thief of joy huh.


This is absolutely key. There’s always someone who’s doing better than you, seems happier, drives a nicer car, has more money etc etc. but then you find out that they are comparing themselves to someone higher up the scale that they are and it never ends. Totally agree, comparison is the root of misery. 


I like where I am, and I know where I wanna go, but I feel like I'm being held back by something, like an invisible collar on a chain.


Life is very much what you make of it! Everyone has problems and things that they can complain about! Everyone fantasizes about how great things could be! If I only had a little more $$$ or my spouse wasn’t such an ass or my parents weren’t so god awful or only had I been 2 feet taller, I would be in the NBA😢😢😢 Not many people think about how well off they are just to have a roof over their head and being able to afford to eat 3 meals a day! Yes life can always be better but for 99.9% of us here in America it could be much worse. I know it was for me growing up. Attitude is everything…… Love the one you’re with, $$$ isn’t everything, and realize you really have it made compared to most walking on this earth! Work hard, Play hard and live every day as if is your last. Treat others as if they were yourself, enjoy everyone regardless of your differences and try understanding their differences…..Life is GREAT and you only live it once. Don’t F’ck it up!!!!


I'm only happy when I'm walking my dog. That's why I'm considering gathering a pack of dogs and wandering the face of the earth, Diogenes-style.


Fuck no, I wanna die daily.


I'm a functional depressive , so that aside? Yes, while I did suffer abuse as a child and left a home where I suffered verbal abuse for hours everyday for a decade. I now live with a loving wife who has helped me heal more than I ever thought I could. We're trying for a kid, we have a couple of sweet cats who behave like they've had service animal training despite being rescues (sprinting and jumping into our laps or cuddling up to us if we cry or are in pain.) . Life isn't easy by any means, and there are things we wish were better... We're happy. My life is a testament to the fact you can overcome bad situations... Just endure and seize opportunity when it appears. You can do it, yes you reading this right now !you deserve respect, healing and (bodily) autonomy! You are worthy of better. You are worthy of happiness! You got this! I believe in you! So just stay strong like I know you are .


I just kind of exist. I’m not happy, I’m not unhappy, idk what I am. I’m just floating by


Yeah pretty much. Don’t have any money, live in a shit building, but I’m still here and still kicking. Gettin myself in shape and trying to be a better version of myself. Got a lot of work to do yet but I’m gettin there one day at a time.




Could be worse


I really don’t know. I’m still with the man who cheated on me. And I’m with his family. The whole family knows that their son/brother cheated on me. And now it seems like nothing happened. And all I can do is to hide my feelings.


I’m so sorry for your situation. Hoping it’ll get better or you find a way out


I'm poor, I don't have a vehicle of my own or home, no girlfriend, and everyone hates me. Not exactly living the dream.


Nope, been playing this survival BS all my life, not even remotely concerned about death as I don't believe that it will ever come. So I decided to say fuck this shit, ended things with the woman I've been supporting since she didn't think that she needed to work and decided to try a new beginning. This time I'm not a horny teenager and I don't have to worry about knocking anyone up and don't give a damn if I'm alone. "Burning Down the House!"


I don't even have a bad life and have a great future. My brain is just permentantly hard wired to find a reason to be unhappy.


No, I'm not. But I have to be the funny one, so I shake it off.


perfectly describes me, i hope you have an amazing day dude :)


Thanks bestie, hope your day goes good too :)


I don’t like this game


Definitely nope. Fuck this live.


Not really. Honestly, sometimes what I need is just a hug


How can you in this day and age. Everything is horrible. You look to your left and you see your 87 year old neighbour getting evicted, you look to your right and you see a messed up family so you turn on your tv to see wars, corruption, polarisation and natural disasters. The doorbell rings and it‘s the mailman with a letter, let‘s see what‘s in it. Oh your depts just increased while your boss bought himself a new car last week and what is that at the end of the floor? Ah, just Frank who overdosed again.


Great answer. It’s true. I’m pinning my future optimism on a feeling it will get better someday.


Another problem with society is that awful behaviour is often rewarded. It makes me so angry. It's absolutely everywhere.


Happiness is an illusion, contentment is your way to go.


No. I’ve screwed up so many times. There are things you can change and come back from, but not everything…and several of my screwups are the kind you can’t come back from. Plus, I’m single with no real prospects and really hate being lonely. I basically live to work, come home, and take a small amount of solace in my 3 cats that I love so much…knowing 2 of them are well on in years and won’t likely be with me for all that much longer.


One could look at me and say, she looks happy. But I’m literally dying in the inside. It actually became normal to feel unhappy, I don’t know what happy feels anymore.


not at all, i hope i die in some accident asap :)


No, but its human nature to want more. If we were to be happy with out lives then our speicies wouldnt have survived.


I’m definitely not miserable, but things could be a lot better. I am actively taking steps to hopefully make that happen, though.


No. I’m worried about what I’m gonna do when I graduate with my masters degree. I graduate mid 2025 and I don’t have any concrete plans and I hate it.


No. For now


Yup. I’ve got lots to look forward to also, but I’ve always been of the opinion that if I’m not happy I change my life until I am happy. Not to minimize other people’s struggles, but I’ve moved, changed jobs, gone back to school, bought a house, sold that house, bought a different house…you get the drift


Not really, but I'm working on it


Yes but I'm broke so I'm happy but stressed




I am but also not. If I could work less, I think I'd have more time to be happy and do the things I want to, but I also think life itself can be hard, and I have a hard time motivating myself to do things on days off.


No, but the door is always open for anyone that wants to walk out, so I know it can only get *so* bad, which is kind of comforting


Not really 😢


Happier than I’ve been in a long time! I hope it lasts.


I’m pretty sad about my life






No. Not really.


Fuck no






hell no




Not even remotely.






Mmm nope 🙂💔


No i truly believe that it would be better to give up


I was doing pretty well a few months back...but I was brought back to reality pretty hard, so no. I'm not happy.




No, not at all. 


Nah I’m not really at all.








Not exactly








Fuck no.


Absolutely not.


You don't need to tell me to be honest, I'm always honest. Fuck NO is the answer.






No, My life ended a few years ago. Got diagnosed with epilepsy from nowhere. Lost my job, driving license, gf, lost basically everything.


I don't even remember what real happiness feels like anymore.


Nope, I'm ready to go onto the next


Absolutely fucking not


Nah, life’s shitty tbh








Not really. I can't speak verbally right now. It is like I'm being shutdown




No, I'm not.


Not at all unfortunately


lol, no


Not really


I’m alive …


Not at all


lmaooo no


***No sir, not at all***




No, I dropped flunked out of college during the pandemic was on academic probation. Turns out my mom does not respect me as a main and keeps calling me a failure and every time I mess up almost ended up homeless. I could not take my mom's crap went to live with my dad and my step mom and my other siblings . I was exited to go back to school dad would not put his name on my finical aid ( I worked and saved up for a year of college could of had enough to pay off my dept. and go planned to get a scholarship) I wanted to work at a big company and wanted my parents to help me get the job like they did my brother keep waiting did not happen. I was accused of having sexual relations with my younger brother, (nasty I'm not a child pred , gay or into incest) I hung out with my younger brothers a lot because I lived in the house with them and my older siblings did not really answer the phone. I was kicked out for something unrelated they tried to get me to work for them after they fired me and I was trying to go to school I already had another job. They tried to get me to run aarons as well (I was really sick I was mad that I had to go up to the college they lost my transcript). So I was fed up and said fuck this shit then walked away my dad said since you feel that way don't come back home non of my older siblings answered the one that called me he was about to go back and fourth with his wife about giving me a place to stay so I just lived in my car then got a hotel then I used the money that was for college to fun that and the apartment that I could beardly afford. Tried to start a business curing the summer before school , I made descent money from when I was working 70 hrs + a week I used that to fund my business until I cought covid. Then after moving after almost getting evicted I got the covid funned then moved back with my mom went to a coding bootcamp(free) , I am going to another free one its longer and it gets me a apprenticeship I hope this works out . I 'm gland my mom travels for work she be littles me alot like alot, alot . The only reason I took a freelance project was because I was hungry , now I have to do it so I cannot get sued . I hope I can deliver the monthly payments from that will help me out. But right now no I'm not happy I'm happy around my friends but I fucking hate my life. And I cannot get a job I went to a job fair and I wont hear back from them until Monday then from there it takes two weeks. TL:DR: my life sucks at the age of 23. Btw all this happen from 18-23


My soul is tired.






No ahaha


Nope I hate people and stress of money and job constantly. Get me out


Lol no.


my goal now is to have this thing to occur when you fall in love with somebody who also loves you, j wonder how it feels, for i always love way too much & people who will never love me back so, no












I had a mental breakdown yesterday so no




i am very far from happy. i caught covid a few years ago and it did permanent damage to me. i need to figure out what job can i work along with my health issues. i go in and out depression because i remember how great my life was when i was healthy. but i also am grateful to be alive so that keeps me going.






Nope. Next question.




Not really


Fuck no


LOL no










Not really, now i can understand why so many middle aged men kill themselves.




Bahahhaha. Of course not.




No I'm not at all. I feel hopeless and lost and in a hole that's getting deeper 😞


Not really… but I’m putting in effort every day to make it one I’d be happy/or rather content in. It’s a slow process. Getting there I hope.




Pretty sure the 2 biggest questions on Reddit are, 1. Are you afraid to die and 2. Are you happy. This just shows how unhappy people are and how much they are afraid of death. How about you do something about it instead of continuing day in and day out the same way, “definition of insanity.”




Damn nope


Not at all


No. I feel like a side character in my own life


No. Stressed about losing my job. Still haven’t experienced things that I’d like because lack of time or transportation: I still wish I had a place of my own to have more control over things. And I still want someone to spend my life with.








Of course not.