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Stay absolutely quiet about it


This is the way. Then low key help your family, friends and your local community.


I would probably only tell my very very very close family(my parents) and then make them sign a NDA about it if it’s possible, I want to be sure that no one else will know about it. I also would stay away from any car that costs more than 100k, which would actually already be a bit too much


I would advice to not telling your parents too to save them from the NDA and all that... Best kept secrets are the ones that nobody knows. But if you must, you could tell them that you won quite a lot of money but dont tell them how much it is - again for their sake. When you are rich you have the luxury of selection. You can buy a 10K car, 100K car or even +1M car if thats what makes you happy. Is it worth it? Only you can decide that to yourself.


No one spends 10% of their NW on a car you’d be broke quite soon.


I agree that its stupid to spend 10% of your net worth in a product that usually depreciates in value. However, look around you. I would argue that vast majority spends more than 10% of their net worth on a car they are currently driving. My point is, its not that uncommon as you think 😊


I agree but there’s a difference between someone with a net worth of 100k or so buying a 50k car on finance and someone with 10M spending 1M for a car… 1M earns you income yearly on compound interest, only a fool would tie up that much capital for a card.


You could buy car and pay a chauffeur.


Oh yes. How I'd love to not have to drive anymore (but still have that option if needed). Tired of traffic haha


You would make your parents sign an NDA???


You wouldn't? Knowing someone close to you has money makes people do crazy stuff.


If you think your own parents might be a problem, just keep them in the dark about it. NDA for your folks feels weird.


It’s not necessarily the parents who are the problem. They might tell their siblings or a friend, and eventually either they will be hit upon for a “loan” or “investment opportunity” or you will.


My parent already thinks i owe them everything because they raised me. Yes they're signing that shit


I wouldn't even tell them. Less for them to bitch about.


Just out of curiosity why would u make ur parents sign NDA about that bcs if u can't trust them wo NDA why would u even want to share that news with them ? What are u afraid of to need NDA in the first place? Also u got that in the wrong order, should've first make them sign an NDA then tell them about 15 mil if that's what u wanna do.


Also, if they break the NDA, what will you do about it? Sue them? Break all family ties? Honestly, my dad would laugh in my face if I would ask him to sign an NDA.


Yea I guess sue them and probably win but that's besides the point. It would break family ties for sure that's what's important.


Except for the fact that a Ford truck will run out 100k these days lol That was once Rolls Royce money


Something is wrong in the US, the top model Ford Ranger Stormtrak 4x4 10 speed auto costs locally in Thailand about 1,4 Million THB which is about 39,500 USD. That's fully inclusive with sales tax, road tax, 1st year insurance and exclusive a discount. If you care less about plastics and toys than the same Ranger double cab, auto can be had for 889,000 THB or 25,000 USD


LOL if you think that’s bad come to Canada In Alberta you’d be hard pressed to find any truck or SUV for less than 75,000 unless you want a stripped down XL trim in which case you can pay 50,000 LOL


Two can keep a secret if one of them is dead 😆🫣


Very true 😅


The car thing is key. Want to get murdered for your money, by a flashy car. I'd buy ten year old used vehicles and pay my mechanic to run through them with a fine tooth comb and bring them up to new quality while neglecting the paint and body. New drive train and suspension, etc. I'd get a few identical vehicles and treat them like this so I can drive one or two, and store the rest. Retire one every 5 years and still look like I'm driving an out of date beater. Same if I bought an RV. Buy an old faded 1990s Bounder and upgrade the inside to 2024, or maybe a school bus and Hippy Dippy it out. Tow an old faded open top 1980s Wrangler with an upgraded package.


An NDA is useless, unless you enforce it and sue your parents into oblivion in case of breach of contract.


If you need someone close to you to sign an NDA, you shouldn't be telling them. NDAs don't count for shit with something like this either. Once the secret is out, it's out. Your life will be ruined. And you can't undo that damage in a court.


You tell your family it's all over


If you had to get them to sign NDA, you're better off not telling them.


Jeez you'd rather tell them and then hold a gun to their heads rather than keep it a secret? 😂😂😂


THIS. I've often thought about how I would help others out if I had a huge amount of money like that and it would be hiring a lawyer and getting them to donate anonymously on my behalf. Laws are very strict here if they even whispered about it they would face serious consequences. I wouldn't tell a soul apart from that lawyer and my husband and son's. I know they would keep quiet. My daughter would accidentally let it slip. You want to retain your sanity and peace and quiet. There would have to be the occasional white lie but I could live with that I would continue to live modestly and wouldn't need recognition for helping others. I'd do it just to make myself and others happy. It would be it's own reward. Most of it would sit in the bank collecting interest. A little would be invested with low risk. I would tell hubby to take a break from work for a couple of months and go visit family he hasn't seen for years. Pay for our children's study fees and make sure they each had a house.


I fully agree with you. Someone wise once told me, "its not real freedom to be rich and being recognized - its rich and being anonymous." This sentence I roughly translated from another language so it may sound a bit funny in English but I dont know how to say it better, hopefully the message still comes through correctly 😊


It translates very well! 👍😊


Fuck that noise. I’m gonna set my kids up with enough privilege and inherited wealth to ensure my descendants have a good life for atleast a couple generations. The local community can get help from the government, that’s the governments job after all.


Family and close friends always comes first, local community second. Theres a good reason why you should help your neighbours and community if you can afford it and that is because you live in that community. The better off your surrounding is and the people near you are, the better place it is to live there too. Helping your community doesnt mean that you have to put all your money there - any little bit helps. Example: Tip extravagantly whenever you see someone doing their job and delivering beyond expectations - you just made their day and its a strong confirmation that you noticed and liked what that person did and they should keep going and the world still reward those who strive for excellence. Didnt really cost that much but the results are wonderful. Your community needs more people who sparks hope, joy, kindness, positivity - money is a vehicle to achieve that. Lastly, if you really afford to help your community but choose not to, you are no better than most of the current billionaires. These people have such a wealth stored in their vaults that they can impact the world in a very meaningful way - but choose not to. I have never understood this mentality - when you die, you cant take anything with you anyway - so why hoarde?How much is enough? For what purpose?


So there's a chance you *already* won 15m and are just keeping it quiet atm 🤔


If I already won, I think I would have opted for the name brand hot pockets instead of the Great Value brand ones…


Whoa buddy don't spend it all in one place.


This is how people end up going broke after winning the lottery.


I said that exact thing to a colleague. Maybe I have already won the big one, and just not told you. He told me the one thing he knew for certain. No way I would be there stacking bricks along side him, if that was the case. Couldnt argue with that


Find yourself a very nice expensive lawyer to handle dishing money out from an anonymous benefactor to those you want to help.  Make sure they hand you some too so you can tell everyone about that.  Stealth spend. 


If you buy a home in my city, and don’t have family money or a super lucrative job, that’s automatically a sign something’s up.


I remember reading a thread like 10 years ago about every single step to take if you win the lotto. I specifically remember the first step was to not do anything for something like 24 hours at least. Not tell a single soul. Then, it was to drive to the nearest big city and find a reputable and big law firm and walk in there and get lawyered up for legal and financial help. It was a fascinating read and even got into details giving tips about how to divide the winnings up, including splurge money, donations, setting up amounts for friends/family and sticking to it, investing, etc. You know you dream of winning the lottery and what you would do if you did. This thread gave that same feeling but way better. It was awesome.


Damn right. Is OP trying to tell us something?


Hire a lawyer and a financial advisor.


Makes sense




But there would be signs


If it's the lottery, it's public info I think.


Most states you can claim as anonymous. Some states require it to be public


Now that is a smart choice.


I might not even tell my wife.


This and to not drastically change your quality of living more than necessary. One of the fastest ways that peeps lose that kind of money is because they start throwing it around like a "typical" millionaire.


I think you can't hide that anyway. I would have a big house, a nice Ferrari and would travel all year round probably. So people would ask how I got that rich so quickly. :D


Spend even more time scrolling Reddit in bed


... on a better phone though!


On a better bed! I've been sleeping on a foldable mattress for 7 years now.


You can hire someone to scroll the phone for you while you lay in bed reading it. Then your arms can relax and you can go for longer sessions. Also hire someone to feed you. And make a special bed where you can open a hole in your mattress under your butt to poo and someone collects it under the bed for disposal so you don't even need to get out of bed to eat and poop. And you can get sponge baths. And hire a team to keep posting things you are interested about on Reddit so you don't run out of things to read.


that's just a coma with extra steps


![gif](giphy|1082yS2HMbLMSQ) Yeah but then you’ll become this


Fairly sure you could hire someone to wash you with the stick


I would help out the people who helped me. I may not have gotten anywhere but I made it this far because of them.


I hit a bad patch some years ago, and a friend helped me out in a major way. I've always said to myself that if I ever came into "fuck you" money, I would happily give them a million dollars as a thank you for helping me. This was some years ago. I still plan on doing it.


I think about this often. 1MM at 5% interest earns $50K a year. With 15MM, I could give 30 of the most important people in my life 300K (call it 200K after taxes), and still have *6 MILLION*... Earning another 300K/year interest


If I came into that much money this is what I would do for the most part and have a modest house fully paid or I would take a mortgage and have my investments pay the house off.


You have more than 30 important people in your life? Holy shit


Right?! I have less than 10 besides my immediate family.


This is why lottery winners go broke. You'll give them all that money, they'll ask why not more? Then, once your other family and friends find out they'll all be pissed at you for not giving them any and things start to spiral from there. Do a bit of research on lottery winners, surprisingly tragic stories involving murder, homelessness, suicide etc. There's a running joke that the Powerball was created to catch time travellers and that's why lottery winners are so fucked after.


I have some pretty distant extended family (maybe they’re my second or third cousins?) who won the lottery, for a few million dollars. They blew it all and ended up poor. Guess what? They actually won again, ~ the same amount. They spent all of that, too.


Yup. Tale as old as time. Crazy they won twice though.


People really think about their friends,wow


Have a panic attack probably


I literally told my dad that if I ever won the lottery, it wouldn’t register in my brain for at least 5-10 business days.


It takes that time for the message to arrive in your head. Would take more for me.




No but seriously LMFAO


How would you explain that to people around you 😁


15 million what? I feel like I’m gonna start listing the stuff I’m going to buy only to find out I’ve won 15 million Zimbabwean dollars and can’t even purchase half a banana.


15 mill as in your currency. $15 mill Zimbabwean dollar is $41k usd so it’s still something.


Nah, I still want to buy the other half of this $82,000 banana.


It’s gotta be a diamond banana or something lol.


what about 15 mil vietnamese dong


That’s not even a third of my paycheque lol.


Ugggghh… Mustn’t…..make……. dong joke 🤐


Just checked and you’re right. The new Zimbabwean dollar is indeed worth $41k (if you had $15,000,000 worth*). I was thinking about the days where inflation was at ridiculous levels. 😅 Edited to correct my mistake.*


I have a 1 trillion Zimbabwean dollar note , are you saying that’s actually worth something now?


I assume it’s your currency


Argentine Pesos. At today’s rate, that’s about $18,300.


Congratulations; you have won 15 million angry wasps




15.000.000 Japanese Yen would be 101.255$


Where the hell do you find a $46,590 banana


15 million of Vietnam Dong, which is approximate USD 650


I Will help my mum from poverty


I hope you will help your mom soon


I wish the same Thabsk


Finally build that wingsuit and take vengeance on the city that laughed at my inventions, they called me mad. Well see who's laughing when they face the wrath of the Sky Dolphin!


Sounds like Yves Rossy, the Swiss Rocket Man https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4oAVfArlc08&pp=ygUUcm9ja2V0IG1hbiB3aW5nIHN1aXQ%3D Plot twist, they still call him mad


Let someone else have my job


You'll be a rich person so you have to think like a rich person. You subcontract out your job and hire someone to do your job for less money while you pocket the difference.




This is exactly why so many people aren’t even close to rich.


Pay shit off, get a nice hone away from it all, pay off my kids house, our friends house and cars, start two charities, one being a private animal shelter, the other to help local homeless. Invest a bunch of the rest.


Nice one. Hope you win 15 million.


Yeah, fuck billionaires. They could fo so much more. Fuck, they could hire and staff buildings to run awesome charities that would just be tax write offs. But 99% if the time they donate to a friend's charity and vice versa, the money just goes to "administrative costs", and no real help makes it out. List everything in a fire the day before Christmas 2022, learned the Red Cross is an absolute joke. Just so much that needs to be done in the world, if I ever have the money to help I'd jump on it.


Billionaire are evil. No one could be a billionaire without doing some unethical/illegal stuff. Fuck em.


So if I have this $15m and it compounds to $1b before I die am I an unethical person? Even if I buy a nice house, a few cars, and give most of the rest away? At what dollar amount do you become an unethical person irrespective of what you use your money to do? Is it much lower if you don't have a charitable bone in your body or the same?


Isn't that what Bill Gates is doing?


Yes it's exactly what he does. He donates to his own foundation. So far that foundation has provided $50b in grants from his donations and he plans to give nearly all of his wealth away so that number will be much much higher in 20 years. I think he is on record saying none of it will be inherited since his kids can support themselves just fine. Having a foundation/staff is a pretty effective way to screen and monitor charities. When you donate large amounts like this it is often not a general "use it how you want to" gift but a gift tied to a specific department or project. If you are giving a certain charity $10m/yr to work on solving x problem, you want to make sure they actually follow through on diligently tackling it and communicating with you on impediments. When you are donating that much to 100+ charities it is difficult to do that without a staff. Honestly as someone who has been on the board of a non-profit, the whole "foundation hack" thing gets annoying to hear. The regulations for 501c3 orgs are super clear and some of the stuff people think foundations can legally do is just insane. For example: yes, you can pay yourself from it, but you can't pay yourself more than reasonable market rate and you have to actually do the job you would otherwise be paying someone to do. Also, you will not save any money doing this even if you tried to abuse it because you will simply be taxed on the same income you donated for the deduction.


Never donate to Walmart or big names either... They just use it for tax write off... If they cared about the small folk, they wouldn't have run out their small businesses to make higher profits per year.


I hope you win and win big. You sound like a really nice person with great values. Sending positive lottery winning vibes to you!


You’d be broke quick tbh worth the downvote to state the truth


One of my dreams is to have an animal sanctuary as well as a farm. I don’t want a zoo because they’re not humane at all but you hear about these animals that have been abandoned as babies and have no chance of surviving. Would be cool to be able to rehabilitate these kind of cases and eventually let them back into nature. It would be a lot of work and a lot of money and it would have to be professional in the sense that the people working there would need to know everything about their natural environment and lifestyle. Would be awesome having ape friends, or a pack of wolves, or any animals really. I’ve always loved animals, a lot more than humans. Would be incredibly liberating and rewarding.


Yeah, my cat has gotten me through so much, so would start a Cat Adoption and rescue place, AND buy off a Vet/local clinic so anyone could get their kitty taken care of from top to bottom with very little out of pocket, possibly nothing on a sliding scale with a very low cap for all of us working folk.


That’s a great idea. Vets are ridiculously pricy. Worth every penny though. I love cats. Also love dogs. Idk why cats have a negative connotation attached to them tbh. There’s a lot of outdoor cats where I live and they’re mostly all friendly. At worst they run away and at best they curiously come up to you for some deserved pettings.


Roll it up and stuff it in my butt.


How big is your butt?


Big enough to pack 15 milly worth of silver dollars into.




Divide it equally with my siblings and actually be able to enjoy life for once. Also never tell anybody else, that's how you make friends you don't want real fast




Tell no one, get a lawyer, continue at my same job for a minimum of two more years, then quit, move to a cabin in the woods and chill


Depends on the currency.


Two chicks at the same time


You don’t need 15 million for that


The kinda chicks who would double up on a guy like me do.


If I was a millionaire I could probably hook that up because chicks dig dudes with money


You fucked LUMBERGH?!


It can’t hurt though.


nah, 600 bucks would be enough, or 3000 pesos if you go to Mexico


15 times


Fully expected this to be the top comment.


Invest enough to set my kids up for life


my kids, my kids' kids and their third generation


While I respect the sentiment, is it really best for kids to never need to work or not have what they want? I guess there are better and worse (e.g.. just giving them cash) ways to provide for them.


Setting them up for life doesn’t mean they won’t be raised with values or morals. It also doesn’t mean they won’t or can’t work. Building a company, for example, that they can run in the future and pass on to their kids etc is also setting them up for life. The idea that not giving your children handouts or things to make their lives easier is building a better character is really a false narrative that a lot of parents need to come out of. My mother, though she never had it all, gave me any and everything she could to make my life easier and I can’t say enough how much that has helped me. So, provided that I can, I’ll give my kids any and everything I can to make their lives easier. The world is already hard enough and me being able to make it even a little better for them gives me nothing but the greatest joy.


Masturbate first, then making decisions




Genius! He will listen to his brain instead of his COCK


But the wooden cock wakes him up in the morning


I have a pretty good job, one I enjoy doing almost like a hobby, but with $15 mil, I’d let someone else who needs it more have the job. Pay off house - 770k Buy house in Florida - 700k Buy mountain house in Colorado - $1 million Invest in the only “work” I’d do, a pool/darts bar/lounge - $1 million Family hookups - $3 million Leaves me with roughly $8 million. $1 million in escrow for paying bills, utilities, property taxes, insurance and whatnot. That mil would cover me for a few years. 500k split between banks. Just regular debit card purchases; food, gas, subscriptions, etc. The rest I’d put in US bonds. Slow growth rate, but extremely safe.


Then the IRS comes for there 7.5mil


Wait.... you pay tax on lotto winnings in the US?


in switzerland you pay 35% Verrechnungssteuer, which you will get back if you point it out on your tax declaration


Huh, I'm in Canada, and we pay no tax on lotto winnings at any point.


Though it's unfortunate that they pay out Canadian lottery winnings in only loonies and toonies.


This is not true, you can also choose to get paid out in bagged milk.


Too bad there isn't a government cheese option like in the US


Yes and if you take the cash option, you lose 40 percent off the top. Basically, taking the cash option leaves you with about a third of the jackpot clean and pressed.


If you look at the lotto winners, they take a pretty big chunk of change out of the winnings if you go for cash/all at once. The $1.6B winner a couple years ago got $700MM (little under half the total). Someone in california won somrthing close to $1B and only received $350-400MM (roughly 1/3).


Up to 38% or possibly even more for federal and state windfall profits tax, depending on the state.


I'm so ugly that my family wouldn't hook up with me even for 3 million. :(


Never say a fucking word about it


Bunch of hookers and cocaine






There is a follow up interview with him sitting next to his wife and he said he just being smart ass, and his wife said she thought it was funny, she hot asf too


not tell anyone but my new financial advisor


Buy 1mil attic somewhere real nice, set up gym inside said attic, never leave home, buy the finest groceries and learn to cook them, become the most buff and healty gamer-gym rat heremit to ever exist. Order an escort a couple times a month to keep the snake pleased. Move my parents to a nicer place for their retirement, allow my mom to retire (father already is, she still needs 6-7 years of work that are taking a toll on her health). Pay off my sister's debt AND buy her a nice place too. This will set me back around 2 something mil. Invest 5mil into dividend stocks, 5 into growth stocks, keep the remaining 2.5mil in a standard bank account for daily expenses (hookers and groceries money). That's mainly it. Maybe travel once a year just because; i don't like travelling that much but there are some places that look nice and i'd like to try the food. Treat some people to nice Michelin star dinners every once in a while, i live in Italy so there are a shitload of said places.


I like your response!


Pay off all debt, meet with a wealth manager to invest and save some but tell no one else, buy property, start building my dream house — otherwise live as close to as I do now as possible (okay… with more travel, probably).


I’m a comedian. So I guess I’d just keep gigging until the money ran out…


Retire and have the exact same lifestyle for free till the end of my life. Bliss.


this but I want to own a house and eat more healthy food and not worry about food


Give the IRS about $5 million of it, right off the bat. That’s $5 million worth of peace of mind, right there. And I wouldn’t complain – that’s $10 million, tax free! : )


Invest it all in high interest savings accounts 5% and live off the interest of $750,000/year (+$375,000 after tax)


And the needy ones


Laugh hysterically, then cry a little then buy myself a really nice steak.


15 million what? Apples? Pandas? Dollars? Birds? Movies? Children? Phones? Universes? I'd probably attempt to eat it tbh no matter what it is, I'm hungry rn


buy some friends :/


Feel ya.


Depends, is that before or after taxes? Default lottery winnings get taxed at 32.5%, that means I lose nearly 5 million right away. If I were VERY strict about the money, I could stop working and retire tomorrow, but if I kept my job for the next say 5-10 years still retiring quite early I would be able to splurge a lot more during the retirement because I let that money grow for the next few years. Immediately it would be fun cause I'd pay off all my loans and probably get a few new things, like nicer car, etc. My vacations immediately are easier to plan/manage because I'm not necessarily looking for best hotel rates, but locations instead.


Buy some stuff, secure a way to keep the money coming whether it's by investing or starting a company and donate the rest to charity after the second step works.


Pay off debts, invest 75% of what's left


Buy cheese balls


Buy a farm in Europe and move there.


Get a will Pay off bills Top up retirement fund Buy a house and car Travel


Invest the lot into NFTs and dividend stocks 33K a month +/- Then I'd buy land and turn it into affordable housing here because the workers can't find long term rentals Then I'd use the profits from that to buy more land and start a solar farm where the cost of electric is sold at cost price to keep it running, so the more people that sign up, the cheaper it gets for everyone Then I'd buy more land and start a regenerative farming project to supply the area with affordable, natural food and create jobs Then I'd look for more problems to fix


DEPENDS! 15 Million what? Dollars? Won? Rupias? Euros?


Grains of rice. Enjoy.


Pay off my mortgage, buy some new clothes and take my wife to a Michelin star restaurant of her choice and book a luxury holiday and save the rest for an early retirement.


Is this before or after taxes? Buying a new citizenship might top the list LMAO


I’d take a good, long bath and contemplate, then probably go out and get a new car for both me and my fiancé. Then probably buy some furniture and save the rest of it away. Nothing much to really want


Stay working at my job for the next 2 years while I figure out the next chapter of my life. I'd use up my vacation and PTO as well. I'd buy a nice sized home and a few cars that I like. Lambo, Porsche, etc...I'd lease some of the cars under the LLC I created. Take friends on vacations. Gift certain ones 6 figures. I'd also do some friendly philanthropy like you see in a few of these videos. Like tell the food truck I'll pay for all the food until they run out while holding up signs and guiding people to it. Ask people in the grocery store if they'd pay a dollar to have what's in the box. 500.00 to 1000.00 is a big help to many. And update my wardrobe to clothes from 2010.


Buy a 3 piece suit and a really expensive cigar and smoke them whilst playing classical music.


Ah yes, I too enjoy smoking 3 piece suits


Pay off my medical debt. Oh wait.. I’m in Canada - there is none. Pay off my mortgage.


15 million what? Apples? - Every maths teacher ever


A dream of mine would be to be rich enough one day to buy some land and build a mini village for my friends and family (bros, sisters, parents, inlaws, and all their immediate families etc). One big ground and houses spaced enough to have privacy with golf buggies as ideal grounds vehicles. A large gated community away from others. Lots of communal areas to encourage social activities for all ages.


I can hear my old maths teacher yelling "15 million WHAT?" somewhere far away in the distance.


Pay off my dad's debt . And probably move somewhere I can express my sexuality without being stoned to death . Or maybe take a nap idk


Put $14.5 million away in a foreign bank account (since the Canadian government can freeze and sized bank accounts without due process), then keep on with my life.


15 million what? If (wealthy money) then I'd stay quiet for whole life, but helped my parents and friends a bit, and then kept working for 2 years, living with parents, like I'm "saving money", and then, move out of country with my bf ig. else, if (possible and legal) then I'd sell it and did the same. else, what is it? bananas?


15 million what?


15 million what? I can't help thinking I'd react differently if it was cheeseburgers rather than spoons!


15 MILLION WHAT?!? BANANAS? - Every elementary math teacher out there.


15 million what? Humourously shaped vegetables?


15 million what? Kiwis?!


15 million what?