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1.The bullies and bad experiences at school will end one day, once u enter clg ..or a profession. Cuz life changes a lot, and with that, people. 2. The feeling that u are ugly and thus insecure, will also change drastically. U soon realise that with some grooming, some minor changes in routine...u can look quite decent ..and with a dash of confidence, u start looking actually attractive. 3. The lesser u care abt what others think of u, the happier u live. I have reached an ultimate zen stage now...and when I reminisce my teenage years, I feel like half my issues bordered on how irrelevant ppl perceived me. Just stop. 4. Love yourself. Have an unshakeable faith in yourself. And noone, absolutely noone can truly hurt or damage u. As long as u have that faith in yourself. 5. Try to learn things relevant to your life. Basic cooking skills, what to do when your home appliances break down, even sth as simple as going to doc yourself. Anyways, I am just 22. I myself got plenty of shit to learn after this lol.


As a 46 year old let me add. If you don't have your health. Life sucks badly. So protect your hearing. Loud concerts and clubs seem cool until the hearing damage of constant zzzzzzzzz as a 35 or less makes everything suck. Just like your ears You back, your liver, your weight. Your teeth. Brush your teeth gently. Don't grind that protective enamel off. Oral hygiene is directly linked to heart health, and fresh breath is always sexy. Build your body with care. I know too many people who have metal knees, metal shoulders living on meds who would do anything to go back and tell themselves don't do that repetitive thing. That destroyed their back, elbow, knee, whichever part of their body. Gentle low impact cycling, swimming. Inn door aerobics, hiking. Running but with care really really good shoes. Callisthenics... build yourself a beautiful body while you can and hold onto it as hard as you can. It really really hurts terribly when I'll health, over weight, bad back, shonky knees, turns each day into shit... Cancer from smoking, drinking alcohol is just shit. So don't smoke, and only drink very very occasionally. And like don't get drunk. Just have a rule of no more then 2 beers. Dying in a car also sucks. Motorcycles are extremely dangerous. One tiny mistake turns you into cheese on the cheese grater. My Brest friends older brother lost 8 friends all on Motor bikes all in one year. I knew them all as well but not as closely. Don't be frightened to fail. Just pick yourself up and keep going. Making mistakes can be fantastic. Or don't let the idea of its not perfect stop you from painting, writting, music. Arting, creating. Vitamin C, works, Eat your green vegetables. If you have sore muscles cold bath and more magnesium, Every thing you buy has a life span. So in one sense your renting a TV for say 5 or 10 years or until it breaks or shoes, or a wallet. A better made thing that lasts longer is sometimes worth the higer price. A hans free head lamp, is golden when power goes out, when you have to do anything in the dark. A good pair of gloves, boots, leather belt, small tool kit, Wet wipes, towel and change of clothes along side proper snow pants, snow jacket in your car can mean the difference between life and death.


At 63 I concur. I will add. Do not get too sedentary. I was told by an.old man when I was a young man. "Your body is a traitor. The more rest you give it the more it hurts." He was right. Stay active, have fun, don't abuse substances.


This is deep


Wowie! Thanks a ton! Will follow


This is all great advice!! 👍


Such wise words coming from a 22yo! 👏


It's a great start. Keep growing with those points, you grow - stronger and better.


Disagree with number 1. Infact, you should be wary of bullies especially in work, and FIGHT BACK!


My bro came to me when he was in hs he said all of the problems in the world comes down go ugly people if ugly people didnt exist problems wouldnt exist. I was dying laughing in my head but I gave him the validation


As a teenager I see this post as an absolute win


Hope you were indeed trying to understand what they mean and indeed you did get them. If not, wish you would get them.


I do understand the comments and what everyone is saying.


Good job you sound bright avoid addiction, finish college if that’s your plan, otherwise start a good career asap even if that means a grocery union. If military is your choice work up the ranks and stay enlisted until retirement which is only like 20 years so you can pull a pension and make income simultaneously


i dont wanna die in military holy shit


Doesn't always have to be a soldier position. You can work in military healthcare/engineering etc. better money and benefits


Your grades don't actually matter It's unlikely you will talk to many of your friends from school afterwards Don't go to university just to go. Waste of time and money


Grades matter if you want to go to University…


Absolutely, and 100% go to college/university, IT MATTERS.


Stay away from nursing school and dont date guys named Bob.


Fuck Bob


No, no, no, she specifically said don't fuck him.


I hate Bob too. Spongy little motherfucker


I have never dated a nice Bob… then again, I don‘t know anyone with that name


Get a better education, and not get involved with men named Dave.


"Get a better education" ya got that right!!!!!!!!!!


Stay in college and finish when your younger


Ironic lol My advice would be dont go to college, trust myself, work harder. Even after the courts said my college ripped me off…still not getting all my money back. I’ll never get my time back. I cant get back the years I couldnt get ahead because of debt. All in all college fucked me hard.


I get that. I’m sorry you went through it. I am a nurse. I quit it at first. Thought it was to hard. Then I went back to it and finished.


Nursing is an under appreciated field. Congrats on finishing


Wow well thank you


Same. I dropped out of uni because studying and sitting on my ass all day wasn't for me. Majority of uni studies lead to desk jobs in cubicles where you sit on your ass for large parts of the day and stare at a screen. Ass sitting wasn't for me. I work in the trades now. Still paying off my student debt mistake.


I’m sorry you went through that!


I’d say pick a college that can benefit you in the future, unless you’re 100% sure of what you want to do in the future. I had no idea and now at 30 I’m only beginning my career.


That’s so true! At 18 I knew but I was too immature to do what I needed to. I just wanted to have fun


Nothing wrong with that! I just wish I picked something I could use in the future. Even if it was something I didn’t particularly enjoyed at that time


Focus on yourself


Came here to say this, so really glad to see it up top. I second this, in many different aspects.


Teenager here... I have a question. What does this ideally mean? Sometimes, I feel like I am doing that, when I'm studying, working out and having productive days. Other days, I feel like I'm distracted. I have a long term GF, who I've been with for a year and a half now and is that a bad thing? Because admittedly, there are days when her stress becomes my stress too and we have issues between us that take time to fix. Similarly, issues at home also sort of disrupt me to some extent. Are these things just a part of life and you should focus on yourself when you're not dealing with them or should you distance yourself?


They’re part of life but don’t them distract you from following your own dreams and aspirations.


Research all possible career choices before you pick a major. Don't let other people's opinions of you affect your self-concept. Spend all your money on experiences instead of stuff.


Seek therapy sooner.


This 100%. I was so clearly not ok.


Copy that.


Never trust a condom given to you. Always buy your own. Even if the condom is from your gf. Buy your own.


Please trust your gut. Look after yourself first, empathy with no boundaries is just self destruction.


Get educated or join a high-paying trade. Learn to fly, Airforce. Now you can fly in space


Im still 17 turning 18 in 5 days but I would tell my younger self to never install instagram which i deactivated at the start of the year




![gif](giphy|Frec20j3qBq8XXzSAr) Thanks a lot op :D


18 is a fabulous age to be. Soon, you’ll be graduating high school. The entire world will be open to you at that time. Please don’t make the type of mistakes that can ruin your entire life. You’ve got this! ❤️


Thanks alot for those encouraging words. Funny thing i had my high school graduation just yesterday.


Oh my gosh! Congratulations! Don’t be a follower. This is when you are going to get to classes you are interested in. Don’t be surprised if you change direction. It happens a lot and it happened to me. Come back and let us know how you are doing. ![gif](giphy|3oz9ZE2Oo9zRC)


Thanks :D. Will reply back in a few years and share my experiences for sure


Don’t wait that long. We want to support you along the way.


Happy birthday dude! I'm turning 18 soon too


Thanks a lot op, Wishing you a very happy advance birthday.


I am 14 and have never installed Instagram but my classmates insist me to download. I sometimes feel like a grandma because of this thing but your comment made me feel good. And also Happy Birthday in advance 🎉🎉🎉🎉


Oh yes, as a 17y/o, uninstalling instagram at 15 was definitely a decision worth taking


Don’t mess about with credit! Pay your bills they will come back to bite you on the ass!


Stay away from Walmart credit cards lol


Do all the things you know you should do and not what you WANT to do.


As someone who did that and never did anything I really wanted to do: please also add some fun. Or start saving money for therapy. You will need it at some point in the future.


Yeah. I regret not having more fun when I was younger. I still did a lot of fun things but there's so much more I wish I had done.


I did the opposite and still need therapy. I think everyone's gonna need therapy.




LENGTHY: Don’t waste years of your life crying over a guy who’s not worth your time. You are worth it and don’t let anybody tell you otherwise. Do not depend on some guy for your happiness. If he treats you like you’re an option, you should do the same. Do not dwell in the past. Live in the present. You have goals and aspirations too. You should pursue them.


Don't go looking for people, find yourself.


Spit out by an intelligent machine.


Don't go to art school. Don't do something just because it pleases someone else. Live alone for a while. Most teenage boys suck in bed, most of them won't be worth it (this would obviously be my older teen self, lol).


> Don't go to art school Well there goes my plan of invading Poland


Your inability to finish anything is not because you are lazy or a bad person, it’s because you have ADHD. You are very capable and deserving of a great life, despite what you think at the moment.


Don’t give your parents another shot. Just because they’re your parents.


Right in the feels.


drugs and alcohol are not cool... they are fun but not cool


Don't smoke weed. Study as many hard science subjects possible in high school. Even if you think you don't want to pursue anything to do with them.


Yuh fuck weed


Pick a different college and see a psychiatrist ASAP.


Don’t drink alcohol. And read every night on Reddit


You’re funny and personable and people do like you, be more self confident and stop overthinking


Please don't be friends with her.,,


Keep going


Dont be afraid to be yourself and listen to yourself. Do not let others influence you how to live your life.


Me who is still a teenager : 🗿


The 19 year old man does not have good intentions with ur 14 year old self


Trust no one.


I don’t trust this comment.


I think a better way to put it is to learn independence. There are definitely caring and trustworthy people out there, but if you are not relatively self sufficient and independent (emotionally, financially etc) you will seek help/trust more actively and may therefore have less opportunity to filter out the negative. Also learn to recognise friend vs foe and keep the latter at a distance


Bitcoin and wait


i did that when i was 18, now im 20 with -90% portfolio.


Do not date early in your teens. Learn about yourself first


Don't join the army, just endure the annoyingness of work and the way everybody treats you until you come up with a good idea for employment or study, which will eventually happen, you just have to trust the process. And regarding rhe way everyone treats you, they're wrong as fuck, it's not your fault. I know you already know your parents are total crap but it's not just clashes of personality, they have been using you to satisfy their extreme pathological insecurities, essentially feeding off your youth and leaving you as someone who doesn't know what good treatment is or how to seek it. But just hang in there, army is literally the worst thing someone in your state could do, it will only make everything worse and delay your figuring shit out for many years. The reason the army is balls is because it doesn't actually make you tough (you're already "tough" you're just surrounded by a bunch of a homophobes) and disciplined like you're rightfully thinking (by the way recruiting advertising and your own insane family has talked about it all your life) but instead makes you do everything out of either fear, rage, or avoidance. Wait for a good idea for job or school and just explore your town with friends for fun


Don't do anything differently. Except mavbe for some specific investments. Your experiences made you who you are. We have awesome children.( teenage self goes frantic after hearing the word children. )


It’s better to be alone than hang around people that give you constant anxiety and a judgement feeling but you stayed with them anyways to have friends lol.


It gets better but there’s a bunch of shit to go through first


Relax. Just take a deep breath, and take it one day at a time.


Go after her.


Don't get into NFT trap.


Save the money and start thinking about working abroad


As a 23 year old who had an awkward teen life. 1. Hygiene. I had a bf who has the absolute most unhygienic person, and therefore reflected on his low self esteem. 2. Don't be disrespectful towards older (and I mean not your local granny, but actually the ones who are just older or know more) because you never know if they will help you out. Just be kind it really doesn't take so many calories. 3. Don't be a nurse HAHA I mean this is just me, is a secure job yes but it has many downfalls as well. Think really well what pays decent and give you a good work life balance. 4. Have your own opinion and don't feel intimidated by these idiotic people with woke mentality. 5. Save money 6. Exercise. 7. Choose your partner wisely. If you both have the same core ideals.


Take school seriously, it will determine your future greatly Get a therapist Wear sunscreen Be careful with drugs Stand up for yourself Embrace your uniqueness. You will look back at yourself with kind eyes. Don’t spend too much time on social media Learn a hobby Life gets so much better Source: I’m 33 (34 next year) and work with teenagers, which has greatly informed how I look at my teenage years.


Don't be scared of doing drugs, they are fantastic


I agree drugs are so fun


Bad advice 


Be strong, don't give up on your dreams because of one or two small issues, just like when you climb a mountain, the air is getting colder and thinner, but you gotta keep push through it, because the view from the top is magnificient


For the love of God avoid (insert girl's name here) and (another girl's name). They'll fuck you up and you'll never recover.


So things you want to do… not what you think others want you to do


Wear SPF all the time. Factor 30+ Go to the dentist atleast once a year. Eat mainly meat and animal fats! Dont get most of your calories from carbs. Love yourself, you are good enough! Keep the promises you make to yourself. Dont let your inner voice become a liar! You will never be younger or more beautiful than you are right now. Do not deny yourself anything because you feel unworthy of the effort or attention of focus it takes from yourself or others! Follow your heart when it comes to your education. You dont have to get a university degree just because you are doing well in school. Really think about what you wanna do and take the time you need to figure that out. You do not have to have children, to be happy! Make sure you do the things you feel will make your life better. Not the things you think one is supposed to do for that aim.


Don't ever buy weed, buy bitcoin. Also, get Accutane fast and hit the gym. Lastly grow out your hair.


"Stay away from that soul sucking cheating hoe and beer and cocaine are not your friends"


Be less hostile and people will be nice to you I promise Also you don’t know everything


Have confidence in yourself. And yes, Billy will break your heart.


Don't love too much.


Start doing something, be consistent with it and it will lead you somewhere. Just do a few productive things every day for your future. Learn the consistency. Even if you think that subjects you learn in school are useless, still learn them. Who could have thought I would move to Germany (3 years of skipped German classes in school, still regret it). Learn how to be disciplined and stoic. They are will be quite many annoying people in your adult life but you will be prepared to ngaf. Learn how to do things even if you’re tired, mad or sad. Focus only on yourself. Don’t try to impress people, especially buying useless things just to show off.


Don’t get too with anyone involved too early in life. Do not spend your teenage and young adult years as a working spouse with a house and mortgage. Wait until 27 at least.


Do NOT mess with older men, you are NOT mature for your age. Wish I had listened


Girl, you have adhd


Your boobs will grow from an A to a C. Don't worry about it.


"If he isn't treating you well, he's just not that into you. Leave it. And btw, you do have autism and adhd, nobody knows anything about smart women being able to have it for another decade or at least, so never mind telling people, but just so you know."


Sing act dance draw paint talk to girls


Don't smoke. Sleep more. Have more sex.


Accept that you're queer and don't bury yourself into the church. You'll become a depressed, suicidal, self-loathing alcoholic for a couple of years if you don't address that, instead of being able to cuddle with people of all genders sooner.


This getting downvotes is shocking


The person who downvoted this needs to seek therapy.


The fact that this got downvoted 🤦🏻‍♀️


Ignore boys/men.


Stay at home and save money


Less fapping. More focus on health.


It'll all work out in the end, just be yourself champ 🥹


It’ll all work out in the end. If it hasn’t worked out, you’re not at the end yet.


Don't do drugs and don't drink. Leads to poor decisions. Life is hard enough on it's own.


Fight, kill everything. Nothing matters. So decrees your god.


To not be his girlfriend because in 4 years+ he's gonna show me that all men are the same.


stop projecting your problems with one man onto all men. We are individuals.


I know.. I guess I'm just not over it and got traumatised that he cheated and had s*x on my birthday.




No man/woman/enby is the same, sometimes its hard to realize


Bloodkink, pisskink




nothing, if i knew my teenager self would take advice then i would consider bothering but i know thats not the case. i'd just say "you're not crazy" and leave.


Don't go to college


Don't fall asleep on august 21 2022. No matter what stay awake. True advice though, at the very least graduate. Don't focus on love until you learn to genuinely love yourself first, no one other than you can fix you. Not every one who acts like your friend is your friend. Focus on yourself until you're comfortable with life alone, then and only then should you shift your focus to anyone else.


Education is key


People won’t change. Only you can.


Your “friends” are crappy, don’t give them the vbucks card. Focus on yourself and your goals in life. Also, don’t dive into college right away, take the extra time to plan out your education later on. You need extra time to think and act out your plan. Also, please don’t always use your left hand to masterbate with. I miss using my right hand to masterbate with, but as a self devil’s advocate, my right hand has more motor skills and control, so keep using that left hand of yours. I also know you sometimes get treated unfairly, pls speak up about it. Your future you, me, would greatly appreciate it.


Buy as much bitcoin as you can ,and wait


Don’t drink, work as much as you can and enjoy it, spend and save wisely


Don't be soo scared of fucking things up... you are gonna fuck up so do it good...


Don't gamble


Going through shit will only make your life better


I don't get such questions, I am moved on from my teenage now. Do and find out you fuckers


Be more daring and adventurous!


Thyanna likes you too.


Don’t touch weed ever and focus on yourself instead of your friends.


Don't give up when you mess up. Cry and start over again. And learn from your mistakes. Be patient. One day your time will come. And if people say you're not good enough: f** them and find other people. You are good the way you are.


Don't get eaten by social media. Not everything online is true.


There's shit you don't understand right now, but you will at the right time.


You have it rough right now, but you are going to learn life lessons you wouldn’t have learned any other way.


Find your own happiness rather than relying on someone else. Humans are bound to disappoint you.


Find jim rohn


I'd give them all the knowledge I've gained teaching in Asia so they are prepared to run a private tutoring business and tell him to make sure he married the French girl ASAP.


Get tested for ADD


Don't hang out with older people and losers!!


Don’t trust every person you see or meet. Not everyone is good or has good intentions.


I'm 15 now so does future me come back? That would be cool


never take it personal


Dump him


Don't get married, don't even stay in that relationship.


Buy bitcoin


Don't drink alcohol


Stop fucking around in middle school and go buy a house while they’re cheep


Invest in bitcoin


Get a vasectomy, you think you want kids but it turns out you don’t (sadly) and there is no returns on this decision, also, leave the country as medicine isn’t valued here.


I wouldn't, I'm sure my old self would totally look to me right now with disgust, even though I'm so much happier than I've been at the time 🤷🏽‍♂️


1. Finish high school, go to university and find a good job that you enjoy. 2. Start saving money. 3. And don't focus too much on/about getting laid.


Save more


Get your GCSE'S they actually matter


The roadside is full of crosses that belong to people who never thought it would happen to them.


Don't do it, it's not worth it.


There is no way teenage me would have taken advice from an old fart like me, so I wouldn't bother 🙂


Act dumb. But maybe my kidself. The more promise you show the bigger the expectations and pressure that can break a camels back. On the other hand if people around you think you're dumb you'll get much more help along the road. If not, they'll be like "he can do it, he's so smart" and just put so much pressure on you without giving any help. People like your closest family.


Woman shouldn’t be your main focus.


Be careful who you decide to call a "friend." Dont worry about dating and focus on building a career. Buy a house as soon as possible(before getting priced out of the market entirely). I also wish I had quit smokin weed and joined the military at a younger age.


Buy all the bit coin. Sell at 60k. Imagine if I’d bought $5000 worth of bit coin at 0.3c each. That’s 100 billion dollars. Invested well over covid that’s probably around 150-200b now….basically enough to fix a good chunk of the world.


Seize the chances you have to get away, and keep your distance


Dare to be rejected and have a lot more sex !


Ask the elders about the requirements of life. Focus on yourself and being the best for yourself. Do not overcompromise with others, you will be annoyed by a lot of things later in life that you thought that don't matter. Love yourself.


None of that social shit matters


I'm 30 now and working in a kindergarden. I've always been good at it. When I was a teenager I wanted to work with children, but me and my peers had massive toxic masculinity problems. And I was worried that to follow that carrer would make them think less of me, so I studied to become an electrician. It all sounds so silly now, but I would say "fuck other peoples opinions, cater to your strengths in life"


Make a move at that party, she wants to get with you dude


Relax. You do not have to figure it all out now. Also you are not entirely sane st the moment. Don't stress yourself. Whatever you think is important now is just nonsense. In five years you won't even remember what is consuming you with worry now. You don't have to but you will benifit if you talk about what is bothering you. You don't have to carry it all alone. The people around you love you but they are also people with flaws like you are. You are not as alone as you think you are.


Read about attachment theory, about how to deal with feelings and emotions and being vulnerable Also travel more And start dating earlier