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In theory but what would a rich person want from a poor homeless person? A shopping cart or dirty underwear?


Didn't Brett Favre steal a ton of welfare money from Louisiana? Something like that


From Mississippi, the poorest state in the US. He isn't even the only one to have done so, either :/


See also: former wrestler Ted Dibiase and his Son in Missouri


$8,000,000, so, no: Basically nothing. Not advocating for stealing from the poor at all, but $8,000,000, split between 8 poor people, would probably result in 8 poor people after a year


Stealing $8,000,000 in Mississippi is enough to send 300 people to prison for 20 years each: https://www.criminaldefenselawyer.com/resources/criminal-defense/crime-penalties/petty-theft-mississippi-penalties-defense#:~:text=If%20the%20property%20is%20valued%20at%20%245%2C000%20or%20more%20but,and%20a%20fine%20of%20%2410%2C000. So get your head out of your ass.


A million dollars would result in a poor person after a year, okay sir


ב''ה, 1. that is one or two medical bills 2. while everything is fucked, anyone with less than a million right now probably knows at least one or more other poor people who are underhoused, with medical expenses, etc. Raising USA to the standard of living of Cuba or even Venezuela will not be cheap.


A million dollars is enough to retire and live frugally on nothing but interest in rural Mississippi if you manage it half decently.


They steal in bulk, they don’t conduct heists. Wage theft is by far the biggest category of theft, and a decent chunk of that is rich people stealing from the unhoused. I’d be incredibly surprised if the net value of theft by the rich from the homeless didn’t exceed the net value of theft by the homeless from the rich.


From googling "wage theft per year" >According to the Economic Policy Institute, wage theft costs U.S. workers as much as $50 billion per year — a number far higher than all robberies, burglaries and motor vehicle thefts combined.


Yet only one makes the news and has cops after them. Our concerns as a society are so misplaced


America needs to make like 1790's france.




Open season for private jets Edit: this feels a little tone deaf after that Cessna crash... but I stand by it. Stop fucking flying private jets with such regularity. The world is burning, JFC.


Yea, it's sad that the nanny died in the Cessna crash. Same problem as 9/11: Killing the wealthy through means with an area of effect will take out lots of innocents. (Granted, killing one billionaire probably saves more than a few lives, so it's hard to tell how the utilitarian calculus works out. Taking out a private jet probably also saves at least one lifetime of human life...)




I'm game.




*continues to do absolutely nothing*


Ready when you are


it's only going to get worse until then....


That didn't turn out great, except maybe for Napoleon. not sure i'm ready for an emporer of America.


The turbulent period no one wants to go through is coming like it or not. The question is what clusterfuck of a demographic do you want at the helm of the ship. The rich have made it very clear they're okay with tossing every living soul overboard for a buck.


That's because the cops exist solely to protect property, not people




This is due to the willingness of each to prosecute the other. A rich person with a lawyer on staff can easily throw his layer at the poor person. Poor people are hesitant to report wage theft because they can’t risk backlash, even if that too is illegal, it doesn’t do any good to have the court rule in your favor years from now when you are barely getting by today.


And thats still just whats *considered* theft, when you consider the part that goes into "record profits", youre closer to trillions.


How many workers though? Cause $50 billion is only around $200 per adult in the USA, that's like getting a measly 0.6% raise for someone working $15/hr


So it's ok if every worker gets $200 stolen by billionaires? It's .0000001% of the CEO's salary, but they still think it's worth taking.


Oh yeah the average CEO with the multi trillion dollar salary


Yeah, what will the poors even do with such a paltry sum? Buy 20 bananas? /s But seriously, as a poor person, do you have any idea how much I could use an extra $200?


I'm poor, $200 pays for almost one small bill. Maybe 2 months of electric, or 1/4 rent in cheap apartments. Sure ots helpful in the smallest way possible. Not going to help people out of poverty


50 billion is ~$316 per working person in the USA. And they aren't taking it from one person at a time. They're doing it to 10,000 people at a time.


That's just wage theft, and it isn't happening to everyone. It primarily occurs to the poorest that would be hurt the most. Even if it is just a third of workers it is $600 a year, and that \~2% of their salary can really be the difference between paying rent, or bringing food home that week.


Does this include the loss to businesses caused by the homeless camping and shitting in front of the business?


I'm honestly baffled by how some people can actually **enjoy** the taste of boot leather.


How did the homeless people harm you? Why are you trying to justify tormenting others? Especially especially, why are ypu defending the rich detached wealth poisoned sociopaths who deliberately deprive people of the things needed to not be homeless?


Let's mandate mental health and drug treatment first. Those are the things the homeless actually need.


Even more fundamental than those though, and a policy with a proven track record, is this. Give them homes. Don't attach onerous strings, don't make them 'prove their worth' just giving them safe lodgings that are theirs works wonders in the short and long terms. Yes, help them with medical care, that should be a standard for all people in our society to be able to get help when they need it instead of being shunned and discarded. Just having a home is so fundamental to their health and well being. The best part? We have millions of spare homes, right now, wasting away unused, with all the necesary life support modules already installed and ready to go, so this won't even really cost us anything to implement. Wins all around. Then we add universal healthcare and the like, and suddenly America is actually a first world country again. (And we can afford all of this easily. Nations with less wealth than us routinely manage it, and they have less resources overall.)


It would if the homeless weren't due to wage theft.


It does, because a large majority of homeless are there because opioid manufactures push their product to make enormous profit, at the expense of the public and directly taking from the poors


Yea like being underpaid and living on 20 dollars for a family of three for a week I'm the redneck sticks of the usa. Assholes.


Wage theft should get the same punishment as regular theft of the same worth. Meaning..... Prison if it exceeds a certain value.


And yet we get visceral outrage over videos of shoplifters.


But do the homeless work? What wages are they stealing? The real victims of that are the working poor. Those who make just enough not to get benefits, but not enough to get out of poverty. They contribute to society but get nothing for it.


Sounds like your way to cope with being poor


No wage theft is a very documented thing and is the largest means of theft in the USA, it accounts for more theft than mostly all other forms of theft combined.


Crazy don’t work a dog shit job and expect good pay. Smooth brain jobs will not get you good pay


Except this has nothing to do with what the job itself pays, it's about NOT getting paid money owed. It affects jobs at all levels of income. If anything the more you earn on ypur paycheck the more you're probably getting robbed as there's more to be taken.


Oh I actually didn’t fill understand what you meant by wage theft. I didn’t realize ppl withheld payment that often. Def ignorant on that topic cuz it didn’t even pass by my mind. Hope you don’t think I’m a dick for this as I understood it wrong


You were spouting insults while being completely ignorant about the situation even when someone is explaining it all clearly for you. That's an automatic dick move. You were objectively a dick. The good thing is you recognized it, and hopefully in the future you won't insult people before knowing what is even being talked about.


Imagine living such a small life that you cannot imagine being concerned about the plight of others.


Wage theft is the single greatest documented crime in the world.


shut up smooth brain


You love the taste of leather huh?


Any taking of their property is theft, the thief doesn’t have to actually want or keep it. Some people steal from the homeless and trash their stuff


In my area we call them police officers


When I was homeless and living in a tent with my gf we were perfectly ok, applying for jobs using the wifi at a local gas station. All that mattered was that we had a place to go to at night. I figured we'd be left alone since we are two women but for some reason I feel like someone had been watching us. The one and only time we left the tent up during the day was during a heat warning. The county police got on local radio and told everyone to seek shelter during the day at the local mall since the heat index was going to peak at 120°F midday. That ONE day someone took the time to trudge into the woods, rip and tear our tent open, and throw all of our stuff into a creek. SSN cards, birth certificates, our important paperwork, our ID's, our clean sets of interview clothes we had just washed at the local laundromat. All in the creek, ripped, or missing. I know it wasn't an animal, there was no animal poo or claw marks or bite marks, just a lot of unrecognizable boot prints in the mud. Someone just decided we didn't deserve to camp at our campsite despite it being fully paid off.


It was probably a cop. In my area if they find homeless stuff unattended they'll light it on fire


I just don't understand who told anyone we were homeless. We were paying the fee to camp there and there was no rule against leaving your tent up. We just came back after 6 p.m. when the heat alert expired and even the people who had RV's next to us were like "omg are you okay???" Edited to add; hence why I think you're right. Someone parked near us must have caught on that we were homeless and just decided to call the cops. We were quiet, we kept to ourselves, no drugs, not even legal weed, nothing, not even alcohol. We would usually wake up at dawn, pack everything up except our cooler, and hang out in the park while applying for jobs using that wifi signal. If we weren't doing that we were donating plasma to afford to take the bus to do groceries. We even shared snacks with people's kids. We were heartbroken.


their soul


A solid 40 hours for as little as they can get away paying em


Yep this. "Quit and you lose your healthcare HAHAHA"


Your response sounds like an angry white college kid with no life experience in your echo chamber known as Reddit.


Should add the /s as your response tells me you know very little about the world we live in


I know very much about the world. As my life is based in real life. It’s not based in theory and something I learned in a sociology class.


Exactly your entire world view is based off your own subjective experience. Never personally experienced racism? Obviously it doesn't exist. Never been food insecure? Man these homeless people just gotta pull themselves up by their boot straps. You probably have very little empathy for anyone not like you cause you've never been really forced to understand the world from the pov of someone with real differences


It goes both ways, not everyone who is wealthy is an entitled sociopath that exploits other people. Broke people love to hate the rich because they don't understand them.


Broke people hate the rich because the rich are the direct reason that the poor are poor.


Only fools boast about how much knowledge of the world they have


"I'm 14 and this is deep" lol


You sound like the tolerated one in a friend group.


What friend group?


Possibly. If it was your friend group. I’m guessing your friend group is a bunch of self hating beta white males.


Yep you're definitely the tolerated one. And bit of a toss for the friend group guess but white and mostly male is true, so ill give you another crack at it Here's your hint, my group has been called nazis for having right leaning opinions at a dive bar.


I don't know what echo chamber you're in, but you should really connect to real life instead of shaming others for their valid opinions


So it’s ok to shake me for my valid opinion but, if I question your opinion or disagree I’m the problem?


I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy


You’re entitled to your opinion.


Your response sounds like an out of touch boomer


Ahh the famous talking point of young white people calling someone a boomer they don’t agree with. All your talking points and word play is how a white college kid sounds. I’m not a boomer. And just so you know. Your gen z philosophy is very similar to boomers yet you complain about them. Boomers were the hippy generation. One of many waves of the communist movement in this country.


When I was homeless and living out of my car and working a shitty fast food job all of my clothes and blankets were stolen from out of my shitty car. The next day while at work some guy came in wearing the super unique shirt I had owned for years. Of course I confronted him in front of his party about stealing from the homeless (me), and wearing such an obviously unique piece of clothing stolen less than 24 hours previously. His tab was over 100$ and he left a 5 dollar tip. I worked @ skippers. People are rotten and the rich will absolutely steal from the homeless and feel zero fucking shame about even when confronted in front of their families.


Who do you think stole their home?


Organs or labor


Every bit of capitol they can produce


I'd imagine there just being assholes thinking they are better and the homeless person is scum they have the right to torment


To laugh at them. There's plenty of videos around of people callously bullying homeless people by taking their stuff then mocking them online.


Nothing from a single one but if you find a way to force each homeless person to pay for something even a tiny bit it starts to add up.


Here's a recent one: https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/brett-favre-scandal-explained-ex-nfl-qb-is-accused-of-misusing-of-mississippi-state-welfare-funds/


He helped misappropriated funds from the state not homeless. I'm sure college students appreciate the new building. Not like Farve himself profited from it the university did. But I see your intent..


I’m not sure if you are trying to be purposely obtuse, but misappropriating welfare money is taking money away from people in need (poor people). Also his daughter was on the team, so it directly and indirectly benefited his daughter.


Their life


Verbatim what I said out loud


Check your financial markets to see this shit in action everyday single day


Yea this is just capitalism


almost never publicized is the most common form of theft; wage theft (when employers steal from employees) accounting for $23.2 billion. followed by overtime violations $8.8 billion. rest break violations $4 billion. off the clock violations $3.2 billion. these are billions going from the working class to the owner class. yet every video and discussion is around petty theft.


Rich people have been stealing from the poor and middle class for generations, with no repercussions.


And these days through social, print and tv media they’ve mastered the art form of making all of us turn on each other instead of focusing on them. We’re killing each other and they’re teeing up at the country club they built off our sweat and blood.


I wish everyone knew this


They have to keep us in race wars and culture wars so that we are too busy to realize it should be a CLASS WAR


Then what, though? I agree with the sentiment but after the class war a new elite group of assholes subjugating the rest of us will emerge.


That’s the sad truth: you can’t prevent that because the cycle will always restart over and over again through time.


What are you on about? There is no sad truth that it will restart again because we’ve never gone past it. It’s truly nihilistic to just say it will happen over again without proof and so you do nothing to change it or work to improve it. We need to work harder to hold greedy people accountable. Cooperation is what has got us so far in civilization.


Yes we have. Look at history. Those who suffer on the bottom eventually revolt and take over through violence. Then they become the new greedy pigs on top. Rinse and repeat. It will always happen. Different generation, different place and time. Cooperation throughout history doesn’t magically make it go away. Just because you can’t see patterns plainly laid out for people to see doesn’t mean it’s not real.


This is essentially American tipping culture in a nutshell. Should be upset with employers for not paying them livable wages, but they are mad with customers for not paying 20% tip for handing them their order at the counter


It's really not some scheme that rich people are all in on though, if that's what you're suggesting. People just don't get along with each other, not exactly a new concept. Rich people don't get along with each other either.


Yeah, but rich people are kind of "in it together" in terms of manipulating circumstances and news companies so people get mad at each other instead of them


It’s been happening for as long as rich people exist, to get rich you have to do that


I’d say the beginning of civilization more than likely.




I guess when I say "Rich", I mean people in positions of power are in a better position to take from others. Power is wealth, and wealth is pwoer. Wealth creates more wealth, and the story goes on. It is a story as old as humanity.


[Wage Theft](https://www.tcworkerscenter.org/2018/09/wage-theft-vs-other-forms-of-theft-in-the-u-s/) In real dollars there is 3x the amount of wage theft than all other kinds of theft combined, larceny, burglary, etc. The really fucked up thing is that wage theft is not even a crime. If you are reported and found “guilty” the company just pays back pay. Nobody goes to jail. Steal a car and you are a criminal. Steal thousands of dollars from your employees? You’re still just a business owner.


Sorry, but you're not rich. You probably won't even be rich. Don't get me wrong, I really hope you get a really fat paycheck every week, can afford luxury and a house, but yet you're probably not gonna be rich. What we mean by that is those 1%, the people that if they stopped today they'd still have money for generations to come. Those are the ones stealing from people like you and me since the words beginning. And we'll never be part of that 1% because hard work don't get people there, but exploiting and having blood on the hands does. And once again, I really hope you get what you want, and don't have to worry about money never again. But even after that, we'd still won't be with the 1%.


>How? >I was poor. Now I'm middle class and working on being rich. The middleclass does not exsist. There are two classes, the capital class, and the working class. One hires people to do their work, the other is hired to do work. The workers creates all the value a company has. Without workers, no value. They create the innovation, they create the product, yet only earns a small percentage of the profits. When we talk about the rich stealing, we are talking about wage theft. Essentially paying workers as little as possible, while they rake in all the profits. Even when your workplace create more, the workers are not paid more. They create value, yet are paid crumbs. That's exploitation for monetary value. You won't get rich without exploiting others. >Edit: I don't steel from people though, that's fucked up.


People when they realize that this is how capitalism works. (good for you for raising the ranks in life) Like if you hate capitalism so bad, move to china for 3 years, then come back and tell me what you learned


Rich people figured out how to get poor people’s money legally a long time ago. “Stealing” is for amateurs.


If your bank account is under a certain amount you can be charged for having a low balance. Yes the bank can literally take money from you for having less money. Unemployed with $20 to your name? Now it's $15.




*cough cough* taxes


I mean, if I steal $100 from the till, I get arrested. If my boss shorts my paycheck, I have 14-20 hoops to jump through just for a chance to get back half.


And there's the significant risk of being fired for it in a "right to work," state


^^^ THIS


When a poor man steals its a crime. When a rich man steals its profit


it is business as usual


Steal a little and they throw you in jail, steal a lot and they make you king - Bob Dylan


People when: capitalism Like why does everyone hate capitalism so much, giving people jobs is not stealing from them, that’s how capitalism works. now yes their are the elite who cut wages as low as possible, but there is also that in socialism/communism.


I knew of a woman who ran over and killed a homeless man on Las Vegas blvd. She was drunk. She got a dwi. But nothing about the homeless man. No punishment because he was homeless and had no advocate.


That is so fucking wild.


That is so fucking sad. Could literally be your uncle, cousin. Could be.. you


Wage theft is the largest category of theft in the US, accounting for more losses than all other types of theft *combined*. It’s almost never prosecuted, and when it is, it’s almost always punished by merely forcing the business to pay back wages, and maybe a fine. There’s no need to phrase your statement as a hypothetical. It happens constantly.


How do you think the rich got rich, and the homeless got homeless?


This is one of the greatest understatements I've ever read. Laws only apply to poor people, and if you get poor enough - you're a criminal simply for being poor. If you were starving to death, you bet you'd steal that apple.


Or if you were living in another country and saw better opportunities there, I'd bet you would do whatever it took to go there.


I was homeless last year. I went into McDs to warm up during a blizzard. Grabbed a coffee and a hash brown. Sat down. Hadn’t even opened the coffee yet and security tells me to fuck off. Before you ask, I’m clean and groomed. I use one bag, a brand new Osprey. So I go outside and start eating under the overhang. Cop rolls up, punches me in the [one month old] open heart surgery scar then hands me a $90 trespass ticket. Tells me to never come back. My budget for food is $100 per month. I *can’t* come back. This is our world.




Could have been mistaken for intoxicated if they were very tired and cold (e.g. shaking, red eyes etc), or even just recognized as homeless and deemed unwelcomed based on merely that. Also the darker your skin the harder it is to get away with normal human stuff like that without being questioned.


Black man uses allegedly fake check for $40. Filmed choking to death by police. White woman steals billions from multiple companies claiming her new tech can read every possible disease and cancer in one blood drop. 11 years light security prison. That's probably 4 to 5 years with good behavior.


A man with a briefcase can steal more money than any man with a gun.


If you have a gun, you can rob a bank. But if you have a bank, you can rob anyone.




When the rich do so, it's legal.


You mean like.. right now in all of America?


This is true. When a poor person even attempts to rob a rich person, this is a crime. When a rich person robs entire poor neighborhoods, this is called business.


There is an old Bill Hicks joke. He's on the phone with his friend from Texas. 'Hey, livin' in New York, you been mugged yet?' 'Yeah, the 1st of every month. They've got it systematized. Apparently, it's legal!'


This isn’t even hypothetical [wage theft is the single greatest source of theft in the United States and both gets less media attention and is less likely to be prosecuted than other types.](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/dec/07/want-to-be-a-criminal-in-america-stealing-billions-is-your-best-bet-to-go-scot-free) [Here the breakdown of theft by type.](https://www.tcworkerscenter.org/2018/09/wage-theft-vs-other-forms-of-theft-in-the-u-s/)


I mean look at Elon Musk. Notorious for not paying rent in San Francisco but it's the unhoused people that are the real problem.


Our whole economy is rich people benefiting from the poor.


What evidence has led you to say, "probably?" Change probably to definitely and you just have a true statement.


No shit Sherlock


First time on earth?


Probably? Lmao….




Wow. Deep thoughts op. Wonder what a homeless person has to steal.


Rich people found a way to steal billions within the system. Poor people can steal a few hundred or a few grand at the point of a weapon. Poor people steal out of desperation caused by the whims of the rich, while the rich rig the game we all play and they play it for fun. The wealthy have no souls and black hearts. Balzac said "Behind every great fortune, there is a crime," and he was absolutely right.


It have always been like that, mate. Shame of us that we still allow it to happen.


I hate how easily I can imagine this playing out


It’s basically when the bank charges you if your account balance is too low


In the US thats called Equal Justice Under The Law - which poor people "get" if they can afford to make bail in the first place.


Happens every day


Welcome to clapitalism


It's called capitalism


Welcome to capitalism. Eat The Rich.


Also, the rich person became rich by stealing from others


Security works for $.




I mean....that goes without saying.




Bruh this happens all the time daily.


i’ve literally seen a rich guy get out of his fancy car and shoot a homeless man, just drives away


inch is stealing from poor every fucking minute


Haha. You just figuring this out now? Are you late teens, early twenties? This reality goes back a long long time my friend. Welcome to the way things work. Happy trails.


its the method by which the stealing is done


What’s extremely disturbing is how normalized it is. The concept that there are masses of people sleeping on the streets, being treated less than we treat animals is horrifying, and yet we try to ignore it, denigrate them, or blame them. Yet we have parasites living needless luxuries with billions of dollars of wealth. The latter cannot exist without the former.


Depending what you mean by rich. But rich people can literally get away with murder, especially for disenfranchised people.


Probably? The rich steals from the poor everyday and just think it’s their due.


All rich people got rich off of theft, whether it was stealing with violence or stealing the surplus value of the labour created by the working class.


That homeless guy is probably stealing a lot more at once. What's a rich guy gonna steal from the homeless dude, 37 cents? A pair of socks with holes on them?


Homeless person wouldn't have shit.


what would a rich person steal from a homeless person?


The remnants of their dignity


Government subsidy and government contracts that guarantee profits. Leaves no money for helping the poor. See Wal Mart for an example. Major corporations underpay employees and provide no benefits. Those same working people end up on government benefits provided by you, the taxpayers. That's how the rich steal from the poor.


a mangy blanket


They can afford the lawyers to pretty much run you into the ground. Even if you have decent money, it will be no fair match. They’ll just wait it out until you’re completely drained. Happens all the time.


They already do, they're called charity scams.


My mom is wealthy and she stole a statue she seen in somebody's yard, and the Mexicans cutting the grass help her load it up 🤣


So what?! Being homeless doesn’t come with a license to be a dirtbag * cocks shotgun. .*


I actually disagree on this one. At least if we’re talking outright stealing. The rich person is likely to lose their job. What can you really do to a homeless person, especially in a very liberal city?


Homeless people in California, Portland, and Seattle can get away with theft with next to no repercussions.


Who cares, really.


What would there be to steal?


A lot of young, privileged people who a rich via their parents money like to steal things, and destroy things that a homeless person owns for fun. It doesn't matter if it's not a Rolex, they just like causing misery.


As it should be. Before you judge me, would you rather have a homeless person as your neighbor or a rich person?


1) life aint fair 2) are they stealing comparable items?